TIE friDIRY PUIITOEALEI nlunra EVERY ir • 4 F. G. SCHREINER ' / . • Oflfic* lit lhak RaiMIni T*Wpho« W»W Thnrediy, September 4, 1919 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS v Mr. and Mrs. J- M. Phalin were - .Chicago visitors Saturday. Miss Emma Fay spent Saturday h*t in the metropolitan city. Mrs. E. E. Bassett was the guest relatives at the county seat Sun- ' Mrs. Christina Btns is spending a few days as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Mi?s Ann Mullin of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday as the guest of Miss Elola Boyle. Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Heaney of Chicago are spending a couple of weeks with relatives here. Miss Irene Payne of Chicago spent •r several days last and this week with friends in McHenry. Arthur Krause returned home • Monday from a several days' visit in ~ thfe metropolitan city. Misses Lenore and Rosina Freund p«sse<l a couple of days last week w|th Harvard friends. Postmasters T. J. Walsh and E. E. Bassett attended a postmasters' con- • vention at Elgin Sunday. Miss Eva Stenger of Chicagd is spending the week in the home of her brother, C. W., and family. Mr. and Mrs." Harry Alexander of Hebron passed Sunday and Monday as guests of relatives herei Mrs. Mary Green and son, William, passed the latter part of last week as geests of Chicago relatives. . Miss Beulah Reed of Solon Mills was a week end guest in the home of . jk|r grandfather, Wm. Simes. • '••• Armond Bethke of Dundee spent fl»e latter part of last and the first of this week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Erickson aad daughter, Charlotte, were guests of relatives at Caledonia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Litch of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. SUld Mrs. Al. Krause Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin passed the first of the week as '• the guests of McHenry relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Karls and daughter, Evelyn, of Woodstock were SMtek end gue3ts of relatives here. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin passed Use first of the week in the home of Iwr parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mrs. Kate Clemons and daughter, Margaret, of Chicago passed the wfeek end as the guests of McHenry fiends. Frank Brown of Richburg, N. Y., - fttssed several days last and this week in the home of his brother, A. ' M. Brown. k * Mrs. Patrick Kelleher and little . daughter of Ellwell, Mich., are spending several weeks as guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Daley and sons .have returned to their home in Chicago after spending several months in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriet, of Woodstock were guests of relatives here the first df the weelc. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rieke'of Woodstock passed the week end as gaests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer. Mi^s Myrtle Cobb and Michael Lonergan of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb Sunday and Monday. Ed. L. Martin and E. J. Mansfield of Woodstock were visitors in the home of Postmaster and Mrs. E. £. Bassett Saturday evening. Mrs. Jack Walsh returned home last Thursday evening from a very pleasant three weeks' visit with relatives at Sioux Falls, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frisby and childen of Austin passed Sunday and Monday as guests in the home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Frisby. • S. J. Frazer of Chicago passed' the latter part of last and first of this week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mr* and Mrs. E. F. Thomas of Oconomowoc, Wis., passed several day last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Page. Miss Lucy Stewart and brother, Wm., imd Miss Helen Morrison of Chicago were guests in the home of Mrs. Clara Starrit over Labor day. Miss Viola Leach returned to her home in Lake Geneva Sunday after spending three* weeks in the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Hettie Leach. Misses Kathryn Karls and Helen Weisler of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. - ... Mr. and Miff. Albert Murray and little son returned to their home in Chicago Monday evening after a week's visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer. Robt. E. Sutton of Chicago passed the first of the week with relatives in this village. He was accompanied' home on Monday evening by his wife and son, who had been spending a veek in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. J us ten. Notice of Proposed Change in Rates To Patrons of Chicago Telephone Co.: The Chicago Telephone company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Illinois schedules which will change the rates for local exchange and toll service in McHenry, as follows: 1. Make permanent the present temporary rates for local exchange service of all classes. 2. Restore the service connection charges and charges for moves and changes which were in effect during government control and were suspended August 1, 1919. 3. Restore the rates for person to person, appointment, messenger and collect, toll and long distance service, which were in effect during the period of government control and were suspended August 1, 1919. 4. Make permanent the present temporary rates for toll and long distance service within the state of Illinois. A copy of the proposed schedule may be inspected by any interested party at the office of this company in McHenry. The Public Utilities Commission of Illinois entered an order August 1, 1919, continuing in force temporarily certain of the above rates and set a further hearing upon tins matter at the office of the commission at 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Illinois, at 10 o'clock a. m., September 12, 1919. Copies of the order entered by the commission on August, 1, 1919, or any further information regarding this matter may be had by addressing the Secretary of the Commission at Springfield, 111. Chic&go Telephone Company. A. R. Bone, General Commercial Supt. Notice of Proposed Change in Rates To Patrons of Chicago Telephone Co.: The Chicago Telephone company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Illinois schedules which will change the rates for local exchange and toll service in Johnsburg, as follows: 1. Make permanent the preset!' temporary rates for local exchange service of all classes. » ; . 2. Restore the service connection* charges and charges for moves a&d changes which were in effect during government control and war* pended August 1, 1919 . 3. Restore the rates for person to person, appointment, messenger and collect, toll and long distance service, which were in effect during the period of government control and weM suspended August 1, 1919. 4. Make permanent the present temporary rates for toll and loag distance service within the state of Illinois. . A copy of the proposed schedules may be inspected by apy interested party at the office of this company in McHenry. The Public Utilities Commission of Illinois entered an order August 1, 1919, continuing in force temporarily certain of the above rates and 3et a further hearing upon this matter at the office of the commission at 175 W. Jackson Blv<L, Chicago, Illinois, at 1Q o'clock a. m," September & 1919. % ; Copies of the order entered by the commission on August 1, 1919, or any further information regarding this matter may be had by address* ing the Secretary of the Commission, Springfield, HI. Chicago Telephone Company. A. R. Bone, General Commercial Supt. Notice of Proposed Change in Rates To Patrons of Chicago Telephone Co.: The Chicago Telephone company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Public Utilities* Commission of Illinois schedules which will change the rates for loeal exchange and toll service in Pistakee, as follows: 1. Make permanent the present temporary rates for local exchange service 4>f all classes. 2. Restore the service connecttea charges and charges for moves and changes which were in effect during government control and were suspended August 1, 1919. 3. Restore the rates for person to person, appointment, messenger and collect, toll and long distance servient which were in effect during the period of government control and were suspended August 1, 1919. 4. Make permanent the present temporary rates for toll snd loag distance service within the state of Illinois. A copy of the proposed schedule may be inspected by any interested party at the office of this company in McHenry. the Public Utilities Commission of Illinois entered an order August t*. 1919, continuing in force temporarily certain of the above rates and set a further hearing upon this matter at the office of the commission at 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Illinois, at 10 o'clock a. m., September 12, 1919. . Copies of the order entered by the commission on August, 1, 1919, op any further information regarding this matter may be had by addreaaing the Secretary of the Commission at Springfield, 111. Chicago Telephone Company. A. R. Bone, General Commercial Supt alford h. pouse Attorney-at-Law Theae M Wert McHenry, IB.