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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1919, p. 8

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John Miller WU a Chtc«(o visitoi* last Friday. f r<>> •-*>• * •* rv Save $10,00 . j v ' f c V - '•- vts, ON YOUR Tk Otter THEATRE mar nhsr except MONDAY * WEDNESDAY , * , w & **' r'?C> l;<;, tfV-, . '*•;> •.-. •;i>^'; V*i 1 J'S* -A£; V* < ; > ; • » v i . . t « f • , . % r 'f ' ^ ' / 4 4 * We can make you a saving of $10 on a Suit if you buy of u$ before the present supply is sold. These Suits were bought at a price so we , can sell them for less then we will have to pay for a new supply--so do not delay your purchase until too late. Call and we will he glad to show you our stock of Suits and let you judge of the saving we wiH • - make for you. JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. mm s FOR SUMMER Let us assist you in making yourself comfortable during these hot summer days. We .herewith produce a partial list of; our, big stock: Awnings Hammock^ i Ice Boxes Porch Shades Porch Furniture % Window Shades' ' .Lawn Seats and Chairs Portland Lawn Swings - JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS _ * 'Utrf-'t -no <•»*<•. Anteure for service has animated us in the assembling of our perfectly matchless line of General Merchandise--Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Etc. It is a good sized job to keep up a stock in condition to meet the wants of all the people* but that is just what we are doing. We are prepared at all times to give you the best of the market clean, fresh, satisfying groceries of every description. Try us next time and we'll make good. Also see our line o{ samples from the famous International Tailoring company. The snappiest line on the market today jpriccf rj^jjfofn •• •• Telephone 63-R Good* delivered. WEST McHENRY M. J. WALSH • M ri -BUYHERE The one thing that is not higher in price than they were eighteen months ago. Why? Because we bought heavy when prices were lower for a short time. You get the benefit. "We have a full hne in cotton and mercerized. The factory is unable to make silks fast enough just now. 'We bkcksPlenty ^ *hhe' gMy' brown and some I ft\ " ^ ^ t ali SMITH BROS. i j ^HENRY, ILLINOIS Thos. Stanton boarded the Chicago train Tuesday. Miss Isabella Nieaen wat a Chicago visitor Tuesday. F. O. Gans was ft burin** visitor in Chicago Monday. J. F. Adams of Algonquin spent the week end as the guest of home folks C. Unti attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rietesel and son, Carl, were Chicago visitors last Fri* day. L. A. Erickson attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Elsie Wolff is spending the week with relatives in Elgin and Chicago, C. Unti, J. D. Lodtz and Jacob Justen were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Miss Bertha Schiessle was among the Chicago passengers last Saturday morning. N. A. Huemann attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. LaPlace Bostwick are entertaining their daughter from St. Paul, Minn. Miss Minnie Knox passed the latter part of last week as the guost of Elgin relatives. E. M. Geier was among those to board the Chicago train last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt were among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. Geo Stenger of Green Bay, Wis., is a guest in the home of his son, Carl W., and family. Miss Mayme Ibsh is spending the week as the gUest of friends in Woodstock and Chicago. Mrs. Everett Hunter was among those to board the Chicago train Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger passed Sunday as the « guest of relatives at West Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Thelen and children of Chicago passed last week as guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Ella Tapeager of Chicago was a week end guest of Mrs. J. C. Bickler at the McHenry House. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown. Mr. and Mra^-Woodrich of Sycamore, 111., were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander. Miss Helen Althoff of Kenosha, Wis., passed several days this week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller. Edwin Walsh has returned to his home in Chicago after a tsix weeks' visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Thelen and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer motored to the Wisconsin state fair at Milwaukee Tuesday. Mrs. F. E. Boger passed a day recently as-a guest in the home of her brother, M. G. Schaffer, and family at Crystal Lake. Miss Margaret Quigley of Chicago is spending the week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton at Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and family passed Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matthews at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Warneke and daughter, Marie, of Chicago passed the week end as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander. Miss Verena Brefeld left Sunday evening for Alden, where she took up school work the following morning, having been engaged to teach at that place. Mrs. Fuller Boutelle and children of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent last week as guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith, at Emerald Park. Mrs. Louis Eastman of Chicago, who is rusticating at Dr. Orth's cottage at Rosedale, and Mrs. Ed Walsh, also of Chicago, were dinner guests of Mrs. Jack Walsh last Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Boutelle and children, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bou telle and Carl ftautelle of Lake Gen eva werfe Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith at Em erald Park. " Betting on Sox McHenry baseball fans have it figured that the Cincinnati Reds and Chicago White Sox'have the bunting won in their respective leagues and some of the more enthusiastic betters are now looking for a wager on their favorite team. As far as we are able to learn, most of the betters are favoring the White Sox to win. Ray F. Conway, employed by the Western United Gas & Electric Co., suffered a painful injury to his left hand one day las£ week, when some piping and other material he was carrying fell opto that member as the workman lost his balance while ascending the stairway leading to the basement of the company's headquarters in the Wm. Pries building on Green street. ,1 Employed la Chicago Carl Bickler, youngest son <1 Hik and Mrs. J. C. Bickler, has gone to Chicago, where he has entered the employ of the American Asphalt company. William Bickler, who turned home from overseas service a few weeks ago, 'has again re-entered the employ of the Chicago Telephone company, with which company he was employed at the time of his volunteer enlistment in the service of his country. HURSDAY, SEPT. 11 WM. FOX present* Albeit Ray and Eleanor Fair IN Be i little Sport Ji: :v-' ASunshine ConwdjS:- A Diver's Last Kiss • >RIDAY. SEPT. 12 V >. THE VITAGRAPH presents The Other Mao With An All Star Caft AND ,f, A Big V Comedy V. Speed and Spunk SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 . THE TRIANGLE V\" presents Alice and Frank Mann -w _ Frails of Passiot% >" - , 7™ ' and ,s, ]:& 2 Reel Comedy " t?actus Nell " 11 1 '•frfllW ' SUNDAY, SEP^Aa WM.FOt - ppesents-r- . "v. A colossal drama of human hlirtt with Charlotte Walker . -- IN Esecy Mother's Sen • and ' A. Sunshine Comedy Wild Women and Tame MATINEE AT 2:3ft Admission, It and 15 Centl '• TUESDAY, SEPT, IS Alice Joyce •INWoman Between Frfetffls and A Big V Comedy He Had to Camouflage RIVERVIEWS EVEN UP Defeat Country Team By Three Pins Last Thursday Night The second meeting of the Riverviews and Country bowling teams took place at Smithy's alleys on the West Side last Thursday evening with the result that the Riverviews evened up matters by defeating the fast country outfit by nineteen pins. The first encounter of these two teams resulted in a win for the "farmers" with twenty pins to spare. By taking the contest last Thursday evening by nineteen pins the series stands one each and only'one pin difference in the totals. The line-ups and scores of last Thursday Right's games follow: Country 1st 2nd 3rd Thompson 188 156 162 H. Swank 165 126 132 Conway 156 179 165 Pouse 157 147 177 Colby 110 178 165 Riverviews Justen , Weber' ...... Hawley Bohr v .. . ... • Freuad ...... 776 786 801 1st 2nd 3d .. 159 171 164 ,. 183 191 173 . Ill 166 174 .149 138 134 , t 147 158 168 749 824 813 Balance Wheel Broke tHebron Tribune] The balance wheel on a silo filler, which was being used on the Dan Shields farm on Tuesday, broke and flew in several pieces. One of the pieces went thru an inch board in the side of the barn and out thru the same < thickness of lumber on the other side. Other pieces of the wheel were thrown over the top of the silo. Several men were working near the machine when the accident occurred, but none were struck. It was caused by vising an engine on which there was no speed governor to drive the silo Mler. When the bundles had gone thru and the machine was empty the increased momentum developed and before the engine could be shut down the large balance wheel flew in every direction. It was fortunate that no one was struck with some of the flying pieces. Private Sale of household furniture, etc., will take place at the Casper Adams home, about % mile north of Johnsburg on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 13, 1919. Five beds and springs, heating stove, kerosene stove, table, 5 bureaus, cook stove, 15 chairs, carpets, kitchen utensils and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale, cash. Mrs. Casper Adams. Notice to Hunters Notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing on my property is herewith strictly forbidden. Violators will be prosecuted. *3-12t Gerhardt Wegener. Oar want ads bring reaolte. ~ 5€>ne cannot live ilnto oneself alone. ', ^ ^ f f> ^ ° v Our lives must touch and influence the lives of V V* 1 ^/i*ftieirs. • \ v' The optaKin formed'-feflowmen tfirough 'Mich - . contact can measurably aid or retard progress. ^ i To carry a Checking Account in a responsible ban}£ . like this, is to command respect and confidence^ ^ because of the business acumen djscjT£t^$ reflected. Checking Accounts invited; ' Far superior to any similar product, distincdy "different"---that describes Its superiority in flavor, purity ana wnolesotne ness, tells why Edelweiss Cereal Beverage is the "drink of drinks" for all the family. Try it today. For sale everywhere* A Ca«* of . fre Good JudgmoRT PHONE 94-J McHENRY, ILL. SCHOENHOFEN COMPANY, CHICAGO J AT HONEST PRICES is the secret of our success and for this very same reason our business keeps right on growing. Our constant aim is to give our patrons 100% value for every dollar expended with us. Our line of staple and fancy groceries is always complete. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 86 W the B-»y Scouts. EAST SIDE (M NMf I i OIKBtr KERBER'S Hams, Bacon and Smoked Meats Choice line of Canned Goods, Vegetables, . Fruits and Bakery Goods. Courteous treatment and prompt deliveries. PHONE 57-M McHENRY, ILL. PM amva read The FlateM*. feed at M. M. Niesen'a. - •... i.... ^ I-1-,Ti'-'.. .,4,

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