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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1919, p. 9

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r.-a __ ritSasi:. «r*©SEw» &S&33** McHENRT m$m*A PLATNDRA fJSR, McHENRT, HELP ^hen, In order to prove It wae-JMt merely a mutter of good care thatJNS f":fTt .K&'f e' *£;••• ':: Mr. Dunning Left Service In Bad Stape(BotDoan's Soon Corrected Hb Trouble. Geo. Dunning, iaL0fiki Beatawafal Mate of tie U. S.'Nfa*T 470 Medford Bt, 8omarviiie, MAM., Buys: "Erery bit ef trouble I suffered from my kidnqn was a result "of eexxp osure at KM. I was retired practiceaallllyy aain invalid My kidney* became more irregular all the time and some nights I was forced to get up every half hour. The kidney accretions burned like fire and were filled with brick-dust-like s e d i m e n t . My j o i n t s swelled and were inflamed. I couldn't bend over to lace my shoes and had to be h e 1 p e d up and Right after my retirement from service I tried to get insured, but was turned down because of kidney trouble. I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills and used sixteen boxes. By that time every sign of kidney trouble left me and my back was like iron; not an ache or pain left, I tried for insurance again and was declared a good risk. I give Loan's Kidney PiUa credit for putting ine in perfect health." BuHcribed ami twotn to before 1H0* GEORGE L. DQHERTT, Notary Public. CatDaaa'aat AnySliaa, ftfe*Bat DOAN'S »rLV FOSTER-MEJtURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. BREW THIS TEA FOR BILIOUSNESS » nothing; yet bowels fit fine order and fqid* constipation. , feMti of every family that wh« Its health should always have la thi house a package of Dr. Carter's K. ant B. Tea. Then when any member of the famllj needs something for a sluggish liver sick headache, or to promptly regulati the bowels, simply brew a cup and drint It Just before bedtime. Ifs an old remedy. Is Dr. Carter's K and B. Tea, and has been used for yean toy thousands of families, who get suet good results from Its use that they hav< no desire to take anything else. Otve It to the children freely--they 10u tt and it will do them good. SNwohwo -aar-ed apyaar,t ichuoluars,e kkeeeepp tehnt living room ana kltchec stoves well polished without hard, dirty work by using E-Z Sim Palish #M» Mtef - R»U, |» Skm *t sell B-Z, 117others and aeni We Mae to Kartta * Martin, lifts., rhtrajo I isn> 30 ITOPI COUGHS Feline Felicitations. Edith: "Jack told me 1 was so Interesting and beautiful." Marie: "And yet yon will trust yourself for life with a man who begins deceiving yoa even during his courtship." ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE "Bayer" b on Gndat Aspirin--my Bayer bslst on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin** la a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Headache, Colda. Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin tozes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono* acetlcacidester of Salicyllcacld.--Adv. Most Distant Cepheids. -v The most distant cepheida 1MW known are nearly 20,000 light years from the sun--almost as far away as the nearest of the globular clusters (about 21.000 light years). YOUR COLD IS EASED AFTER THE FIRST DOSE Cold Compound" than up a cold in a few hours Relief comes Instantly. A dose taken •™7 two hours until three doses aura taken usually breaks up a severe cbM and ends all the grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air passages in the head, stops nose running, relieves the headache, dullness, feverlshnesa, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. » Don't stay stuffed-apt Quit blowing nnd snuffling! Clear your congested head! Nothing else In t^e world gives such prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. Jt acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine--Insist upon Pape's!--Adv. * Floored! Hewitt--I .bear that yoo are to jtt «p a twenty-five story building? . Crewitt--Yes, and a twenty-Nx story building, and a twenty-seven story building, and a--but thafs -"nttyr Story.--Cartoons Magazine. Paris Doctor, Says Grafting of Brings Bask . Youth. EXPERIMENTS ARE SUCCESS Interstitial Glands Are Taken From Apes for Use in Treating Human Beings--Operation Is Quite * * VvQf:. • Ptarla.--Restoration of y<!>utli l§ no longer ah uncertainty, but by grafting of new Interstitial glands is as sure as the rules of chemistry. Dr. L. H. Voronoff declared. Dr. Voronoff, director of" the physiological laboratory of the College of France, says the operations are simple. The Interstitial glands are taken from apes for use ta treating human beings. "A local anesthetic Is all that is necessary," Dr. Voronoff said. "It Is merely a task of opening the skin. Inserting the new tissue, sewing up the slight wound, and nature does the rest." "Seven months' ago," continued Dr. Voronoff, "I operated on a well known Parisan man of affairs, who at the age of 66 was In a decrepit state. The experiment was a complete success. Though his hair repuins white and bis face is' wrinkled, he Tfhlks erect, bis mind- is as active and his appetite Is as good as that of a young man. Defies Age With Another. "Three months ago I performed a similar grafting operation on another aged man. Everything In his case Indicates the result will be the same, but it Is too early as yet to give a statement as to his renewed vitality. "The secret of my method is baaed on the following general knowledge: In various parts of the body, nature has provided glands Which secrete fluids having vital functions in human organism. For instance. If I remove the thyroid gland from a man's neck, he will become an Idiot within six months. Also when the interstitial glands, which manufacture fluid which is absorbed by the blood, and thus gives to the whole body Its vitality, be tome worn out or are removed, thO Whole body falls into decay. "Foreign tissues, which have thus been Introduced Into a worn-out system are nourished by the blood circulation of the body which is the new borne for the tissues. In. turn the tissues manufacture a vital fluid, wblc i» circulating through the body, restore * Its youthful vigor. 1 "Some of my most productive expel" linen ts were carried out on an age d ram. The ram at 14 corresponded age to a man at 78. in so far as tl: exhaustion of organisms lj concern? "Taking the aged, decrepit ram j May, 1918, I put into his body int<»r stltial glands taken from a young raja. Within two months he had regained his youthful vigor sad activities. I» caused the change, I removed grafted glands. I found them l»,ae»- fect state, as they had not been nsttpletely assimilated by the renewed Wganism. Aqo Rsclalms Victim. "The ram immediately aged and bo* came even more decrepit than before^ I once more Introduced the glands from a young goat, which again produced youth and vigor. "There will not be the slightest da*> ger to human beings because of the monkey tissues which I use In treat- Ins them. A monkey's blood very closely resembles that of man. Hence the tissues of the ape are perfectly adapted for grafting on human beings. "There is no danger of thereby brutalizing human beings. So far, my .exlerltneits In this direction are confined largely to rejuvenating wornout orjitfilsms. I am convinced the Idea Is prictTcnlle. I do not guarantee I have found the solution for senile decay. My works art of an experimental nature, and I am continuing nay Investigations." , HELPS TO SECURE JOBS CAT WOULD CATCH BURGLAR SUSPECT "Atetbiades" Is Precocious Young Ftfirie of Record and Adventure. . Oakland, Cat.--"Alcibiadetf* (tight a burglar--and also "Alcibiades" isn't a policeman. "Alclbiades" Is a precocious young black cat, the property of Clarence Wood Soanes, 1824 Harrison street, and a cat of record and adventure. His latest bid for fame has just been made. Soanes had rented to a friend a room on the second floor of his home, neglecting to advise "Alclbiades" of the fact. In line with his usual custom, the cat occupied the front porch on the viBfsBIFF! l t Stop jotting Liver ind Bowels with violent drugs, fait take "Cisajtts." Chicago.--From a report Just Issued by the bureau for returning soldiers and sailors and marines In tills City, it is possible to get adequate information concerning what has been done In behalf of those of our returned defenders who have sought employment and other aid. In the district of which Chicago is the headquarters, the plan of the bureau for giving assistance to discharged service men was formed by Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, who acts as the chairman of the headquarters committee, and who from the first has taken personal interest In the work. The bureau was established last April and Its records today show that 43,345 service men have registered at headquarters. Of this number 32,259 asked for assistance In obtaining employment. At the present time the files of the bureau show that only 2,250 men still remain on the "not hired" list. This means that 94.3 per cent of the men seeking employment have WAR MEMORIAL MADE FOR MONTREAL Duvid &J«troui of New York beside the impressive war memorial be nan executed. The tablet la to be erected la feasor of Mrolc dead at Montreal. Canada. found It through the Instrumentality of the bureau. Humors Are Refuted. f There have been rumors whlcto iwtee people haVte ' been busy in passing along to the effect that bureaus for aiding the soldiers and sailors to get re-established in civil life were not doing adequate work. To a considerable extent this sort of thing. It Is sal<l, has been propaganda for no good purpose. So far as the district which has Chicago for Its headquarters is concerned, the attested -records which show that 94.3 per certt the applicants have found w<fr4& sp&k tor themselves. , , In the dally llfe'of the bureau there Is much to be found of human Interest. Of the 43,345 men who registered about 8,000 asked for assistance along lines other than that of employment. They wanted to secure vocational training, to be given Information concerning educational work, and In some cases there were requests for clothing and for temporary loans. Every case was met. Out of the great number of men who applied at the bureau only 438 actually needed food. Between 3.000 and 4,00b of the men did not know how to secure their bonuses from the government. Every man was told how to go at It and every man got his money. Of the applicants for assistance 3,500 have entered courses of vocational training. Much of Interest. The activities of the bureau as they have gone on day by day are Interesting to watch. From the returned soldiers and sailors one gets the afterthe- war viewpoint. The comments on the war and Its aftermath and the conclusions which the men have drawn show almost Invariably thoughtful consideration of the problems Involved. Col.* Halstead Dorey, who served with the Third Division In France and who was four times wounded. Is ac* tlvely In charge of the Chicago bureau. With him are Maj. John S, Bonner, who formerly was a United States consul, and Lieut. W. E. Stanley, an aid de camp of Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, qnd a son of former Governor Stanley of Kansas. 1 i, •O * .Bird Darkens Town. „ Ban Claire, Wis.--A blackblr^ttwwing on the edge of an Insulator of the Wisconsin-Minnesota Light and Power company's llqe resulted in shutting off of electricity between Altoona and Milwaukee for 20 minutes one evening. The current jumped the wire, electrocuted the bird and passed down the pole into the ground. He Set Up a Prolonged Howl. night die new roomer reached the house, shortly after two o'clock in the morning. "Alclbiades" was perturbed by the arrival of the stranger, and his suspicions were aroused. Something was wrong and the cat took immediate action. Climbing to the top of the fence Immediately under the room occupied by Soanes, he set up a prolonged howl until Its owner, scenting trouble, arose and let the disturber In the front door. Dashing upstairs and squatting before the floor of the new roomer, "Alclbiades" continued his vocal exertions with redoubled energy. Finally realizing what was troubling the mind of the feline, Soanes explained the situation to the satisfaction of the feline, whereupon "Alclbiades" subsided, returned to the front porch and quiet was restored. During the daytime "Alclbiades" has for his playmate a young bantam rooster with which he shares bis meals. GERMANY SEEKS LOST TRADE Sure of It. "Is that lovely color of Mia* Ella's own?" "Yes indeed. 8be always fn cash when she gets it." Eym. If they Tire; Ita£ (Alia Smart or Burn, if Son; •isTrwrC Irritated, Inflamed or llR LYtO Granulated,useMorfne • ijowtfcoo, Bsfesshss. Safe for itotAdnlt. Atali Druggist* Write fee SroBook. Bates EjstarirawGM^ Would Regain Her Prewar Place la Commercial World--Cna»ln§ . ,ls 8hew^ . ---- .. • Brussels.--Signs are not lacking here of the attempt being made by Germany to regain the place In the commercial world which she loot through the war. Goods now in the market in Belgiam •re often typically German. They are supposed to have been introduced secretly into the country via neutrals such as Holland and the Scandinavian countries. One outstanding feature of tbese goods, however, is the disappearance of the German trademark, but the 6erman cunning does not halt at this. The imperial crowns are now replaced by American eagles in an-attempt to mis be the .goods pasfc "oft aft American, while others bear British and French trademarks. The names of German firms are completely absent, hut the manufacture is too typically German to go undetected. 1 CUTS BARLEVS BEARD Professor Performs Feat Benefit to Farmers. of Alberta Agronomists the Barb From " v < Whiskers of Grain. Edmonton, Alberta.--Trimming the beard of barley Is the accomplishment Claimed t»y the agronomists at the University of Alberta this summer. Specifically what they did was to attempt to remove the beard altogether, succeeding only In taking the barb out of the beard. This, It was declared. Is of immense potential agricultural benefit. It Is the barb In barley that makes all the trouble In handling and feeding the grain. It Is said, and unsuccessful efforts have been made for years both in Canada and the United States, to remove the beard. But with the barb gorie the experts say. tbe beard doesn't particularly matter. If the claims made for the improved barley are borne out authorities hold It may become a ataple variety of western Canada. Two varieties of barley are grown In Alberta--the tworowed and six-rowed. The former Is used for beer-making, but six-rowed barley Is the chief crop of ceptral Alberta for feeding purposes. It is a sure crop, favored in mixed fanning regions, and yields from 40 to 00 bushels to the acre. A0sd Woman Oancea. Marlon, Ind.--Oue of the features of the annual reunion of the Octogena rfan Club of Grant county held recently at Matter Park, was the dancing of old persons. Mrs. Sarah Jones, ninety-one years of age, one of the oldest women In the county, danced as an orchestra played tunes she bad heard In her girlhood. IN SCRAP OYER MAUSOLEUM No^tr". York Axeman Objects to Having >jjtl|iicongenipt Company in Heir Last Resting Place. New York*.--Miss Mathilda Carlson la sixty years old and has no present lntehtion of "dying, b^t, according to her own story told in supreme cpurt, When tier time does come, she does not want to await the Angel GabHel's trumpet In uncongenial company.! For upwards of forty years !Mlss Carlson told . Justice Greenbaum,| she and her" sister, Sophia Carlson, tplled as domestic servants In various New York fcooseholde and saved their money with a vie* toward providing themselves with "sen table last resting places." With the accumulated savings a «^ysoleum in Woodlawn cemetery w-as built. .Atthe time the purchase was made the Carlsons made provision for the interment of their nephew, Nils Fegelgretf, Hmd bis wife and daughter In the same vault. Tbe two families were then on good terms, ltecently there was a falling out between the relatives and now Miss Carlson is seeking to have the names of the Fegelgrens stricken from tbe mausoleum deed. The plaintiff said she and her sister paid $7,000 for the plot of grouud and the mausoleum, which she testified, was built with a window In It and large enough for a person to walk about inside. The body of Sophia Carlson, who died a short time ago, to now entombed there. Bunko Cop Fines 8tranger. Los Angeles, Cal.--"I thought he was a policemean and I paid him f90 he fined me for crossing the street" Ramon O. Gamboa, Mexican, explained to the central detective bureau. "He told me I had no right to cross Central avenue." Gamboa was very angry when told he had been a victim of the newest kind of bunko artists working on Ignorant foreigners. Posed as Girl 22 Years: Paid $100 for Deception Harry Campbell, who said he had posed as a woman 22 years, was fined $100 by Justice J. J. Shapard, at Kansas City, for impersonating a woman. Campbell, who went by the name of Henrietta Campbell, gave himself up to the police because a man threatened to reveal Campbell's impersonation. In court Campbell wore a woman's dress and hat and would have passed for a woman except for the two days' growth of beard on his face. He said he had been a rooming-house keeper in many cities, posing as a woman. No Rent to Pay. There Is a city on the coast of southern California which is wholly built on •tilts and wbere no rent is paid Child's Life Saved by Falling Window Savannah, Ga.--Little Katherine Jungstetter owes ber life to the fact that a window sash fell on her and held her suspended from a third story window through which she had fallen. The child Is three years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jungstetter. She was playing near a third-story window when she fell through the screen. The nccldent loosed the heavy Bash, which caught her when her body was more than half out of the window. She was held in this perilous position until her cries brought assistance. '"rirmrrrr rTr~innfTm»'iriM»Hflmii "Dynamiting" bile out of your system with calomel and other sickening purgatives is all wrong. Salts, Ofl, and Cathartic Waters act by flooding the bowels with the digestive juices which are vital to the stomach. Cascarets are different. They act as a tonic to the bowel muscles, which is the only sensible way to relieve a bilious attack, a sour, acid stomach, or constipated bowels There Is no griping or Inconvenience. You naturally return to regularity and cheerfulness. Cas- <»rets cost very little and they work Wle you sleep.-Adv. BROUGHT JOY TO ART LOVERS Masterpiece of Painting, Recently Found in Spain, Has Stirred Critica and Connoisseurs. A discovery that his given, critics and connoisseurs of art In Spain a fine topic of conversation was made the other day when somebody found In an old barn at, Extremadura, an ancient painting of great merit, but with nothing about It that has yet Indicated the name of the painter, the Christian Science Monitor states. Manuel Cosslo, an expert, declares It a work of "transcendent Importance for the history of Spanish art," a precursor of the figures by El Greco and Zurbaran--but offers no opinion as to the identity of the artist. Mr. Exhevarrleta, a millionaire of Bllboa, comes 'orward with the large sum of money needed to persuade the possessor not o offer the picture for foreign purchase, and so It remains temporarily In the Prado museum while the government decides whether or not to acquire it permanently. The critics seem In agreement that the unknown paluter painted It in the first half of the hlxteenth century. Otherwise the world has found a new art mystery; and appnrently, too, the man who ,owned the barn Is as much surprised as anybody else. sbibiriia CASCADA Up a cold la M hours--relieve* back (rnolae bos with Mr. picture. AtAttDwwm J': •..%* 'Si- Rub Dandruff f Itching with Cuttaira Ointment Sku**« Witfc Cation Sosa ^CtiJces . , Jo» Pf.C.H.Swvyfa.^gnMMilm a»l,,CM WS STRENGTHENS « ; KIDNEYS---1 PURIFIES BLOOD Ton can't export weak kidneys to inter the aoids and poisons out of your system unless they are given a little help Don't allow them to become diseased •when a little attention now will present it. Don't try to cheat nature. As soon as you commence to have fraekaohes, feel nervoua and tired. GET IlUSY. These are usually warnings that your kidneys are not working properly," Do not delay a minute. Go after the cause of your ailments or you may find yourself in the grip of an incurable disccse. GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil cspeules will give almost immediate relief from kidney troubles. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will do the work. They are the pure original Haarlem Oil Capsules imported direct from the laboratories in Haarlem, Holland. Ask your druggist for GOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on . every box. Three sizes, sealed package a. Money refunded if they do not quickly help you--Adv. wants letter from every man aind who Is afflicted with Rbenmaium. Lombaao or Neuralgia, tiring ma their name aodMercsa. so 1 can send each one Frre a '-irPntUr bottle of my Kheuistis Remedy. I want to ft» •lnee OTrry Kbeamau* •uffafwr at my nzpemse that my Rhenmatls tteoMdy does what tfeowaodi of so-called iwedlee bavs fatted to accompli ah. I feel sure of It and I want erw Rhea matte sufferer ta know It and bo sni* oft* before flTlsf measwmv twoflv. D6a*t try to coos Rheumatism oat thioach the feet or with platters or canning metal eontrlvanoM. Dual try to train- it out with liniments, electricity se marnetlvu. Don't try to immqin* It oat wMS mental science. Tim miMt drtw tt omL It lata the Mood and ymi mud fo 4/t«r tt. This is just what I believe Saba's will do. and that Is why It relieves tism, I b«lieTe that Rheumatism c* Urio Acid in the blood, and Uric attd Knhn's Rheumatic Hemedy caaaotUrc tcsttaoe in the same blood. IV ihwwMttMt has to as if yoa want to be free from pala and saT ~ My Remedy relieves tbe sharp, shooUst doll, achinx mnaoles, hot, throbMas, V limbs, and stiffened Joints, and raUena <jmss quickly. I CAN PROVE IT alltOyoatfyoa wlllonly ietaiedolt. IWUIHIM mueh fct on* u<e«k. If yua will oaly writs ac4| my Company to sead yoa a dollar bottle R aeconllns to the following oSer. I 4oa't < what form of RheamaUsm you hare or I yoa hare had It. Idon'tears wfcatotheri yon have ated. If yoa bara not nsed mbssjM don't know what a rsal rheumatic remedy WtlHSk for it atone*. Af/fTS J Dollar Bottle Freo Wedo not send a small sample vial. ooBtaMkw only a thimbleful andi>f no practical vatae*.hat a full-»Ut,i bottle, selling rpgntarly atdrae-S1 for One JVHnr fach. This bottle Is heavy must ray I'nole Sam to carry It toyoord I'm mail H'TKi u.< 2.5ctnU to pay postage, I lng case and packing, aad this full-slsed Dollar Bottle will be promptly seat yea. verything prepaid. There will bo nothing on receipt or l:iter. l>ontwaitontilyoor r.ili'f,. are injured by Rheumatic send today and get a One Dollar Only one bott 1 o free to a family who srnd 2$ r/ats for chartm. KUHN REMSBY , 1Mb atic potsaa3. a3a* tllar BoWe tisa. tMSMMpra^ IS SCARED BY WOODEN LEG •Mind Its Fall Made Thief In .Or* gen Disgorge Loot and Then Beat It Quiekly. Medford, Ore.--A thief entered a home in tMa city. He had ransacked scveru 1 rooms, pocketed a gold watch and a bunch of Jewels belonging to a lady occupant of one, stole a valuable plite from n male roomer, pulled on a pale of new shoes belonging to another, grabbed a pair of trousers and started for the door. Just then a wooden leg dropped from the pantaloons. As It struck the uncarpeted floor with a loud thud the frightened burglar emptied his pockets of the loot he had stolen and with a yell dashed from the preniisea. It Is the opinion of the owner of the house, T. M. Thompson, that he Is running yet. Killa Blind Son. Namur, Can.--Louis Forget, 90 years old, a fanner of Nainur, has been arrested on a charge of having pushed his son, Ambrose Forget, 35 years old, into the Little Range river. The son, who had been Mind from infancy, was drowned last October, but It was not until a few days ago that the body was recovered. Forget Is alleged to have confessed that, owing to financial conditions and tlie helplessness of his son, he had decided to do away with him. . Seeing ta Believing. Seymour, Ind.--"Seeing Is ing," a "cop" remarked when three negroes told him their motor truck was loaded with roasting ears. He dug through several layers of corn and found 150 quarts of whisky being taken from Louisville to Indianapolis. The Beetles Stayad. Recently a carload of beetle lnfcalad potatoes arrived in Los Angeles. The starling thing about this was that the car caine from Idaho, where the potato beetle Is extinct. An Investigation, was made by Frederick Ma skew, state quarantine officer of California, and it was found that the same car had been used a little earlier to carry a load a potatoes out of Colorado, where the beetle flourishes. Obviously, after these potatoes were removed, the beetles lurked in out-of-the-way corners. Waiting for a fresh load. The department of agriculture Is taking steps to have freight cars cleaned atitie point of unloading In the future. -- Popular Science Monthly. FRECKLES ;^e=^*53 .J -Absent-Minded. A lady showing evidences of entered a street car near the shopping r Osl district, and, seeing a friend, she stoo4 in front of her talking. ^ "Si}: down," said the friend, makla*/,Y$ m ; ^ roonTfor her. " •. "Really, dear, I haven't tune* re* plied the flustered woman. Tin U|,-, ^ $j American Shi pa QpHk. TO TREAT HORSE COLIC AmeMcan tonnage on the seas tiaifN® Breaching -- A CVM Caa Give lb been increased 382 per cent by the war, while Britain's tonnage decreased IS per cent. hurry to get to the station FARRISCOLIC • BOM eo«i AUMMNRAA* Old Kentucky Mfg. Co., Inc.. riilwif. Kjt. W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 45~1t1S. '-- -- et Contents 15 Plaid Brae ALCOHOL"3 PER CENT. A^Wet^ftepwtioofcrAs similatingthclbod ty Be^tUr ting the Sttaacfes and Ikweb® IMAMS CHILBBH. Thereby Promoting Di^estwflj [ Cheerfulness and RwtfoetiSN neither Opium, Morphine nod I Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC CUSTOM For Infants and ChDdre^ Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of JU j Smd sgag. . AWpfultenM^'^ I Gonstipation awl Dwrrt®®1 and Feverishness ana . LOSS OK SLEEP Ike-Si mile 3feECEKT*VB ConMA 8nores Their Undoing. ^ St. Louis.--Loud, anores emanating from a garage ma<le neighbors believe something was wmoj. Police investlgathiff found two si lepers guarding tht remains of 29 caaea of whisky. newjyork^ « Vt (> J . D o . ' s Copy ot Wrappac. n list For 0«sr Thirty Tears CUSTOM • • v • - •36;

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