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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1919, p. 8

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If? "yV iifv" '*%&*$&$)&»&•{ • $j ?• .' •: ?'$. \ ^' v v 4 #* to rMzt&pFi > ' : m i-M lrK.:'i: =4,5 -f; ;* * i - * . • ' . Sc::V MAIL ORDERS 'PHONE M-W 'PHONE sow N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST OUR BIGUndertaking Embalminf - ' . • - f. •/--; OFFERSA SELECTION very seldom* found in a town many times the size of McHenry. Our aim to keep our stock up to the standard has been quite successful even during the trying months when factory /deliveries were so uncertain. We attribute our home as well as our out-of-town patronage due to our splendid selection coupled with fair prices and prompt deliveries. Let us jffr vp y^vr ^nrr>f JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS f- A desire for service has animated us in the assembling of our perfectly matchless line of General Merchandise--Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Etc. It is a good sized job to keep up a stock in condition to meet the wants of all the people, but that is just what we are doing. We are prepared at all times to give you the best of the market-- clean, fresh, satisfying groceries of every description. Try us next time and well make goo4 Also see our line of samples from the famous International Tailoring company. The saappieit fine on the market today^and prices right :: r. ¥• Telephone 63-R Goods delivered. <: - WEST McHENRY J. WALSH As Before the War During the war and for some tin$ since we could not give as good s#- vice as we would like or as you had right to expect. Conditions are better now and as soon as we can get the merchandise as we want to you will not have to complain of service ksre. ;v?r Buy Armour Plate Hose Here SMITH BROS MCHENRY, ILLINOIS AND GOERS OF A WB*K IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE As Sen by Plaindctler Reporters aad Handed I*to QQr Otw by Om Friend* Rev. M. J. McEvoy was a Chicago visitor Monday. Chas. L. Page was a visitor in Chicago'* Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander spent Saturday in Elgin. P. W. Frett transacted business i» Chicago last Friday. F. A. Cooley was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 1. Page were Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunter were Chicago visitors Wednesday. / Elgin visitors last Saturday. M. A. Thelen was an Elgin pfrsenger last Monday evening. * Francis Bonslett was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye were Chicago visitors last Thursday. D. Segel and son, Jake, were Chicago passengers Tuesday evening. Ed. Bacon of Round Lake spent Saturday with McHenry relatives.' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Revor boarded the. Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mrs. Win. Bacon and Mrs. J. ®. Wheeler were Chicago visitors Monday* F. Schnabel attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Wednesday. Mayor J. 0. Olson was among the Chicago passengers last Thursday morning. Gerald Carey returned home last Sunday from a three weeks' trip thru the south. G. E. Schoel of Chicago passed the week end as a guest of his wife and faiftily here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron were McHenry visitors Sunday evening. Miss Marjorie Gurnett ' ' '* ""Vs- THURSDAY. NOV. 13 WM. FOX preMnti 1 .• (Ntdys Brockwell IN S t A Divorce Trip -- and A Triangle Comedy , t SATURDAY. NOV. 16 ( & jfc'Barney Sherry *'^Y\ -IN- n ^ ffigh Stakes --'••no An Alko Comedy SUNDAY. NOV. 16 Evelyn NesbitTh** IN ' * "Si' I Wait to Forget and A Triangle Comedy > MATINEE AT 2:3T Admission, 10 and 15 Cents- •£ _ ' THURSDAY, NOV. 20 A Rose of the West M November 11th last - •w* 1X3 V: ?! ^^ vC day year when we all went wild--threw pur hats in the air, rang the bells and blew the whistlaa In sheer delight because the signing of the armistice eant the end df wisnl f ^ ^ '. It was the end of a period of destruction during which we "went without", jbn materials for war. ;v ' i: -' «... • ,•* - MCOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS [Village Trustee Met In Regular sion Monday Evening Council Room, Nov. 3, 1919. The village trustees met in regular session witfi Pres. Olson presiding. Trustees present: Cooley, Doherty, spent the IKrause, Overton and Stoffel. week end as the guest of her par- The minutes of the last regular ents in Chicago. meeting were read and approved. D. C. Kelley ancTdaughter, Helen, I The following bills were approv^ of Chicago passed the week end atl^y the nnance committee: - -_ja_ their home here, . Public Service Co., lighting Mrs. Nick Freund of Chicago was | sts> traffic light & city hall $ 63.70 the gqest of relatives here the latterIStandard Oil Co., gasoline... 15.00 part of last week. Wells Engineering Co., engin- Mesdames Jos. W. Rothermel and eer service on new sewerage 300.00 I. Krause were Chicago visitors last I John Walsh, marshal service 100.00 Thursday and Friday. JW. G. Schreiner, tele, postage Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett and »"<* supplies 1.65 daughter, Mary, spent Saturday last|®r J- Froehlich, bd health -J-50 in the metropolitan city. |A. M. Brown, board health. . - 7-50 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pufahl and|Ben Brefeld, board health.^.* 7.50 daughters, Pauline and Adelle, were I A. Cooley, dry cells....... 3.45 Elgin visitors ^st Friday. iJas. Revor, cleaning standpipe 3.00 Theo. Schiessle was among those |Ben Hiller, clean stdpipe, etc 6.60 to board the Chicago train at this I Lockwood Oil Co., oil 420.68 station last Friday morning. I Motion by Overton, seconded by Miss Jennie Mae Cooley passed I Doherty, ' that the minutes be acthe week end as the. guest of her Jeep ted as read. Motion carried, sister, Opal, at Beloit, Wis. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Miss Varina Wentworth is spend-J Knox, that the treasurer's and coling the vreek as the guest of rela-1 lector's reports be accepted as read, tives and friends in Chicago. I Motion carried. Miss Alta Wentworth passed Sat-1 Motion by Knox, seconded by urday and Sifnday as the guest of I Overton, that the bills be accepted as relatives and friends in Chicago. 10- K.'d by the finance committee W. J. Donavin and Chas. J. Rei- Motion carried. hansperger attended to business I Motion by Doherty, seconded by matters in Chicago last Thursday. I Stoffel, that the bill of $420.68 be Wm. Frett of Chicago passed Sun-1 P&id the Lockwood Oil Co. Ayes day as a guest in the home of his I Cooley, Doherty, Overton and Stofparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Frett. I'el. Nays--Knox and Krause. Miss Tillie RobinsOn of Chicago I Motion by Stoffel,. seconded by passed the week end as a guest of I Doherty, that the board issue an an- Miss Vera Doherty south of this vil- ticipation warrant for $3,000. Molage. Ition carried. Misses Aileen and Kathleen! Motion by Overton, seconded by O'Reilly passed the latter part of last I Stoffel, that the ordinance regulating week as the guests of Chicago rela-1 billiard, pool, bowling alleys and tives. I other games. be adopted as read Mrs. M. M. Niesen and daughters, I Motion carried. Rena and Mrs. P, M, Justen were! Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Chicago passengers, last Saturday J Overton, to adjourn. Motion carried morning. • • . i John O. Olson, Pres. Mrs. Geo. Buss was the guest of Chicago relatives several days last week. Mr. Buss was in for a week end visit. g *" Miss Esther Stoffel 1 of, Chicago spent the week> end, as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Fpur hundred and twelve out Simon Stoffel. IS42 cows tested averaged 541 pounds Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackley left I milk and 20.77 pounds fat. Monday for their home at Ashton, I ^umber of cows producing over 50 la., after a several weeks' visit with!pounds fat, 7, over 40 pounds fat, 36 McHenry relatives. lover 1000 pounds milk, 57; over 1200 Miss Mae Duffy , and brother, Wai- pounds milk, 22; over 1400 pounds of ter, of Wall Lake, la., passed a few I milk, 12; over 1500 pougds of milk, days this week as guests in the homrf 14; over 1600 pounds of milk, 1. of Mrs. Nellie Bacon. There were three mechanical milk- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pich and ers installed during the month of daughter, Helen, of Chicago were lOctober. week end guests in the home of Mrs. I Five members have done tubercu Pich's father, Peter Thelen. losis testing this fall and plan to con Mrs. W. A. Martin returned tojtinue this system. A few pure breds Woodstock last Thursday after a sev-1 were purchased during the month, eral weeks' visit in the home of her |P- M. Schmitt has a pure bred Hoi daughter, Mrs. E. E. Bassett. stein producing fat at the rate of 40 Henry Wagner has returned from I pounds per 17 days under ordinaiy Juanita, N. D., where he has spent!barn care, milked twice a day. the past several months on the farml The five highest producing cows: of Stephen Justen. He will remain I Owner Breed Age lbs milk lbs fat in McHenry for the winter. jC. V. Wingate.G H 6 1550 69.75 IVJr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund, Mr.IGeo. Roach...G H 5 1674 58.50 and Mrs. Albert Freund and Mr. and |C. V. Wingate.P B 5 1442 54.80 Mrs. G. A-. Barker and daughter, |R- A. Wingate.G H 7 1555 54.43 Glenys, of Woodstock were Sunday JPaul Burton.. .G H 5 1440 53.28 guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Four highest producing herds: J. W. Bonslett. | Owner Breed lbs mllklbsft F. Ehrke G H 802 30.00 801 28.04 .GAP B 749 27.50 715 25.74 Guaranteed ALL WOOL SUITS To Order $9Q.50 J (ffiS) Full Suits $32.50 All Wool Overcoats $32.50 Same materials other tailors ask $45 and $50 for. Perfect fit good workmanship, first-claaa trimmings and everything absolutely guaranteed. :: :: W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. ^ jilONTHLY REPOWT * A |O f the McHenry -Nuqda Ocnr Test ing Aasociatien of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bonslett. «.,»*» u accompanied the former's mother toJir' ^ ...G & P B H Chicago on Menday, from which city I ~;on ^ _ she left for Ashton, la., where shelGeQ* -Boach " V a will spend the winter with her daugh- • Edw. Wegner, Tester, ter, Mrs. Frank Jackley. built tyilk Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller, daugh-1 A $100,000 addition is to b< ters, Elizabeth and Clara, and son, I to the Bowman Dairy Henry, Miss Mayme Ibsh, Mr. and I plant at Harvard. The addition will Mrs. Jos. J. Mertes and daughter, I be 70x190, part three story. The Elsie, and Mrs. C. M. Bickler attend-J new building is to be completed and ed a six o'clock dinner at the home I ready for occupancy by June 1 of Mrs. L. J. Althoff fit Kenosha, next year. Dry and condensed milk Wis., last Sunday, which was given are to be manufactured in the in honor of Chas. Mertas, who re- plant, which will give employment cently returned from service in I fifteen, more men than now work " ' . , S?:« Jpn the anniversary of Armistice Day, Novembar all Americans pledged themselves to work together and stop waste. Only in this way can we make up the years of lost production and again know peace ***'- 'iM.WX H'i < EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOi WEST McHEMfebY, ILL Jo& W. Freund KTOOiaSBXyEfiOlfE. Vf/HY do you waol tocnduKloagvlha i ** pain and agony of «a adoa con «r j callous, when all you have to do to Dave loot < comfort and dainty corn-free feet it tDappljran ^ Honest John Plaster? They «e dn and MOtbing--iHMMtjr «tOf> ] :the pan and uwttlii icnmkontrj kw. Dbo't«*ib*r. ;Buy a ("» yom < • Honest JohB PUnot are pan . ; dkvggitt cannot Npply you. Mad 25c to j HONEST JOMtlNC. 9yom\ - ^t^wyohuer n Helreshlng - "> i «n«n - Murine Sort tion.Itching J Everybody's Attention has been called to the remarkable fuel saving secured with Cole's Original Hot Blast Heaters. Coal prices are high--why be a slave to an extravagant heating plant or stove ttiat iB m Uemon for fuel. u*; C Join now in fhe great armyti? satisfied users who have found •Relief from high fuel bilk tvith the great fuel saving COLE'S Original Hot Blast Heater fcrodmptstCMl data aid bright Everybody is searching for a way to save foci and food. Here's your opportunity to (jut your coal bills scjuarc in half and gain a perfectly heated home as well. Investigate now. Our Store is Fuel Savers Headquarters. Ko. II? McHENRY Shoe Repair Shop DON'T THROW THEM AWAY--Shoes cost too much now-a-days to throw them away when they begin to wear out. At the first sign of wear bring them to our shop. Our modern electric machinery enables us to turn out the finest kind of work and we do it with promptness. Bring in that old pair of shoes and let us demonstrate the class of we turn out. J. E. HAUSWIRTH McHENRY, ILLINOIS • . :,m,:

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