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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1919, p. 3

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LPinHwi'i Tf|QIUR \4DpOm Restored Her Health. Pbtodelphis, Pa.--*4! ma TWUPJL ways tired, mj back ached, and If ell sickly most of tha SSSrLSttM I had mnoostnSgestkm, which adoed to my weak condition kept me worrying meet of the &£--a3d he Mid If I eoald sot itop that, I efeald Mt Mt wd.c I heardsonraehaboat LydiaE. Pinkhama vegetable Com* sooitd my hnaband wanted me to try it, 1 took it foraweek and felt a little Set* f t. I kept it op fer thrae months, and feel fine and can eat anything now feithoot distress or nerftMM*."r--Mrti 8842 *** The majority of mothers etesfo there are so many ric their time aasd slreaglh; the result invariably a weakened, rwo-down, TOM eoeaitiqa with headaches, bank' HER SMILE IS SAFEGUARD Amerkian Bed Cross Courier Is Hot Molested by in Balk; FACES MANY DIFFICULTIES ache, irritability and depression- and setioos silmeets develop. It ia at sueh periods in life that Lydia E. Flnkham'a Vegetable Osmpoand will jestore a normal healthy condition, aa It did to lira. WorthUnew Rely On Cutkura For Skin Troubles AU4MM»|8otp& 0fmtm«nt»*60. TsleuB. Saapleeaofc free of "Oillgmfm, Dept K, BMML" INDIGESTION Caused bj(' Million* of people--in (act about 9 out of cutler mora or tea* from Indignation, cat# or chronic. Nearly jr CUM la >UMd by Acid-Stomach. There are other stomach disorder* which are aure alcna of AcM-Stamaeh--belchhe mrt burn, bloat after eating, food re- Eatlnir aonr, |>«7 stomach. There i any allmenta which, while they do not use much distress in the atomach^Ueelf, are, nevertheless, traceable to an acld- •tomsch. Amonf these are nervousness^ biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver, rheumatism, impoverished blood, weakness, lnsom- W». melancholia and a lone train of physical and mental miseries that keep the Victim* in miserable health year after year. The riffht thins to do Is to attack these ailments at their source--ret rid of the atld temach. a wonderful modern remedy called ATONIC now makes It easy to do this. ' * One of hundreds of thousands of grateful Users of EATONIC writes: "I have been troubled with intestinal Indigestion for about aine years and have spent quite a sum for edicine, but without relief. After using TONIC for a few daya the gas and pains my bowels disappeared. EATONIC la J list remedy I needed." We have thousands at letters telling of marvelous benefits. Try EATONIC ai\d too, will be just aa enthusiastic la Us SA'1 te" W 'ffcese n feu, to •raise. Your druggist has BATONIC. Get fpc box from him today. He will Itour money if you are not satisfied. a big reftind ( FOR YOUR AClP-STOMAOg) Record Hurricane Damage. The worst hurricane of which any record exists was that of October 10, 1780, which started in the Barbudoes. An English fleet anchored off St. Lucia l§mply disappeared. Nearly every jitaildlng on the island was blown ' flbwn and 6.000 people burled. 112 Millions used last year* to KILL COLDS HILL'S CVSCAttAp^QUININI taafefd cold remedy for ---4n tablet form oft, cure,' opiates--breaks up a cold in 24 hours--relieves grip in 3 dart. Money back if it fail*. The genuine box has a Red p with Kr. Hill's picture. • At Atti MONEY WANTED rkansa^aJnisT^nnru**- Interest, payable annually, (if developed into pro- . >ot axoeed SO per cent of actual eash value of land. Writ* for list of prospective loans Bat ban* reference* fwmUked. UtMNNII Steurtty: dnetlve * i per oent! Oood land rms. Loan ird, • LltUe Bock, Ark. Get the Genuine and Avoid Waste Economy in Every Cake MOTHER MAY'S SWEET NWDEJB FOB CHILDREN Relieve Feverishness, Constipa t ion .Colds and correct disorders oi the stomach and bowels. Ustdt- Mother* for ever 30 ytmrs. All Drug gists. Sample mailed FBKK. Ad dress Mother firai Co.. Lo Roy. N. Y. Life of Balkan Courier la far From Simple--Travela Take Her te All Parte ef the Intricate Balkans. Bucharest--A New Torfc joins woman, with a smile, a dog and a tan leather dispatch bag, Is braving the floods, torn up railroads, broken bridges, snow-^lad mountain passes aad all the other hardships that make up the substance of present-day travel In the Balkans. She Is Mrs. Helen Grannis, formerly librarian in the New York Public library. The smile is the famous Grannis smile that carries her through all sorts of unexpected difficulties In a country where difficulties are real. That smile decided the American Red Cross authorities to give to her a position as courier. The dog is a Caucasian shepherd, half wolf, which was given to Mrs. Grannis by an admiring Roumanian peasant woman. And the dispatch bag contains valuable papers for the American army and the Red Cross which Mrs. Grannis delivers from headquarters In Bucharest all over vthe intricate Balkans. n Life Far From Simple. r The life of a Balkan courier Is far from simple. Railroads have been destroyed everywhere. Bridges are lying In the "beds of streams. Roads in many districts are morasses of mud. Through the mountain districts roam bands of comltadjl who prey upon lone travelers. * Mrs. Grannis has braved her way through everything. When sKe cannot take a train she ases a donkey, a camlonette, a cart drawn by a water buffalo. She is familiar with narrowgauge railways that threaten to roll off the mountains Into gorges. She knows the wheeze and strain of a onelunged river steamboat, panting against a six-mile current. She can cross a bridgeless stream on horseback or with a rowboat. And with the nonchalance of a subway straphanger she drops from one mountain top to another on the swinging aerial cables left behind by the enemy armies of occupation. She has has met bandits bat Invariably, with her smile, with the "U. S." on her uniform and her talent for tight places, she has won through unmolested. Mrs. Grannis* travels start at Bucharest. The cities she "makes" include Belgrade, Sarajevo, Ragusn, Cettinje, Podgoritza, Tirana, Scutari and Salonika. It does not matter to her. On her latest trip she carried a letter from the governor of Albania to Col. Henry W. Anderson of Richmond, Va„ Balkan commissioner for the Rod Cross, thanking the American people for the relief work done In his country. Her first work for the Red Cross was with the bureau of personnel in Pari8, where she labored nights, days < u i and Sundays getting personnel off to the front. She left Paris January 1, 1019, to Join the Balkan commission, and at length was permitted to take the courier position which she Insisted on having. ^ Hen Decides Own Case ,^j» Court; Goes Home i Aharon, Pa.--Ownership of a hen worth $1, alleged by a Sharon man to have been stolen by a.neighbor, was decided by the bird. The neighbor, a woman, when arraigned before Justice Hugh Jones, declared the chicken belonged to her,, Constable Harry Galvln was directed by Justice Jones to take the hen and release it some distance from the homes of the plaintiff and defendant, who agreed to abide by the decision of the bird. The chicken strutted off to the plaintiff's yard. The defendant was compelled to pay $4.50 costs. ! ««>»»»»»»»»< ««»»•* 1 y*" > .r. SHERLOCK HAD NAUGHT ON HIM Clever Work of Detectives Solves "Great False Teeth Mystery/* THIEF GRABS POCKETBOOK New York Sleuth Finds Jewels In Awning Repairer's Pocket, and the Artificial Masticators In an Ash Can. New York.--Clever work on the part of Detective Sergeants Jates* Leonard and Thomas Appel solved a robbery which might otherwise have remained on the record as the "great false teeth mystery." James EL Andrews,' a banker, discovered that a set of 0al£e teeth which he recently installed did not function with the celerity promised by his dentist Mrs. Andrews started with them to the dentist for adjustment. Mrs. Andrews had the teeth in her pocketbook along with $75 in bills. As she was leaving the apartment the U. S. TAKES OVER BIG CANAL WITH CEREMONY bell rang. Mrs. Andrews placed the pocketbook on a nearby couch a» a maid opened the door and admitted a stranger, who announced that he fras there to repair an awning. . Mrs. Andrews went to an adjoining room, but when she returned the pock etbook with the $75 and the artificial masticators had disappeared. She tel-, ephoned for the detectives. «. i Telephones for Detectives. , They responded with alacrity wrfl lifter listening to Mrs. Andrew's story the vanishing of the false teeth, resorted to the old Sherlock Holmes system of deduction. Footprints on the Persian rugs of the Andrew's apartment revealed that the awning repairer had found It imperative to change the scene of his operations to another apartment In the bouse. There they went. Drawing his highly polished nickel watch from his vest pocket. Detective Leonard placed it against the awning man's chest and, in a voice marked for the profundity of Its tone, said-- "Aha! What have we here?" "Where?" asked the awning man, assuming an air of nonchalance. "There," replied the astute detective, as he shoved his hand In the awning man's coat pocket and drew forth u handful of glittering Jewelry. The unexpected Jewelry deepened the mystery. Oh, WJwre Are the Teeth? "But where® the false teeth?" asked Detective Appel. who believes In following every trail to the end. "Putlence," replied Leonard, "let the magistrate find that out." So the awning man, who later said he was Charles Langfelder of 69 Walton street, Brooklyn, was haled before Magistrate McQuade in the west side court, where he denied all. "Your Honor, we^w^v^n clue to the false teeth," sakL'the detectives in chorus. "Hold lirfn for a few minutes, ;ind we'll recover them." They hurried back to the apartment house, where they found ^he pocketbook and the teeth in an afelL barrel. Langfelder was then held In $1,500 bail to await the actiou of the grand jury. The detectives are still trying te find the owner of the Jewelry. @RLS! DRAW A " MOIST CLOTH -T ->EL Through hak • T- L Efet "Danderine" save you! Wr and doufie j§|y ; its beauty J. Hampton Moore, president of the Internal Waterway association, Philadelphia congressman and Republican nominee for mayor of Philadelphia, speaking during the ceremony at Delaware City. Del- with which the States took over the Chesapeake and Delaware canal. Twelve Half Pints In Her Noli Homestead, Pa.--The police arrested their first "stocking legger" In the person of Clara Hobson and found the prisoner had 12 half pints of whisky hidden In her hose. T. B. CRUSADE IS ON Accolades for Children Fight the Disease. Who S PARKER'S* HAIR BALSAM it BMAtt &vsri Faded Hair] > Wse°«CTen. W.T. HlNDERCORNS tfenwias Onrns. Cal- co«furt to UaSi at Dram FRECKLES For Mississippi Map and ttomeeeekera' tide. Ad. Southern Land Co.. Meridian. Mlaa. For Irritated Throats tried and tested remedy--one thM aui tly and effectively and 5t aoopUtea. Yaasettfaat^m&r^KI PISO*S "Knighthood" Pylxe for Battle Afl&lnat White Plague in tha Uftltai States. Washington.--Through the agency of Major B. J. Lloyd of the United States health service, accolades will he held in virtually every school in the country when the second annual tour^ nament of the modern health crusade comes to an end this school year. This was the statement made at the National Tuberculosis association offices, where the crusade was organized and where the new tournament was announced. The tournament held simultaneously all over the country for 15 weeks, begins with the opening of the term this fall. Last year, the first 1" which the annual jousts with disease took place, found many "pages," "squires" tud "knights" ready to be given their titles of knights banneret, the highest degree of honor to be received by the crusaders. In many cities and towns accolades were held and on the Western coast Major Lloyd personally cave the four "blows" to hundreds of "air knights," or boys and girls who had faithfully performed 11 health chores for the entire tournament and so became knights banneret At the capitol In Washington tha largest accolade of the crusade was held, with Vice President Marshall acting as league master and conferring the honors on the candidates. The steps of the capitol building were filled with children who had fought a vanning fight against disease. There are 3,000,000 children in the crusade, and It Is estimated that more than 75 per cent of them will win honors in the tournament. By completing the 11 health chores for the 15 weeks they will not only receive their titles, but will win badges and pins for the lesser ranks of page and squire, and gold and silver buttons for the ranks of knights and knights banneret They will also win banners showing their class has been 100 per cent successful In the crusade. This is one of the vital phases of the fight against the white plague, which will %e directly affected by the success of the country-wide campaign of education now being conducted by the National Tuberculosis associa tion. War Lid Off Baoc«r«L v Paris.--Baccarat is again allowed in the clubs, since the ratification of the peace treaty. As soo,n as the ban was lifted a veritable frenzy of gambling set In all over Europe. It is estimated $1,000,000,000 was won and lost In the first night after the garni was sumed. Durable strings £)r lacing machine belts are sometimes made of eel skins. Blacksnakes to Trail j Rats as Traps Fail New Lexington.--Blacksnakes will be corraled and turned loose in the Union station here In an effort *0 exterminate rats that have almost taken possession of the place. Employees have used trips, ferrets, cats and poison without avail. Hundreds of dollars' worth of damage has been done to merchandise and parcels post packages left in the building nights and merchants are complaining. The rats are large and blacksnakes are now considered their only foe. New German Capital Seen *- % For the use of the blind a geographic rfrid tirtlustrial atlas of Great Britain lias been prepared, consisting of 20 maps in relief and 202 pages of embossed descriptive text Berlin Worried Lest Seat of. Oewarnment Be Shifted to tha Rhine. Berlin. Germany.--The Boersen Zeltung, one of the ablest German newspapers, says the fate of the city Is In the balance and that it is, perhaps, too late to save It from becoming a city of the second class, with the removal of the capital and the activity in a business and political sense to some Rhineland city. It is a theory that has been gaining ground lately and Is causing Berlin to lose sleep. Strikes have followed one another In an endless succession. The uncertainty of the economic sit3ation almost led to a boycotting of Berlin as the chief work center of Germany. Despite the huge expense, one industry after another left Berlin for quieter, steadier fields. " . * Merchants, politicians and industrial leaders have predicted that the transfer of the assembly or reichstag would Inflict a severe blow on Berlin, especially if it should lead to the choice of another capital. EX-KAISER CASTS FEAR ASIDE Will Dlspenee With Dutch 8tate Police at His New House at . Doom. Amenmfeo, Holland.--It la reported that {he former German emperor has so far recovered from fears of molestation that when he moves into his new house at Doom, the Dutch police, who have been constantly on guard about the Bentlnck castle here since his arrival, will be relieved of duty. There are no walls or moats about the bonse of Doom, which Is visible and easy of access from the main highway. Turning a crank makes a new can opener cut the top entirely out ef a can Oh, girls, such an abundance of thick, heavy, invigorated hair; a perfect mass of wavy, silky hair, gloriously fluffy, bright and so easy to manage. ! Just moisten a cloth with a little { "Danderine" and carefully draw It i through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this magically removes all dirt, excess oil and grease, but your hair Is not left brittle, dry, stringy or faded, but charmingly soft, with glossy, golden gleams and tender lights. The youthful glints, tints and color are again In your hair. "Danderine" is a tonic-beautlfler. Besides doubling the beauty of the hair at once, It checks dandruff and stops falling hair. Get delightful Danderine for a few cents at any drug or toilet counter and use It as a dressing and lnvlgorator at told m bottle.--Adv. It Is never too 'late to break yourself of a bad habit FOGGY? W BMoua, Conillprtei m Headachy take "Cascarats," Tomorrow the sun will shine for you. Everything will seem clear, rosy and bright. Tour system Is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset your head foggy and aching. Tour meals are turning Into poison, gases and acids. Ton cannot feel right Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally. They act without griping or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh pills.-They cost so little too-- Cascarets work while you sleep.--Adv. When used as a cloak religion tfe a misfit on most people. It is the plain, public duty of evtsji: citizen to criticize proposed government measures believed to be harmfuL : Swift & Company is m ft better po»-' ^ Idbn perhaps, than others, to understand the meat packing business in afl its relations to public and private interests, even though the others may have been giving the subject a great deal of ° sincere attention. . - Swift 8t Company is convinced that -Merference with its legitimate business function by governmental agencies, however well intentioned. would be an injury to every man, woman and child who wants meat to eat, as well as to the men who raise the meat and to those who dress and distribute it Maximum service that cannot monopolize because of keen competition and lack of control over sources of supply is furnished at a mmimiwn of profit--a fraction of a pound from all sources. '< --it' ?•'.£$£ «?. nv'ifiw Therefore Swift & Company is every legitimate step of citizento prevent such interference. These advertisements are intends#^ to help you, and to help Congress decide what is best to be done. Mistakes are costly and apt to be harmful fe theae trying times. . •y •' v "t * ••king •lip to Lat as and you a Swift "Dollar." Addresa Swift ft Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, UL Swift & Company, U. S. A. m £.**1 ASPIRIN FOR COLDS + "Bayer** ia on Ganuinr Aspirin--eay Bayer y,t. THIS SNOWS WHAT BECOMES OF THE AVERAGE OOLLAt RECEIVED BY SWIFT & COMPANY FROM THE SALE OF MEAT «N0 BY PRODUCTS U CENTS IS PAID FOR TH( LIVE ANIMAI It.M CENTS FOR LABOE EXPENSES AND FREIGHT 2.04 CENTS REMAINS WITH SWIFT & COMPANY AS PROFIT 12.96* to Stock Raiser A summer girl has many engagements, but the telephone girl gets the most rings. Of .two evils always choose tha : you might get away with. W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. KIDNEYS WEAKENING? BETTER LOOK OUT! Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" In a "Bayer package," containing proper directions tor Colds, Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono* aceticaddester of Salleyllcadd.--Adr. Scandal Is the black sheep of die family of friendship. Sidney aad Madder trouble* dpn't disappear of themselves. They grow upon yoh, slowly but ateadily, undermining your health with deadly certainty, until yon fall a Tlctim te incurable disease. Stop your troubles while there 1s time. Don't wait until little pains become bijt aches. Don't trifle with disease. To avoid future suffering begin treatment with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules now. Take three or four every day until you feel that you are entirely free from pain. •tThis well-known preparation has been one of the national remedies of Holland for centuries. In 169G the government of the Netherlands granted a 1 dal charter authorising Its sale. The good housewife of Holland ' almost as soon be withoat food 1 out her "Ileal Dutch Drops," as Aa quaintly calls GOLD MBDAL Haarfesa Oil Capsules. Their use restONa strength and is responsible ia a measure for the sturdy, robust of the Hollanders. Do not delay. Go to your and insist on his supplying you box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Capsules. Take them as directed, if you are not satisfied with results ; druggist will gladly refund your Look for the name GOLD MEDAL e% the box and accept no other. In aeatsa boxes, three size* 35 tet Contents 15 Fluid J Children .ALCOHOL-3 PBH CENT. . A\^elableIVe|>anilioa6rA» similAtin^ttefbOd by TINGTHESTOBMCFAANDBOWFAJJ Thereby Promoting Cteerfalness aadBr*C««l"" neither 0piam,Marphlneo« | Mineral. NOT NAHCOTIC A#*' GotistipatianMdDiaitto« 1 F^eristavMSj^ , LoSSOFSlHP ^jnQnaaiGiaHi^ IfflyTYOHK; Bxact Copy of Wrappt* \ v • vv-\. • - :• * > 1 CAST0RIA What is CASTORIA Cfustoria lg a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Dregi, v and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither 0piu% Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee* For more than thirty years it has been in constant use lor the . relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Tha Children* Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of lit Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TNI OKNTAUK COMPANY, Nl« OITV, v* #' MM'

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