:7» «Ih|,- -. '.. i'Ji^ iP^t-tt^^' Sunday visit. CRYSTAL LAKE HUMS LOCALS VWtof Te»« Proved Tm Fact For /"j£M * McHenry Bowlen average Your Battery-Every Battery -needs extra winter care A cold engine and possible danger of Ir etzing with an under-" charged battery makes' special care of the starting battery necessary during the winter months. That is why it is to your interest to use^ ! 1 ; V • "fixfoe" it reguiariy. :ti - and ilse regularly. Regardless of the make of battery you are using, "KXibC ' Service will meet your need. It offers you a Free Battery Test regularly--it will repair, recharge and overhaul all makes of starting batteries. Itcan supply you with everything that is necessary to put your buttery in correct working condition for winter driving and keep it in^that conditions Have your battery inspected and tested now. Visit the Service'Station. BINGWOOD , ttorcas Foss speai Saturday ' 1* Elgin. / Mr. and Mrs. Jog.. ui '|I«ny iraref igl town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baeon of An- ||och were in town Sunday, T &3eain of local bowlen mat de fcMi* Mabelle Krohn spenr"tl,e ffe2* the hands of a Crystal Lake *ieek end with friends in Kenosha. iteam at Smithy's alley on the West -Miss Bird Hodge and Mrs. Geo.jSide on Wednesday evening of last "l^y w«rp Elgip shoppers Thoreday! week the winners hanging up a total ; of last week. § i score 0f 2546, while McHenry scored |sf Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Alien of Wood- a total of 2432 stock were pleasant callers in t6wn The hif,h individual score of the la.-t Saturday. evening was registered In the first Mrs. Sarah Johonnott of Richmond; fKlime by Hawley of McHenry with was a Pue"t of Mrs. W. E. Bradley 220, while Koch of Crystal Lake last Thursday. x -rolled the high individual Miss Margaret Bennett of Cherry with a mark of 190 1.3< .Valley spent the week end with The scores follow: friends in town. Crystal Lata,- . 1st Miss Corabel McOmber of. W°°d- Rapping stock was a Sunday visitor in the H« Reddersdorf I S t e p h e n s o n home. S k i n n e r * . . . 2 Mrs. Geo. Shepard spent Thursday jurs .jif last week with her parents, Mr. ;lfrn4| «nd Mrs. J. F. Claxton, in McHenry. Miss Mildred Wolkos of Milwaukee was in town last Thursday and McHenry attended- the funeral of Mrs. A. Thompson Walters. Justen . . Misses Martha Dailey and Evelyn Conwi^ Vogel attended the teachers' meet- Colby .It. ^ ing at Woodstock Hwtrsday aild Hawlty Friday last. Miss Massman and Miss reel spent the week end in Elgin and at- Q%jr folder, "Winter and the Storage Battery, free on request. % sent W L. Howell & Co. ?|lcHENRY, ILL. " -- Look for this si? SERVICE Two Heads ---- Are Better Than One! It's safe to say that you will need new fall cloths. Perhaps a suit, overcoat, maybe both, so wh> shouldn't we get together? You, no doubt, have given the matter some thought, and we've been thinking of nothing else- so why shouldn't we meet and compare notes and, notions? You may have developed >n idea that we have overlooked. We may have been Itruck with a thought that l-Jrou hadn't thought of. Two heads are better than one--so let's get together. Kuppenheimer Fall Suits $35 to $51. Overcoats--same make and same price. ftfiftl'i WOODSTOCK. ILi. THE CHEVROLET THE WORTH OF A CAR IS THE WORTH OF THE MOTOR that they make so many costly experiments before finding real motoring satisfaction. It is because of this that so many makes of automobiles are permitted to flourish on the sole strength of attractive surface features before public opinion snuffs them out. "On the other hand the most successful cars of today are those whose motors have stood up to the tests of time. They are the kipd in which the motor has been the first consideration. Then the-rest of the car has been built to fit the power of the motor. "In such cars the motor is not overtaxed by unnecessary weight. Strength and flexibility have taken the place of bulk. And the result is greater riding comfort, endurance, freedom from repairs and far more power at far less cost for fuel." "It is the motor that makes an automobile from the standpoint of utility," says J. W. Schaffer, local dealer in Chevrolet passenger and commercial cars. "Hundreds of dollars may be spent on body comfort and appearances, but in the end the enjoyment of a ear is limited to the worth of the motor. "Just bb the heart is the ctenter of life in a human being, so the motor is the heart of the automobile. It makes it go. "If a man has a strong heart he is generally capable of doing big physical things. The ordinary tests of everyday do not tax him at all, they do not wear him out. He has endurance. He lives long and is fit and vigorous in his old age. "In just the same manner the capacity of a car for hard service and the length of that service depend on the character of it? motor. "It is because .so many poeple fail to grasp this important point J. W. Schaffer AGENT [McHenry, 111. PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL. COllMISSION MERCHANT SPKAAl* ATTENTION QIVSN TOTH* SAUK OF. DtbmmI Beet, flutton, tloga. Veal, Poult*?, Hide*, Etc., Butter and Eggi This is the oldest house on tbe street. Tags aad pik» Utt* tarntatod on application STOHAOB FRBK • 8SC5.*ieSf * " CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ...!..159 .v#152 . |Ll.l24 ... 160 . .. .198 2nd 189 172 169 187 179 3rd 158 146 180 179 199 *788 896 862 £163 -w.^v..,™167 ' • *14S Groom .. S* W>. - Jio 159 146 176 157 144 V2 169 157 171 190 ' v 821' 782 829 tended the meeting of the State M«Hefiry' team will journey Teachers' association. to Crystal Lake this evening, where Amos Wilson passed the ninetieth they will endeavor to even up matmilestone on Thursday of last week, j Nov. 6. He celebrated the day by The series between Smithy's Colts attending the chicken pie dinner. Mrs and the Rexa)1 stars was terminated W. J. Beth presented him with » iagt week, the .former team winning lovely birthday cake, which he fully ouj. j,y a margin of only a few points. PThe chicken pie dinner last Thurs-1 . 9CHOOL NOTES day was a success both socially ^ ^ 0ur l-tito financially. The proceeds were $63. . , The officers of the Aid society wish Learning to thank the community for its assistance. The next Aid society din- ' ner will be held at the home of Mrs.! Raymond Harrison on Thursday,, Nov. 20. All are invited., OSTBND " j Mrs. Hazel Belcher of Woodstock was a Sunday visitor at the parental home. Mr. and Tony Freund h>vejited school Arthur Popp hi a ne# pupil in grade 1. Class A in fifth grade reading is 26 points ahead of class B. Jean Matthews heads the class in spelling in the fifth grade. Grade five is very much interested in studying the new map of Europe. Dorothy Buss and Pearl Feltz visbeen caring for a little son the past few days. Mrs. Everett McBroom of Woodstock spent several days last wee^ with her son, John, and family.; T. A. Abbott of Ringwood was a week end visitor at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Clark, and fami l y - . . . Our school now numbers seventeen and is reported doing fine work under the able management of Miss Alta Wentworth. F. R. Eppel and family ate Sunday dinner with Joe McCannon »»nd family, who reside on a farm between Greenwood and Ringwood. Mrs. Jennie Sherman has been sick for several weeks with summer influenza. She is slowly recovering and is under the care of Dr. West of Woodstock. Harry Silliman and wife were Richmond Friday last. Wray and daughter, were visitors at school week end callers in the home of the Thanksgiving, former's sister, Mrs. Fred Eppel, and ' ^ye ^ja<j f a m i l y . Mr. S i l l i m a n went to Mc-' Henry to get some milling dehe. ' TERRACOTTA Mrs. John Liddle was a calipr in Crystal Lake last Thursday. Miss Florence Knox was a Sunday guest of relatives in McHenry. Miss Mary Bonslett of McHenry spent Sunday at J. M. Phalin's. " Miss Dorothy Knox was a guest in the J. M. Phalin home Sunday. Miss Lenore Freund of McHenry was a guest of Miss Eleanor Phalin Sunday. Mr. and "Mrs. J. M. Phalin have been guests of friends near Springfield since last Wednesday. Mrs. R. T. Rita Dhu, Monday. Lillian Buss and Alet# Colby are back in school after an absence caused by sickness. Elizabeth Vogt and Margaret *Stengev sold twenty Red Cross subscriptions last Saturday. The sophomore class has begun the gtudy of "As You Like It," having completed Silas Marner. The school raised a fund of $10.75 for the Roosevelt memorial, which has been forwarded to the county chairman. The grade pupils are pleased to receive and proud to wear their Knight pins, won last year ih the health crusade. A Thanksgiving program is being |arranged to be given in the auditorium Wednesday afternoon preceding are glad to- learn that Walter ,Vogt is recovering nicely from his operation and that he expects to return home soon. The pupils in room II are making booklets about the first Thanksgiving and are constructing furniture for a Pilgrim room. Don't forget the date of the minstrel show to be given on Friday evening, Nov. 21. The proceeds will start a fund for a high school piano. High school report cards were sent home with the students last Friday. It is' hoped that the parents examined them carefully l>efore sending them back. The freshman class have been Mr. and Mrs. Will Sund and <ihil-1 elected to give a program during the dren of Holcombville spent last-Wed- general exercise period a week from nesday evening at G. Lindahl's." , Tuesday. The freshmen promise a Miss Eleanor Phalin attended the j surprise for us. meeting of the Illinois State Teachers' association which was held in Elgin last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anderson, daugh- Marguerite Covell, Lucreta Frisbee, Victor Siegler, George Grant and Edwin Herberts of the Richmond hif± •• school were visitors in the high scho! s y*< v •' -7* • -f.. • rf.P1 Oh '\ •' *--••• '$ f ~y.% - A ' v * - ' • ^ " ^ a real pleasure is postpone or missed entirely for the want of a "-V tyiv >'•><4 That trip you have wanted to make, the things you need to pursue your hobby, a hundred ways in which your life may be made more complete, will be within reach if you have a little surplus money set aside. Or perhaps there are pleasures that you want to give others. "Get more out of life by adding to your SAVINGS ACCOUNT" with the 14 \ ; ? HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS The case of Electrical Appliances rests on their high efficiency. Take the V c- Washing Machine as an example. Run in the water and soap and the materials to be washed and start tlhe motor. The machine does the work while you simply look on. FEDERAL Electric Washing Machines Monthly Payments $5.M down puts one in your home Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS PLUMBING AND SEATING -BYExperienced Workmen DONAVIN 8c REIHANSPERGER ter, Martha, and son, Arthur, of Cary | Wednesday of last week. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. | A* nifce shipment of laboratory ap- Lindahl last Wednesday evening. jparatus for the physics class was re- Miss Frances Knox spent Thursday | ceived last week. This was much evening and Friday with Mr. and needed for our laboratory work is very Mrs. Ed. Malone in Elgin and attended the meeting of the Illinois State Teachers' association. ' much handicapped for lack of apparatus. Armistice day was, celebrated by the entire schoo. At two minutes of ^.DITIONAL PBWNAL |„|even ^ stol>[)e<i ,nd all stood N. H. Petesch was a Chicago visitor j, . , ^ , ^ the first of the week. j Clinton Martin passed Tuesday in j the metropolitan city. „ Mrs. J. H. Justen and son, Wm., were Chicago visitors Wednesday. i. A*t»n Wm. Pro, Ud C. Unti .ttoxtod to '»e »«d b, .11 th. Atta.- , . ... . p. -ition is called to the compulsory atbonnes, matter, in Ch»=«o W«dl*s : which „ inted „„ day* Mrs. J. R. Smith returned home last :ba^ of i blan 1 k. facing the East with bowed heads A short time was then spent in singing patriotic songs. A supply of new excuse blanks have been received and are now be- Thursday after a few weeks' visit at The entire teaching force attended the meeting of the northeastern sec- Silver Creek a^d Lincoln, Neb. » Otto SQe t.t.e r o%f A. d, ams, VMi_in_n ., w\xraasa an 1i tion of the Illino.i s Statpe ..Teachers nir . guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs..J. *ssoc'ation *^ R. Smith at Emerald Park Monday. ^ one «f u the best meetings >n the Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Worts and ;h«tory of this sectioff The annual high school conference of Illinois will be held at the University of Illinois Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. This conference largely shapes the policies of iall the high schools of the state. The boys are beginning their basket ball practice in earnest now and the prospect is bright for a good team this year. Quite a number of games have been scheduled, the first game scheduled being on Dec. 5 with Crystal Lake on the home floor. daughters, Josephine and Rose, were Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son of Ringwood passed Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sedlack of Antioch and Mrs. Robt. Senders and W. P. Gomph of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steinsdoerfer at Griswold Lake. Mrs. Fuller Boutelle and children of j The membership of the Moose Lake Geneva, Wis., are spending the ' lodge at Woodstock is now 500, initiweek in the home of her paretns, Mr.' ation of a large class there last week and Mrs. J. R. Smith, at Emerald! bringing the total membership to the Park. Mr. Boutelle was here for a | half thousand mark. Physician and Surgoen McHENRY, ILLINOIS Office over Petesch's Drug Store JQBNSBURG, ILLINOIS Phones, McHenry; Johisburg 625-R-2 HOURS--McHENRY 10:30 a. m. to 12 noon ?:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. ' HOURS--JOHNSBUBG 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. ih. 12:00 to 1.30 p. m. 5:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. To corset you correctly to my profession. Your comfort and health are promoted bf wearing Soirella IV.ORSETS (NOT SOLD m (TOM() My personal services are free. An appointment, arranged to soityour convenience, places you under no obligation. A postcard or telephone call will bring me to your home. FUSS MABELLE WHEELER .McHenry. IH. Phone 56-J Every one a good one These are arctics you can depend on-- Ball-Band" Arctics with the Red Ball Trade Mark. Well-made, easy- Htting, long-wearing and comfortable. Every man needs a pair of good arctics. BAND The "Ball-Band" special vacuum process by which the rubber is forced int< the fabric gives the additional enduranc for which4 Ball-Band" Rubber Footwea is famous. Make your choice of Ayles. LOUIS A. ERICKSON GENERAL MERCHANDISE WESl MCHENRY BIG SALE WE HANDLE ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF MEATS Special Hostess Corn, 20c can, 2 for . -35c Armour's Veribest brand Corn, 25c can, 2for.. tte Armour's Veribest brand Peas, 25c can, 2 for 46c Large Grandma's Washing Powder, 25 pkg, 2for.45c Brag Washing Soap, per bar 5c Kerber's Hams, 10--14 lbs., per pound J2e Picnic Ham, per pound -- 22e Bacon Squares, 1--3 lbs., per pound. ..lie ^ SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL BEEF AND PORK. EAST SIDE CASH MARKET & GROCERY HENRY HEUSER Phone 39 McHENRY, ILL. •.fV'-l "V A gnat reduction in millinery. Blake Sisters. When In Need of Underwear for protection against the cold, you will do well to inspect our line of men's, women's an'd children's underwear. We have them in both union suits and two piece garments. ^ Men's heavy fleeced union suits* all' siz€*-^.-$2^5 Women's fleeced cotton union suits, all sizes Misses'fleeced cotton union suits, all sizes, 75c and up to__.: ; ^.$1^5 i " Children's two piece garments, He and up to 75c JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRlf ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law MeHapij,1 HL Tiltph--f 1M-B g 4 V_. SIMON STOFFEL t. Insurance igoit for all property in tfc» beat WBST McHRNBY. - Subscribe for The Plaindealer «tndkeep posted »v '