GOOD-NEWS FOR FORD OWNERS \, . / " *'.!v k /<* ',?• ^% ~¥ k* <ev, • *J4«V .-.•*:«» FORDS f ^SiTT^ •• W*. "> ,V1 ""'Sii&i'}-' &•.'.t A,'*' • - '• Means Greatet* Safety ezr}r; Comfort « for Ford Owners at Small Cost Vve have been successful ir: securing the exclusive sale of the U«:>'- Unousette in this locality. TheUstnn' Limouvrtte is the most p«*'...^,:.„; useful, and necessary Ford attachment that has ever bcrn offered. • This attachment is used with your regular Pord top--it does away, at with bothersome, awkward side curtair.t and a heavy built up body. Yet touch, you can have closed car comfort or enjoy open car freedom. 70>000 Ustus Linaouscttcs have been sold in only 120 ^yi »e price is only r-^T: 46^ for f--risy Cmr *30^ *,««**, We've got a Ford here equipped with the Ustus Limousette. Come in and see it today. CENTRAL PARAGE JOHNSBirRG, ILL. Buiitky Dmf---Eamtic* Compmmy Detroit, WiVfcifeh Important Features of the Ustus Limousette 1. It improves look* of your cti/ 2. It is light in weight. 3. Gives clear vision (rout and sides, 4. Permits easr end quick entrance and exit. I. Gives closed car coiafort is had f weather. 5. Instantly convertible iato an open car. _ 7. Eliminates imsmssisscsi ef awkward »ide carUiki h svmmer. I. It wear« wffH. 9. No rattlinr or vibration." 10. No alteration of stands#)! Ffd eqaipmeat required. -JUST LOOK AT- 6S&-; THESE PRICES? You surely aren't going to allow this money-sav- > ing opportunity slip by without taking fttivantage of same iv '-:v. Men's heavy fleeced union suits, an exceptional value, at $2.50, special during sale, per garment. .$1.98 Men's heavy ribbed union suits, a real bargain, special at per garment.. .$1.69 We also have men's ribbed A heavy fleeced 2 piece garments at each.90c & $1.00 Buy ladies' and children's winter underwear early before jlines are broken. One lot of bungalow aprons, extra special values, each $1.39 One lot white shaker flannel, while it lasts 5 yards for ..$1.00 Comfort sire cotton batts, 3 pound roll, each. $1.19 White middy blouses, spe- « cial, each $1.19 20 I'er Cent Discount .•fHb all ladies' shirt waists Heavy galvanized water pails, each 85c Enameled wash basin, each. 19c Let us supply your wants in Hosiery, Shoes and Rubber foot Toilet paper, large roll. For Christmas Gifts We are offering a splendid assortment of dolls, toys, handkerchiefs, hosiery and many other suitable items. Shop early. Golden Age macaroni, per , package 8c Golden Age spaghetti, per package . 8c Golden Age noodles, per pkg.8c Large can «f Dundee evaporated milk, special, 3 for.50c Small cans of Dundee evaporated milk, special, 6 for. ,50c Oil sardines, per can. .......8c Mustard sardines, per can.. ,8c Sweet potatoes, 6 lbs.,.... .25c We will also be able to supply your Thanksgiving table with a fine assortment of fw«tei,;.mixeH nuts, candies, etc. LOUIS A. ERICKSON GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRY f .¥ ¥• From the Organization Behind Your Car "The character of the organization behind his car is of great importance to the automobile owner," says J. W. Schaffer, local dealer in Chevrolet passenger and commercial. cars. "Everyone knows that an automobile should be regarded as an investment--that it should be bought with a view to the return the purchaser wpll receive on his money. But that is not enough. "In order to make a really intelligent investment, the investor should know not only the representative thru whom he buys his securities. He should investigate thoroly the enterprise in which he invests his money. He should find out, first, how that enterprise regards its obligations to the buying public and, second, how it is equippd to carry out these obligations. "All this is as true of automobiles as it is of securities. In order to obtain the greatest satisfaction from an automobile, the purchaser should investigate the record of progress made by the leading automobile companies. < "The increase in sales will show htm the satisfaction the product is giving to other purchasers. The manufacturing facilities and the financial resources of the manufacturer indicate ability to continue this sort of satisfaction and to increase it "The money which the manufacturer is spending to increase facilities of his business for insuring satisfaction is a sure sign of the kind of service that is included with each car sold. "The greater the organization behind a car, the bigger its reputation, the less it can afford to take the slightest risk with the satisfaction of its (Customers, and the more its every effort will be devoted-to fulfilling -a high ideal of service to them." J.W.Schafferj£2G_McHenry, 111. 5N? fob • Niesfen & Segel are now unloading aapther carload of those choice white potatoes which has set the town to talking. If you want to get in on t$iis car better phoi Miefe. Phone 40. . - r. •. I: The new .home to be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Math. B. Laures, near the old driving park ' on Center street, is ready for the plasterers, your ecder at ^The exterior finish of *tfee place will he kellastone* SOCIETY EVENTS OP WEEK As l ' Chronicled by *ty Plaindealer Editreas H,: m: « Mtuj -Ck>-Round Club > • Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander entertained the members pf the Merry- Go-Round club at their home on Waukegan street on Thursday evening of last week. Five hundred was played and high honors awarded to Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and Cfias. L. Page. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the evening. A Delightful Party A number of friends were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Kennebeck on Wednesday evening of "last week. Music and dancing were enjoyed by all. present and at an appropriate hour refreshments were served, after which all departed for their various homes. Those present to enjoy the occasion were: Misses Helen A. gnd Catherine Freund, Helen Freund; Messrs. Joseph Bauer, John and Henry Kennebeck, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Kennebeck. All report an unusually good time. Variety Club Entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger entertained the Variety club at their home on Main street last Thursday evening. After the guests., arrived they Went to the M. B. Schmitt bowling alley, where they spent two very pleasant hours. This was* their initial visit t& this popular place of amusement, so perhaps the scores will ,be a little higher next time. Those receiving the highest score were Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and P. M. Justen and the lowest were Mrs. Geo^ A. Stilling and Dr. A. I. Froehlich. At the conclusion of the bowling they returned to the Reihansperger home, where dainty refreshmen? were served. Farewell Party Mrs. Clarence Tuttle of Dundee, was guest of honor at a character party given one evening recently by her sister, Miss Mae Noonan, at the home of her mother northwest of this village. "Mrs. Tuttle and family will leave in a few days to make their home in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where Mr. Tuttle will engage in the garage business. A character party always provides - real entertainment and, with music, they passed several enjoyable hours. The guests, numbering twelve,, made the trip by motor from Dundee. A , delicious luncheon was served by the hostess and all wished Mrs. Tuttle and family great happiness in their new home. ~r~ Is Six -Vears Od Miss Marion Krause entertained fifteen of her little .friends on Saturday, Nov. 22, in honor of her sixth birthday. The guests arrived at an early hour and spent several hours playing games, the merry little hostess being equal to the occasion. The dainty refreshments were particularly enjoyed by the little ones and all present will long remember the sixth birthday of Miss Marion. She was the recipient of many pretty gifts. Those present were: Marie Oertel, May Justen, Bernice Weber, Mildred Gans, Virginia Engeln, Hazel Heimer, Clarice Miller, Helen Pries, Ernst Olson, Stanley Cobb, Carl Rietesel, Kenneth Boley, Charles Steilen and Elvin Pfannenstill. Miss Sylvia Wolff Entertains Another birthday was very appropriately observed last Saturday at the farm home of Lewis Wolff east of McHenry. It being the tenth birthday anniversary of Miss Sylvia, all the members "of her grade at St. Mary's school responded to the invitations issued and journey to her home at two o'olock. Unusual gaiety and gqod time existed such as school friends can create and several hours passed too quickly. Refreshments were . served. Those present were: Catherine Weingart, Bertha Justen, Alvera Freund, Florence Freund, Florence,' Alvera and Anna Blake, Vendalina Diedrich, Marcella Kennebeck. Rosella Freund, Evelyn May. Cecelia Thercnes, Louise Wolff, Elf red Freund, William Wolff, Bennie Freund, Elfned Weingart, -Edward and Anthony WolflL Shower For Bride Elect On Wednesday evening of last week the Misses ; Eva and Lillian Stilling entertainei about thirty guests in honor of gMiss Annabel Heimer and Dr. F. J. Jvicher at a shower and dance at their spacious home on Fox river. The hof ne was beautifully decorated for the {occasion? pink and white being; the et>lor scheme in the decorations and aliku the refreshments. Music was furnished by Miss Louise Stilling at the pian o, John Stilling the drumfi and G<$orge Heimer the violin. Between dances, ; songs and various entertainment afft) rded great amusement. The t»nde' and groom elect received many bei tutiful and useful gifts. The guosts invited were: Misses Annabel Heimer, Mayme*Barbian, Clara .Mills r. Gertrude Frett, Lillian Hefner, H'.lizabeth Miller, Verona Niesea, Ltfuise Stilling, EMa Boyle; Messnrs. l>,r. F. J. Aicher, Ray McGee, Leo Heiater, Gerald Carey, Henry Miller. Heiu-y Weber, Jos. Stengel-, AJbert Barbiai i, Je.mes Boyle, Leo Stilling, Clarence ]Niesen, John Stilling; Messrs. and ' Mesdames Geo. A, Stilling, C. G. Burk hartsmeier and C M. Bickler. j • ' _ . $ r at< Vato The Vob> Ladies' Aid will hold its ajtnual bazaar and brisket social Friday afternoon and evening, Dec. 5, at the Volo M. E. ^hurcli. Fancy work and aprons will bet soki A prise will be given to the lady w4tose basket brings the most money. Good program. ^ Everybody invHjfcL . 25-2t Auctidn*Sale! George Vogel, :: j: Auctioneer Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at auction sale on the old Miller«farnvlocated about 2 miles north of McHenry. 1% miles west of Johnsburg, 2 miles south of Ringwood, on the McHenry Ringwood road, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1919 commencing at one o'clock, sharp, the following described property, towit: ItflEAD OF LIVE STOCl£^/tJ ^ --consisting of-- 10 Choice Milk Cows S fresh milkers, 7 close springers and 4 one-year-old heifers." Horses Bay horse, 5 years old,, weight 1250 pounds; bay horse, 9 years old, weight 1200 pounds; black horse, 9 years old, weight 1800 pounds. Three brood sows and 150 chickens. Hay and Grain, About 20 tons hay in bslrn, about 60 tons of silage, 3 loads corn stalks, in barn, 100 bushels of oats. Machinery, Etc. Sulky plow, Emerson gang plow, 2 walking plows, 2 section drag, broadcast seeder, new Buckeye corn planter, new John Deere riding cultivator, 2 hand cultivators, McCormick mower, 1 horse rake, Deere hay oader, pulverizer, Milwaukee grain binder, McCormick corn binder, 2 top buggies, surrey, milk wagon, lumber wagon with truck wheels, truck wagon, 2% h. p. engine, hay rack with top box, silo rack, set dump boards, set bob sleighs, 2 log chains, 2 tank heaters, post auger, post maul, wire stretcher, milk pails and strainer, 5 milk cans, 2 sets double harness, 2 single harness, wash machine, and other articles too numerous to mention. iWns of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankabe notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with clerk. Henry W. Hettermann, Prep. Stephen H. Feund, Clerk? For Lady Bowlers Since the ladies of the community have shown more or lesis interest in bowling, Martin B. Schmiit, %proprietor of the West Side amusement resort, wishes to make it known that he has ordered some light'weight bowlingt balls. The balls should arrive soon. This action on the part of Mr. Schmitt will, no doubt, be appreciated by those who enjoy thi* healthful recreation. . ; FOR SALE!--Thirty-five acres of land, 9 room house and good outbuildings. ' 3?, (3. 'ffirilt*,* West McHenry, Il^j i ^ i , 28-3t WANTED--Two or more rooms on West Side for light housekeeping. Clyde Mortimore, Smithy's barber shop, West McHenry. 24-lt* Pretty Bungalow The beautiful bungalow under construction for Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Howell at Howell's Villas is ready for the plasterers and should be ready for occupancy within the course of the next few weeks. The outside of the place will be finished in kellastone. The home occupies the site near the main highway on the Pistakee Bay road. J-:}"-- fodn't Get •Here',';; - * t6 the fact that woie^'flfe 'companyTwoodstoi*' members of the team were away from home the Crystal Lake bowlers failed to put in an appearance at the Martin B. Schmitt bowling alleys last Thursday evening, where Jthey were billed to play a local team. They will undoubtedly come to McHenry at sdme future date. > CLASSIFIED M7ARTMEKT FOR SALE--Shelving, counters and tables. Inquire at this office. 23 WANTED--A night man. Apply at Rosedalc Greenhouses, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--Second hand 1 ton Republic truck. Inquire at this office. 4 FOR SALE--Driving. hors$ and buggy harness. Inquire of H. L. Ritter, McHenry, 111. 24-lt* WANTED--Girl for general housework. Tw in family. Mrs. C. * E. Carson, 928 Argyle St, Chicago. 24 FOR SALE--The John A. Smith estate farms, one, of 169 acres and Meh-women. one of 145 acres. Henry, 111. S. H. Freund, Mc- Paol Meyers Still In Hospital JP|ul Meyers, who was so seriously injufed recently, is getting along as wel£ as could be expected. He is in a cast and . will have to remain in same for six weeks. It will be some time before he can possibly leave the hospital. .. : Miss Lena Klein of West McHenry is another young lady of the village to become an employe . at. .the Elgin watch factory. HELP WANTED--Men and boys between the ages of 18 and 40. Also girls wanted. The Oliver Typewriter ____ _ 111 21-4t FOR SALE--Six room home, together with garage, on Green street. House has all modern improvements. Chas. H. Bechtel, McHenry, 111. 21 NEW OLIVER TYPEWRITER NO 9--Best Xmas gift. 5 days free trial. Price $57, no money down, 1% years to pay. Order now. H. T. Cooney, agent, Wdodstock, 111. . 24 FOR SALE--Four nice bfSlding lots on Water street near the river, with about twenty fruit trees and grape arbor. Inquire of Anton Schneider, McHenry, 111. 23-2t FOR SALE--A number of fancy Belgian hares, all sizes and ages, does with young; also a team of 12-yearold mules, wt. 2400 pounds. B. J. Wtegener, Volo, 1111 19-tf WEEKLY. a. Start candy factory at 8om«v $12 vartise, small room, anywhere. We , will u-li I how and furnish everything. Spe- * cialty Candymaking House, 5 South * * 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 20-10t ' FOR SALE--A few choice big type :;'Jt Poland China gilts, sired by Wonder Joe, No. 323241. I will also sell my ^ Jfoherd boar, Wonder Joe. Pedigree g i v e n . A l s o s o m e P o l a n d C h i n a , , ^ boars, sired by Joe Wonder. In- - quire df James Hunter, West McHenry, 111. Phone 613-J-l. 17-tf > * ^ y»>m Give us yoiir order and let us deliver to you a barrel of those choice Baldwin apples which we are selling at $7.50. In bushel lots, $2.75. Niesen & Segel, McHenry. Joe Noertker, who owns a farm and a fine herd of cattle near Hebron, ' has just made a contract with Peter *%£'§£ K e r s c h o f C h i c a g o f o r h i s e n t i r e j milk supply. The Chicago man wiilj£^| pay him 25c more per can than the$£v ^ regular association price. His herd . - v consists of choice Guernseys. / ^ Robert Collins of Harvard, who^vSk lost a foot when he slipped and fell while alighting from a passenger ^ ^ • train in that city last August, has. x • been awarded $4,000 by the C. & N. ? fSkifS* W. railroad. The company also paid ' all doctor and hospital bills. Work was begun -this week on the brick foundation for the handsome new bungalow to be erected on the corner of Pearl and Green streets. The brick work will be constructed , to a height of two feet. The lumber for the place is expected daily. J. J. Vasev of Oak Park is having the place ereeted and with his wife will occupy same on its completion. A number of Wauconda's business men have gotten together and purchased a moving picture machine! outfit and will hereafter give shows ?it the Community House in that village every Saturday night. The admission fee to the show will be 10c and 15c, just enough to pay for the expense of putting on the pictures.; Clothes for Younqer Men ou Want SO.naturaliy, -we demanded it in selecting opr . Pall stock. Here you are assured of smartly ; taSored clothes that have real 6tyle. They bear. i wllftbifc iaL1me 1i aff* qmuiaalliittyv----" Campu* Togy*. McHenry 7yt"C Tabric, workmanship, style--the essentiils of the jgvell-dressed man--are guaranteed, and an unusually wide ran&e of attractive models. YottH ! |xkc the service a» well as the cloth--. i. inoi s