I-ft pvjifiiptpp^ SPfP!>liSPTO!«^ 4WSW|iHP^mf^ "* "• " -*?" **&•*s*? -*" * **"* !'.** !-* *•\< • •* '<i !v * Vy -& • >** .?y; 3r*f- '-\ *i <* X'J^ * , * 4 \ * " VsS^ * W ; When You **Lay Up?w Store Your Battery ^at the "Exfbc" S ervice St a tion "Exibe" Service provides tor special storage for your . battery during the winter It enables you to put your ^flattery iij the care of a battery expert at a smal^ & monthly cost and eliminate the danger of unnecessary^ ; »;. deterioration of the battery while it is idle. " - ' jfeL Call and learn how Winter Battery Stocage at tke , " *%"£xibe" Service Station will put you in line for more • f ifficient battery performance when you jnit mir^car ift^^ servicc iA the Spring, > -- 'v ' ' ' • * 1 1 ' V * " ,i * • „« * tf you use your car ^ touch with Service--have your batter^ * T^LEPHON^ -NUMBER 1114 { T„ ? Howell & Co. McHKNKY. ILLINOIS Look for this sienl W. L. BATTERY £* i6« SERVICE U N I V E R S A L CAR Those be mighty practical da$»s avid it's up tr. every man to keep on the eonnowical side of every proposition. New motor cars are scarse, so make your present car •__r ... wr. do- And your We'll Keep Your Ford Car Going Ford car will meet all demands if you have us keep it good running order. Pon't monkey with your car. It is a bit of valuable mechauisin and ought 1<» be, liaudled by men who know it. Bring your Ford car to us for repairs when needed. STAR GARAGE • iofcn ft. & •,r. & Banish Chill USE A GAS ROOM HEATER With the coal problem so acute this winter, it becomes o^sffry lor..jyegx. householder to copserve. it ' •: . S A V E C O A V ; Use Gas For Auxiliary Heat- • A Gas Room Heater furnishes ample heat for the chilly mornings and evenings of Fall and Spring- Used for auxiliary heating in winter, it helps to save coal and keeps yon cozy and warm. ~ /-fe Western Ui)ited Gas yjg\ and Electric Compaq '421* ? M. WORKMAN, Di.trkt Manner s RIDGEFIBED , $.15. Knilans was in Crystal Lake Saturday. *'" "*"!•*• ' Little Lowell WaBrap U* the chicken pox. .. ^ Mrs. Draper Woodstock caller Saturday. - , A. P. Peck was a Aatavia business caller Wednesday. Miss Lucy Benson was shopping at Woodstock Wednesday. . Mr. Granger of Woodstock has rented the Buchannan farm. Mrs. Walter Reed and Merle were Crystal Lake shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Carrie Johnson was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday afternoon. F. S. Morse and J. H. Slater were Woodstock passengers Wednesday. Miss Luretta Wagner spent the week end with friends at Algonquin. W. F. Abbott and W. F. Levey were Saturday callers at Woodstock. The Indies' Aid society* cleared about $60 at their dinner last Thursday. , F. Buchannan ahd son, Harold, of Crystal Lake were here Sunday afternoon. Mr. Hanrahan of Chicago spent the week end in the home of M. H. Fitzsimmons. / Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby and sons were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday afternoon. . Mrs. J. Kresl and two daughters visited relatives in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. There was a goodly attendance at the basket social at the Lucas school Saturday evening. J. A. Westerman of Capron was looking after things at the farm here last Thursday. * 'Mrs. H. Johnson of .Harmony is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Wilkins. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet Thursday afternoon, Dec. 4, al the home of Mrs. E. E. Knilans. Mrs. W. F. Abbott and daughter, Dorothy, spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's mother in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newman and children of McHenry visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed Sunday afternoon., Mr. and Mrs. Draper entertained a number of friends from Woodstock one evening last week to a fried chicken supper. Don't forget the white elephant social at the church this Friday evening." Refreshments to be served cafeteria style. This is under the p^npic^s of the Helpers' class. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike, Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and daughter, Helen, of Crystal Lake; Rev. and Mrs. Sunderlin, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Olmstead and Mrs. Anners of Woodstock at tended thp chicken dinner at the church Thursday last. SOLON MILLS Mrs. Win. Cornish returned from thr .Toe Blake home Monday. •I..-P Aylw;ml is spending several *1«^V; at Hetinvn »aml McHenry. t Stanley Beall of Spring Grove a. Sunday morning caller here. | Jack l'ester and family enter- "tained comj»any from Chicago Sun •day. ' Mrs. W«. Rowsen entertained compnny from Harvard the past Week. 'Mrs. E. Bi*igham and daughter, Marjory, are spending a few days in Chicago. * • Mr. and Mrs. Palmer of Harvard were callers in town Thursday afternoon of last week. Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and daughter, Adelle, of McHenry were Friday callers at Ribhard Aylward's Mrs. Wm. Coates aftd Wayne Foss of Ringwood were callers in the Adelaide Coates home Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Fray and Miss Sarah Hodge of Ringwood were Thursday* visitors at Mrs. H. G. Reading's. Miss Florence Aylward and Edward Aylward of Hebron were Sunday visitors at Richard Aylward's. Mrs. Mary Aubert returned home from Chicago Sunday evening, where she had been spending several days. Mrs. Geo. Noble and two children of Ringwood and Mrs. Robert Turner of Aurora were Thursday callers at the Geo. Turner home. caller in Crystal Lake last Thursday. Toys and dolls at Erickson's store. Hosiery and underwear at Brickson's. Miss Frances Knox spent Friday evening with In. Chas. Harnish near Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. M.,J. Walsh and family of McHenry- called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and daughters of Holcombville visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, visited Mrs. Fred Davoll at Holcombville Saturday. Mrs. Marjp^i McMillan ha* been spending several days at tfee home* at her son. Earl, and family. RINGWOOD Finest groceries at Erickson's. The Flora DeVoss company Thursday, Dec. 4, at the Empire. Mrs. James McDonald of McHenry was in town Thursday last: Chas. Thompson and Floyd Carr were in town Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn are the happy parents of a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey were Greenwood callers one day last week Mrs. Mary Green of McHenry was a peiasant caller in town Saturday. Richard Lawson and son, Frank, of Elgin .visited friends in town Sun-, day.' 7-:>vE- ; " •} •• ' • Mrs. S.: W. Browri altd adn. Leonard, were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bacon of Anti och spent Sunday with relative* in town. Ed. Pe6t and fatnily spent Sunday with the Harry Peet family in Woodstock. I .fe Federal Farm Loans THRU I IKSI JOINT STOCK LAND BANK OF CHICAGO. ILL. NO COMMISSIONS • .Hp DBLAY8 I have been appointed agent for McHenry County for the making of Federal Farm Loans through the above bank. These loans run for thirty-three years with privilege of paying sooner. Upon the payment of the interest only during the full period of the loan, the entire loan is cancelled. A portion of «the interest each year is applied on the principal and in this way the mortgage is lessened each year and finally cancelled at the end of the thirty-three years and the average rate of interest, if the loan runs the full period, is less than 4 per cent. This does away with renewal of farm loans ^nd protects your family in case of death. The loans are not limited in amount, only as to appraised value. I am handling the above in connection with my law business and also have arranged for the selling of tax exempt bonds. ( , * ! .3 i* yfo* ..'an.'" i • > it ...ttniiiiiii. ..•.TiTti . i i'-1 »»'i: A. J. it WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Petty burglary appears to be coinmojv over at Harvard. Ne* stock of crockery ceived at M J. Walsh's. feat OSTEND Roy Hobart visited Sunday at the home of his &unt, Mrs.# Julia Lincoln, near Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. John McBroom have both been suffering with severe colds, but are recovering. For delicious flavcr and genuine satisfaction, drink Ferndell coffee, ou can buy it at Erickson's. John Matyas and family enjoyed isit from the former's mother and brother of Aurora. The brother re ently returned from overseas. Ed. Wallis has rented his home farm and given possession. He moved his family to the little farm where the barn burned down several years ago Mrs. Abbie Martin and son, Clint, left last Saturday for Belleview, Fla., here Mr. Martin and son, Loren, ent several weeks ago. They will all spend the winter in the southern town. The neighbors and friends of the Thomas family turned out with two corn husking machines and men to run them and husked their corn Elbert is slowly but surely rcovering and is able to sit proped up in bed with pillows. TERRA COTTA Mrs. John Riley has beea quite sick during the past week. Mrs. J. M. Phalin was a visiter in Crystal Lake last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox visited relatives in Woodstock Sunday. Wm. J. Wingate of Crystal Lake was a business caller here last* week. Mrs, John Liddle was a business chit •ela i dren spent the week end with re! tives in Hebron. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens ahd Miss Martha Dailey spent the week end with friends in Chicago. Miss Dora Massman went to Chicago Tuesday evening and will spend Thankssgiving with her sister. Mrs. Julia Toynton of Genoa Junction spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Brunswick. Mrs. F. E. Martin and son, Clinton started for Belleview, Fla., Saturday where they will spend the winter. Miss Blanche Pryor of McHenry was a Tuesday night guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith Another of the home talent musi cals will be given in the W. M. A hall on Thursday evening, Dec Everybody welcome. Rev. Clark of Chicago held the first quarterly conference of the M. E church Saturday night, where the plans were perfected for the coming year. VOLO Wm. frost spent Monday at 8t. Charles^-- Thos. Vasfy was* in ^ Wauconda Saturday. ***" V Mr. 1Tulet>erry sj>ent the past few days at Dixon. 111. Mrs. Jas. Kirwan entertained company from Ro^nd Lake Sunday. F*ive bully good vaudeville people with the Flora DeVoss Co. Dec. 4. Mrs. John Walton visited her niece, Mrs. H. Lusk, in Gray slake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger and sons of Wauconda were visitors here Sunday. The Volo Ladies' Aid society will hold a bazaar at the church on Friday, Dec. 5. F. Rossdeutscher and Miss Ruby Peterson were oyer to Wauconda Friday evening. Lee Huson and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. Croaker of Libertyville Sunday. Men's overalls, work shirts, underwear, shoes and rubber foot wear at Erickson's store. Rev. E. E. Palmer and family of Wauconda were callers at the home of Miss Ella Moore Sunday. M. E. Church Services The services at the M. E. church on Sunday will be as follows: Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.; morning worship at 11:00 a. m. The pastor's subject will be "A Spiritual Laboratory." Vesper services of song and prayer will be held at 7:30 p. m. Come and enjoy some of the ,/amiliar old hymns and feel a close Christian spirit of friendship. The pastor will speak on "God of the Universe." Samuel J. Harrison, Pastor. Furrier Special attention given to work from a distance, repairing, relining, old sets made • into pretty cape effects, your old coats made into latest belted and flared models, sets for coats and suits, muff work, etc. Remodeled black fur coat for sale. Miss Fannie Goff, . 59 So. Gilford St., SMt ' Elgin, 111. Undergoes Operation JK. .A. Gonway spent a few days this week with his son, Walter K., at St Joseph's hospital. South Bend, Jnd. Walter underwent an operation there Saturday and his many friends will be pleased to hear that he is recovering nicely. i Notice to Hunters Hunting and trespassing is» hereafter strictly prohibited on any and «li property owned or supervised by the undersigned. Violators will be promptly prosecuted. Martin Bros. Ed. NortRku to Hunters Public notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing is hereafter strictly forbidden on my premises Violators will be prosecuted. Peter -F. Miller. Read The PMndealer and posted on local happenings. T * --7 M:' * ^ , ; I"-' ' • • 1 >' - 1 " \ ti \ /> ; Many a real pleasure is postponed or missed entirely for r the want of a \ yFhat trip you have wanted to make, the things you to pursue your hobby, a hundred ways in which ' ^pur life may be triade more complete, will be within reach if you have ;a little surplus money set aside. Qr perhaps there are pleasures that you want to giva. .Others. "Get more out of life by adding to your lAVINGS ACCOUNT" with the HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS The Sweetest Story Ever Told You need think of nothing but the song and the joy of singing it--if you have a Gulbransen player piano. The Gulbransen is so easy to play. It seems to understand. It responds to your story. It helj-S you tell your story--sympathetically and without effort. The words to be sung each moment are always before your eyes as the roll unwinds-- printed on the roll. Vou cannot "lose the place." No notes to read; no fingering to practice. The Gulbransen does all that for you--and makes no mistakes. You have never tried a player that is so responsive to the lightest pedal touch. Or one from which you can get such delicacy of expression. ..'If you would, love to Mag without the drudgery of playing, go in and try a Gulbransen at our dealer's store. You'll know him because he shows the baby at the pedals in his windows. Gulbransen player piano with mandolin attachment. N. A. HUEMANN, WEST McHENRY PLUMBING AND HEATING bY--- Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER I'hystcxan and Surgeon McHENRY, ILLINOIS Office over Petesch's Drug Store JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS Phones, McHenry; Jol sburg 625-R-2 HOURS--McHENRY 10:30 a. m. to 12 noon 7:30 p.- m. to 8:30 p.> B|t HOURS--JOHNSBURG ^ 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. iff. 12:00 to 1.30 p. m. 5:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION (UVEN TO; THE SALE OF Dreaaed Beef, riutton. Hogs, VmI, Pwtfhy* Hide*, Etc., Butter and Egg*1 ThU is the oldest bonne on the street Tag* <M»d prfc» Nat* f*x»t»hed «n application. COLI) STOKAOK FRKK sun i a 3. PMNM M. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. WhoUiaU Market. Piano Tuning! Over 25 years' experience in factory and on concert stage insures you complete satisfaction. > Adam S. Jfung Phone 12 353 Lincoln Ave. WOODSTOCK, ILL. Boys' School Shoes ? The excellent quality of our boys' shoes offered in this selling will be apparent at a glance. You will like the material, style and fit. They are well made by expert workman. Pex; pair .$3.50 JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY V1 i1 ,£»?:• A • - p<" . : *3 Jx | ;{ •m •iM ' - ALFORD H. POUSB Attomey-at-Law 'Phone 26 West McHenry, HL M Tcleph--» N«l ltMt ,i;" SIMON STOFFEL ^ 4 Iaaorance ageat for all dMMi «t ; - pwpw.ty in the &§& WB8T MeHKNlT, . » ~ j'% ' •