•5 • 'V , ... business AXtado, O they will pass Hie Yuletkle as the guests of relatives. transacted Chisago Monday. Percy Lodts of Chicago passed Sunday as the guest of home folks. MAWiiny «ilni i-l ikitHlw, ofU alli tMk» nt^bhitHn a•(M thel iwuoir ld. j; carry • y*ariy tniic k> nek jntkr Uu lk»t of aay otWr couatiy tkat tWa U MV ao Uau tor raaftii- ML. hM,tkt tr«C( of »ay two aotloao nor bo com- IW. ud still it 4o» lot oMMadi tfc« coaaarc* of Aatnc* kont Aawteu r«Uw*7*. ,tf --Vnifd Sraiif tnanr Ctmmlmt. : Ask Any Doughboy Who J., Was "Over There" . md he will teU you that American railroadsaWS the best in the world. He saw the foreign roads--in England and Prance, the best in Europe -- and in other Con- ; tinental countries -- and he knows. Hie part railroads have played in the development of the United States is beyond measure. American railroads have achieved high standards of public service by far-sighted and courageous investment of capital, and by the constant striving of managers and men for rewards for work Jljjell done. 1 We have the best railroads in the world -- we -Iftust continue to have the tiMt*i1 ----- But they must grow. To the $20,000,000,000 now invested in our railroads, there will have to be added in the next few years, to keep pace with the nation's business, billions more for additional tracks, stations and terminals, cars and engines, electric power houses and trains, automatic signals, safety devices, the elimination of grade crossings -- and for reconstruction and engineering economies that will re* 4uce the cost of transportation. * J| To attract to the railroads in the future the investment funds of many thrifty citizens, the directing genius of the most capable builders and managers, and the skill and loyalty of the best workmen -- in competition with other industries bidding for capital, managers and men -- the railroad industry must hold out fair rewards to capital, to managers and to the men. , ? j American railroads will continue to set world Standards and adequately serve the Nation's needs i they continue to be built and operated on the American principle of rewards for work well-done. &hi^adv(fiiimefd^ flm dstirinj imfirmatim wmotmi tk* railrtai titmmtitm mmg oUmi* litmtmr* kg writxn§ to The Attotim ** ^wj I•I-M>»N P^r EF> «< •M Avl|wl'V,. M. | VI » -* tMWv w MIf 9--TS1« tar5 % mmmm mmmm "Shubert" will pay these extremely high prices for Illinois Fars [nlXTM URGE N°1 LARGE Ipmio iumftc \ s xtra to average N?l MEDIUM N°1 SMALL | N9 2 I CXTfUTO AVeRA'.f I fXTRA TO AVOtMC INN MR « WMnrJ MUSKRAT ISItiiQO ISililM m to 3.00 2£5 to 235 2.75 to 2.50 2L2S to 1^85 t i t > IN i Fine, Dark Usual Color Pale 2ZJQ0I»18.00 15.00tol2.00 ll.OOto 9.00 16J0ts 13.00 ll.OOto 9.00 8.00 to 7.00 11.00 to 9.00 8.00 to 6.50 6.00 to 5.00 i25 to 100 1.75 to US 8.00 to 6.50 6.00 to 5.00 4.50 to 4.00 1.7S bl.2S 1.51 to MM 8.00 to 4.00 6.00 to 3.00 450 to2i0 S K.U N K «»»a\ TiIOt tAUVCUHAKOHt |T > 1TL OA SRVGtWEa I; r»»Nga? I tSoM AAVCLOLA »f 1 AGSO fO DUNPRIHE Hit 0 QtMlfTY Short pROM NAME. r; lSJOOti 12.00 lQOOto 8i0 8.001* 7.00 S.OOto 4.00 11.00 to 9.00 8.00 to 7.00 6.50 Is 5.50 330 to 3.00 8.50 to 8.00 6.50 to 6.00 5.25 to 4.75 2.50 to 2.00 7.50 to 6.50 5.75 to 5.00 4.50 to 4.00 1.75 to 1.00 7.00 to 4.00 5.00 to 2.50 4.00 to 2.00 liOls .75 Dept 560 .ft. F.D.J J3QX N?. STATE ,COUNTY_ THE LARGEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN AMERICAN RAW FURS 15-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE CHICAGO, U.S.A. Ir Additional Personal Miss Eleanor Kinsnln passed last Thursday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. L. B»g« (We Chicago visitors Friday.* Martin Knox boarded tfee Chicago train Tuesday morning. , . Mr. and Mrs. John P. Weber were Chicago visitors Monday. Theo. Schiessle was a Chicago passenger Tuesday morning. Wm. Rothermel was a Chicago passenger Monday morning. Albert Barbian boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning. ,u C. G. Berner attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. Ray Martin was among the Chicago passengers Monday morning. Fred Schoewer was among the Chicago passengers Monday morning. E. Hunter and son, Everett, were metropolitan city visitors Tuesday. J. F. Miller and son, Theodore, passed, Tuesday in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Frett of Auapa were guests of McHehry reifcOTes Tuesday. Miss Rose Worts passed a cottple of days last week as the guest of Elgin friends. Miss Julia May passed several days this week as the guest of her brother, Frank, at Sycamore, 111. Frank May of Sycamore is spending a few days as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May. Mrs. Wm. Bonslett passed three days last week as the guest of her sister at the North Shore hotel in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and daughter, Charlotte, were called to Rockfbrd Tuesday by the serious illness of the former's father. •' Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Sohm of Chicago spent the week end at their beautiful summer home, "Som Mer May Lodge," on the banks of Fox river. County Medical Fee Bill Effective on and after Nov. 1, f919 Office calls, minimum, $1.50; office iiight calls, minimum, $2.00; day calls, in city. limits, $2.50; night calls, in city limits, $4.00; calls, outside of city limits, 50 cents per mile plus city charge; consultation, $10.00 plus mileage if out of the city; anesthetics, minimum, $10.00; life insurance examinations, minimum, $2.00; vaccinations, $1.50; certificates, accident, insurance, etc., $1.00; ordinary labor cases, inthree (3) and four (4) in number twenty-seven (27), being located in and being a part of the ^putheast fractional quarter of section number twenty-six (26) in Township number forty-five (45) North of Range number eight (8) East of the third principal meridian; also a part of the said southeast fractional quarter of said section number twenty-six (26) bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the most westerly corner of said lot number four (4) in said block number twenty-seven (27) and running thence south twenty-three (23) degrees west sixty-six (66) feet; thence south sixty-seven (67)' degrees east, parallel with the southerly line of said lot number four (4) four hundred and sixty-five (465) feet to the west bank of Fox rivpr, thence northerly along said west bank of Fox river, to the most southerly corner of said lot number four (4); thence north sixty-seven (67) degrees west, along the southerly line of said lot number four (4) four hundred and forty-five (445) feet to the place of beginning, all situated, lying and being in the Village of McHenry in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois. Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Clear Title Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a wit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 12th day of January, A. D. 1920. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 6th day of December, A. D. 1919. Theo. Hamef, Celrk. (Circuit (Court Seal) 26-4t F. B. Benentt, Solicitor State of Illinois) McHenry County)ss. In the Circuit Court of MeHenry] County, State of Illinois, January | Term, A. D. 1920. Joseph C. Holly and Ethel M. Holly, and the Firs* Universalist I Church of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, by | its Trustees. Complainants.' vs. , The unknown heirs or devisees of | Horace Long, deippil; unknown \ Heirs or devisees of Algflpbder H. Nixon, declMWd; unkMOTI heirs or devisees of Alfred L. Basse, decsasid; unknown heirs or deviates of Baur, deceased; unknown heirs or devisees of Samuel H. WaHfer, deceased; unknown heirs or devisees of George Wooster, deceased; unknown heirs or devisees of Elizabeth Dimmel, deceased; unknown heirs or devisees of Jacob Barbian, deceased; Clara B. Owen, Olive Owen Wright, Raymond H. Owen, Mary Cornelia Waite, Donald Brown, Clarence Brown, Dorothy Brown, John Barbian, Nicholas Barbian, Anna Mullen, Anton Barbian, (Mary Barbian and Walter C. Evanson, Defendants. Bill to Correct Title. General Number 19785. Notice is hereby given that the jabove is the title of the Court and the names of parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its of W« St»J Statfl the 12th day of Jan- Roo Coiftty of nois, on Mi nary, A. D. IfiO. In testimony whern f I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock, this 5th day of December, A. D. 1919. Theo. Hamer, Clerk. (Circuit Court Seal) •>, State of Illinois) ">*T estate 'and' my administration Itipereof, at which Lime and place may be present^and resist such appi; cation, if you choose sp. to do. y Dated at West McHenry this 17th day of December, A. D. 1M9. " H Alford H. Pouse, Administrate*. ^dministrater's Notice < %lford H. Pouse, Atty. Estate of Mary Bechtell, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Mary Bechtell, deceased, late of tho (County of McHenry and State of Illi- McHenry County) ss. • tfeP *"/? Estate of Qarrie Brehm, deceased. To Bertha Webb Sherman, Geraldine Webb, Betty Swendson, Edward jaoiR> hereby gives notice that he will Brehm and to all whom this may eon before the cern: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 2nd day of Februray, A. D. 1920, I, as the administrator of the estate of Carrie Brehm, deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, my final report of my acts and doings as such administrator, and ask the court to be discharge from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with appear County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the February Term, en the first Monday in February next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned Dated this 5th day of December, A. D, 1919. 26-St Joseph C. Holly, Administrator. Mil MS m. VVafc.'. >• ' 'i-v IN: eluding two after calls, $25.00; com- Horace Long, authorized agent and plicated labor cases, extra charge, $51 commission^P for the County of Mcand up; labor cases outside of city I Henry in the State of Illinois, de limits, city charge plus mileage for ceased. the unknown heirs or devisees case and two after calls/ full |0f Rufus Soules alias Rufus Souls, decharge for more than two after calls; ceased; the unknown heirs or devisees detention in labor cases, extra charge Lf Ursula Soules alias Ursula Souls, after four hours; small ppx, scarlet leased; the unknown heirs or defever, diphtheria, epidemic meningitis vigeeg of Christopher Walkup, deand infantile paralysis cases, 50 cents |ceaaedj the unknown heirs or devisees extra per call; cases between 9 p. m. Lf g^an £>. Wooster, deceased; the and 6 a. m are night calls. An extra I unknown heirs or devisees of James chaste is made for medicine furnished. Jq Wooster, deceased; the unknown John Knox Dead Iheirs or devisees of Cornelia S. Woos- Just before going to press we learn Iter, deceased; the unknown heirs or of the death of John Knox, which oc-'devisees of Julia A. Carey, deceased; curred at his home at the foot of Cen ter street, near the old race track, on the West Side, early Wednesday morn- of McHenry in the State of Illinois; ing. The deceased had been in declining health for many months past. Obituary next week. Borden's Complain The ice being harvested at the big, . , _y _ ,. , . Borden houses in this village has been W. E. Smi , . uc an^ . irv tin.;^ Laura Thompson, Abbie three days. This condition makes Lillian Hamson, Mrs Joe progress in the houses very slow. 'Hatfield, Katherine Harrison, Albert | F. B. Bennett, Solicitor State of Illinois) These extremely high prices are based on the well-known "SHUBERT" liberal grading and are quoted for immediate shipment. No. 3, No. 4, and otherwise taferiorskinsathighestmarketvalue For quotations on other Northern Illinois Purs, write for "9I|* Mpdwrt the only reliable and accurate market report and price list its kind published. It's FREE--Write for it. A ahlpneat to "SHUBERT will result in "more money"--"quicker." If yen have no "8BI1EBT TAG ENVELOPES" on hand, cat out tag bdew--paste en piece ef cardboard and attach to your shipment. the unknown heirs or devisees of I Georgiana Wooster, deceased; County j Clara B. Owen, Oliver Owen Wright, Raymond H. Owen, Mary Cornelia Waite, Donald Brown, Clarence Brown, | Mrs. Richard Mills, Julia E. Bishop, E. A. Smith, Theodore H. Smith, J. D. | McHenry County )ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, January Term, A. D. 1920. Louis Wrede and Gertrude Wre^e Complainants vs. The unknown heirs or devisees of Horace Long, authorized agent and commissioner for the County of Mc Henry in the State of Illinois, de ceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Rufus Soules alias Rufus Souls, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Ursula Soules, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees Nathaniel C. Kimball, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Charles McClure, deceased; the un known heirs or devisees of Benjamin Brown, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Horace Loney, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Christopher Walkup, de ceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of John W. Smith, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Ddrothy Owen, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Laura Owen, deceased, Louis Hauk alias Louie Hauk, Julia Hauk, the unknown heirs or devisees of Joseph Hauk alias Joseph Hank, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of George Wooster, dethe unknown heirs or devisees of Joel H. Johnson, deceased; the unknown Jieirs or devisees of Joshua Harvey, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of B. F. Bosworth, deceased; County of McHenry in the State of Illinois, Cynthia Freyer, William E. Whiting, Bell W. Merker, Elizabeth Whiting, Lois D. Senne, Elizabeth Lindsay, George W Owen, Charles S. Owen,' Edward Owen, Oliver N. Amy Chappel, Mary A. Schnorr, Nizza D. Holly, and the unknown owner or owners of the following described real estate, to-wit: Sub-lot number one (1) of lot number two (2) of the County Clerk's Stratton, Carrie Joslyn, Ray W. Mead, ] Myrtle Rogers, Ella Morey, Clara Harrison, Lulu Colby, Roy Colby, Nina I Conn, Etta Cresch, Mable Hatfield, Clara B. Miller, Ellena Burke, Lorena Stratton, Clyde B. Smith, Lewis E. Smith, Howard Buckland, Ella G. Gratton, Laura Dixon, Adelbert Whit-1 ing and the unknown owner or owners of the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots number five (5) and eight (8) in block number twenty-one (21) of the original plat of the Village of McHenry on the West side of Fox river, said block being located in lage of McHenry, in the County of | McHenry in the State of Illinois. Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Clear Title Notice is hereby given that thel above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been and being a part of the Southeast fractional quarter of section number twenty-six (26) in Township number! forty-five (45) North, Range eight (8) East of the third principal meridian, I situated, lying and being in the Vilissued to the Sheriff of said CouH returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, Coun- [ ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 12th day of'January, | A. D. 1920. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of I said Court, at my office in Woodstock | this 6th day of December, A. D. 1919. Theo. Hamer, Clerk. (Circuit Court Seal) 26-4t I Alford H. Pouse, Solicitor. State of Illinois) . *' : McHenry County)sg., ; In the Circuit Court of McHenry I County, State of Illinois, January ] Owen, Lewis Owen, | Term, A. D. 1920. Peter J. Heimer and Kate Heimer,| Complainants. vs. Unknown heirs or devisees of Sam-1 uel S. Greenleaf, deceased; unknown plat of Iheirs 6r devisees of John L. Potter,] block number twenty-seven (27) of the original plat of the village of Mc Henry on the West side of Fox river; said County Clerk's plat being recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Block 2 of plats on page 40; also lots • 4 • '• f - deceased; unknown heirs or devisees of Stilman Colby, deceased; unknown heirs or devisees of Leroy M. Boyce, deceased; unknown heirs or devisees of George Day, deceased; unknown heirs or devisees of Lodema Long, de- BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY jC HRISTM AS -AND"--•-- Happy New Year • .-Gee &CnNWftY M?HENRY, ILLINOIS A Safe Sensible Investment - v * in Y<njr Own Local Public Service Company % We have a plan which will enable you to save money in a systematic way and at the same time acquire a profit-sharing interest in your own local public utility. For a limited period customers and employes of this company may purchase 6% Preferred Stock in the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois On Convenient Payments This is your opportunity to put a big corporation to work for yoti--to receive a regular income from a safe, dependable investment in addition your earnings from work. i ' " i ' 'r ' ' . Only $5.00 Down and $5.00 Per Month Per Share i makes you a stockholder in this big, successful growing enterprise. Here; is an investment you can easily handle. Your dividends at the rile at $6 per year per $100 share start at the time of purchase--you know yOw principal is absolutely sale. » ' Not More Than 5 Shares Sold To any One Subscriber on the Above PUui •I :% Just a suggestion--Why not purchase a. few sharfes dt this stock as a Christmas gift to yourself or some member of your family? Cpuld anything be more acceptable? - " Price $100 per share as fixed by the IlKnoli tftltttfes O^ttfttrissten A t • ^ / Get all the details of thia wooderfnl investment inquiry V>lOlipOO opportunity today at the local office of the company or at your bank. Don't wait until all the stock Is eoW. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois Date Public Serviee Co. of Nortfcsra IlHnals McHenry, Illinois. I would like to receive further information about' the Public Service Company and the stock you offer on easy payment*. Name - «;»• Address City ...... m *. • ; V, u - C - . ' . •* - 1