• , itrntrnm ;' '**/$£ V"', ^•; ;"£^S: •>r^4?'V> ,k." * ,. - >v '">'.i « •"< i^', --FOR-- Ihugs and Patent Medicines ^va©1 -. }. •- y, t ' V - ' * iptWN, H. PETESCH; DRUGGIST R. E. HABGER Auctioneer SOME OF THE GOOD ONES Ml 1 Hull Calf--Sir Aaffie Clorndia, No. 27462S. Porn March 22, 191t. N«l 2--Big Baggie and Calf, which will be one month old day of sale No.' 3--A part of tin Mf herd of Holsteins. No. 4--Bull Calf-^-Kinc pantUe Nancy, No. 287995. Born D*c. 22. 1918. As I am going to move to my own farm and find that I am over stocked. I will sell at public auction all of my Grade Holsteins, 4 horses and a quantity of farm material, on the Wingate farm, 4% miles northeast of Crystal Lake, 4% mites south of McHenry, 2 miles west of Burton's Bridge, % mile oast of the Terra Cotta works, and % mile south Barreville school house, on the Elgin road, commencing at 1^0 o'clock . m. sfiarp, on j > . MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1929 >. being afe follows, to-wit: • . 50 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 50 •.. ^ , consisting of •. 28 MILK COWS 28 / All of these cows are of my own raising and are bred for production. They have a great strain of blood of such famous sires as Sir C|»thilda Paul Beets, Karel Olivia Korndyke Dieuwirtje, King Segis Pontile, and leading bull of herd K. K. S. V. Concordia Pontiac. Come and buy these cattle. They are wonderul individuals, of the dairy type, .bred for production. , ' REGISTERED YOUNG STOCSt-- Heifer, 16 months old. . >, 2 Bulls, full blood, *iyA one Boll Calf. Boll Calf, Sir A aggie Clorndia, No. 874623. Born March 22, 1919, shown above. Bif Baggie and Calf, which will be one month old day of sale, shown above. " ^ Bull Calf---King Pontiac Nancy, No. 287995. Born Dec. 22, 1918, shown above. £ Bull Calf. Born Sept. 31, 1919. igible to registry. i* mIUI® FOUR HORSES yrs, old, wgt. 1350 Bay Gelding, 8 yrs. old, wgt. 12M Bay Colt, 3 yrs. old, w|L 1250 "" Bay Buggy Horse, 8 yrs. old, wgt. - 1090 5 TONS OF TIMOTHY HAY 14 PIGS. WGT. 90 TO 100 $ACH .wMi lii.jiii.'.i iniiiiiiiiji ti't*.. LBS. 12 TONS OF CLOVER AND TIMOTHY HAV STACK OF CORN FODDER MACHINERY J> Milk Cans, Deere Cultivator, 3 Disc Pulverizers--one is a 16-disc Janesville, two are 12-disc Deere; set of Drags behind pulverizer, 2 Gang Plows, Moline, nearly new, with two extra 12-inch plows; Emerson 2-Plow Gang Plow, Milk Wagon, 38-Can, home-made, nearly new; Sod Plow, Surrey, Road Cart, Shoveling Board, McCormick Corn Binder, Set of Light Harness, Stock Wagon, Letz Grinder, Emery 13tone Grinder, Kerosene Stove, 2 Mantle Lamps, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Good Free Lunch at Noon. Smokes For Everybody ' TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that •mount a credit of 6 months will be given on good bankable notes at 7 per mt interest. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. M. KARPIS, LTNKIHCH ARBS AND F. H SC HROEWER, Clerks. PHILIP JAEGER -« UENERAL COHMtSSION MERCHANT SPBOIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TH1 SAUK OF '• • >•, 1 'I Dressed Beef, flutton, Hofs, Veal, Parftrj, :j' M ' Hides, Etc,, Buttor and Eyp * :V-,. This is the oldest hoqae og the street, Tags aad prioe Hate faimlshed.oft iMHflftttoa. I<: COLD STOKAUK FREh 1 * a, mm iC * CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ALFORD H. POUSE TV Atisiasj-at-Law . X. p 5 «, \ •• Tslepheae New 1M-B SIMON STOFFEL agent for all rinse-- of in the WEST MeHBNRY, niiNoia SOLON MILLS , ' Staple and fancy groceries* at L. A. Ericsson's. Chicago Monday. Mrs. Reuben Turner has been numbered with the sick. E. E. Cropley from Chicago Sunday Mrs. Mary Aubert sons from Chicago Sunday. John Krumpen was a caller in town Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gardner and family spent Sunday in the Wm. Overton home. Mrs. Glenn Jackson spent Thursday afternoon last in the Wm. Merchant home. Mrs. Hannah Yonke of Williams Bay is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Vogel. Mrs. Grace Jackson and son, Lyle, attended the movies at Spring Grove Sunday evening; Richard Aylward and daughter have been under the doctor's care the pastr week, being victims of the flu. Mrs. Chas. Vogel and Mrs. Victor Aim went to Chicago Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. John Anderson. A large crotfri attended the John Gilihs auction south of. town last TKUrsday, the sale amounting to $4,200. Mrs. Russell Turner Mid children and Miss Vera Turner returned home Sunday evening from Janesville, where they spent, several days the past week. Misses Lucy and Maizie Rosing of Round Lake attended the leap year dancing party given here last Wednesday evening. Ed. Aylward of Hebron and Wm. Aylward of Spring Grove spent last Thursday afternoon with their father, Richard Aylward. "lUNGWOoil; : Lewis Hawley was home Tuesday. Rev. Collins was in town Monday evening. Jus. Conway of Harvard .was in town several days iast week. Miss Arlene Harrison of Mcllcnry was a Saturday visitor with friends in town. Ed. Hopper spent several days last week in the home of his son, Clarence, at Ridott, 111. Misses Pearl and Lelah Claxton of McHenry spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Geo. Shepard. Mrs S. W. Brown passed Saturday as the puest of her mother, Mrs. James McDonald, at McHenry. M rs. Ray Barthloff of Richmond has been spending several days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jencks of McHenry spent Sunday with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens. Mrs. Alma Thomas of McHenry came Sunday for a several weeks' visit in the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Rainey. The M. W. A. installed their officers last Saturday night. After the installation came an oyster supper, to which .all did ample justice. Mrs. Mary Smith and son, Clifford, of McHenry wetfe in town one day last week arid went from here to Solon to visit the letter's brother, Chas. Haldeman, and family. Almost every home in town has some sick ones. Some families are all sick, among which are the Ed. Thompson family, Harold Whiting family, Joe Stilling faqaily and the Brefeld family. OSTBND Fruit and vegetables at Erickson's. Little Olga Prahl is quite sick with a cold and unable to attend school. Ostdick brothers and their- sister spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. McBroom. Mrs. Hila Thomas returned Monday from a week's visit with her daughter at Woodstock. John McBroom and wife are both afflicted with colds, but not serious. Baby Burton is luckier than the parents, he is not afflicted. Fred R. Eppel returned from his southern Illinois trip last week Tuesday. He reports less snow in La- Salle county than here. Someone has tired of the old dilapidated horse shed on our school grounds and taken it down and piled up the lumber. We all ought to say thanks. Henry Hobart and wife took advantage of the good roads last week Thursday and had a sleigh ride to Woodstock, the last of the good roads, as they filled with snow next day. Rural carrier No. 1 from West McHenry did not reach all of us last Saturday and carrier No, from Woodstock had to make a part of the trip thru fields, the first such luck this winter. TERRA COTTA George P. Bay was a visitor Chicago last Wednesday. v John Grant was the guest of friends in Crystal Lake Friday evening. Miss Eleanor and Howard Phalin were callers in Crystal Lake Saturday. Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove spent the first of the week at Fra McMillan's. Mrs. Stella Peck spent the lat part of last week with Chicago wis fives and friend9. Raymond J. Riley of Indianap< > spent several days recently with h? parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan vis ited at t|le home of Mr. and Mrs. A P. Peck near Ridgefield last Thais day. Misses Eva McMillan and Marion Shales spent Friday evening with friends at Crystal Lake and. attendee high Florence Enfik* $J»ent Saturday evening and Sunday at the Jas. Gam r >1 home at Crystal Lake and atte; ;d a card >arty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Malone. ll.nst week's delayed letter] S. B. Leisner has been on the sick list during the past week. Arthur C. Sewell spent Sunday with his mother at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaebe and family spent Sunday at Geo. Nelson's. Miss Florence KnOx spent Saturday with relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wingate visited at Charles Mason's Sunday. Allen Cleary of South Dakota is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Frances Knox of Woodstock spent the week end at her home hero. Dr. A. I. Froehlieh of McHenry has been a professional ealler here during the pest week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sund and children of HotcombvUle visited relatives near here Sunday. Mrs. Stella Peck is spending several days in Elgin, being called there by the illness of her daughter. JOHNSBURG" Miss Clara Merles passed last week as the guest of her sister/ Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer. Mesdames Geo. Nell and J. H. Huemann passed last Thursday as the guests of Mrs. John T£ertes. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Blake of Pistakee Bay spent Sunday evening as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michels. Mesdames Geo. Nell, John Mertes and J. H. Huemann passed last Thursday evening as guests of Mrs. Arnold Mueller. OASSIFIED DEPARTMENT WA vn-'l)--Managing housekeepe r and two or three maids. Address The Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 33-lt FOR SALE--A car. Good as new office. 1919 Ford touring Inquire at this 81 tf FOR SALE--A modern seven room house.' Desirable location. Inquire at this office. 81-tf FOR SALE--A quantity of sawed, dry wood, $7.00 per ton. Henry Ahreno, phone S3-J, West McHenry, 111. 29-St FOR SALE--Two-year-old full blood Holstein bull. Also 50 bushels spring wheat for seed. Robt. Vogt, Ingleside, 111. 33-lt* FOR SALE--One set'runner attachments for carriage or high wa^on. Inquire of E. E. Bassett, West McHenry, 111. 33 FOR SALE--Emperial ringlet strain Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels and cocks; also pearl guineas. Inquire of P. M. Freund, McHenry, HI. Phone 680-M-2. 27-tf FOR SALE--Five 6-ft. extension tables, 2 new baby beds, a number of dining room chairs and a number of other article*. Inquire of F. O. Gans, McHenry 111,. 33 FOR SALE--A few choice Poland China gilts, bred for March and April farrow. Bred to Gerstdales Pimm, No. 369571, a grandson of the Gerstdales Jones, a $6,000 boar. James Hunter, West McHeury, 111. Phone 613-J-l. 28-tf FOR SALE--The brick residence known as the Schnorr homestead in McHenry, in fine condition inside and out, large grounds, sightly location and an ideal home. Will accept lih- (b Shoulders All Baking Cares ^hen. CALUMET comes in, all baking troubles take quick leave. You go right ahead and mix up baking materials, for biscuits-- --auvthine without fear of uncertainty. Calumet makes you forget failure. CALUMET BAKINO POWDER i it is tits moat 2*. | that there is .can--if you Atrial wiB cunrinc* jrow tfr ^nl^i^S^t^^bsck and get your siooey bade. pinnm* contains only such iagre* dients as have been approved officially by the U. S. rood -Authorities. Tn mvc wbca ROA BAY it. Ym mtc wiien aw •*. HIGHEST QUALITY HIGHEST AWARDS .'iirV •<. THE MANin the bank while he has plenty creates a friend In Ac bank to whom he can turn when he has little. Having confidence in this bank begets its confidence in you; and we can't, any of us, get very far on the road to success without giving and receiving confidences. ^ £ This bank has fairly earned your confidence through thirty years of square dealing and helpful service. It will appreciate your account. YOUR BUSINESS STARlfe should have the backing and advice of a strong, experienced bank. This bank has established a -record for helping young business men to succeed. Ask our depositors. •M BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS Where Will McHenry In order that its customers and employes might enjoy the advantages of owning stock in this big, growing company, the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois decided, at a recent meeting of its board of directors, to place on sale a block of its 6% Cumulative Preferred stock, on a savings v |lan basis, giving it the advantage of having you as a stockholder in the ^Company. Telephone Us Today, And Our Representative Will Call on You Immediately 4L FEW weeks ago this unusual offer was first announced. Today you hear it discussed on every hand. Folks are realizing the opportunity that is open to them. They are talking about it They are taking advantage of it $5 down and $5 a month for stock in such a large and well established company as the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois is a money-saving and money-making opportunity that is seldom equalled. Folks are asking one another, "Have you bought?" Where at first it was a matter of personal gain, it has now become a matter of civic pride as well. Folks are wondering how McHenry stands among the 200 cities and towns served by the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. They are asking: "Has McHenry proved its progressive spirit? Will McHenry go 'over the top"with the largest percentage of customer-stockholders of all the cities and towns served by the Company?" McHenry surely should go "over the top." But it is up to each individual customer Jyf the Company. It is up to YOU! Surely--if you have not already done so-- you are going to take advantage of this remarkable opportunity. You will scarcely miss the small sum of $5 a month. Yet think what it will mean to you in the end! You will be financially interested in your oWn local public utility. You will own stock in a company which has been doing business for years--a company whose services are absolutely essential to the welfare and growth of two hundred thriving cities and towns. Your money will be as safe as in a bank, and it will earn 6% for you! The company has payed dividends on this stock regularly since its organization. You will receive dividends of $6 per year on every share you buy. Because the allotment of stock to be sold on this plan will soon be gone, we advise you to act now. Phone us or call at our local office today or at your bank for full particulars. Increase your own income and at the same time help put McHenry "over the top!" Sincerely yours, (Signed) L. C. STEPHENS* Division Superintendent Inquiry Coupon Ditto Public Sorrfce Co. of Northern Illinois Crystal Lake, Illinois. I would like to receive farther information about the Public Service Company and tips stock yon offer on easy payments. Name Address Gity • ••»*«>«•» < Price $1H per share as fixed by the Illinois Public Utilities Commission. Special terms to customers and employes of $5 down and $i a month per share. Not more than five shares to any one subscriber. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois iZ,uJ&P: Inflated, Inflamed oc erty bonds for part and arrange terms to suit on balance. Also store building in West McHenry, center of best businesf block, suitable for any kind of business, auto accessories or bakery, etc. F. J. Schnorr, 518 Broodway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 83 Ninety Per Cent of Motors in cars for 1920 use some type of Hot Spot to vaporize the gasoline. Why not make your car up to date with a Losee PROTECT-O- MOTOR "Hot Spot?" See your local dealer or write , J. S. LOSEE, * flEBRON, ILL. 1 1 ' v. " >1 'fl -i - fir: .3 'A > . 'i/vfc,-.. »*•» , "OiK fit « * ***> . ... m - - .-V