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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1920, p. 7.

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WW mm at have it ready for occupancy at the inning of the summer season. builder, has been awarded the tract for the building of the new house to be erected by "the "Gtimj w ^ m ; ?#r y* i k, n?--- ?n,.? T>-Trf" 4rlt V' ' - lS-" ft **' Ngf ^ i + :•», fe'Ste* 1#." .j X^-,' /' •:i-1-' fll-r:b:' .v»_ i- ~ •'V-sfrj ' , «» "". ,y>V" C*" * . •'• ""T.; ^ 'I t .4 ^ ^ . .... . . vk$t& **:-. K&' -*:;.•& %&$ $': 'W *; W&l- *: T «* •; 1 i '1 / ' • /, *•• *t^' ** '® , •" tf^i ' * f, i' < *" "*• '* * <^k v-J *>' .*>^ •'* i"? -"^*s *-*?T '*'•£. v '»' ~ < \*.\ >»«:& % •» «' *.. j, f ifeiO- ;-2 W"* >T > \AfV- - ?V -"v V>e 4- .r 'room: EE-w N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST -THE-- Gas Range of Today Radio-X - • /1 GasUgty u;;• Gas Ranges Simplex Ironers Room Heaters Humphery Hot Water Heaters Hot Hates Laundry Stoves Waffle Irons Gas Toasters ff"'|,'g;'4g' '" & * *£ - *: '•**** I \ %* , -T: . • _••}..,tafe.'j-.v'; •: y-v/r^Sf ••-"-:•< ^ Around tlie kifclien stove centers most of the work of the busy housewife today." _ ' >• ^ '-v" • • She should be pfoviderf wfth one of the elevated oven type ranges--finished in enamel. ^ ••>."• 'i*, }. [ Convenient 1cr%p6nrt«i, fStty leept clean--the most heat for the least gas. . . " v. .-• •'- ..-: - ¥# Western United Gas Vii\ ^ ^.ai)d ^ectrip€ompau>K ^ T'H: Cletrac TANK-TYPE TRACTOR t**CUvelciitfl Tractor » Having secured the agency for the Cletrac Tractor and having been assigned a territory covering the whole of McHenry, Nunda, Richmond, as well as a part of Lake county, we hope to be able to demonstrate thiLWiOodeiM morhinp in the very near future. . • -• '•• • Modern farming of today almost demands a tractor and in securing the agency for the Cletrac we believe that we have selected a machine that will fill every requirement of the modern farmer. We hope to have a sample Cletrac on our display floor soon and invite prospective buyers to our place where we will be pleased to explain its merits and give all other information desired. u Watch for our announcement of big pi# * ' . H e d e m o n s t r a t i o n . : V V ; Phone 640-J-2 Agents JOHNSBURG, ILL. COMERS AND GP|B or • W: IN OUK BUST VILLAQB Ai Sew bf Plaindealer Reportcn tad HawM lal» Oar Ofc« % Oar PrieaAi L. Adams was a Woodstock visitor last Thursday. J' C. Bickter was a metropolitan city visitor Friday. R. S. Howard was in Chieago on business last Friday. Dr. D. G. Wells passed Monday with his wife in Chicago. Albert Rossmann of Woodstock was a visitor in town Monday. W. L. Howell transacted business in Chicago last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John J, Barbian were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Wm. Spencer transacted business in the metropolitan city Monday. N. A. Huemann was a business visitor at Woodstock last Thursday. C. F. Norager was among the Chicago passengers Monday morning. F. 0. Gang of Chicago spent Sunday with his wife and family here. Geo. Donavin spent Sunday as the guest of relatives at West Chicago. Mrs. S. II. Freund and daughter, Helen, were Chicago visitors Tuesday, Miss Varina Wentworth. passed Sunday and Monday with Chicago relatives. Everett Hunter, Jr., transacted business in the metropolitan city last Thursday. . „ , Mrs. E. S. Wheeler is spending a few weeks with her mother at Osbkosh, Wis. Miss Mary L. Monroe passed the week end as the guest of relatives at River Forest. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Grayslake were visitors in town the first of the week. 0 S. H. Freund a.ttended to matters of a business nature at the county seat last Thursday. Charles Buss of Chicago was a recent visitor in the home of his mdther, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. John W. Bonslett, a traveling salesman, passed the week end with his wife and family here. Roy Guegler of Evanston was a week end guest in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Samuel J. Harrison. Everett Hunter, Sr., spent the latter part of last week attending to business matters in Chicago. Joseph Kenney of Adrian, Minn., spent last week as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Earl McAndrews. Roy Hankermeyer attended to matters of a business nature in the met ropolitan city the first of the week. Miss Rose Oertel of Chicago was a recent visitor in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oertel P. W. Frett, Geo. J. Schreiner, J. L. May, F. E. Covalt and P. J. Heimer were Chicago passengers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison of Woodstock passed Sunday as guests in the home of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. Wm. Bickler of Chicago was entertained by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bickler, at the McHenry House the first of the week. Misses Christine and Martha May of Woodstock passed Sunday as guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. May. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Frett and children returned to McHenry from Butte, Mont., last Sunday evening, where they have been spending the past several weeks. We understand that Mr. Frett Intends returning to the West. Among those from here who attended the farm meeting at the county seat last Thursday were the fol lowing: F. H. Wattles, Walter J. Walsh, Wm. Bonslett, W. E. Whiting, Thos. A. Bolger, C. W. Gibbs and Patrick McCabe. H. E. Wightman, agent for the Universal lighting system, was a business visitor in McHenry the first of the week. Mr. Wightman's territory takes in the counties of McHenry and Lake and he informed us while in McHenry that he'is already doing a very nice business over in Lake county and hopes to be able to install a number of plants thruout this farming community. H. E. Buch of this village is acting as the local agent under Mr. Wightman. TERRA COTTA Boys* and children's shoes at Erickson's. Mr. apd Mrs. Robert Knox spent Saturday last in Chicago. Miss Florence Knox spent Saturday with relatives in McHenry. John R. Knox of McHenry was a caller here last Wednesday. Leo Conway bf Notre Dame, Ind. is visiting at his home here. Miss Clara Frisby of Dundee spent the week end at her home here. Misses Clara and Agnes Frisby were visitors in Chicago Saturday. Frank Peck of Chicago was a recent guest in the home of Henry McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway of Mc- Henry called on relatives here last Wednesday. John Hart of Cleveland, Ohio, spent the week end as the guest of Miss Eleanor Phalin. George Phalin of Notre Dame University is spending a couple of weeks at his home here Mrs. Nellie Bolger and son, Ed., of McHenry were calling on relatives here last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trudell moved to Woodstock last week, where they I will make their home. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Grayslake passed Sunday as the guests of Xcistuls iii -tlus vicinity. r. a^t^pr* T. A. daughters cifiad on,Mr. and Knox aad finally; Safiday. Miss Vera HslfH of Woodstock visited at the home of her uncle, J. M. ftialin, over the week end. Misses Eleanor PhaHn and Vera Bolger* also John Hart and Albert Foley, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Albert Foley of Cleveland, Ohio, was a guest in the home of his cousin, Mrs. J. M. Phalin, from Friday until Monday. "*• * Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty, son, Neill, and daughter, Nellie, of Holcombville were Sunday visitors at the home of M. Knox. Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, returned last week from the West Side hospital in Chicago, where Eleanor underwent an operation three weeks ago. She is recovering nicely. f . SOLON MILLS ' , A»;.4?.t Wellman spent Monday at Richmond. Get your shoes and hosiery at L. A. Erickson's. Earle Monear «r*B a Spring Grove caller Monday. .' Geo. Vogel transacted business in Chicago Monday. Arthur Auhert was out from Chicago to spend Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sutton were callers in town Monday. Mrs. Reuben Turner spent Friday with friends at Spring Grove: Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Sullivan of. Marengo spent Saturday at the Voge] home. Miss Leona Cropley of DeKalb is home for a few days' visit with her parents here. Mr. Mid Mrs. Reuben Turner and Miss Vera Turner spent last Thursday at McHenry. Mrs. Ed. Cropley returned home from McHenry Sunday, where she had been nursing. Misses Maizie and Lucy Rosing of Round Lake spent Saturday and Sunday at Geo. Vogel's. Lee Turner spent Saturday and Sunday at his home here, returning to Janesville Sunday evening. Messrs. Ed., Frank and Lee Aylward of Hebron were here to attend the Geo. Vogel auction Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ed. Aylward, daughter, Flor ence, and son, Edward, spent Sunday at Richard Aylward's. Mrs. Aylward remained for a few days' visit. Chas. Westlake spent a few days in Chicago last week and attended a banquet for the twenty-seventh infantry at Hotel LaSalle while there. JOHNSBURG , NMk Klein of Spring Grove was a Monday caller here. Father Weber was a Chicago visitor Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Henry Klapperich was a McHenry visitor one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nett moved into the John Klein house on Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Diethorn of Spring Grove was a Sunday evening caller here. Misses Clara and Theresa Mertes called on Miss Clara Freund Sunday. Mrs. Joe Stilling and daughter, were McHenry Choppers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarick moved into the Brits house this week, which they have purchased. Mrs. J. Weber and children of McHenry were guests of Mrs. George Nell Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and children of McHenry were guests of her mother, Mrs. John P. Lay, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schumacher visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund, on the farm Sunday. John Klein will make his home with his daughter, Mrs. George Wirfs, in McHenry, having rented his house to Jos. Nett. Mrs. Peter Freund and two children of Kenosha are visiting her mother, Mrs. John P. Lay, and friends here for a week. Miss Gertrude Williams returned to Spring Grove last Saturday after spending a few days with her parents, relatives and friends here. Miss Theresa Mertes, who is employed by the Chicago Telephone company, came out from the city on Wednesday of last week for a few days' visit with her parents here. OSTEND r Market your eggs at Erickson's. S. S. Rogers sold and delivered a number of fat hogs on Monday last to F. H. Wattles. Henry Hobart and family spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Nina Sherman, and family. The pigs and calves begin to smile already. They are thinking of the nice drink of milk soon to be theirs. We are reliably informed that our neighbor, Tony Freund, and family will soon be the owners of a new Lizzie." Ira Stewart has a brother and his family, recently from Dakota, living in the house with him. His brother will assist with farm worki Frank Kaiser and wife drove over from Woodstock the 17th. Frank attended the Wallis sale and Mrs. Kaiser visited her brother's family. The family that has lived on the Ed. Wallis farm thru the winter moved on Monday last. We are informed they moved to a farm near Greenwood. This spring our school has lost one girl pupil, Sylvia Richardson, and gained four boys, three of P. W. Freund's and Mr. Hoppe's twelveyear- old son. R. H. Richardson finished moving his household goods to Ridgefield on Monday last. The Richardson family have been residents of this place for many years and we regret their decision to leave us. We wish them success. YOLO / Wm. Dillon was over to Wauconda last Thursday. Chas. Roaadeutscher was in Wauconda last Thursday. Mrs. H. Graham and son are staying with Mr. Ruthford and family. Mrs. Wm. Dillon and Dorothy spent Saturday afternoon at Wauconda. Mrs. M. Molidor has purchased the old hotel property of Jake Worts. John Hironimus and family are visiting at the home of F. Hironimus. Mr. and Mra. L. Russell welcomed a baby boy into their home March 18. Miss R'lby Peterson spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Wauconda. Miss Ella Moore attended the banquet at the Wauconda high school last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Benwell and daughter are moving from the farm to ti* Dan Richardson house. Wins Fame In East John Charles Thomas, husband to Miss Ruby Rotnour of Richmond, recently appeared in a song recital at Aeolian and was heard by some of New York City's smart set, including saeh stage stars as Ethel Barrymore, Elsie Janis, Maxine Elliott and Jaae Cowl. The New York Tribune pronounced the recital an emphatic and unqualified success and pronounced Mr. Thomas the best baritone in or out of grand opera. Mr. Thomas recently signed a four year contract calling f >r a salary of $1100 per week. At the present time he is starring in "Apple Blossoms," now playing at the Globe York City. ' theatre, N««r Cariaui of Mflk . Since March 16 a earload' of has been shipped to the Elgin market from this village daily. The milk is being brought in by dairymen residiaft thruout eastern Lake county, who were former patrons of the Grayslake plant, and whose product was refused by the Nestle Food company, who operate the factory in that village. " j'"f Ninety Per Cent of Motors J. S. LOSE 1 in cars for 1920 use some type of Hot' Spot to vaporize the gasoline. Why not make your car up to date with a Losee PROTECT-O-MOTOR Hot Spot?" See your local dealer or ; <E," HEBRON, ILL. "V. AV»v t ' k - * * • . ; • •.£; .f* * ! with the Hoy Banking Co. should pay you a profit iji both money and satisfaction. • * • i We endeavor to handle the account of each customer in a manner which will uieet its particular requirements. , \ V-Ai'-'V ' Si niiMu BANKING McHENRY, ILLINOIS 1* ,1- v-- f*- " •- " V . * LET'S HAVE A LOOK AT«--»-*;"£ FROM ANOTHER ANGLE WeVe blamed the boy for a good many things, especially his knack of "doing up" a suit of clothes in record time--but maybe he isn*t so much to blame after tti. - The things a boy does which give his ;. clothes such strenuous wear ought to be ^ considered when his clothes are made; it jliaa^fatr to triqme him tof beij^ aa.tujE|t» These suits of ours aren't exactly boyproof;. but they'll take a lot of punishment; the f fabrics will resist wear and the seams won't ^ rip, they are made DOUBLE SEAT, DOUBLE KNEE, DOUBLE ELBOW Yo«i can choose from a large selection o| .patterns, Besides these good suits for boys we have a complete line of shoes, hosiery, headwear, blouses, everything a boy wears. 11 / .Mr Gee StCaNwisY McHenry, 111. ;r" I

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