ppup up I^^ISPPPIP MEFIBKTT WIALHDKAXER, MCHEKBY, ELK. kv f ^ ¥, 'f; t;T* '" w - ""**v V,^ .*» ^ j . . . *• . ) : * ' v* ' . « s . t ? i > , . # v ^ ^; rijwNwI.^ ^ #» HEM HE oaCanBe Fr«« from Fein ul Am, if Yoa Doail Did. Buihlhii, lis.--"I Hflknd with - • j m u b c t h r o u g h ay h i p s land nidi a bearling down foelw 11 could not stand on my feet. 11 also had other dis- |:!'iiiMi"Min|jji „ symptoms. At times I had to give up work. I fried a number of remedies but Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound mid I me more good than I anything alaa lam regular, do not suffer the pains I used to, keep house and do all my work. I recommend jour medicine to all who •offer as I did and vou may use my letter as you like."--Mrs. Minnis MiTcb- •X, Harrington, Me. There are many women who suffer as Mrs. Mitchell did and who are being benefited by this great medicine every day. It has helped thousands of women who hare been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, periodic jpains, backache, that bearing •own feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com* Suad contains no narcotics or harmful ugv It Js made from extracts of 'roots and timrbs and is a safe medium for women. If TOU need special advice write Lydia EL Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Making a Start. I heard an amusing story the other fey concerning Sir John Lavery, the famous society artist. It seems that one day he was engaged In painting the portrait of a beautiful but very shy little girl, when he chanced to find a threepenny bit in his color box. "Do you collect threepenny bits?" be Inquired of the child, showing her 4)e coin. "Yeth," she lisped. ... "Here's one for -fflW collection. Mow how many have your* "One," replied the little sitter, •on Tit-Bits. / Den* Forget Cutteura Taioum:. "When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisitely scented fnce, skin, baby ftnd dusting powder end perfume, renflering other perfumes superfluous. Tou may rely on it because one of the Outlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment and SMcnm). 26c each everywhere^ • Adr. Brief Eneounter. "Tou seem much' interested in this photoplay." "Yes. Tou might say that I enjoy a personal acquaintance with the •lar." "Dear me! Tell me how you met hpr." ; Tve never met tier, bat one dssy •hen I was crossing the street In Los Angeles she nearly ran over me in her sport car." -- Birmingham Age- •eral<L f ' the RaOfid PaseloiftA • A submarine attack was on. The Ma heaved and rolled. The destroyers Were dropping depth bombs. The deck 01 the troopship was lined with Yankee •oldlers. All was silent. Suddenly the tension was broken by a small, weary - Isoklng soldier. "Say," he said in a hollow voice, "is there anyone here who wants to buy a nice watch and chain?"--Everybody's Magazine. A brilliant orator Is one who always uses the right word in the right place at the right time. WHAT DOCTOR PIERCE HAS DONE FOR HUMANITY! BY DOCTOR CBIPPS It has always seemed to me that Dr. fierce of Buffalo, N. Y., should be placed near the top when a list of America's great benefactors is written. He studied end conquered human diseases to a degree that few realize. Whenever he found a iwmedy that overcame disease, he at once announced it in the newspapers and told where it could be bought at a small price. Be did not follow the usual custom of jtteping the ingredients secret, so that the w^|sh only could afford to buy. f Savanna, 111.--"I found the neatest satisfaction in taking Dr.. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It us an excellent medicine to give a woman S t r e n g t h . I h a v e taken the Trescrip- ,tion' during expec- ,tancy and afterwards when I was rundown and weak, an . in both cases it proved very benefi- Sal. I was stronger and healthier after Asking this medicine, •nd I take pleasure in -MM. Charles E. Muffin, 1024 N. street. , ; Rockford, 111.--"Last winter I had a Sere bronchial cough, which Dr. Pierce's lden Medical Discovery cured. The relief was so prompt and permanent that I aaa very enthusiastic in praise of the "Golden Medical Discovery.* I also had occasion to use Dr. Pierce's Extract of Smart-Weed recently. It was recommended to me very highly to break up a cold when my friends thought I was SOming down with the influenza, and it SSrtainly did break up my cold, so that t feel sure it warded off a sick spell. In sB my life I have never known any medi- fs to break up a cold so quickly as Dr. rce's Extract of Smart-Weed."--Mrs. E. Lake, 813 Montague St. To stop the pain of Cam. SeataM. CsBeasei. SUrfers. TtraS. Achtefl. SwsBca. Tester feet, use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE The Aatiseptic, Healing Powder to Shake into Tour Shoes sad sprinkle in the Foot-bath. Sold everywhere. Be MSB to set this package o UL M W. H. u7c«lCA©a MO. LEARN AHO QROW HEALTHY cans start Operations In South America to Pro- ;tect U. S. Exporters. REMEDY IS POINTED OUT Manufacturers 8hould Register Their Trademarks With the Govei 9ne Concern Paid $30,000 . Recover Trademark. Buenos Aires.--Dispatehes from the United States stating that the American Manufacturers' Export association had launched a fight against "trademark" pirates in various foreign countries, Including Argentina, were read with interest by the American business colony here, which Is aware of frequent instances of this sort of business meanness. Americans are far from holding Argentina alone guilty of the practice, for the stealing of trademarks has been done here even by Americans flrom their own countrymen, It is said, as well as by Europeans from Americans. Remedy Pointed Out The remedy against It, business sssn say, is for the American manufacturer to register his trademark with the government without delay,' otherwise when he attempts to enter this market he may find that some unknown Individual or competitor In the same line of goods has anticipated him. It is not necessary in Argentina for the person who registers a trademark to be the actual manufacturer of the goodp. That is, anybody can register a trademark, first come, first served. Once registered, the mark can, of course, be used by no one else, and if It has been pirated, the rightful owner either has to sell his products under a new trademark or buy off the pirate. It Is known in the office of the United States commercial attache that $30,000 was paid by one American concern to recover its trademark from a pirate. There are reported to be certain tiv dlvlduals who almost make a business of appropriating trademarks of foreign concerns in order to extort a price for surrendering them to the owner. They watch particularly for advertising in newspapers and magazines of foreign concerns whose products they judge are likely to find a market In Argentina; If they find a likely trademark not registered, they see that it is done In their own names and then wait. They also watch for the expiration trademarks--the period Is ten years. There are known to be Instances In which concerns have thus left their trademarks to a pirate as the result of neglecting to have them renewed. Argentina has yet failed to ratify the pan-American trademark convention, under which a central agency for the ten southern republics of America would be established in Rio Janeiro for the registration of trademarks. A trademark registered there will be good In all other South American countries signatory to the convention and will save time, expense and trouble. The Argentine adminis tratlon is known to be anxious to hav? the treaty ratified, but congress hn~ failed to act. It Is reported that Pros ident Irlgoyen Is preparing a spec!;;! message to congress urging that tb< r> be no further delay In the matter. Erin Sends Lions to Africa. Dublin, Ireland.--Dublin is now exporting lions to South Africa. The Dublin Zoo has a famous 1'on house, where the animals have been successfully bred. It has been able to supply Hons on demand to other zoos in the United Kingdom, but this Is the first time an order has been received from Africa. \ • iAil'll «>l rnoto snows little Miss Minnie Lin, one of the pupils of the open air class of public school No. 5, Brooklyn, N. Y., who learns the three R's while bundled up In blanket and bag. She receives the same Instructions as the children In the enclosed school rooms, but has the b£oe& of the fresh sunny *i* Living\Gost Is Higher Than Ever Food Necessaries Show Advances Up to 4,000 Per Cent Since 1914* CLOTHING AND SHOES UP Official Report From Berlin ^Declares That Middle-Class Struggle for existence Is Hopeless Sugar Is Least Affected. Washington.--A report received here through official channels from Berlin outlines by comparative tnbles of prices of essential commodities in 1914 and 19E0 the advance In the cost of living In Germany since the outbreak of the European war. According to the figures, the cost of living for an unmarried clerk living away from home has risen from 177 marks a mouth In 1914 to 600 marks this year. USING CALIFORNIA'S WATER POWER Within a few years CulL£ornla will be freed from the danger of fuel shortage, for the state's water power Is being developed rapidly, many dams being built along Its waterways. This Is the just completed Kerckoff dam near Fresno, 120 feet high and 400 feet long at the top. Thtf water will operate turbines for the generation of electricity. ' e sctnnl co^t of the essenttnl articles of Uxm for a family of four at present Is estimated at 650 marks a month. Clothing, the report says, is Impossible to purchase at present prices. A suit which In 1914 cost 80 marks d now reported to sell for 1,000 marks, a price Increase of 1,150 per cent. The cost of shoes has Increased over 1.000 per cent. Shoes which In 1914 sold at 15 marks a pair are now bringing 175 marks. Men's shirts which could formerly be bought for 7% marks each are now being sold for 95 marks, a rise of 1.106 per cent. Similar price increases prevail for all essential.commodities, the Increases ranging from 225 per cent for electric current to 1,556 per cent for soap, a piece of soap which before the war cost 30 pfennigs now Belling for 5 marks. The Increase In the cost of food essentials. according to the figures given In the report. Is even m'ore startling The cost of eggs has risen 4,066 per cent, one egg now costing 2% marks Lard comes next, with a percentage Increase of 3.738. Rice, cereals, butter and bacon have Increased In price more than 2,000 per cent. 8ugar Increases Least. The article of food which has increased least In price since 1914 Is suear. which has gone up the comparatively small amount of 316 per cent, "efore the war sugar sold In Germany >r 25 pfennigs a pound. It now rings, the report says, 1.04 marks. vHlk also has retained a low cost In comparison with the tremendous Increases prevailing In most commodities. Its cost has risen 320 per cent According to the report, the average rponthly earnings of the German middle classes are only from 300 to 600 marks. Taking the needs as outlined for existence, the report says, examination of the tables gives some conception of the present hopeless struggle of the middle classes for existence on the meager return of their work. About a third of the entire population of the world speak the Chinese language or Its allied dialects. Girt Sneezed So Hard Eye Popped From Head Sneezing with such violence as to cause her eye to fall out was the experience of Miss Marjorie Pryor of Chester, Pa. The optic was replaced. A'ccordlng to the hospital authorities, It Is not unusual for the eye to be removed for some operations, but to have it forced out by coughing or sneezing Is unique in medical annals. Hiss Pryor has left the hospital, suffering no serious effects from the peculiar experience. Hash? It Just Grows. Warren. O.--When Scout Executive •Ids asked a Warren boy scout for a leflnition of bash in an examination or a cooking merit badge the scout "eplled: "Hash is not made; it just accumulates." He won the medaL Will Fly Across the Pacific Giant Flying Boats Planned for the Trip. Will Cross From California to China, 8,777'Miles, l»"*»W Hope. New York.--Two giant flying boats for the first flight across the Pacific ocehn are being planned, according to the Manufacturers' Aircraft association. These planes will be nearly twice the size of the NC-4, which made the first trans-Atlantic flight. The proposed route lies from Ban Francisco to Hongkong, China, a distance of 7,616 nautical miles, or about 8.777 land miles. Stops will be made at Honolulu, Wake Island, Guam and Manila. The flight has been made possible, the association says, by on Invention of Ed son Gallaudet of East Greenwich, It. L, whereby three Liberty engines are coupled to one 18-foot propeller. The new boats will have three separate power plants, each containing three high compression Liberty englnes, or nine motors to each ship. The boats will he trlplanes with a wing spread of 140 feet, as compared with a spread of 126H feet of the NC boats. Each boat will have a wing area of about 6,000 feet and carry a crew of 16 men. The hulls will be 67 feet long, 22 feet longer than tHat of the NC-4. The cruising radius Is estimated at 2.100 nautical miles, nearly twice that of the NC craft Three high compression motors will drive each of the three propellers. Each unit of three motors will be Installed In a separate nacelle, thus making possible repairs while In flight. Bach propeller will be driven by two motors with one In reserve. Enough gasoline can be carried to permit a cruising radius of 2,500 land miles without stopping. Lady Geddes an American Wife of New British United 8tates Was Born Dobbs Ferry. New York.--Lady Geddes, wife of Sir Auckland C. Geddes, named British ambassador to this country, is an American girt She was born at Dobbs Ferry, and Is the third daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ross, long residents of Staten island. Both came from north of Ireland stock. She was married to Sir Auckland In 1905 In St. Mary's Protestant church, West New Brighton, and shortly after went to live In Edinburgh, where her husband was assistant professor ol anatomy In Edinburgh university. Several years later they went to Dublin to live, and still later to Montreal, where he held a professorship at McGlll university and later became principal. Sir Auckland joined the British forces_at the breaking oat of the war, and Lady Geddes remained In Montreal. He was seriously wounded and invalided home. He was made brigadier general, and, later, knighted. PRETTY FACE CAUSES WRECK Aviator Crashes Into Tree While - Thiowlng Kisses to more Coeds. Swarthmore, Pa.--The Curtiss mail plane R-90, which dropped Into a cluster of trees on the Swarthmore college campus. Is rapidly disappearing at the hands of souvenir hunters An eyewitness furnished an account of 'the mishap. According- to his story the pilot was flying low and waving to a group of coeds. All went well, it is alleged, until he loosened his hold on the controlling rod for the purpose of throwing kisses with both hands., In an instant his plane dropped Into the trees, and It was another case of a pretty face causing (tie downfall of a man. Gorky, Russian Radical, Finds Soviets a Failure Bitter disappointment with bofchevlsm Is expressed In an article recently published by Maxim Gorky, the Russian radical, according to a dispatch from Stockholm, Sweden. "The revolution has not been followed by spiritual revival," the article Is said to declare, "and has proved itself unable to make men more honest. Men in power now are just as brutal as those In authority under the Imperial regime and send as many to prison. Bolshevist leaders, driven by ambition, are performing experiments upon living people, especially the working classes." Another Royal and PASTRIES From the NEW ROYAL COOK BOOK Iliere is no further reason for worrying about tabic variety. The new Royal Cook Book gives new suggestions for every meal every day. The book is so full of .surprises there will never be another dull meal in the home. Here are a few suggestions from the new Royal Cook Book. * . Plain Pastqr This recipe is for one large pie with top and bottom crust 1 cups flour . % teaspoon nalt 3 teaspoons Royil BlWlH Powder •! cup shortening - - cold water Sift together dour, salt a&4 baking powder; add shortening and rub in very lightly with tips of fingers (the leas it is handled the better th« past# 'will be). Add cold water very slowly, enough to hold dough together (do not work or knead dough). Divide In halves; roll out one part thin on floured board and UN tor bottom crust. After pie Is filled roll oat other part for top. Rich Pastry leaps pastry flour K teaspoon Royal Baking Powder U teaspoon salt % cup shortenlBS cold water , * » 81ft flour, baktngr yowder aat aalt; add one-half ahoKMai ROYAL BAKING POWDER AtecitffaAr Ant and nib ftafW; add water slowly until of right consistency to roll out. Divide la halves; roll out one half thla; put on In small pieces half remaining shortening; fold upp«r and lower edges In to center; fold sides in to center, fold sides to center again; roll out thin and put on pie plate. Repeat with other half tor top crust. Apple Pie ltycupeflour l^S teaspoons Royal Bak Powder U teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons shortening 4 apples, or 1 quart sliced apples > tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon milk Sift flour, baking powder aad salt; add shortening and nab In very lightly; add Just enough cold water to hold dough together. Roll half out on floured board, line bottom of pie plate; fill in apples, which have been washed, pared and cut into thin slices; sprinkle with sugar; flavor with cinnamon or nutmeg; wet edges of crust with cold water; roll out remainder of pastry; cover pie, pressing edges tightly together and bake In moderate oven 30 minutes. FREE By all means get the aew Royal Cook Book--Jnst out. Contains these and 400 other delightful, helpful recipes. Free for the asking. Write TODAT to BOYAL BAKING POWTHBl OOl lit PolUm StrMi N«w York City "Bake Wtth Royal aitd be Sure 99 What Are They ' "I see the order has gone forth that human beings are to be enlisted In the army as recruits." "That's all right; but how about the drtll sergeants and second lleutenaAt »r lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freocooe costs only a few cants. With your fingers 1 Tou can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet A tiny bottle of "Freexone" co^ts little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callous. Instantly It stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callous r'ght off, root and all, without one bit of pain or soreness Truly! No humbug!--Adv. LAUGHS AT GREENLAND COLD In His Primitive Abode, Eskimo Dwells In ComYort Through the Monotonous Arctic Winter. Eskimo of Greenland, no matter what his station In life may be, always has both a summer and winter home. The winter house is described by Roger Pocock in the Wide World Magazine as being a dugout with an upper structure built of turf and beams of driftwood. It has but one window, as winter In Greenland occurs during the four-month-long arctic night. Entrance to the one large room of which the house consists Is gained through a long tunnel about five feet in height, in which the dogs live. In the rear of the living room Is a raised dais on which the entire family sleep, and In the front part stands the stove. This stove consists of a hollow stone filled with seal oil In which burns a rag wick, which lights and beats the house and cooks the meals. A Kindly Caddie. "Oh, yes, sir. there's worse golf players In the world than you are, sir," the caddie said kindly. "Lots worse!" "Well, that makes me feel better," the dub responded. Then he swung his club, failed to touch the ball, but lifted a section of turf as large as a dinner plate. "Yes, sir," the caddie continued^ "there's certainly worse players, but they never let anybody catch 'em on the links 1"--Everybody's Magazine. Jud Tunkln« Jud Tunklns says that if any of his folks actually looked like some of the pictures In a fashion magazine he'd send 'em to a hospital, to get cured, no matter what it cost. FRECKLES M«W b th« Tim* to Cat Rid ml The** Ugljr Spots. n«re> no longer the slightest need ef (feeling ashsmod of your fr«okl<-s. as Othlae --double strength--Is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. 8imply get an ounce of Othtne--double strength--from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ssk for the double strength Othlne. as this Is sold under guarantee of money back If It falls to remove freckles. Qulls of the Paclfle Coast. Along the Pacific coast there are three common species, the glaucouswinged, the western and the California gulls, which are not found in the East They are white-headed species, not strikingly different from the herring gull.--A. A. Alien, in American Forestry. SHE WEARS NOTHING FADED AND SHABBY •at'•Diamond Dyes" Her Old, Apparal Fresh and New. Dont worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give* a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods,--dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers--everything I Direction Book in package tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card.--Adr. NOT MUCH STUDY INVOLVED A blind horse Is satisfied if he can feel his oats. Grandma Evidently Didnt Think Highly of the Doings at Women's Debating Club. Tiny Timothy had to be very quiet on certain days in the week. Sunday mornings were bad because then father had to study his lesson for the afternoon Sunday school. Tuesday evenings he had to tiptoe around while brother John studied his lodge ritual. Friday evenings sister Nellie went to a debating club and It was often preceded by the last look at her part In the debates. Then one day mother announced that she had been invited to Join a bridge club. Every one was anxious for her to join but little Timothy, who sighed: "Oh, mother, now will you have to study, too, before you go there? What do they recite at your club?" Everybody smiled hut dear old "grandmother, who did not approve of bridge clubs. "Oh, she won't have to study much." she retorted tartly. "She can Just listen at the first few meetings until she learns how to foe sip like the rest of them." Handy 8prsyer. A new pump for spraying flowers air fruits Is operated by attaching It to an ordinary fruit Jar, several of which can be provided to hold different sprayfnp solutions. The Modern Rube. ^ "Say, Cy, I Jes' found out wha| %<-- rube is." v 5 "Thet so, Hiram? What is It?" "Why, It's one o* them forty-on®* hour, $95-a-week labor guys that thinks a farmer Is goin' to sell fclai food cheap."--New York WocM. LISTEN 1! "I fcave used Tr!ner*s America* Elixir of Bitter Wine and Trlnefs Angelica Bitter Tonic In ray ftwfly again and again, and where various medicines did not help, these remedies brought the best results. Very truly youjs, Mrs. M. Thler." This letter was written at Nazareth, Texas, on March 8,1020. It does not need any comment. , If you suffer from stomach trouble^ Trlner's American Elixir of Bitter Wins is the very remedy you need, and for rebuilding your vitality and In eoa» valescence Trlner's Angelica Bitter Tonic is the best remedy you can at home. In case of colds and cot try Trlner's Cough Sedative, and for rheumatic and neuralgic pains, lsm> bago, sprains, etc., buy Trlner's Llnlifient! Your druggist or dealer In med> lclnes has all Trlner's remedies In stock.--Joseph Trlner Company, 133S- 43 S. Ashland Ave, Chicago, 111.--Adr, While You Walt. A fur shop in one of the Japaneee cities has the sign: "Ladles' and gattlemen's skins repaired while the? wait." -,yM Pneumonia often follows Neglected Cold KILL THE COLD! SHUT* CASCARAQQUININ Standard cold remedy fee M yasm -la tablet form--aafa, smt ae opiates--breaks up a cold ia M -relieraa trip ia 3 r loney back if It fails, caauiaa bos has with Mr. plctura At AUOrm* Stmtm BOA PAYMENT OSE^U PLAN Ton can bar high class dividend pay- In* stocks--a ay number of ahar«a--• by maklns moderate initial' deposit-- balance II small monthly payaseata. Fisflls cm be taken at any ttaas. NO MARGIN CALLS Write for Booklet No. C. I* Tea Us Imat FiaaaciaUr himsdsT ROSE A COMPANY SO BBOAD 8TBEET, SEW YORK Telephones Broa 1 C3S0 (3(1 FOOD FORTIFIES feinst exhaustion and r\ess-'if it5s the right kind of food, GrapeNuts Is easily digested, and with cream or good milk, is a well balanced ration, that builds tissue and increases strength •Of body and mind. "There's q Reason" HEADACHE Often Caused by Acid-Stomach Tea, lnd« re often than you think. Because AC1L jTOMACH. staitlnc with uaatseatlon. heartburn, belching, food-repeattaw. bloat and aaa. If not checked, wilt e*W» toally affect every vital onran of the bodJL Severe, blinding, splitting li^adachee ai» tkareforv, of frequent occurrence aa a reeSlS Of thla upset condition. » Take EATONIC, It quickly banishes a«|S» Stomach with its sour bloat, pain and gaSk It alda digestioa--helps the stomach gaS t«ll strength from every mouthful o< toeS you eat. Milllona of people are miaerabMb weak, sick and ailing because of ACID* STOMACH. Poisons, created by pertly 44" gested food charged with acid, are abiorbaS Into the blood aad distributed tbroiNthoaS the entire ays-era. This often causes rhaematism. biliousness, cirrhosis of the heart trouble, ulcers and even cancer SB the stomach. It robs Us victims at (Mr health, undermlaas the strength of lis moat vigorous. If you waat to get fcaek yoar fk|SMl aad mental strength--be full of visa aM •Igor--enjoy life <ind be happy, you mast S*t rid of your acid-stomach. la EATONIC you will find the very Sato you need and It's guaranteed. So get a MS 10c box from your dragglat today. If 1 falls to pieas? vou. return tt aad he wtm refund your money. .'AiiifK.. • i. mm