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PETESCH dibgcist Why Be (hilly And UnMle Radio-3C Gas Limits Gas Ranges 1 Gas Irons Simplex Ironers Room Heaters f, Humphery Hot Water Heaters Hot Plates Laundry Stoves Waffle Irons Gas Toasters ; ^ ""4- 17 during the days o! spring when the furnace fire is out? - The glowing heat bt a Portable Gas Room Heater is the best way to protect your home from the sudden drop in temperature these spring days. These handy little heaters may be carried into any room wherever' you need extra warmth--they heat instantaneously and are handsome, safe, economical and odorless. ORDER YOUR HEATER TODAY Western United Gas */|»^ ^45*. aijd Electric Compaoy o? WALLPAPER Come in and look over our samples; they are prettier this season than in former years while the prices have only slightly advanced. We carry a fairly good assortment of patterns in stock; you can take it home the same day you make your selection. We also have special sample books from which you may select in case we have not in stock just what you may want JOHN STOFFEL Buy The Best! E, C. Abbott «w a McHenry caller Friday. Leon Waterman WAS a Ccyrtal Lake caller Monday. Miss Luretta Wagner was at Woodstock Saturday. James Bennett was a Cr^rstal Lake caller Saturday. Wm. Glawe of Woodstock was a Sunday caller here., Miss ^Christina Erickson spent Monday at Crystal Lake. Mrs. H. Wille was shopping at Woodstock Saturday. Ray Abbott was a Chicago business caller Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Buchannan of Crystal Lake spent Thursday evening last here. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fitzsimmons spent part of last week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wilkins and children were Crystal Lake callers Friday. Hal Allbee and R. Johnson autoed to Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid society met in the home of Mrs. Harold Walkup this week. t Mr. and Mrs. A. Carlson have moved their household goods to Crystal Lake. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Al. Amters have moved back from Woodstock into their home here. S. Mavis has purchased the Wm. Glawe residence and moved his family there Monday. F. and H. Wille, F. S. Morse and A. Allbee were business callers at the county seat Monday. Next Sunday Graham Parker will fill the pulpit as his brother goes to Gibson City to preach. W. Wilkins and Miss Hender of Hampshire spent Sunday evening in the home of F. J. Wilkins. Erie Ormsby of St Louis, Mo., spent the first of the week in the home of his mother, Mrs- Anna Ormsby. Miss Emma Eichkoff and brother or Chicago spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baker. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walkup and son and Mrs. Anna Mollohan spent Sunday afternoon at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walkup and daughter, Margaret, were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch Spent Saturday night and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. L. M. Goddard, at Moline. Mrs. L^M. Goddard and daughter, Marjorie, returned to their home at Moline Saturday after a three weeks' visit in the homes of her parents and other relatives here. On Fridaly night, April 30, a lecture with lantern slides on Jerusalem will be given by Graham Parker. A silver offering will be taken. After the lecture refreshments of ice cream and cake will be served. This is in place of the long looked for oyster supper that was to have taken place in Febj-uary. , week in Chicago with his father, who «ick. ' « . , , . v Mrs. John TMeti aid ' daughter, Julia, were McHenry callers Friday of last week. A big crowd attended the Easter dance at Stubby's hall here last week Wednesday. * Father Smith of Aurora waa a visitor at the home of his brother one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freund of Ingleside were Sunday guests in the home of Martin Lay. Peter Niesen returned home from Chicago last Friday after a several days' visit in that city. Emil Debrecht and lady friend of Chicago attended the dance at ^Stubby's hall last week Wednesday. Mrs. Eva Steinbach of Kenosha was visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Mertes, at the Bay a few days last week. Mr and Mrs. Math. Miller and daughter, Rose, and Mrs. John P. Schaefer were Woodstock visitors last Saturday. The Forester ladies gave a card party in the parish hall here Sunday and it was well attended. A good time is reported. Mr., and Mrs. John Lay and Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lay of Spring Grove were callers at the home of Stephen J. Smith Tuesday. The Forester ladies initiated seventeen new members oh Tuesday of this week and it was quite an enjoyable affair. Quite a few ladies from McHenry and Spring Grove were attendance. G. D. Stroker and family of Waoconda passed thru town Sunday on their way to Round Lake, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Stroker. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and son, LaVerne, and Mrs. L. Turnbull and daughter, Evelyn, spent Sunday at the home of A. Paddock east of town. CLASSffia DETARTHEHT FOR SALE--For cash, $175.00, Ford runabout. Phone McHenry 616-M-2. FOR SALE--Lots in Edgewater subdivision to McHenry. J. C. Holly, floy bank, McHenry, 111. 40-tf you ever thought of figuring footwear service by mileage--just as the motorist figures the worth of his tires by the number of miles? It's poof • conomy to; buy a new paift every month or so--no matler what price youpay. Here are Shoes and Oxfords that will appeal to tbo$e who seek "mileage" and style. : $7.00 to $16.50 McHENRY, ILLINOIS RINGWOOD James Conway of Harvard was in town Tuesday. v Miss Martha Dailey spent Sunday with friends in Richmond. - Mr. and Mrs. AUie Noonan are the proud parents of twin boys. Children's school dresses and ladies' bungalow aprons at Erickson's. Mrs. Clayton Harrison spent the week end with cousins in Chicago. Mrs. Clara Harrison of Woodstock spent Tuesday with friends in town. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Friday'with their and Saturday with friends in Chicago.; Bowers. John Gould and family of Harvard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Miss Eleanor Whiting and Ed. Dunn of Lake Geneva were quietly married last Saturday. Mrs. Harold Kelley entertained her sister, Miss Christenson, from Richmond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. Jessie Trow of Hebron came Sunday to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. L. Schroeder. Mr. and Mis. Irving Merchant spent several days last week with the latter's sister, Mrs. Edna Carr, in Chicago. Miss Bird Hodge went to Richlnond Tuesday night to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Wheeler, which was held on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Miss Dorcas Foss attended the concert in the Congregational church at Richmond Sunday evening. The W. A. Dodge family wish, to thank their neighbors and friends who so kindly responded to the call for SOLON MILLS Mrs. A. F. Wellman is on the sick lis't again. For the finest staple and fancy groceries go to Erickson's. Chas. Westmont of Richmond spent Monday at Chas. Osborne's. A. A. Bennett of Chicago spent Sat urday and Sunday in the Pester home here. Mrs. Ed. Cropley is nursing in the Clarence Whiting home near Ringwood. Dr. A. I. Froehlich of McHenry was a professional caller here Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Turner and Miss Vera Turner were Friday visitors at Elgin. Mrs. Wm. Cornish and daughter, Evelyn, spent part of laSt week at Janesville. Mrs. John Gibbs and daughter Thelma, spent Saturday afternoon at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Huff of Spring Grove were callers at Richard Ayl ward's Sunday. George Ruh of Chicago was a pleas ant visitor at Richard Aylward's Wed nesday evening. Mrs. Robt. Sutton, daughter, Flor ence, and son, Roy, were Friday even ing callers in town. Mrs. Edwin. Johonnott of Terra Haute, Ind., was a Friday visitor in the E. T. Monear home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aylward returned to Chicago Saturday evening after spending the past week here. Mr. and Mrs. George Turner came home from Aurora Tuesday after spending several weeks doing carpenter work for his brother, Louis. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brigham and daughter, Marjorie, left here Monday for Park City, Montana, where they expect to make their future home daughter, Mrs. Peter FOR SALE--Ford touring car, good as new. Inquire at McHenry garage. FOR RENT--East S^de market and flat. Inquire of Mrs. P. P. Rothermel, McHenry, 111. 41-tf WANTED--Man generally useful Henry House, McHenry, 111. to make himself around hotel. , Mc- 44 WANTED--Pickle growers for the season of 1920. See John L. May Pickle Co., West McHenry, 111. 36 FOR SALE--^Good draft colt, three years old. Broke. Sam Rogers, West McHenry, 111. Phone 606-W-l. 38-tf FOR SALE--Cement block machine in Ol No. 1 condition. Henry W. Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 4S*2t FOR SALE--A quantity of seed barley- 1195 per bushel. I inquire of Nick N. Freund, McHenry. Phone 623-M-2. , 43-21 FOR RENT--The store room now occupied as a soft, drink parlor in West McHenry. Mrs. Peter B. Freund, West McHenry, IU. 40-tf FOR SALE--Bay matched team, 7 and 9 years old, wt. 1400 lbs. each. Also three cash registers. Inquire of M. L. Worts, McHenry, 111. 4S-tf FOR SALS'--Eight room house together with two lots. All modern conveniences, including hot water, heat, electric lights and gas. Inquire of Frank J. Freund or J. C. Holly, McHenry, 111. 48-tf FOR RENT--Flat of 6 rooms, water, gas and electric lights. Schnorr building. $10.00 per month. See N. J. J us ten & Son, furniture store. West McHenry, HI. 43-tf WANTED--Carpenters, $8.00 per day and steady work all summer. Railroad fare paid home week ends. Apply at the Cary State bank, Cary Station, 111. 44-tf FOR SALE--^Yellow Dent seed corn and choice of three good milk cows. Also full blood Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. F. C. Felts, Weat McHenry, 111. Phone 71-M. 43 FOR SALE--Model 90 Overland roadster, run about 7000 miles. Good condition, tires good and new Exide battery. For further particulars address Ray Page, West McHenry, 111. 44-tf FOR SALE--Moline gang plow, Cross gang plow, Moline straw spreader. These are all new and can be bought right. Also a horse, Gale corn planter drill, only; seeder and cultivator. F. E. Howe, Ringwood, HI. 43-3t FOR SALE--Beautiful McHenry home. Large brick house, fine condition, nice sightly location, large grounds, fruit and shade. Also excellent business building in McHenry, ideal location for auto accessories, tire repairs, bakery, restaurant or most any general line. Will accept liberty bonds or exchange for Dakota or Nebraska land. Address F. J. Schnorr, 518 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. 25-tf Assessor Again Busy Assessor J. W. Kimball of the town of McHenry has received his books and is agqjp making the rounds of the tax payers. The work will keep him busy for a few weeks to come. Miss Anna Wolff of Chicago paseed several days this week as a guest h the home of her mother, Mrs. Ai- Wolff, here. held last Sunday evening when their barn caught fire, and especially do they thank the Richmond telephone operators for their timely assistance. Seventeen of Mrs. 0. A. Tabor's friends responded to invitations for a surprise birthday party Tuesday. Mrs. Tabor was very much surprised but soon rallied to the situation and entertained her guests royally. An old fashioned spell down was one of the amusements of the afternoon. Refreshments were served and everyone had a good time and left wishing her many happy returns of the day. JOHNSBURG Theresa Freund wa» a caller here Tuesday. # John Stilling of Volo was a visitor in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stark of Zendi were Sunday visitors here. New voile and georgette waista and new middies at Erickson's store. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer were Sunday guests in the home on Tony Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith are at their home at Columbia park for the season. John Jarick passed one day last TERRA COTTA Thomas Phalin was a visitor in Woodstock Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anderson were Chicago visitors Friday. Miss Clara Frisby of Dundee spent the week end at her home here. Mrs. John Liddle was a business caller "in Crystal Lake Thursday. Mrs. Louis Anderson and daughter, Ruth, spent Sunday in Woodstock. Mrs. John Liddle spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Coleman of Iowa\is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Pv Bay. Ruth Anderson spent Friday ar the Robt. Anderson home in Crystal Lake. Miss Vera Doherty of Holcombville was a Sunday guest in the Lon e o.f M. Knox. Miss Eleanor Phalin spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Vera Bolger at Woodstock. Edward J. Knox attended the K. of C. initiation and banquet at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. "Robert Knox was the guest of Mrs. Will Powers at Holcombville Thursday and Friday. Felix Tiongco of Notre Dame University spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with George Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay and children and Mrs. Wm. Coleman spent Sunday with friends at Crystal Lake. Miss Agnes Bertram of Crystal Lake was the guest of Misses Eva and Neva McMUlao the latter part of last weiek.. VOLO Albert Vaaey wfti in Grayslake Sunday. Viola Wagner was a caller in Wauconda Saturday last. * Wm. Frost is busy at the papering business in Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. Passfield were recent Wauconda shoppers. Miss Ella Moore spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Wauconda. T. Kenkle and daughter were business callers in Wauconda Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Croaker of Libertyville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Huson. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hironimus and Mr. and Mrs. Ves Wagner attended the dance at Wauconda Friday evening. 'hi /. • ; -V./ r u - . , with the Hoy Banking Co. should pay you a profit ia. both money and satisfaction.* We endeavor to handle the account of each customer in a manner which will, meet its particular requirements. • "•">1 " * t HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS Many a Farmer has wondered why his """ neighbor seems progressive, Why his neighbors work is so easi|g^ done, why he gets a larger crop, why i HI* nrnfite aia greater and whv he, i& satisfied IT » BEe&tfSE THE FARM TRACTOR AND THE RIGHT IMPLEMENTS 0re capable of doing these things for him. Mr. Farmer you are a manufacturer. Your farm is the factory. It requires efficient machinery. ASK TIC FORBSni wwin mm m STAR GARAGE JOHN R. KNOX, Prop. 'Phone 3# McHENRY, ILI*