Ir. and Mrs. John Miller and daugh- Margaret, are spending * few ps in Chicago. Irs. Mayme Harrison spent Tuesday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer at Woodstock. Mrs. P. Costeflo of Elgin passed the first of the week as a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Jack Walsh. Wm. Buttner and James Maloney of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walsh the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Graham and Mrs. Jay Graham and daughter, Mary, of Round Lake passed Monday as the guests of friends here. Mrs. Jack Walsh and daughter, Catherine, went to Chicago Wednesday morning for a few days' visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walsh. Mrs. M. C. Wilson of Macon, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wilson and sons of Chicago were guests in the home of Mrs. Sarah Sherburne Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Singer jand daughter, Mary, and Silas Crossman of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins. Walter Warner sprat Sunday at :, * r* Elgin! whare he visited his Bert, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph's hospitil in that city last Saturday morning. Misses Mayme and Nettie Deady and Messrs. Raymond Deady and Ray' mond McCarthy of Chicago spent the firsMfef the week as guests in the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Edmund Knox south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McOmber and daughter, Marion, and Mi's. Blackstone and daughter of Chicago spent the latter part of last and the first of this week at the former's cottage on Fox river here. >;' IV rv i' £• r WILBUR LUMBER CO "THE OLD RELIABLE" 1 Commenced Business in McHenry \ -1887 -< VeJ •i Our constant endeavor has been to supply your needs Coal! Coal! Automatically rescreened when loading. Large and assorted stocks. Lumber f-S* Building Material Your wants will receive every consideration GEO. H. JOHNSON, Manager :• THE UNIVERSAL CAR For Sixteen years, a corps of metallurgists have been studying and constantly perfecting the steel that goes into every part of the Ford car and the Ford One Ton Truck. Each separate part has been studied to learn the type of steel best fitted for it. Parts receiving constant surfacewear are made of hard, flint-like metal; parts subjected to great vibration or resilience are made of softer, springy steel. Every part is made according to its use--that is, every Genuine Ford part is. But there are also counterfeit "Ford" parte. These imitations are made by concerns in no way connected with the Fqrd Motor Company and retailed as side-lines by mail-order houses, down-town stores and many garages. The unsuspecting customer accepts them because they are called "Ford" parts. To make sure of getting the genuine Ford-made parts, buy them only from Authorized Ford Dealers. Likewise bring or take your Ford car to our garage for repairs, replacements, and general "tuning up." We are Authorized Ford Dealers. We can supply you with all Ford parts for either passenger car or truck. And our shop is equipped to give Ford service m all repair work* STAR GARAGE ; ' ;: IOHK n KNOX, rwnr. # n * ANIXXMKSO* A WW* IN OUR BUST VlLtAGB Once Mr. an3 Mrs. Wm. Spencer left Sunday on a two weeks' trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hankermeypr and children were Chicago visitors last Thursday. Joe Brown of Freeport, 111, spent the first of the week as the guest of friends in town. Miss Mary M6rlta of Chicago spent the first of the week as the guest of M«Henry friends. Edwin J. Heimer of Chicago spertt (he week end as the guest of relatives and friends here. Misses Aileen and Kathleen O'Rielly spent the week end as the guests of relatives fn Cfiieago. Mrs. F. E. Cobb pasatd the first ef the week as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city. Misses Mildred Welch »mH Opal Cooley at Beloit were guests of Home folks over the week end. Robert Murphy of Woodstock was halting hands with oM friattte in town on Decoration day. Henry Simes and daughter, Mrs. Carrie Johnson, of Crystal Lake were McHenry visitors Sunday. Miss Fanny Granger passed Saturday and Sunday as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city. Miss Verena Brefeld of Chicago spent the first of the week in the home of her mother, Mrs. C. Brefeld. Jacob Buss of Belvidere spent Friday last visiting in the home of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss, here. Miss Auline Schmitt of Chicago was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wv Stenger over the week end. Mr. an3 Mrs. Earl Brown and •laughter, Harriet, of Woodstock spent the first of the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Behlke of Chicago passed Cfifr-flrst of the week as quests of the fetter's father, J. J. Bueh. / S. J. Fraser of Chicago spent the first of the week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mrs. Geo. Sliuth and ten, Harrison, of Elgin spent Decoration day as guests in the home of Mrs. Alsena Smith. Miss Esther Stoffel of Chicago spent the week end as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Leeatfe of Woodstock were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins the first of the week. Miss Verena J us ten of Chicago was guest in the home of her parents, M r and Mrs. N. J. Justen, over the eek end. E. J. Dietz of Chicago spent the latter part of last and the first of this week as a guest in the home of Mrs. Brefeld. Miss Flora Churchill of Chicago spent the latter\patt of last and the1' first of this week as the guest of Mrs. Clara Starritt. Jos. Hoffman of Chicago was a guest in the home of Mrs. Helena Hei* mer the latter part of last and the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garrity <rf Chicago spent Sunday and Monday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schoewer. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and daughter, Charlotte, were guests of relatives at Caledonia -and Rockford Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin spent the first of the week as guests in the home of Mrs. A. Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chicago were ghests in the home' of the former's mother, Mrs. Margaret Bonslett, Sunday and Monday. Miss Kathryn Thurlwell of Rockford spent the first of the week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger and daughter, Ruth, were guests of West Chicago relatives the latter part of last week. Mr. Reihanspergerpassed Sunday there. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schoewer and daughter, Ruth, of Chicago passed the first of the week as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schoewer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunn of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent the latter part of last and the first of this week in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whiting, north of town. Mrs. W. J. Donavin and daughter, Kathryn, passed the latter part of last week apd the first of this with relatives at West Chicago. Mr. Donavin passed Sunday and Monday there. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson and daughter, Betty, of Hammond, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lamphere an8 daughter, Amy, of Carpentersville and Mrs. Ella Lamphere of Elgin spent Monday as the guests of McHenry relatives and friends. Stephen G. Adams of Kenosha, Wis., is spending the week as a guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary K. Adams. Steve was released from a hospital at Kenosha last Saturday morning, where he had been confined for two weeks suffering from diphtheria. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison and Dr. and Mrs. D. N. Brown of Chicago spent the first of the week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hauswirth. They were accompanied home on Monday evening by the formers' daughter, Virginia, jyho . had I spent the past week here.;'^ ^ the guest of friends at Beloi iTis. H. E. Wightman of Highland Park was a visitor in town the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. -Harvey Baron passed Ifonday as the guests of relatives at Hebron. Miss Anna Wolff was a week end guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Wolff. Miss Margaret Aylward of Chicago •pent the first of the week with relatives here. Harry Romine aad John Boyle passed the first of the week at Aurora and Streator. John Slavin M»d Mr. Burnett of Antioch wer* giiHti at friends in Xovm Sunday. F. A. Schumacher of GMeago spent" Decoration day as the guekt of McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones of Lanark, 111., called on friends in town last Saturday afternoon. James Brandt of Cbfcago passed the first of the week With his wife and family here. Mrs. Daisy Peterson and daughter of Chicago were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. F. V. Cobb and daughter, Gladys, of Hebron, passed Monday as the guests of relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Knox and Miss Elsie Fagan of Chicago were visitors in town Sunday and Monday. E. Lang of Chicago passed Sdhda&t and Monday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. £. M. Geier. Mrs. R. M. Weinke and little son of (Chicago passed several days this week as the guests of relatives here. Miss Ethel Krumpen of Geneva is a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Krumpen. Miss Mayme Going of Chicago was a guest in the home of her sister on Fox river the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and son, Keith, of Woodstock were McHenry visitors Monday evening, George Heimer of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday in the home of his mother, Mrs. Helena Heimer. Mrs. Eugene Fagan and son, Paul, of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby. Miss Ruth Danner of Chicago was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel the first of the week. Miss Angela Germer of Chicago passed the first of the week in the home of her sister, Mrs. N. H. Petesch. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and son, George, of Woodstock passed Sunday and Monday as the guests of relatives here. Hn. M. SdKtosser of Chttago spent the latter part of last and the first of this week in the home of Mrs. A. Wolff. •Mrs. Cairl Gruener and daughter, Virginia, of Chicago spent the week end as guests in the home of Peter- Wirfs. Thos. Knox of Chicago is spending the summer as a guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. John Knox, on Center street Mrs. Geo. Meyers and grandchildren, Arnold and Joyce Chestrat, spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman of Chicago passed the week end as guests in the home of the former's mother and brother here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers and children of Elgin were week end guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers, Sr. Atty, and Mrs. George Geier of Chicago were Decoration day guests in the home of the foriflter's brother, E. M. Geier, and family. Mrs. Eliza Lockwood and son, Verne, and two children of Woodstock spent the first of the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins. DR. CARL SfgUftrS Ideal institution for all natural methods. Diet cures, inclusive of the milk-diet, Baths, Massage, Sun and Aft* Baths, Systematic Exercises, etc. Special diets for Diabetes, Obesity, Gouty, Intestinal and Rheumatic conditions. Open Air Cottages. Rest Cure for Convalescent® and Breakdowns. Telephone 42. Chicago (Office, 32 N. State St., ,Oor. Washington, St., Room 1200. Telephone Central 6568. Booklet and information upon request. L ALLY-LIGHT •; FARM LIGHTING PLANT * • *1 "AfWP mouths of careful consideration and Investi^'ltlofl T1 fiai'p concluded to take the agency for the above named Farm Lighting System which I believe to be one of the best on the market today. Will be pleased to call on anyone interested and explain in detail the walking merits of the plant. Have also accepted the agency for the Universal Home Needs line of electrical appliances and can supply you with anything in this line and assure you satisfaction. No home is complete without the appliances and you'll be surprised at the saving in labor that they afford. - H. R. LEVINE 'PHONE 88-M WEST McIIRNRY, KINIIILL •: f£*5 ,y»v ' & "WW PIANOS PLAYER-PIANOS? GRAND PIANOS^ • AND THEW.:1;" E';: . * tiMBALi f-'i 'S "NATURAL TONE'* ' PHONOGRAPH •r-b1; ALSO ASK ABOUT THE Mains In M Pianos 'V $85 $110 $145 $195 and Other Values at Slightly Higher Price? EASY TERMS AS YOU PLATFL A1 >%v Store of fh* Batter Furniture Ptlbiie MS-* TIRES t--P" ' f¥"HE only tires built to an ad- ^ vertised Ideal -- an Ideal that 'f,i £ :k definitely ' of the concern in the world to work ^ The F»k Meah "To be the b«t the policy and \ 4 of Fisk i ; " for, and the squarest existence to do ' 1 TV , *• • , r ; *• tftxt Hmt--Bur -FOR SALE "ff,. Johli W. Schafer Garage O verton and Co wen : / , * " • { - • C • ' 1 • : " A 4 ' t -;v,-. • I.*-'-. f.7. Sv'i & •••• i~.- , , I: K r;. ; 'v'.; ••• , .r?" -J