MAVcarae LOCALS & B^a LMK to Woedeteek at Celigft'W1- ebraikm at County Seat on Monday *$C Aftenaoon -IP'. The fans were treated to a reel -)i > farce at the batt grounds last Stmdiry v*i's|tfternoon, when the locals handed the g; Spring Grove team a 28 to 4 licking. Ip^f* Never before has McHenry wit- '"Messed such a slaughter and never iJo the fans care to go thru another ^afternoon's agony like it. How our %*' :• *>ld friend, "Sharkey" Grant of Rich- V , • - mond ever got mixed ^,|&h • combination of this sort r#MMM a conjecture and we are willing to wager a little bet that John cannot answer the question himself. "Sharkey" is a good ball player, in fact one of the best that has ever been turned out in McHenry county, and he belongs with a real ball club. Enough said for John, and now as briefly as possible we will endeavor to tell those who did not aee the show as to how it happened. The visitors' four tallies came in the last two innings of the contest, after Conway had consented to ease up and give the opponents a chance to see just how far they could drive •%: M • f • ' * NEW DRESS VOILES A variety of styles and colors, 11.60 to 11.75 values, per yd Vests, low aeek, sleeveless, regular sizes... Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, fine ribbed cotton.* ......UShort Model Corsets, the ideal corset for hot weather 81 x 1M Bleached Seamless Sheets, regular 93.25 value, special. Army Last Work Shoes, the satisfactory shoe for every day wear Coffee, our special blend, per pound.. Gallon Jug Cider Vinegar...... V. MM J5c ..75c (LSI 92.95 99.59 ..79e JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY combined with Country-life, Sun and Air Baths in the open, Heat and Exercise, Baths and all other natural treatments. Open Air Cottages. Individual Treatment, "lie-generates Old Tissues vjR.e-vitaHzes Mind and Body BpecUl Diets 1n~ Obesity. Diabetes, ttfCS¥fiaal and Rheumatic Afflictions. Free Booklet H and any information upon requeat. Dr. Carl Strueh's Health Resort McHENRY, ILLINOIS. TEL., McHENRY, 42 Cfetcaso Office: U N. State St.. Room MM. Tel., Casual 1 HOUR 11M--1M a. a. on Saturday H mi mini u. u .III.. i HAPPY BUK can best be kept happy by purchasing the furniture here. We make a specialty of furnishing the homes of newly weds and our assurance of satisfaction to the purchaser goes with each and every sale. Our stock is large and therefore offers the best selection possible. Should we not have in stock just the style of furniture you should like, don't hesitate, but come just the same. We can make arrangements whereby we can supply you direct from our Chicago house and we know this manner of selecting the things for your new home will meet with your approval. We have satisfied others and know we can satisfy you. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. SUMMER TIME is coming and calls for new gowns, shoes, etc. Our line of shoes is large, with all the popular styles to select from, in black, brown and white. We bought them early and can save you money in high boots or oxfords. Dress Goods Popular shades in voiles, organdies, silks, all wool and worsted fabrics. You can make up your own gowns atmuch less than the ready to wear garments this season.' MEN'S SUITS Our new samples are now ready. Have your suit made for you by the International Tailoring Co. We guarantee a perfect fit and lower prices than the ready made goods. Fresh pure groceries always on hand. Phone 117-R Goods Delivered M. J. WALSH Efe3'.' '% SKb.'- , . Jm $*&&& • Living in Rait to-day is like sitting on a volcano. The man who rents, never knows how soon his house may be sold under him. If you are one of the many who live in rented houses, do not wait until you get a notice to move. Start looking around today for a lot on which to build a home. We will help you plan it. OWN YOUR OWH Mc^ENRJ LUMBER CO Hi .»#)•. •» the pill. & the eighth, after Cdnway had &«wed a ItitiitNBcy to sl4w up • bit, the whole %MOI seemed to take the cue aa4 began loafing on the job, with the result that two tallies were registered on three errors and a single. In the ninth a base on baHs, three bagger and a sacrifice produced two more runs, which was all so tar as Spring Grove was concerned. McHenry scored five runs in the first inning on tiro walks, three errors and a home ran. Six more runs were registered in the second on three doubles, a triple and three errors. One run came in in the third on two walks, an error and a man being hit by a pitched ball. The next tally came in the fifth and was productive of an error and a three bagger by Warner. Three errors and two hits produced two more runs in the sixth, while a walk and two hits counted another run in the seventh. The last and final round proved the big show of the afternoon, when McHenry registered twelve runs. There were so many errors in this inning that the score keeper just, tired of keeping a record of same and called it an even dozen. The tabulated score follows: Spring Grove R H P A. Huff, c . . . . . . . . 1 Austin, cf A,3rd b.O Phillips, as ..0 Grant, 1st h, p, ss. .0 C. Winn, 2nd b....! Beaii, If .....1 Jackson, rf & 8d b.O W. Winn, 3d b, rf, p 0 Bell, p & 1st b... .1 * A McHenry R Michels, 3rd h- ... .6 Knox, rf ... Bonslett, 2nd b .. .3 Warner, ss . . . . . . . 4 Buss, If ....,^.'1,,2 Bolger, cf ....•«;2 M. Meyers, c .,...4 A. Meyers, .2 Conway, p .......2 McHENRV'S % J8SL2L 10 0 fvt" 0 .^i ' " t - i A 0 0 2 8 1 0 0 1 0 24 P ' I " t 6 H 3 0 2 3 0 9 1 0 2 12 8 11 2 0 7 A 3 0 '3 3 2 0 1 0 5 19 E 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 28 16 27 17 I Sffre By Innings * irlnfriirttfe. .0 000000 2 2--* McHenry.. 5 6 1 0 1 2 1 12 x--28 Left on bases: McHenry, 10; Spring Grove, 6. Bases on balls: Off Conway, 2; off Bell, 2; off Grant, 3 Struck out by Conway, 9; by Bell, 1; by Grant, 6; by Winn, 1. Home runs, M. Meyers. Three base hits: M. Meyers, Warner, Beall. Two base hits: Michels, Conway, Bolger, Warner, 2. Lost to Woodstock McHenry lost to the Woodrftock American Legion team at the Woodstock fair grounds on Monday after noon 9 to 8. The McHenry boys are jvery much dissatisfied with the deal they were given by the Woodstock umpire, but even had the decisions all been in their favor it is very doubtful if McHenry could have won ; Woodstock played the better ball game .and is entitled to the victory. Mc- ; Henry, as on previous occasions, performed miserably on the bases and .with such performances as these they cannot expect to win from any team j that is anywhere near a match for .them. While the locals are showing ' considerable improvement in their I defense as well as batting, their big weakness seems to be in the work on the foot paths, which, in most in J stances, is due to lack of knowledge of the national game. However, our boys are willing workers and should ! overcome these faults before the beginning of another baseball season. RULES . 'THURSDAY. JULY 8 * Vivian Rich IN Wapld Yon Forghpe AND roxffiws £ FRl * SAT., JULY • *16k Constance Talmagu IN A VirtBous Vamp Fron Ciydc Fitch's Play. "The Bacheldt** • •• --AND 1W-A-VIL H0VBS SUNDAY. JULY 11 A FIRST NATIONAL FEATUM Vktooss Wives -• -AND . • " FATHE REVIEW MATINEE AT >:M - A<fan(••ion, M rad IS Centa Evcnlna, 15 and 25 Cento . TUESDAY, JULY 13 SPECIAL Mwnqr W. Gtrsst* -PRESENTSOf YOUTH THE PICTURE BEAUTIFUL WEDNESDAY, JULY i^ , THE SENSATION AL SUCCESS /lljttle Brother of the Rid «MOlH the Board of Henry Countf The following rules governfng the i board of review of this county were '^anded us for publication by Chairman | Stephen H. Freund and will no doubt I be of interest to many of our readers: The revenue law creating the board of review requires that all complaints | shall be made in writing, and that the board publish reasonable rules for the 'guidance of persons doing business iwith such board, therefore the board adopts the following rules. j Rule 1. All meetings of the board of review will be held in the court house at Woodstock, 111. The first meeting of the board will be held on June 16, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m. and [every week day thereafter until September 7. The houif ttf meeting trill be 10 o'clock a. m. and 1 o'clock p. m., and the board will meet from day to day at the hours named, unless otherwise specially ordered. Rule 2. All complaints shall be made in writing. Rule 3. The board shall keep a record of all proceedings and the order of business shall be as follows: 1. Reading and approving the rec ord of the preceding meeting. 2. Presentation of petitions or complaints 3. Reading and considering petitions. | Rule 4. The clerk of the board shall file all complaints or petitions in the order of presentation, giving said complaint or petition a number, and shall note the number and character of the complaint or petition on the records of the board, and when such complaint or petition shall have been acted upon, the decision of the board shall be entered upon said records. | Rule 5. All persona, corporations or {companies having complaints to offer shall make the same in writing, sign ing name and address, and file with the clerk of the board on or before : the first Monday in August. j Rule 6. Complaints may be made in person or by mail, and all communica tions by mail should be addressed to at Woodstock, 111., and the board will notify such complainant when complainant may appear and be heard on the complaint, or introduce proof in support of complaint. Rule 7. The board may hear petitions or complaints at the time of filing, or may fix a day for the hearing. The board of review will hold its sessions in the room of the state's attorney on the second floor in the court house, Woodstock, 111." The board of review consists of the following members: S. H. Freund, chairman; Earl Toles, D. M. Wright and Wm. Desmond, clerk. LIVESTOCK SURVEY County Soil Improvement Assn. Will Make Survey of County the chairman the hoard of rertow 'mrortiy. ^ . " " r ••m wm iH seal ambition that you haven't discussed with - <..... v.- rnh " 4' "V'k'i .."JrvV'i any M.£i ii sp. W¥-% &j -A. • jj|| you . V.RV.'-V . X M- -^lanoing to forge quietly ahead until success Is * ;^r ti - »_ • •<; , WIf J. YOIT a Savings Account m this tnmk aad let tfi - help you to carry out your plans? ^ ' -i-Wc. r>, ^ The McHenry County Soil Improvement association is making a detailed survey or census pf the livestock activities of the county. A similar survey is to be made by the Illinois Agricultural association in all of the organized counties of the state under the direction of Prof. Mumford, director of the livestock marketing department of the Illinois Agricultural association, and Lee DeVine, his assistant. The information collected will be used by the state association and the local farm bureau as a basis of more intelligent and advantageous marketing of both market and pure bred livestock. Stock raisers in the past have been greatly handicapped by not knowing as much about the supply of fat cattle, sheep and hogs as other interests and their marketing has been more or less leap in the dark." The state association hopes to work out in co-oper ation with the state associations of other corn belt states a system of livestock reporting that will keep mem bers of these associations informed as to the supplies of cattle, sheep and hogs on feed and approximate date of marketing, together with the normal demand, with a view of preventing glutting the market and causing disastrous breaks and radical fluctuations. It will take considerable" time to work out these plans and the present survey is to lay the foundation for future work. It is of the utmost importance that the Farm Bureau and the state association receive the active and prompt co-operation of the farmers of the state and at this time of McHenry county. Mr. Gafke, county farm advisor, and his livestock associate, Mr. Carncross, are giving the survey their hearty support and assistance and they are especially anxious that the data for McHenry county should be as complete as possible, as they feel that the information secured will make it possible for them to bet ter serve the farmers of Mc^ienry £ s: NOT ONLY IN THE EAST but all over the country you'll find the women folks taking advatrtage ttf the downright comfort found in Eiffel Maid buttonless underwear. It's new, unique--yet so sensible^ so daintily attractive* that you should lose no time in seeing them at ( y QENERAL MERCHANDISE msr McHENRY, ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE8 ' Lewis G. Brown has been reappointed as postmaster at Lake. Geneva, Wis. The Boone county fair, held at Belvidere, will take place the week of August 31, while the Elkhorn (Wis.) fair occurs the week of Sept. 7. . Two hundred Woodstock Elks took part in the Elks' national convention parade in Chicago Wednesday afternoon of this week. The Woodstock delegation was headed" by the Elgin National Watch factory band, which also gave a concert at the county seat before the big delegation boarded the one o'clock train for Chicago.- T. J. Lee, manager of the Palatine- Wauconda railroad, has written the president of the road that he will no longer be responsible for the management of the property. The road officials have'for months worked incessently to obtain more money with which to carry on the business of the company Over its present crisis, but to no avail. Unless financial aid comes soon the road is almost certain to pass into the ownership of another company or close down entirely. ADDITIONAL PERSONAli Norman Waite of Elgin veal the Fourth with his grandmother, Mrs. Mary A. Waite. Chas. J. Reihansperger, in company with Dr. P. A. Isberwood of West Chicago, left today for a week's auto mobile trip thru Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Vaaey agjl chtl dren drove out from Oak Park on Menday and called on the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Vaaey. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlick, Mrs. Wm. J. Welch and daughters, Helen and Mrs. Glenn Robison, motored to Chicago today, where Mrs. Welch will remain for a few days' visit with i - < t i & • , .1^. S'.-Wv ^* It's not a difficult task to prepare abundant good things to eat, if cost or waste is not considered. The trick is to make every penny count--to make the cheaper cuts and articles of food taste as good as the more expensive--to waste or spoil nothing^ . ' T Housewives who are cooking oft a new model Gas Range know how faithfully their Range serves them and aids them to cook thriftily without the sacrifice of taste CM* quality. We are showing tome remarkably effictos? new lffl Ranges that will aid you in your struggle with high You are invited to inspect them. PHILIP JAEOER QENfckAL GOflMlSSION MERCt^? muii AvmamoN aim to lii a*ut o«r DruMd Roof, rtvttoi, Hogs, Vaaf, hsMiji HMoe, Btc., Butter «MI Eggs v f stieat Tags and frleelMs fwatofeoi • sitMM me J CMICAQO, ILLINOIS. . • v . . " • ... ^ ~ ^ • t " ^• ' ^ * i^ >'-¥ 7^8