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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Aug 1920, p. 4

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COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS g;ltepriv Monthly .Meeting Held at yuu*e Hall Monday Eref^tf ' Council Room, Aug. 2,1980. Hie village trustees met in regular fession with Pres. Olson presiding. regular &iv. • ¥ |v Trustees present: Doherty, Knox, |£rauae and Overton. Abaent: Cooley v And Stoffel. ' The minutes of the last ,/V *"d special meetings were read and ^ ' approved. f , j The following bills were approved 4->r|y the finance committee: W. P. Bassett, lbr with team. .$ 7.50 "'•9. J. Heimer, storing hose cart 10.00 Sinclair Refining Co., road oil. 556.02 ,, 'jC. & N. W. R. R. Co, frgt on oil 141.58 public Service Co., lighting sts . and traffic lights 133.42 Standard Oil Co., gasoline & oil <?.46 W. G. Schreiner, telephone, postage, etc., 2.86 John Wal$h, marshal service.. -125.00 Geo. Meyers, lbr on streets.... 66.00 Joe Engeln, lbr A supplies.... 21.56 Wilbur Lum. Co., lum & wood 66.59 F. G. Schreiner, printing^..... 8.60 Adam Ibsh, gravel .. 1.40 John Olson, telephone . 2.00 John Thennes, gasoline1. t . ... 86.79 Everett Hunter, Sr., gravel... 1.40 Neptune Meter Co., meters:^.. 68.25 Motion by Doherty, seconded by Knox, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Knox, that the bills be accepted as O. K.'d by the finance committee. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Krause, that the meeting adjourn until Monday night, Aufc. 9, 1920. Motion carried, John O. Olson, Pkm. W. Q. Schreiner, Clerk. < Kent Forty Acres We are informed that Dr. R. G. Chamberlin of this village, in partnership with Floyd Thompson, who this year is working a farm near Barreville, has rented a forty acre tract of land bordering on Pox river from Walter J. Walsh, which they will convert into a truck farm next spring. According to our information a five year leay has been taken oa the tract. Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION \-. \ KANKAKEE INTER-STATE FAIR - A COMPLETE mpSTOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION Aug us* 16,17,18,10, 20,1920 FIVE DAYS - FIVE EVENINGS Magnificent Farm Display ErnHtnt Draft He Pan Bred Cattle Shows* Bhesp. Swiae and Poultry ---- * Brilliant Horse Show 78 Wonderful Classes. Thoroughbred HaraeM Hem Beautiful Riding Horse*. Afternoon and Evening Shoe Speedy Hon# Races Five Days of Racing. Hotly Contested Heats, B% Purses, Large Fteldss LEN. SMALL Ik Farmer Candidate for Govsnef of Illinois, for 25 year* Secretary mi this Mammotk Agricultural El* position. Big Republican Rally G. O. P. Gathers on Wedwes day, Aug. 18. Great Political Day. Republican Chieftains Invited. Thrilling Aviation Bath Law Leading Aviatriz. A1 Wilson Jumping From Plane to Plane in Midair. Taeeday, Wednesday and Thursday Only. Outdoor Attractions Leading Productions Each Afternoon and Evening A Wonderful Entertainment. This Fair is the World's Greatest Outdoor Entertainment Come to the Fair--Mingle With the Throng, 150,000 Strong--August 16-20. Reduced Rates On All Railroad* ft . r" TXf'MOLINE Tractor is Universal <m;lM »<•» •• •• i7Wc Phm)9 7 . to 9 octm a day p-r-V 'I-'-y *n.% y . One man with one tractor does all field work from plowing to harvest --Wash Tubs vs. Gold Dollars--] This is the year of years to put in a full acreage, and courageous business farmers are getting their "wash tubs" out of doors despite difficulties, all ready for the* rain of "gold dollars" that is just ahead of them. A factory overcomes labor shortage by using machines that do the work of a number of men. They often pay very high prices for such machines, but it pays them in labor savings. The labor shortage never was so great as right now, but it need not affect you, if you use a Moline-Universal Tractor. ^ - - r"tpr-i ; V . I Here is what one man and a Moline-Universal Tractor can do in a ten hour day: Flew 7 to 9 acre* ' Disc 27 acre* with a V Tandem Disc ffaiew Disc 38 acres with a 10' Due Harrow ... Harrow 76 acre* with a 20' Peg Tooth Harrom Cultivate from MS to 20 acres with a two-rom Cultivator ... • Drill 35 acres with a 101 Grain Drill Harvest 40 acres with a 101 Grain Binjk* Harvest 10 acres with a Corn Binder Mow 28 acres with a 8' Mower Rake 40 acres urith a J2' Rohm In addition it makes a powerful and economical stationaiy power plant up to 24" separator capacity. We can prove to you that a Moline-Universal Tractor 'will be a profitable investment for you. A demonstration on your own form cheerfully arranged. K desired you con nee the "drag {jhti^aned lit mm sts behind'* or Aon* with the Mokme tjrpm *rmt0tk Overton & Cowen West McHenry, 11L _ MCULTIVATIN.GI-A-4 HABVESTINO THRESHING yS um !k> • M J . i r r t r i r i i a f r ' MONDAY WAS CIRCUS DAT Main's Shows Attract Large Crowd to the Village ' in McHenry early Sunday morning trom Lake Geneva, Wis., .where the show had exhibited last Saturday, and aitho the hcur of its arrival was quite early McHenry had a small but enthusiastic self appointed reception committee on hand to welcome the visitors. The unloading started shortly before six o'clock and by the time the cook wagon "had been unloaded and was on its way to the show grounds on the F. H. Wattles lot on Center street a goodly sized crowd of youngsters as well as many older folks were on .the scene to watch the unloading. .Before nine o'clock the property had all been transferred from the cars to the show grounds, where the tented city went up as if by magic. All day Suhday as Well as Monday forenoon there was a continual stream of the more curious making trips to and from the grounds. On Monday morning the kids were all on hand bright and early eager at an opportunity to do something that would entitle them to a free pass to the big attraction. The big parade, one of the best ever seen in, McHenry, left the show grounds promptly at the noon hour ind was witnessed by quite a large crowd, altho most of the out-of-town oeople who saw the afternoon's performance did not arrive until after the street spectacle was over. A reporter for The Paindealer visited the show grounds between one and two o'clock and, while it»looked to us as if the afternoon crowd was as largo as could be expected for our community, the ticket takers at the main entrance expressed dissatisfaction. On entering the "big top" we found about half of the seats occupied, but this we considered a big crowd I for McHenry, as the seating capacity, 5 the publicity director inferred, is about 4,000. Evidently taking the matinee crowd as a criterion for the evening performance, all of the east section of reserved seats was removed after the close of the matinee. The night crowd, however, must have been a revelation to the circus management, as every available seat under the "big top" was occupied, while quite a number occupied standing room. The evening crowd surpassed that which saw the Sparks circus here a few years ago. Like other enterprises of the kind, the circus carried an unusually large midway and from what we were able to learn there was nothing offensive to be found there. Each and every act of the big show was clean and entertaining and both the afternoon and evening crowds were well pleased with what they saw. Thus once more McHenry has made good her reputation of being the best show town of its size in the country. Monday was circus day ip McHenry, tile Walter L. Main shows giving two performances here on that day. The train of eighteen cars arrivedlthe building to the rear of the lot and salist church has been commenced and is progressing favorably. When completed it will be the finest arranged church edifice in this section. Mrs. Spnulding and daughter, having purchased the lot and building lately owed by Dr. Chitds in West McHenry, have commenced moving STATE VETERINARIANS WUl Co-Operate With Illinois Agricultural Association Hoc raisers of McHenry county will be interested in definite action taken at the summer meeting of the Illinois State Veterinary Medical association at Champaign July 8 and 9, where the following proposed: The veterinarian shall, when requested, state the particular kind and brand of serum and virus used and the serial and license number of each and their net cost to him. This statement may be rendered on a uniform blank agreed upon by a joint committee of the Illinois State Veterinary Medical association at an early date. Members from this county are: Dr. Jamee J. Ash, Richmond; Dr. M. D. Brooks, Hebron; Dr. Fred F. Bushnell, Harvard; Dr. W. W. Lichty, Woodstock; Dr. C. L. Passmore, Huntley; Dr. Ben W. Wilson, Woodstock, and Dr. J. C. Wingert, Marengo. The livestock marketing committee of the Illinois Agricultural association, at a meeting at Bloomington, July 12, agreed to. recommend to the executive committee of the I. A. A. the adoption of the proposition agreed to by the veterinary association. H. W. Mumford, director of the livestock marketing department of the I. A. A., believes that this arrangement will insure a better understanding between the farmer and his veterinarian, inspire greater confidence between them and at the same time insure the breeder against the occasional veterinarian who is inclined to over charge for both serum and profes sional services. ^ QUARTER OP A CENTURY Items Clipped From The Plaindealer of Twenty-five Tears Ago Capt. Walter Hill, formerly of this village passed suddenly away at his home in Chicago on Monday. The teachers of our public school are in attendance at the teachers' in stitute at Woodstock this week. The festival and sunbonnet drill in the park on Thursday evening last was a grand success, financially and otherwise. About seventy-five couples attended the bowery dance on the West Side on Friday evening of last week and all report a good time Two weeks from next Tuesday is the opening day of the great McHenry county fair and judging from present indications it will be a grand succesa in every particular. k«f will immediately put up a handsome two story store, with living rooms in the rear. The biggest sell in the shape of a circus that has visited this place for many a day pitched their tent here on Saturday. But few knew they were coming and none wore sorry when they went away. But few got sold, as their crowd was notably small both afternoon and evening. McHenry can now boast of one of the best bands in McHenry or Lake counties. The McHenry Military band, under the leadership of Cal Curtis, has been progressing finely during the spring and summer and are now able to furnish music second to none. There has also been a new band organized on the West Side, which promises with practice, to be a strong riVal for musical honors. Some Crowd "Where did they all come from" was an expression heard around the circus grounds last Monday evening. Every available parking place within four blocks of the grounds was occupied by automobiles, while scores of cars were also left in the West Side business section. The crowd was estimated to have been the largest that has gathered in the village on a single night in years. In spite of the hundreds of cars and the narrowness of our streets not a single accident was reported. Will Build Rectory The parish house building committee of St. Mary's church motored to Rockford on a recent day, where they held a meeting with the Rt. Rev. bishop. It was decided there to go fchead and not lose any more time. The committee is in. favor of erecting 8 substantial parish house and agreed jvith the bishop to make the parish lesidence as near fire proof as possible. - J. A. Thennes, Sec'y. The Big Dance Next Saturday night, Aug. 7, is the date for the holding of the season's biggest and best dance at "Stubby's" I lace, Johnsburg. Goetz's jazz orchestra of Chicago will be the attraction and the management is looking forward to the biggest crowd that has attended a dance at the place in years. Anyone having rooms or board and rooms for teachers kindly notify The Plaindealer office. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Beegle hound pups. E. M. Geier, West McHenry, 111. 7-tf FOR RENT--Garage, room for four trucks. McHenry Brewery, McHenry, 111. 6-tf FOR SALE VERT CHEAP--A double folding bed. Call phone 74-M, McHenry, 111. * 7-lt FOR SALE--Two 33x4 tires. Inquire at the McHenry House, McHenry, 111. 8-lt FOR SALE--A light Ford truck in first-class condition. Call phone 74- M, McHenry, 111. * 8-2t FOt SALE--House and two lots. Inquire of or write Martin Conway, West McHenry, 111. 8-lt FOR SALE--Lots in Edgewater subdivision to McHenry. J. C. Holly, Hoy bank, McHenry, 111. 40-tf FOR SALE--Choice river front lots in Fair Oaks sub-division. Edward R. Sutton, McHenry, 111. Phone 634- 3-2. 6-tf FOR SALE CHEAP--Second hand 5- passenger Stoddard-Dayton automobile. Central Garage, Johnsburg, 111. 7-tf FOR SALE--Ford touring car in first class condition. Inquire at the office of the Wilbur Lumber Co., West McHenry, 111. 8-tf FOR SALE--Grant Six touring car, Overland touring car and Overland truck. Inquire at Central Garage, Johnsburg, 111. 7-tf USED CARS FOR SALE--Roadster, touring and trucks of various makes and models. All in good running order. The McHenry Garage, McHenry, HI. 1-tf FOR S^VLE--25 light Matthews gas machine, making gas for light and cooking, in perfect condition. Great bargain. Emil Lasch, McHenry, 111. Phone No. 9. C-tf FOR SALE--Six room house. All modern conveniences. Ideal location n village of McHenry near Fox river. Also choice building lots near river. J. P. Weber, McHenry, 111. 6-tf FOR SALE--My large home in McHenry, including about an acre of ground and garage. Home has all conveniences. Also offer for sale 24*4 acres of land dn Maple avenue in McHenry. Wm. Bonslett, West McHenry, 111. ^ 2-tf FOR SALE--Large shady lots in Lakewood sub on the southeast shore of McCollum's lake. Sandy beach safe for children. The place for an ideal summer home. Apply at Lakeside farm, McHenry, or of Fred T. Colby, Burlingame, Calif. S-mo.* ALFORD H. POUSE . AIIwmj Law ,,, DR JOHN DUCET Veterinary Surgeon * Sterility and Diseases of Teat •f* and Udder •P*"" , :: Richmond, 111. Telephone 168-R SiMON STOFFEL agent for aB classes of 4 property in th* bsat cowponW WKHT MeHKNRT. ILUNOIM ----- . -- Advertise with The Plaindealer. Plaindealer want ads for results fi?!» 4* k» / " - \ 5\ " J " • ' . V i , * • • f rJ *' We will be here tomorrow as we ate today & sell you a Gqs Range and look after its operation. .•ww Leading Makes "s? Improved Design Greatest Economy of Gas Consumption . Durability with lowest upkeep cost Prices the lowest consistent with good Quality. -J ^ j^The kind that you like S -are to be found at this x store in great variety 7 and our prompi delivery service also assists in making this popular trading center for busy people. Just phone us your order and we'll do the rest. It's service s that counts these days and we wfsh to have it known that we are here , for that particular purs pose. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone86-W We, have/ ft splendid stock of Madesto Brand Canned Fruits which our customers tell us cannot be surpassed. These delicacies are put up under most sanitary conditions and are guaranteed to be 100# pure. A trial will convince you of the truthfulnesspf this statement WATER STREET MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop. Eifly Riser Flour Scientifically made 4tid guaranteed to absolutely pure. •»- McHENRY Flour Mills WeA McHenry, W. Don*t forget th|| we deal in general merchandise. Percales, muslinfe voiles, underwear, bathing suits, men'ai shirts, overalls, Black Gat hosiery* shoes, keds, notions and a splendid line of groceries. • JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY. ILL. - Use Armor Plate, the hose of quality and satisfaction. We sell Armor Plate in all sizes, colors and styles, to the little tots as wey as grown up. to the SMITH BROS: Sensation,. No. 3 31 You'll be surprised to know > how many people bought Furniture and Rugs at Leath's Sensation Sale so far. Come this week for Sensation 3w / Leath Furniture ia Better A. Leath & Co. Stores Elgia, 7f-7l Grove Ave. . , , Rockford. Opposite Court Howee 5 Dubuque, 574-51(4 Main St. Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave. Fre^port. ltt-IK Galena St. Waterloo, JI2-3H li. 4th St. v Beloit, &I7-42I 4th St. Joliet, JiS-217 lefferaon St. Janesville. Nl-JH, Milwaukee St. Eau Claire, Masonic Temple. Oshkosh, 11-13 Main. I Vv*'

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