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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1920, p. 7

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hare and cajb ;jpr new g?wftSi jhttW, etc. _ „ ___ 1 i s t a l p # 1 t h e W M « r s s e l o q t ! « « * { * lack, brown and white. We boagfet:ft§® mfctta save yon money in high boots ortitrlbrds. - Dress Foptda^shftdes in voiles, organdies, silks, . Von can make up yoiir oWik towns at much ,xeady to wear garofeW* ,, MEN'S SUITS ^ Our new samples are how ready. Have your suit made for you by the International Tailoring Co. We guarantee a perfect fit and lower prices than the ready made goods. Fresh pure groceries always on hand. Hone 117-R Goods Delivered M. J. WALSH F'-z-'": . . V ' jthe economy d( labor-saving devices. Efficiency and oaf- W in office* store ot factoryare founded on their aid. - stioulb gflfrfo that what is true of man's work is also true of s woman's BUSINESS OF THE HOME. With a Modern Gas Range, that greatest of all labor saving appliances, woman's work ceases to be a drudgery and becomes a business-like achievement. us show ypu our different styles of Gas Rangpfc 9 01. ^ ' • (mot INCOnroMATCo) . GROCERIES & MEAt* a. "W<•«*; w«* uMmy, im >££.•& .... _ .. *€ ** A- ij. , » f • ,, , , » Jt L , ^ «• t * fK» *- > »..* /- fOR-- .r .»• r»AAr\ I • I I • B fyip*'*' ±,'.7::.'* VJV/Vyl/ J ' - • * ' * • ' - l ' . & ! • » >/'•• , • • " v" '® , V.•?,. .A •'. -V • : ; t*- ** , . v »'jtVH-AC • * j V#_ ^»V* V5v";T'.W i"'" . ••• v• • •'v:::- ' - • :"^vj^7 v / > * / .; ';• > *-"'Vs 'Mi *• •::•;•• Ji • 'W-^, Save Your Muscle BATTERIES •Light Your Path ^ You rdy on your automobUe battery to wve your J-099 current for your lights. But tbere are others who depend still mot* ; |a the rdiability of a battery. '"•.i; Bxide Batteries are used in 80% of American suUimia--. in 9S% V "^bf Central Stations in large cities, by the Bed Telephone system and in • ' ' foore of other activities. < You have a right to npart mora tha bUi to Km «| of loaf t|ife and a^e-free service. , COMPLETE STOCK . parts for ail makes ol of starting ami lighting generator Starting Systems. EJectric Acceft-,, Mriaa, Spot Lights, Mazda Bulbs, Fuses, Etc. W. L HOWELL PHONE m-fc View of ifaral s» «hm# VBB CMMHV Mttny MHft ofoor BuK Ssiice Mnki at fromj.|ppf ar« in attflBd- •oonty ftrfr at Woodttotk 4 •PKiiPVi garage of tliis (dace has delivered a Dodge oar to 1. V. Bvckland at Ringwood. | Mr. mad ttn. J<*eph MktoUaf tUs , place |ake this Manner «l |qraiing their iincere tiwintg to the goad pao- . pie of this entire locality for the assisjtanee rendered since the fire a short tf»e «go. A team, representing the Johnsburg court of Foresters, went to McHenry last Sunday afternoon, where they i met defeat at the hands of a picked nine from that village. The soore jwas 22 to 17. I A large number of local K™ght« of Columbus, members of the McHenry j council, will attend the annual picnic of the society to be held in John A. j Miller's woods near the bridge next Sunday afternoon. j The Central garage has a full display of Dodge c^rs on exhibition at [the McHenry county fair at Woodstock this wade. They are also exjhibiting two Cletrac tractors as (well as demonstrating the w>i^»»n* at !the fair. Mr. aid Mrs. Jos. Michels have again gone to housekeeping and are now residing in the Martin F. Schmitt house near the creek west of the village. Assistance that was rendered the family after the fire has made this possible and needless to say that Mr. I and Mrs. Michels are grateful to the igood people of this community. I At th next regular meeting of the Johnsburg court, C. O. F., which takes i place in their hall on Thursday evening of next week, Sept. 2, election of officers will take place and every 'member is urgently requested to be 'present. Election of officers is always very important and evei^one having the interest of the cow t at heart will surely be present at this meeting. A Cletrac tractor, for which the Central garage here has the agency, was driven, to the Les Fisher farm near Volo on Monday of this week, where the machine was used in driving the separator. This is the first opportunity that the garage men have had in demonstrating the tractor for this particular work and those who saw the machine in operation were well pleased with the work dona. Johnsburg had a comparatively easy time trimming Fox Lake here last Sunday afternoon, when the locals shut out their opponents 11 to 0. Giving the home pitcher gilt-edge sapport, the Johnsburg team was never in danger and very few of the oppos ing batsmen saw first base during the ! entire conflict. As usual, a large j crowd of fans was on hand to cheer jthe home boys on to victory. Johnsburg this year has established a record never before equalled by any team that has ever represented the place. • v ' RINGWOOD • H pcya to trade at Effctao^\^ ETmer Olson was a Chicago shopper Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gao. Jepson of Volo spent Sunday with fee Jepaon family here. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Will Merchant of Solon were visiting relatives in town Tuesday. Miss Harriet Hillyer of Elgin is visiting her cousins, Misses Mary and Bern ice Smith. John Boyd of Chicago, formerly a resident of this vicinity, is visiting relatives around town. Miss Loretta Walkington of Chicago Bpent the last of the week with her sj^ter, Mrs. Clarence Hopper. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson are spending several days at the Dells of Wisconsin, having gone last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hallstrom and Mrs. Martin Hallstroa visited relatives in ^Elgin Sunday. Mr. and - Mrs. J. D. Smith, sen, Earle, and daughter, Emily, of Champaign are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Miss Dorcas Foss, who had planned # house party last week, was taken quite seriously ill last Tuesday. She is a little better at the present writing. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Flanders, accompanied by Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. H. Whiting, attended the funeral of Mr. Flanders' sister, Mrs. Mason, at ^Richmond last Wednesday. Several from Ringwood attended the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Jus ten at McHenry last Thursday. The family has many friends in this locality, who extend their sympathy at this time. Raymond Hall returned from his Visit at Manitowoc last Friday. Mrs. Jack Nelson and Marshall Schroeder of Manitowoc came with him for a yisit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hal). Mrs. Frey and son, Charles, attended the funeral of a young man near Chicago last Saturday. The young man wps a close friend of Charley's ynH died in France during service and yras recently brought home for burial. TERRA COTTA Hosiery tad underwear at Bri$kaoti's. Miss Neva McMillan spent a recent Fred Bergmaus ef Chica«ro waa a recent visitor Hi the S. B. Lefener home. Miss Mercedes Boigor of Woodstock was a recent guest in the J. M. Phalin home. Miss LaNette Covalt of McHenry was calling on friends here "Monday evening. r Miss Eleanor McMillan spent several days recently with relatives at Spring Grove. Mr and Mrs. M. Knox left Monday ADDITIONAL EXCHANGES caught ia QifA laka hear Grvyslaka one day last week. | The Woodstock lodge of Elks is j planning a carnival to be held in that city the second week in Septataber. A piece of copper weighipg focactly six poinds was found in a" crefcfc which passes thru a farm in Aided* McHenry county . The natives ire all excited over tike And. The citizens of Antiodt that to spend a few days at Madison and! immediate locality have set out to other points in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh afed children of McHenry and Jas. Walsh at Chicago were calling on relatives here Friday. James Gracy of Honey Creek, Wis., has been spending a couple of weeks in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J; H. Gracy. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughters and Mrs. Edward Larkin and daughter, Lucile, were callers at the M. A. Sutton home at Emerald Park Friday evening. Mrs. Edward Larkin and daughter, Lucile, of Elgin visited from Thursday until Sunday in the M. Knox home. They were joined Saturday evening by Mr. Larkin, who spent Sunday here. 06TEND Try the best coffea and teas at Erickson's. Joe, Harr.e r an.d family attended .. 0 ,. . , church services at Mu.cuH enry S0_u nd, ay .:cr ew, .o n the. S. o.o .h.n e „n ea.r Area short- ly after midnight Sunday morning. sell $60,000 worth of stock in a manu facturing concern which will locate in that village provided the stock is sold. A midnight moving was an experience of the otherwise peaceful village of Grayslake one night last week. The get-away involved two families, who, with th% exception, of unpaid accounts, left little behind. According to figure* as released by the Washington census bureau last week, the population of McHenry county is 38,164, an increase of about two per cent during the past ten years. ISttO the census was 32,509. N. F. Chamberlin of Libertyville, who has been at Washington, D. C., for some time past, has just invented a devise for the raising of sunken ships, which he firmly believes will make him fabulously wealthy. The decapitated body of Joa Pinkus, aged nineteen, was found by a train day in Elgin. ^ Mrs. Mary Grant spent Saturday evening with friends at Crystal Lake. Miss Vera Bolger and John Bolger of Woodstock ware callers bare Sunday. Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove was a recent visitor In the McMillan 'hones here. Mrs. Stella Peek of Elgin spent Sunday and Monday with relatives -- {*.-1 morning last. Mrs. Oscar Prahl has been afflicted with sore throat, caused from a cold, but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sherman ware transacting business at the county seat one day recently. Earl Sherman and family viaited Sunday at the home of Mark Hutson and family near Wauconda. Mrs. Everett McBroom of Woodstock was an over night guest at the home of her son, John, and family. Seth Richardson and cousin, Leon Jecks of .Missouri, were Sunday guests of the former's parents at Ridgefield. Lucy Thoctias, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas, Jr., was a recent visitor at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Laura Sherman. Miss Ethel McBroem and young lady friend, Miss Thompson, came over from Woodstock and spent the night with the former's brother and family. The notice of the birth of a child to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merrifield in the Sentinel of last week did not mean the Merrifield of Ostend, we are re liably informed. Math. Glossen had the misfortune to break a bone in his ankle last Saturday. He at first thought it a sprain, but the doctor pronounces it a break, It has been quite painful. He is advised to keep off of it for several weeks, quite a hinderanee this^busy time of the year. SOLON MILLS Attend Erickson's harvest sale. Mrs. Ed. Crupley is nursing at Pis take* Bay. Wm. Vandelufar af Hebroa was a recent caller here. Geo. Yonke of Williams Bay spent Sunday here with friends. Miss Helen Brennan is visiting friends in Chicago this week. Fred Converse of Round Lake was a Sunday caller at Geo. Vogel's. Dr. N. J. Nye of McHenry was a Saturday caller at the Davis home. A. F. Parker is out from Chicago to spend a few days here at his cottage. Miss Leona Cropley is visiting at McHenry and Woodstock this week Mrs. Ray B^rthoff and daughter of Richmond were Monday callers in town. Mrs. A. A. Bennett of Chicago spent the first of tha week at the Pefcter home. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Monear were Lake Geneva and Hebron visitors Sunday. Miss Mavila Spauiding of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of her aunt, Mrs. L. Davis. Chas. Hawthorne and Nell Evans of Hebron were callers in, town Sunday afternoon. Miss Mae Aylward entertained several lady friends from Powers Lake and Twin Lakes last Thursday. Mrs. K. S. Craine and daughter, Dorothy, returned to Kenosha Sunday evening after spending the past week in the Vogel home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johonnott of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday here as guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Fannie Johonnott. He was a Chicago man who had been employed on a farm in the vicinity where he met his fate. - Charged with having watered the milk they were selling to Yore Brothers, milk bottlers at Libertyville, a 'dozen or more dairymen of Libertyville, Area and Grayslake have been barred from disposing of milk which is to be shipped to Chicago. The ban was put on by S; &. Blaisdall, a Chicago inspector. Where "Will You S in Ten Years? This is a period of great earnings. With tone it it likewise a period of reckless spending. Others are laying the foundations of future prosperity and comfort; systematic saving in the owning of a home. Where Will You Be? took in the table below and see what YOUft RENT MONEY will amount to in ten years--in fifteen years. Rather startling, isn't it? Do you want to coma out of the greatest earning period tint you may ever know with nothing to show for it? Rtnt Per Month itits.«t n.i •i$tm '• ISM 1CM r>v "117 M •A . im« IMS MS >. 2S.M With Interest at (X Compounded AnntaaUy 16 Y««r* IS Yeara » Ye«S ; tl.Stl.«S •m '""" ; i$4, I.7SMS S,§71.41 4.SSSJI 1.8SMS » - t.MClf ' - t,tsun S,7SSJM s,si«ii 3.SIMS •,11MS 2.I7UI f.lSSjM i MSIM S,SSM» i • 4.4iSJ6 ^ 7.SCMS '-,v ^ 1.M1M 2,Si7JB S,tS74? •; y:, 7,ttt4i I.WMI I.SMLSS S.1SSJS S,iSt.l« it- S.SMJS S,tS4Jt • MtS.TS - 11 Ml H 4.74MS s.mj« it,mS • ^ • -i-Lf:-< . • ATr - Let no one tell you that home owning does not pa|r NOW AS ALWAYS. We will welcome the opportunity to talk it over, without obligation, ol cotme||../< OWN YOUR OWN _ > •-Mi - *r~> QUALITY AND SERVICE FIRST fv&.-fVt. • • fcv VOLO The Volo Aid society will meet with Mrs. D. Wait, Sept 2. F. Hironimus and fkmily enjoyed a trip to Grass Lake Sunday. Wm. Rossdeutscher of Moline, 111., was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Mr*. G. D. Stoker and family autoed over from Wauconda last Friday Preaching Sunday, Aug. ^9, at two p. m. by Rev. Carpenter of Grayslake. Mrs. Frost and son, Will, entertained oompany from Chicago over Sunday. Albert Kottehburg and friends from Waukegan spent Sunday at the home of John Walton. Mrs. Ed. Heinz and daughter, Ruth, of Chicago are spending a week with the former's sister here. Mrs. A. Kottenberg and daughter, Mabel, of Wauconda spent part of last week at the home of John Walton. Don't forget the ice cream social at the home of Frank Hironimus tomorrow evening, Aug, 27, given by the Ladies' Aid society. Mrs. W. S. Farnsworth and daughter, Wilma, Robt. Blackburn and J. Buchanan of Wauconda were caller* of last week. - r , y V * / 1 j * r\ * ft * 4 ^ t; J* . .*4. Ti* _.<l.C'-Ca&t S T 1K '.1 ' • V •y ! '• '"f:- : «. -o \ v &>*> ' k ' •?' ¥• \ i""- ' .-i ^ * 4 \ ./v w -••iwij This is the time of the year when the farmer can commence to realize that his courage to undertake the putting in of his crops in Spring has been justified through seeing his crops develop to near maturity. An all around good crop, with the good prices assured for everything--take courage --be a booster fof-tr Times--iby i- Commence saving now. Those easy tfiftfes to acquire money and save will not always exist. Deposit savings with us-- we pay you interest--thus helping your savings grow. , Yimfr 1^' . y4,' • .v ; tf; ^ in McHENRY, ILLINOIS A- i*-" "it ^ -f'.'l-'ft A ' < 1 • Dodge Brothers Motor Car for long life and endurance. The fine enamel finish, for instaoegfe is practically indestructable, and seldom requires more than a good cleaning and polishing to restore its originti lustre. '4-' ' v * ^ ° 1"* ' The moHnt rowmptfam ia anuMt^By low. The tire miimcc ia naNdlr bisk. KIM CENTRAL GARAGE & REPAIR SHOP • •• . i , -> ,* i; ' •;w- : , •*;><*' ^ */ • •'-% ^ ij* < v* •* Tl * vw *£rf*r Sjr .1l ;.£#*. <** i&b ' ..3 SK6Jfh-j.i*!KL

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