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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Sep 1920, p. 7

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?p-. i s*if* • *e * <.-.1 **'* "<? % it '* V W-A <• ••j", ".•*r, v"Vi j ,• :. is ready for your inspection. It is the most complete line of all wool fabrics we have ever shown. Our prices are low compared with present cost of production. We will positively save you money on any suit or overcoat and give you the latest style or the staple model. »&me 117-fc Goods Delivered the economy of labor-saving devices. Efficiency and Oftf* it in office, store or factory are founded on their aid. MAN AND WOMAN BOTH SHOULD KNOW that what is true of man's work is also true el a womin's pUSINESS OF THE HOME. * v With a Modern Gas Range, that greatest of all labor iaving appliances, woman's work ceases to be a drudgery ,«^|||| becomes a business like achievement. ^ I Let ns show you our different styles of Gas Ranges. ^ttteWesterrjUnited Gas afjfa ' vfikand Electric Company O ; s:s •-> •' •> - , «*,/• . vn ' % * V" > ffM (not iHco««>iiATm») *4J ) ; • ^GROCERIES A MEATS ft f P ' West McHenry, Illinoii "v"I- ^ v-"* y L. >• * \ "!'* " v' ' • Ct, f "" 4b, ' ' ** ->*, F & A '% 54 JC A r 1 -* **.*; v *£ •*.\a' ^ | | "v; -S- • r ' * t 1 s >;• k £$'» i&J I V" VjX '.7 ,• •". [• if - :-r^ f.: THE UNIVERSLCUL CAB r^: m Li ^ "fte Ford Sedan, with -dcctric stamng' ti^! flighting system,demountable rimswith 3)4-inch ^ < hv-tires all around, is the ideal family car because •/ befits general utility and refined and comfortable r - Equipment. Finely upholstered. Plate glas9 ^ | V(%indows. An open car in the spring, summer, ,.<, *nd early fall. A dosed car in inclement ^ ;; weather and winter. Rainproof, dust-proof. In ^ < % ?4|he city br the country, a family car. The low ^ tost of operation and maintenance is not the ^ least of its charms. Won't you come in sad |f look it over? "v STAR John R. Ki N FAMOUS FOR li% '::V- .-sTea and coffee of quality 'at Srick- 'Wfmf* store. J. C. Di&Mt will spnd Labor day with his family here. j Rumor taw it that wedding bells .will"Soon be ringitaff for one of Johnsburg' 3 popular young men. ; Mrs. Tony an, mother of our road commissioner, has been under the doctor's care during the past several days. i The funeral of Sister Coletta, which was held from St. John's church here last Thursday morning, was largely attended. A number of our baseball players and fans were at McHenry last Sunday afternoon, where they saw Elgin defeated 7 to 8. Quite a few from this locality attended the funeral of John Huemaiyi which took place at McHenry last Sunday afternoon. Both the parochial and district schools will open here for the season next Tuesday morning and it is hoped that all children of school age will be present on the opening day. Misses Clara and Rose Klapperich, K&thryn Ootfing and Messrs. Frank Klapperich and George Oeffling were Chicago visitors the latter part of last and the first of this week. The summer season is just about at a close and Johnsburg can truthfulljr say that she entertained more visitors and reaped a bigger harvest this summer than in any season previous. Dancfes will be conducted at Nell's Columbia park pavilion on Sunday and Monday evenings next. These will probably be the last week end dances of the season, altho the Wednesday night events will be continued as long as the weather will permit. Mrs. Anna Adams, who has been spending the summer with relatives here, is spending the week as the guest of McHenry relatives and friends. Mrs. Adams expects to return to Iowa for the winter, where she will reside with her children. Hon. Gus Schoel of McHenry was canvassing the village last Sunday morning in the interest of county politicians to whom he is favorable. Whether or not the visit will result in many votes for his candidates remains to be seen. Ha may rent^ a hall on his next trip. Raymond Diethorn of this place bears the distinction of having WOR first prize at the spelling contest conducted in connection with the rural school day program at the coVirt house in Woodstock last Thursday. The contest was participated in by schol ars from rural schools all over the county and Raymond's feat not only puts him in a class by himself when it comes to spelling, but also is distinct credit to the Johnburg school, where he is a student. A large number of our baseball fans were heard to express disappointment last Sunday morning after the an ' nouncement was made that Wauconda had cancelled the baseball game which was to have been staged at Wauconda that afternoon. Johnsburg has been particularly anxious for a "crackf at Wauconda as the locals feel that they can lick them. With Johnsburg going the pace she has traveled during the past few weeks it will take a good amateur team to beat them. The fans age now discussing Johnsburg's chances at McHenry next Sunday afternoon, when the locals will meet Geier's youngsters in the third game of the season. Johnsburg has already scalped McHenry two games and if confidence counts for anything the game next Sunday is already won by our boys. At any rate, the home players are going to McHenry with the intention of winning and will not be counted out until the last man has been retired. A big following of fans will accompany .the team to McHenry. The Central garage of this place has been successful in the sale of a Cletrac tractor, together with the entire outfit which goes with same, to John B. Dowe, who reside* near Volo. A demonstration of *the machinery was recently made on the Dowe farm and so pleased was he with the work of the tractor and the balance of the outfit that a deal was at once closed for the purchase of same. The Cletrac has demonstrated time and time again that it is one of the best of the small tractors now being manufactured and the makers as well as the local agents stand back of every sale. Another very fine piece of work done by the Cletrac was in the slough on the John Huff farm, which, was plowed up recently. RlNGWOOp Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stoffel are visiting relatives in Ohio. Wm. Dodge and family motored to Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Groceries that appeal to your taste and pocket book at Efickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen are entertaining relatives from Chicago. Mrs. Mary Chase of Chicago is visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. H. W. Allen of Woodstock was calling on friends in town Tuesday. Mrs. Ben JohonHott of Chicago visited friends in town last Wednesday. Mrs. S. W. Smith spent the week end in the G. W. Smith home in Elgin. Lon McKinstry of. Chicago is visiting his cousins, S. W. and A. W. Smith. Howard Smith of Lake Geneva spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. £. S. Johonnott left for their home in Terre Haute, Ind., Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Krohn entertained their daughter and family from Kenosha last week. I "J Mrs . BaMe StMs n ii UUac 'torn fwHaea Jhtri-- is taken to Wood- 'from We daffy to Bat den's McHenry stock last Wednesday for a visit with plant, seven dairies in each load, her sister, Mrs. Snyder. J The threshing gang was busy Mrs. Fetsr Oaaqpbeli of Pierrs, S. every day last week but Thursday, D., spent Saturday 4»4 Sunday with .when most of then attended the fair, her aunt, Mrs. O. A. Tthtat. | Mrs. S. S. Rogers entertained the Misses Josephine and Marion Hep- (Ladies' Aid society of the McHenry burn are attending high school in' M. E. church at her home here Wed- Richmond this year. Hiat school began Monday. Mrs. Jas. Toynton and two children needay. Leon Jecks left for his home in Missouri Monday after spending sev uncle, C. G. Jecks. The Ostend schodihouse is undergoing a thorough cleansing. School will open next week and the pupils *" 11,11,1 » >)hi i VOLO • " Paul Haas of Wauconaa was a visitor here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis of Wauconda were visitors in town last Saturtay. of Palatine spent the past week in! eral weeks here at the home of his the homes of Geo. Brunswick and Frank Toynton. Mrs. Ray Bartholf and daughter, Beulah, of Richmond sprat Monday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Baton. Mrs. Jennie Spaulding, accompanied by her granddaughter, Mrs. Either, h«g gone to Granville, 111., to visit the former's son, C. B.. Fay. AH roads led to Woodstock to the county fair last week and many of A avmher from here attended the our townspeople have planned to visit fair at Woodstock on Thursday of the Milwaukee fair this week. „ .j^ ^ Dr. Hepburn returned Saturday from Kenosha, where he has been spending k two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bitter returned with him. The Mystic Workers wfll hold a special nweting on Wednesday evening of next week, Sept. 8, for the purpose of electing officers. All members, are requested to be present. TERRA COTTA Hosiery and underwear for- all the family at Erickson's. Miss Florence Knox spent Tuesday at the J. J. Doherty home. Mrs. Mary Grant and daughter, P- ® Margaret, were Chicago visitors Monday. Russell Allen and Kerpait Jiroy of Cary were callers here Saturday evening. •* Mrs. T. Bay of Chicago was a recent guest in the home of her son, Geo. P. Bay. A large number from here attended the county fair at Woodstock last week. John Liddle and daughter, Elisabeth, spent Thursday last in Woodstock. Miss Mary C. Burke of McHenry spent Thursday and Friday at the M. Knox home. Harry E. and Walter McCollum of Crystal Lake were business callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family called at the M. A. Conway home at McHenry Sunday. Henry McMillan, son* Glenn, and daughters, Vera and Nellie, motored to Elgin Tuesday. Miss Agnes Bertram of Crystal Lake spent Tuesdsy evening at the Henry McMillan home. Robert V. Knox spent the latter part of last week as the guest of Russell Allen at Cary. Mrs. S. B. Leisner returned Saturday evening from a several weeks' visit with Chicago relatives. George Conway of Detroit, Mich., has been spending the past two weeks with relatives in this vicinity. Several from here attended the bazaar given by St. Thomas' church at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Miss Eleanor Walsh of McHenry spent several days this week in the home of her aunt, Mrs. M. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and children and Mrs. C. H. Fegers were calling in this vicinity Monday evening. Misses Eva and Neva McMillan and Marion Shales, Harold and Robert Knox and Mark McMillan entered upon their school work at the Crystal Lake high school Monday. SOLON MILLS Aluminum sale extraordinaiy at Erickson's. Harry Turner of Woods tack was a Sunday visitor hare. Geo. Vogel spent part of last week at the Springfield fair. Don Smart of Chicago spent Sunday at the Vogel home here. Miss Mae Aylward spent last Wednesday with relatives at Long Lake. Miss Vera Turner is visiting among friends at Williams Bay, Wis., this Mr. and Mrs. Victor Aim entertained company from Spring Grove Sundsy. Mrs. A. F. Wellman and Mrs. John Gibbs were McHenry visitors Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell attended the Woodstock fair Thursday of last week. Mrs. Wm. Osborne of Marinette, Wis., was a Thursday guest of Mrs A. F. Wellman. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brennan welcomed a little daughter into their heme last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Turner motored to Chicago Saturday for a few dayB' visit among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Monear entertained 'company from Kenosha and Genoa Junction, Wis., Sundsy. Mr. snd Mrs. A. A. Bennett and son, Milton, of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the Pester home. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aylward and Frank Aylward of Hebron and Wm. Aylward of Spring Grove were Sunday visitors at Richard Aylward's, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johonnott and son, Shelton, left for their home at Terre Haute, Ind., after spending.the summer with relatives and friends here. OSTEND : School shoes at EricksonSk^-f '1 Mrs. R. J.- Clark ie in Texas visiting her eldest daughter, Mrs. Minnie Maltsberger. Very few families in this neighborhood that were not represented at the fair last week. Hie threshing company finished all Mrs. Ed. Hetns and daughter, Ruth, returned to their home in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mm. Peter Stadtfeld and Mr. and Mrs. Morse autoed up to Fox Lake Sunday. | Arthur and Dorothy Stroker of (Wauconda were guests of friends in town last Saturday. John Hironimus and family of Lake Zurich are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. There will be preaching at the M. E. church next Sunday, Sept. 5, by Rev. Carpenter of Grayslake at two Twenty-nine dollars • and sixteen cents were cleared at the ice cream social held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hironimus on Friday; Aug. 27. Celebrates Twelfth Birthday In response to invitations received, eighteen friends of Louis Bonslett met at Weber's hall last Saturday afternoon to celebrate his twelfth birthday anniversary. A most enjoyable afteyjoon was passed at games and dancing, followed by refreshments. The invited guests were Clara Barbian, Anna Burk, Matilda Freund, Charlotte Frett, Leone Givens, Kathleen Givens, Marie Niesen, Henrietta Unger, Pamela Rietesel, Ernst Barbian, Harold Bacon, Bud Daley, Arthur Krause, William Nye, Tommie Elmer and Ivan Zuelsdorf. Picnic Postponed Owing to the heavy rain of last Sunday morning, the K. of C. picnic, which was scheduled to take place in Miller's woods near the Johnsburg bridge on that day, was postponed. A new tiate for the holding of the event has no>t as yet been set. Wm Clsffc ef Cfercslt I hereby announce my the eftee of clet* dg"the i,fceiill apart' of Me&enry camfr, t» the decision of the Bsylilii all -ytttss* at the primary to he held on Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1920. 9-fit deorge W. Lemmera. • Hosiery son's. and vndwwear at Erfcfc- How Much lias Your Increased Pi®! ^ Authorities ere agreed that the present high level ^prices and earnings in general will continue for m \ period of at least five years. If your rent has been increased, look in the table below and see what that increase will amount to in five years, then ask yourself if it isn't a good proposition to BUILD NOW. V';. Tear out this Ad. Yon vi wsntTtfrlfer to h. * test fear Month tlMT 1I.SS ISJt IMS « IMS IMS IMS IMS IMS IMS 1S.M With Interest at ?£ Compounded Annually S Y«*n IIYwm IS Y«n M Ytm t mMs", fl.MI.St . M.4I4.M lumM s,sn.n 4,UMI 1.SSSJI S.M1.71 S, w it , , I.SSS.IS s,ssiJt S.7M.S4 »77.1| M14JS S.SNJS 1.M7.SS ; S.S7MS 4,IISuS4 S.SI1J9 v 1,117.4* t.lSSJS 4.4SSJS 7.SS2.S2 I.ll7.t| ' S.SSSJS 4,74SJS 7,1*4.24 I.M7.1I t,l47J«S MRJ7 7.S4S.S? 1.SM.M S.SSMS I.SSSJS I.SS7.M i, J.1WJS •.MS.1S t,nsi! 1.7H.SI . S.SS4JS C.SSS.7S I1.SSS.CS i, ^ 4.74MI S.S7SJ4 1S.14S.7S \ •• While you are at it, just figure what your total rent money will amount to in ten or fifteen years. Building a home pays today, just as it always has. We are sincerely desirous of being of service in this all-important matter and will welcome an opportunity to talk over yoer problem with you, without obligation* of oourffc^ OWN YOUR OWN MCHENRY LUMBER CO. * QUALITY AND SERVICE FIRST v w * m, Winter will soon M uponutf .Ii.-"- * v f •V . •'••Vt :: * vj § It ii the custom of PRUDENT people to lay aside for I#4' WINTER as well as "FOR THE RAINY DAY.** f Our Bank affords the convenient .medium for yoo ^o ^ by depositing as much as you can spare in order that winter. „/ ? „ will not find yo« . ?: */• '• Vv* :«' *-• " -V® *.; '-Wv-" '\v* »f:; v ^? * • U N P R E P A R E D * ^ ! We invite you to use the EASY WAY provided by u& ' % HOY BANKING COMPANY • 'ifiMiiiriii%: lii i McHENRY, ILLINOIS -:W ; William L. Pierce V.-V-n'q i ' "? ' ' OF BELV1DERE, ILL. Candidate for SjJM i. ,.*• -t STATE SENATOR IN HIS AUTOMOBILE TOUR OF McHENRV CO it WILL BE IN McHENRYf 9 Atty. Pierce wffl be pleased to meet die voters ol McHenry and vicinity on that day J» a GOOD ROADS BOOSTER and will tell you all about them. He wfflbeaccompaniei ^ McHenry by a delegation of supporters from Boone county. Come out and meet him. m

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