*MSTOP, READ AND THINK tad far Volney E. Brown, Republlea* Candidate for Circuit Clmrk M mk Mr. Volney E. Brown was the first ite to enter into the present for circuit clerk. Since his enj:-- -fcriiig two other applicants have filed insthim. t ' .V - /v Mr. Brown was born ii* Bremer county, Iowa, in 1878, and at the age Of five years moved with his parents k to McHenry county, Illinois, and has »;>' <®yer since been a resident of this county, attending school at Franklinville, Marengo and Woodstock and complet- ; I'--r log his education at the University, of Illinois. !•; , •*;, Mr. Brown at one time took up the ;*v-; jfcudy of law, but later went into busi- ' 4 ifcss for himself, and for the last twelve years has either been in busi- * ness in his own behalf or acted ai manager of business interests. Mr, Brown was largely responsible for securing for the city? of Woodstock the armory located on Madison street in that city; the Woodstock Typewriter company's plant and many other improvements and he has at all times been an active and progressive worker for public improvements and the betterment of conditions in and thruout McHenry county. It can be further stated that Mr. Brown has been'a loyal Republican all of his life; has never before asked for an office at the hands of the people, but has maintained the attitude that men of integrity, ability and fairness should be supported and elected to public office. The salient facts which Mr. Brown would present to the voters in "the present contest for circuit clerk is 11 of this coanty, |e the position fellow cii ability to> he seeks, interests and Ms clos» relaHXMlhtp ftt the farmer (while employed *« ager of the A. J. Olson company interests), together with his past reeord, render him worthy of the eonakteration of the voters at the primaries to be held on September 15, 1920. The office of circuit clerk ranks as one of the most important positions within the gift of the people of this county. It requires a marked degree of painstaking, accuracy and attention and the incumbent of the office should have the proper educational foundation to assonte its responsibility. It has to deal with the recording and filing of your deeds, contracts and other paper's to be placed on record and moreover includes the task of |t! of all pro- In the circuit. court. An the part of the cleric might The mirpor of fashion reflects nowhere more conspicuously than in Hats of character that embody this season s correct choice of &ooct now* 4 I I I • ?*' •- ' l-: m. fe'-'-- I ' - J t STORAGE BATTERY 4. REPAIRIIfG--RECHARGINGP-STOftAGpi i JvAny Make. Work carefully done. m carry 8 twsm j assortment of Generators and Motor Repairs Parts, Spot Lights, Bulbs, Fuses, Dashlamps, Electrical Accessories o{ all kinds. * mm i-m FR Battery in {ft I Buy any mak« of ear on time payments. We will furnish the money to buy a car, new or used; also farm tractors --easy monthly payments. Come and talk it ovtfi Af - ' '• '• Measure by Your/ Purse , IF you are like most of us, you are apt (these days to " measure things by your pocketbook. And you have , right, therefore, to expect more than /the Ofdinary service from an Exide Battery. f * The dollar or two more that Exide quality costs in the beginning means many dollars saved in long life and freedom from repairs. r \ . . No matter wh»t m*ke of battery yom hare, yiS-"-» can count on tfce unprejudiced, expert attention m" our Exide Service Station. Eridei Service jh,, ;'- ' prompt, thorough, dependable. / l V * n, I McHENRY ILL. ™'$v $ •? , i * *e^ «xperieaoe 4a buuiiMinluBW* « very expensive and incon- Ijittl--t reaction upon our county, tit* incumbent should be such a man as you would be willing: to select to conduct your own private business interests, and from the known integrity, honesty and ability 6t Mr. Brown it is tUting to say that he merits its resp lsibilities. Mr. Brown is a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and also a Modern Woodman of America, and alters this race not as a candidate of any person, corporation, faction combine nor group of persons, but solely of his own volition and with the assurance that if nominated and elected he will be a servant of the people for all the people. Mr. Brown's friends claim for him* not alone an enviable record for citizenship, but a high patriotic purpose and endeavor. During the Spanish- American war Mr. Brown left Woodstock with Company G, volunteered to serve his country, but was sent home from Springfield, due to a serious relapse from measles, which caused his confinement over two weeks, up to the time he rose to go to Springfield md again for eight weeks after his return home. In the great war Mr. Brown had signed up as an ambulance driver at the front and was at the time of the signing of the armistice awafting his'call to service. All during the late war Mr. Brown's time md money were ever at the disposal of his country, both in aid of liberty loans arid subscription campaigns, and not only did he- contribute and buy; liberally himself, but spent much of his time in inducing others to do likewise. r-' He stands upon the promise that if elected he will givq. to the office of, circuit clrrk his entire time and attention, an J *o that, end that he may be given this ^ppivLrniLy of service to you, the voters, he humbly asks your vote and support and expresses his deep appreciation for any consideration which may be shown him by you. Adv. Game at Johnsburg Next Sunday Next Sunday the McHenry team vill travel to Johnsburg, where they vill meet the locals in their fourth encounter of the season. The first two games played by these two teams went to Johnsburg, while the last, nlayed on the local diamond, went to McHenry last Sunday afternoon. McHenry is much encouraged over its hov ing lant Sunday and is gemg to lohnsburg next Sunday with more •onfidence than it h^s had thus far this season. * Johnsburg, on the other lknds, feels that they can trim our ^)oys again next Sunday and thus make the standing three out cf four games in their favor. With both Yearns playing a fast, snappy game of ball the fan? »are assured of their money's worth, no matter who the winners may be, and it is expected that another big crowd of rooters will again be on hand when the two rivals meet for their fourth^ battle.. Game called at 2:30 p. tn. Usual admission. Her Seventeenth Birthday A number of her young friends tendered Miss Villa Rothermel a very pleasant surprise at her home on Water street on Thursday evening of last week, Jthe occasion having been planned and executed in lionor of the victim's seventeenth birthday anniver sary. Games, music, weenie and marshmallow roasts were enjoyed during the early hours of the evening, while ice cream and cake were served by the hostess' mother before the party came to a close. Her friends presented Miss Villa with a camera. Miss Kathryn Holzmer of Kenosha, Wis., who has been a guest in the Rothermel home for more than a week, was the guest of honor on this occasion. A fine time was had by those present. ,C , ----"• • "•* £ •* Entertains Club Members - Mrs. Gertrude Miller celeWratecf tier' birthday anniversary on Tuesday even ing by inviting the members of the West Side Card club to her home on Main street. Five hundred was played and high honors awarded to Miss Clara Schiessle, while Mrs. Jas Revor carried away the consolation prize. At the close of the games dainty refreshments were served. The hostess of this happy occasion was the recipient of several pretty gifts tendered her by the guests of the evening as tokens of esteem as well as po serve as remembrances of the pleasant event. Entertain at House Party. Misses Marion Dahlstrom and Benin Johnson of Chicago entertained a number of their young friends at a house party at the summer home of the former's parents, Mr.jand Mrs. C A. Dahlstrom at McCollum's lake, over Labor day. Mr. Dahlstrom conveyed the merry party from the city to "The Oaks" by auto and a most delightful time was had by the youngsters. The guests were Misess Aimee Jones, Lillian Borg, Ebba Carlson, Mabel Lee, Bernice Schwanbuck and Dorothy Binder. -V ... vCavfr . Main street last Friday Wenlllip occasion being the birthday sary of the hostess. was played and prizes a lows: First, Mrs. P. MkJftfU)^>««£^ eolation, Mrs. A. C. Frledley of Chicago. Refreshments marked the close of an unusually enjoyable evening. ' . JMr. and Mrs. O. E. Churchill of Libartyville were recent callers at the home of Mrs. Sarah and Miss Anna Sherburne. CLASSIFIED DEPA8TM3IT LOST- -Ford wheel with tire. Finder rill kindly notify Plaindealer" office. POR SALE--Single buggy, used but one year. Tony J, Miller, Ringwood, 111. 9-tf of land oit v #ry. jym. IH. avenue in Itt, West |t his hone, < streets: 2-tf IMP SALjE--Large shady lots in W*b on the southeast shore of •MnMbto'* lake. Sandy beach safe 4vk children. The place for an ideal 'summer home. Apply at Lakeside farm, McHenry, or of Fred T. Colby, Burlingame, Calif. - 3-mo • FOR SALE--Public auction held at 2:00 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 11, 1920, tires, one horseshore spare on rim. on premises of the undersigned. Delivery wagon, large and small buggy, plow, double harness, cream separator, fireless cooker, some left over merchandise and such household goods as will be disposed of. Term, cash. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Debrecht, Johnsburg. E. H. WINFIELD wishes to announce i$)R SALE--Lots in Cdgewater subdivision to McHenry. J. C. Holly, Hoy bank, McHenry, 11L 40-tf FOR SALE--^Fourteen sheep, one •am; 2 tons of clover hay; also some grapes. Call phone 607-M-l. 13-tf FOR SALE--New milkers and springrs; also ten head of horses. Inquire >f Ira Steuart, West McHenry. 13 WANTED--House girl. Good pa^ for right kind.. Mrs. John Whitworth, 127 Jefferson St., Woodstock. , 11-tf < FOR SALE--Choice river front lots in Fair Oaks sub-division1. Edwkrd R. Sutton, McHenry, III. Phone 684- J-2. 6-tf FOR SALE CHEAP--Second hand 5- passenger Stoddard-Dayton automobile. Central Garage, ^Johnsburg, 111. 7-tf •r,W< •It «r \ I i PHONE IM-R FOR SALE--Radiant coal stove, learly new. Inquire, of N. P. Diedcich, Ingleside, 111. 12-2t* FOR SALE--McCormick corn binder; nearly new. Inquire of Bjerf Kfenneforl and rug,? ft., Victor-* wortt of records in< 1 white bed complete with felt mattress, 1 rocker, Perfection oil heater,-' new porch swing, also boy's 18 inch frame Chicyco bicycle, new in July,".", : ; bargain for $30.00 cash. * 13,y.~:;^ FOR HIRE--I offer my services to the'5" " J voters of the counties of Lake, Mc- " Henry and Boone as state senator for ', the coming term for just the salaryv -1•« provided by law and will not accept^.?;,,, one dollar additional from any source. I have had four years' experience senator and know how to do yourr^f^ work. I have been on the job every*^' ' *S •day, never absent, never tardy. You^is?* cafi hire me by going to the polls on^^Ej Sept. 15 and voting for me. Be sure^f to take along the good wife and a^|.K,l„ neighbor and his wife. R. B. Swift,?. Libertyville, Hi. * - • - K-' :>eck, McHenry, 111. 13-2t* FOR SALE--Second hand 18-inch Pa pec ensilage cutter, in good condition. Wm. B. Tonyan, McHenry, 111. 13-2t* FOR SALE--Tomatoes and cabbage, $1.50 per bushel. Henry Buchert, West MeHeerfi IUr Phone 613-R- 2. ll-4t FOR RENT--Farm known as the J. A. Schaefer farm at McCollum's lake. Inquire of Mrs. Nick Boh* McHenry, 111. 12-tf FOR SALE--Automatic fly shuttle loom. First-class condition. Inquire of Mrs. Wm. Voeltz, West McHenry, B1. . . J • 13-3t FOR SALE--Cabbage and tomatoes; also 100 burr oak fence posts. Henry Ahrens, West McHenry, 111* Phone 53-J. 12-2to* FOR SALE--Cooking and heating stoves and household furniture. Also a number of chickens. D. Segel, McHenry, 111. ^ » 13-lt FOR SALE--Ford touring car in first class condition. Inquire at the office of the Wilbar Lu|nber Co., West McHenry, 111. 8-tf FOR SALE--Grant Six touring car, Overland touring car and Overland truck. Inquire at Central Garage, Johnsburg, 111. 7-tf i I hereby announce my candidacy for , and elected endeavor to con-i FOR SALE--h. p. Fairbank- Morse gasoline engine in good running order. McHenry Artificial Stone Co., West McHenry, III. 10-tf LOST--Between McHenry brewery and the Cooley mill, a crank for a $ h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine. M. L. Wo^ts, McHenry, 111. 11 USED CARS FOE SALE--Roftdcfer, touring and trucks of various aaltea and models. All in good running order. The McHenry Garage, McHenry, 111. renomination to the office of State's attorney, subject to the decision of the voters at the primaries to be held next September 15. I am more than willing to stand on the record I have made in the conduct of the office for the past three and a half years. During that time I have tried to render to the citizens of this ' county an efficient, courteous and faithful service and have always refused to allow anyone to use the office for the purpose of persecution or venting personal spleen. In other words, I have endeavored to use common sense and food judgment in the performance of j*y duties and with a view of giving the people of this county & sane and not a fanatical administration. ' If my three and a half years of service along these lines meets with your approval I respectfully solicit your support and vote, and if renominated FOR SALE--25 light Matthews g|M machine, making, gas for light a: cooking, in perfect condition. Gi bargain. Emil "Las^h, McHenry, Dl. Phone No. 9. FOR SALE--Ten horse portable I. H. C. gasoline engine; also nine horse portable Witte gas or gasoline enjfine. These can be bought at a bargain. F. E. Howe, Ringwood, 111. 13 FOR SALE--Six room house. AH nodern conveniences. Ideal location n village of McHenry near Fox river. Also choice building lots near river. J. P. Weber, McHenry, 111. * 6-tf FOR SALE--Two houses in Spring Grove, 111. Might consider trade or will rent and improve for reliable tenants. Mrs. Isabella J- Moss, Libertyville, -111. Box 451. Telephone 56. ' ; 10-4t* FOR SALE--Two story, »ix room house. Full basement, one acre of ground. Just out of city limits. Price, $3,000. Inquire of Ben Stilling & Son or Mrs. Henry Justen, McHenry, 111. 9-tf tinue to so conduct the office as tc^ ^", merit the respect and hearty co-oper->\1 ; * ation of the citizens of the county. I do not feel it would be fair to the. "". '* people of the county to neglect th<p^'|~j ' duties of my office in order to make ai^^;,. ^ extensive campaign for renomination^ and as only a short time reniai before primary day it will be utterly impossible for me to personally solicit or meet a great many of the voters^ : Consequently I take this, the onl£.. • method available to. me, to annoimc4i^ v; ;| my candidacy and solicit your votej^ -v. % I want every voter to know and feeP» - that if I had the time and the duties ^ of my office would permit me I woul<| ;£ 1' be more than glad, as in my formef C, campaign, to meet each voter gonally, and -1 am making this explanation so that there will be no mis- Hunderstanding as to why I cannot* -. £ visit each voter • V. S. Lumley. Entertained Just Us Clafc. ^'^ Miss Anna Frisby and Mrs. Walter Warner acted as hostesses to the members of the Just Us club at a theatre party at the Empire last Thursday evening. The young ladies met at the home of Miss Frisby and from there journeyed to the theatre, where they saw and thoroly enjoyed Shirley Mason in "Love's Harvest." A luncheon at Bacon's cafe followed. The occasion was highly enjoyable to those fortunate enough to be numbered among the guests of the even- -j ', •' ""'r • J'-x „ • . . _ -v;*?? FOR SALE--I Sayer farm, known as the Cossman and Herbes farm. All houses and bams complete. Between 300 and 400 acres. Very fine opportunity for dairy farming. Geo. J. Sayer, Pistakee Bay, 111. FOR SALE--Buick, model H-45, five passenger, run 3500 miles, 4 cord Looks good and A No. 1 shape. mechanically. Will sell for cash or time payments. W. L. Howell, McHenry* 111. Phone 101-R. 12-tf FOR SALE--Span of brood mares, 12 years old each, weight about 1400 each. A first-class team for all around purposes. Will be sold right if taken now'. Inquire of Wm. J. Welch, West McHenry, HI. Phone • • ..if -w....tJ • "v i.'." ; ^ ,-v v *i • :-(• H-'c-.-i i.,,.;- .. •; • - •>' ? ,V- V Sou have ambitkms for your children --Everyone has. Ambition thrives <mly| j ^on real home life, and real home life de-11 mands a home of your own; ^ ' M' During the present period of'unnalurat. earning and reckless spending, young peo- . I|l pie are bound to form habits and standards of living which will either make or mar their future happiness and usefulness. A home that is all yours and all theirs willbecome to them an inspiration fpr the presand a safe-guard the future i • -V" M ' •# VOUR home an asset or a Hatrffity? We shall be glad to talk over your prob- J*n> with^rou, without obligation, of codrse. je" OWN YOUR OWN m rW\ \ >,-r , ;V<v MCHENRY LUMBER V, ^AJUTY AMP SyiViGfc «IMT "I trnmrnm. m