*.v • ?„ ^ ^ !b$ W.: £« If .•JA"!:' • • i •;? -i ' .a * 't:\n if >y« ••4/* :!ii ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dryer of Oak Park passed the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block. Mrs. Jli| Lonergan and little niece, Kathleen Lonergan, of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Jack Flusky. Mr. aad Mrs. ROM Whaelar of Chi* cago spent the week and in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. HERE IS A, REAL TEST Economy & Quality FULL to#* WEAR, PERMANENCY OF STYLE, INDIVIDUALITY, SMART, PERFECT FIT, PERSONAL SELECTION OF STYLE AND CLOTH AND ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION =f =93= These are the features we guarantee in our hand tailored-to-measure WOMEN'S AND MISSES' GARMENTS AT VERY MODERATE PRICES Ordinarily when one mentions to her friends that she is havin'g her new Suit, Coat or Skirt custom made, that person is envied because it is a well known fact that such garments are the finest in style, appearance and quality--and generally purchased from v&ry exclusive shops at prices that the average woman would hardly expect to pay-- BUT TIMES HAVE CHANGED Right here in your own town you can have your garments custom made from your personal selection of 60 Authoritative Fashions, 250 High Gradf Woolens. We'll take your measv urements and THE IDEAL LADIES TAILORING CO. of Chicago will do the tailoring rendering you a service onljr usually found in the aristocratic shops in very large cities and for such tailoring our prices are no higher than ready-mades, but the quality by far superior. You actually save on^an "Ideal" tailpred garment. We Clean and Press Your i Clothes to Look Like New JOHN D. LODTZ & SON McHENRY, ILLINOIS I • George Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kenaey and daughter, Kathryn, of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mrs. Andrew Gregori of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. M. A. Sutton, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Frazer of Chicago were week end guests in ^he home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mrs. M. Hartman and daughter, Mabel, of Marengo; Frank ftartman and Miss Martin of Rockford were guests of the former's daughter, Lena, here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Watling and son, Albert, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watling of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy JIankermeyer. Executor's Notice Alford H. Pouse, Atty. Estate of Nelson Q. Ensign, DE ceased. The undersigned hating been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Nelson Q. Ensign, de ceased, late of the County of Mc- Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the November Term, on the first Monday in November next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate "payment to the under signed. Dated this 7th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1920. 14-3t Ellen A. Ensign, Executrix. truly NOVRISHINC novo CLUTCH osPtwrcs W E have recognized this in our mill and we assure you that only the purest ingredients are associated with the wheat that we turn into flour. The care that we exercise in tjie preparation of flour is reflected in the perfect dough that our product makes. Try our flottr--you'll Mk« it McHENRY Flour Mills Weat McHenry, M. S -- - /C r i fe. ' Jffi " •I'Sf r . scv iff E'V-'-'A CI#'* 'y- .mm-,s?< & v ¥ THE UNIVERSAL CAR Reduction in Prices of Ford Products The war is over and war prices must go. Effective at once, Ford cars, truck* and tractors will be sold f. o. b. Detroit at the following prices: Touring--with Electric Starter _$510.00 Touring--Regular 440.00 Runabout--with Electric 465.00 Runabout--Regular 395.00 Sedan--Electric Starter and Demountable Rims. 795.00 Coupe--Electric Starter and Demountable Rims 745.00 Model T Chassis--Regular 360.00 One Ton Truck--Pneumatic Tlrei.. 545.00 Ford son Tractor. 790.00 Hie Ford Motor Company makes this reduction in the face of the fact that they have on hand immediate order* lor one hundred forty six thousand sixty five (146,065) cars and tractors. The company will suffer a temporary loss while using up the material bought at high prices and are willing to make the sacrifice in order to bring business back to a going condition as quickly as possible and maintain the momentum of the buying power of the country, Henry Ford says:--"The war is over and it is time war prices were over. There it no sense or wisdom in trying to maintain an artificial standard of values. For the best interests of all, it is time a real practical effort was made to bring the business of the country and the life of the country down to regular pre-war standards.'* We are at your command with regular Ford efficiency in service and eagerness to fill your orders. ! STAR GARAGE top# McHKNKtf, * * < Si*: jf*v ^ \ r s w TpBADE MARK • • r . . . . . . v ; abemt building the f^ortlstm tractoi* ISf#" had a thorough understanding of just what it should be and what It should do. His early life on the farm gave him a deep insight hi to the daily life of the farmer; his mechanical genius sav? the type of tractor needed. He began work on a farm tractor thirtyfive years ago, and for more than twelve years he experimented over more than 7,000 acres of land in different kinds of soil, with liferent crops. ' x v So he built the Fordson. It is so simple that a school boy |gm operate it. It is low in first cost. It is lowest in operating eost and Fordson parts and Fbrdsbn service are always to to haifspromptly from the dealer. r , i0%r« The Fordson ift a profitable investment." It Can be used everf* , working day in the year. It is an inexpensive power plant that •ill lighten your farm work. , It has proven its worth on mom than one hundred thousand farms not only in operating implements in the fields bit$v in belt and pulley worlfe J And it doesn't eat when idl(p Don't delay ordering yom* Fordson tractor. The da*, fnand is greater than thai SUPP^ f: STAR GARAGE John R. Knox, Prop. Phone Investigate This Safe, Exceptional Home Company Serves Chicago Suburbs THe man with a few dollars to invest--or the man with $10,000--both are invited to investigate the exceptional in* vestment opportunity now afforded by the Preferred Stock of the Public Service Company oi Northern Illinois. v The investor who is looking for a substantial, regular return on his investment, with absolute SAFETY OF PRINCIPLE, will find the Preferred Stock of this big, prospering public utility, an unusual investment "bargain at the present time. The Public Service Company of Northern Illinois operates in the prosperous* steadily growing territory surrounding Chicago^ It supplies Electricity in 160 cities, towns or villages and Gas in 55 localities. The service rendered is indispensable to the welfare and pro^ gress of these communities. Increased Earnings Denote Steady Growth The Company iias over 10,000 home share holders--all personally interested the growth of the Company. Dividends on both Preferred an# Common Stock have been paid regularly since the organization of the Company. The gross earnings of the Company are today greater than ever before and are steadily improving. They will continue to improve as commodity prices decline. The advantage to the purchaser erf .t^: it? HWBt level. i» apparent. *' * I The opportunity is so unusual and so advan- Jifpp it merits yoi^ |ttention and immedia^ fetion. Price and Complete1 Information onjtequest INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Northern Illinois • . 4- *• */.• fell l ' „ ' . .5r- 7 - TS • -