laka en Monday 'and they beat the record clear out of sight. They i port as follows: Om hundred, and fifty-seven mud hem, one rabbit and one squirrel. INCREASES BY TAX BOARD Otfly One Town In County Escaped In the Bonrta Made , , I 1 More than one million dollars in increases of taxable property above that returned by the assessors of McHenry county was made by t£e board A new platform and a roof with J of review, which recently completed turned poets has been pttt over the jits labors at Woodstock. Nearly half town well near Howard's market on the increase made was in the town of the West Side. I Dorr, in which Woodstock is situated, The West Side band has organized I the increase there totaling $436,401. a regular dramatic company in cormec- Chemung, with Harvard as the comtion with the band and will produce a I mercial center, was next to receive a good drama every month. * I notable increase, the boost reaching H. C. Mead bought two bushels of I $337,466. • seed potatoes last spring, from which I The town of Riley is the only unit he raised fifty-two bushels of the in the county to escape without an inbest potatoes as he ever put in his | crease in its taxable property above cellar. . I that returned by its town assessor. The Wilbur Limber company has The increases made in the various bought the two yai^ds at Nunda, which towns of the county follow: they will consolidate, and George W. I Marengo $128,168 Smith of this village will be put in asI Also back taac ,.. ,«*»>190,800 • ' AUCTION SALE OP COWS 4y Ml Froetich, Auctioneers Having decided to quit the dairy, I Will sell at public auction on the premises known as the old Huson farm, ^4 commencing at 1:00 o'clock, sharp 35 HEAD OF CHOICE COWS 35 15 new milkers with calves by their side, balance close springers. This is one of the largest milk producing mile east of Volo, 4 miles southeast of! herds in Lake county and will be sold Round Lake r>nd 5 miles north of Waueonda. or MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1920 without reserve and a record of each cow will be given mi day of sale. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 6 months will be given oa good bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest. Absolutely no property removed until full settlement of same. FRANK Ehredt, Prop. Arthur S. Powers, Clerk. Subscribe for The Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings. •T DODGE BROTHERS BUSINESS CAR Dodge Brothers Business Car Continues to prove, in actual / ^Use, that it is an economical . . - c a r . ' - ' v r ' ^ f Jt is economical in Its current •'"V cost-per-mile and over a long. ^ v"-;;j'^riod,of iise^. • j- CENTRAL GARAGE & REPAIR SHOP HetterauMB Bra*. «c BlckWr, Props. 1 Jobasbar*. IB. Invest Direct in Property you fits- Population of 800,000 Served by This Company TAKE no chances with your savings! Your money, invested in the Preferred Stock of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, will now bring you a larger cash return than ever before. " t. The solid, substantial character of this investment should appeal strongly to you. The Public Service Company of Northern Illinois provides a population of more than 800,000 in the territory adjacent to Chicago with essential electric and gas service. The company, has $60,000,000 invested in plants and equipment alone. The demands of the various communities for electric and gas service are constantly increasing. At the head of the Public Service Company are men of wide experience in successful public utility management. Their standing and reputation enables the investor to repose full confidence in Ihek judgment aa4 ability. The opportunity for investment in this well-managed, growing public utility is unusual indeed at the present time. It will pay y^jp. ^investigate. » Price on Application Investment Department PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 1 of Northern Illinois Experienced Men Direct Activities QUARTER OF A CBNTUET !**»• Clipped From The Plainfe^ * Twenty-ire Tears Ago / October 2, 1895 m The Universalist society has decided to put' In a new furnace in the church and has given F. L. McOmber the order. "Ranger H." and "Ben H.," George Smith's trotters, took second money in he 2:25 and 2:35 classes at Elfchorn last week. >. « A . J* manager. (Dunham Linus Newman has purchased the Chemung house lately occupied by Mrs. Slafter, Alden which he will put in repair and move iHartiaad into soon. It will make him a nice I Seneca little home. I Coral Thos. Burke took possession of his Grafton market and opened up business on I Dorr Monday. , Mr. Rauen, who has been Greenwood running it for the pist year, moved!Hebron to Johnsburg. I Richmond Volume one of the Algonquin Ar-JBurton row, published by E. L. Spence, lateI tfcHeniy 48,000 of Genoa Junction, Wis., is before us. IINunda 19,870 it is a neat six column quarto, dean | Algonquin 12,450 and well printed. The entertainment at Riverside hall, a for the benefit of factory «»«*£ service. Schaefer 83,000 379,486 2^800 30,000 7,500 18,654 9,510 438,401 1,500 5,530 10,000 1,200 on Friday evening the West McHenry band drew out a full hou.;e and was a success financially and otherwise. There is nothing that would add to the value of real estate in this village and township and to the general good of the community as the location of a condensed milk factory. Married--At the German Catholic church in McHenry on Tuesday, Oct. il, 1895, by the Rev. Father Kir^ch, ' Frank Rothermel of t McHenry atid M iss Gertrude Becker of Chicago. By the proceedings of "the Methodist conference just closed at Elgin, we learn that Rev. V. C. Cook has been appointed to the McHenry mad Volo arges, Rev. Jos. Caldwell going to ete, 111. Notwithstanding the prospects that the Universalist church would be cold last Sabbath, the difficulty was nicely overcome by placing in a number of • s heaters. The furnace will be put in place soon. Jacob Bonslett has sold out his hardware business in this village to V C. Friedley, late of Lamont, 111;, who has taken possession of same. Mr. Bonslett was obliged to take this step on account of poor health. September's hot wave of two weeks • juration, which swept the continent from west to east, has been succeeded by magnificent weather with just enough of the spice of coolness «to remind one that his coal bin is empty. On Thprsday of last week, Sept. 26, 1895, occurred the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blake, who reside one mile north of this village on the Richmond road. This couple were married years ago in St. James church, Chicago, making the journey f om Johnsburg, where they resided, with an ox team. Quite a number of changes in residences will take place in this village soon. John Miller of Johnsburg has purchased of Dr. Fegers what is known as the Calkins house and will 1 occupy same. Miss Wilson, who is ocj cupying the house now, will move into the house lately vacated by Mrs. KUh nert on Pearl street. Harry Fuller will occupy the -George Owen house, i Theo. Bickler will move into C. Stegemann's house and J. J. Schneider, who is to represent the Waukesha Brewing company, will occupy tho hawse va cated by Bickler. . October 9, 189§ > Prof. B. C. Kassel of Chicago has organized a class in penmanship at this place. The Universalist church will be rededicated on Sunday morning next, at the usual hour of service. ? As corn husking is soon Jo commence it is safe to predict that some banner corn husking yarns Mill be going the rounds. James McNeil died at tiis home near Fox Lake on Friday last, aged sixtyeight years. He was one of the oldest settlers in that section, Harry Wightman and Lute Lincoln are on a hunting expedition in the wilds of Wisconsin. They have now been out about three weeks. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday df last week were charming days. We are now enjoying the golden time be i tween the extreme her.t of two weeks ago and the cold that is coming, The business men on the West Side have joined together and put in some fine, new hitching posts on the south side of the street, which they propose to connect with a two inch gas pipe, ; thus making the finest hitching place in the village. The appointments by the Rock Riter conference, of interest in this victnity, are as follows: McHenry and Volo, V. C. Cook; Nunda, W. H. Locke; Richmond and Hebron, W. C. Howard; Ringwood, Wm Nickle; Woodstock and Franklinville, N. A. Sunderlin; Harvard, E. D. Hull; Marengo, C. W. Thornton. Six of McHenry** hold hunters, namely, John Heimer, J. J. Bishop, Frank Barbian, J. D. Lodts, Jr., John Miller and Ben Lauree, went to the Bros., McHenry, 111. Phone 106-W. FEDERAL Electric Vacuum Cleaners ,Want your house absolutely clean and •enitary? Certainly favor % method of ^achieving the result Without hard work of course. The job can i>e done in a single 4ay by means of .the .$ederaL Sold on Monthtf Payments It works from any lamp socket egpx Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN 1U INOIS Ma 1M-R SIMON STOFFEL IasanuDce agent for all daaaes of property in the bept companies WE5*T MeHSNRT 1LLINOTJS Alford h. pouste tt We* lfcBefcrjK LITM AN &.COMPAN Y N C O R D Q R A T E ,.'AC0HNISSHNI 326 WCST SOUTH WATER ST C H I C A G O . I L L . --^SPECIALTIES Poultry, Veal, Butter and Eggs Free Cooling Room* ITE FOR TAGS AND PRICE USTS * ; JOHN PETERSON, Mgr. J ,.'~f/ >v';V > r. • "1? .•'iUv HENRY FORD i HASN'T ANYTHING ON US . In order to sell cheaper but still retain our name as quality goods, we decided to limit our delivery system and adopt the following plan: We will make one delivery east and one west of town every morning only. Orders received after 10:00 a. m. can not be delivered until the following day. We cannot sell quality good^ at the following low prices under our present delivery system. Kfnir co-operation is therefore earnestly sought. ' ' Beginning Friday morning we wiU sell at the following prices:, Eastern Best Granulated SugarJ per lb.--._--.HUe A good drinking Coffee, per lb .... ...27c Pork and Beans, 2 cans for .J11-25C Canned Peas, 2 cans for JBc --+ A nice lot of Cabbage for Kraut, per pound-_ 2c Palm Olive Soap, per bar__ 0e i Galvanic Soap, per 6c Round Steak, per lb. Pot Roast, per lb -21c and 22c Soup Meat, (plat) per lb.-_.___ 17c Hamburg Steak, per lb -- .__-22e Bacon Squares, per lb--,T._J 21c Picnic Ham, per lb.___.__. _.__._27c Rendered Lard, peftbv_.._ 26c Spare Ribbs, per lb._^__„-.- .._.^.--^ >_i.--.*25c Pork Steak, per lb. S8c Our butter is known as the best in town. Tf|r it Bulk 65c; brick .^_^!7c CENTRAL; MARKET WM. PRIES, f'rop. ^ Phone 80-11 Fordson TRADE MARJt Farm T ractor The Pordsoa cuts the cost of preparing land almost to half of What it cost with horses. But even more important is the fact that the Fordson saves from thirty to fifty percent of the farmer's time. And time saved--getting fields in shape to plant in the proper season; getting things done when they should be done means money to the farmer.,, Besides H in soiviq^ the labor problem. y v t As ever, tl»e machine way is proving more efficient, faster, easier than the old hand way. In the factory, the machine increases production, saves labor--produces more at less cost. And that is what the Fordson dbes on the farm. The Fordson way is < ft)ie machine way of farming. Besides it helps the labor probjem. The Fordsoh's first cost Is Iqw; and the after or operating cost is low. It is a compact, easily handled tractor, backed by . greatest traetor service organization in the world. We are /Fordson dealers. Not only do we sell Fordson tractors, but we carry a stock of Fordson parts and employ Fordson mechanics to help the farmers get the best results from the Fordson. Let us demonstrate the Fordson en your own farm. STAR GARAGE Inhn R. Kaox, Prop. Phone 3t 1 v