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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1920, p. 7

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IWP1WRHN9 wfCTfp First* Furniture If y«mar<» to be ni*rrl<Ml i^nd fnrolsh a home-stop and think-yon will hare your 'fttrMtturt; a l^n* l*5tM«ty «i»<t com bay--etM* no A. l.eath At Cti Stores .**74 (•rove AyitL.. *4 Kwllonl. OMMHir Dubuque. S7fc-SM Main Si.;< ' Aufm j, .0-JB Ave. -ki' KUl»e/|i<niit,K IKM.k SlSJ CILr ili.lntaa Sh!<ItT' *. '. "•r '• K ,^S WatrrUkO, Ji£j|«l>:. 4(li Stp-, " . "&V,- Mcloii. 4th Si. ' m Jolin. JI5 iV7 Mferw>n St,' &• •>*•! Jenesville-. -JO-JSt. Milwaukee 8t-» )"vV,f / Eau Claire. Miwnk Temple. Oehko«h, H-IS Mabf. Says UMth'l tamUMN iat ImuIMHimm* Chi«-aKo, 3U N. Michiftan Ave. Free Auto Ddhrcrjr v. •. -/& trnmm < ' Cmset|yJ^.|)Ki>|;,. Shortage J. A.; Judson, Buffalo Creek, Moat., •aye: "We bought our Delco-Ligbt in the spinoff of 1U17 * Besides saving fcbout 48 hours each week, it has given perfect satisfaction With the present ' difficulty in securing help we consider it indispensable." * Writ® far Catalog MeHENRY LUMBER COMP^H^ B DELCO-LIGHT DEALERS ^ t- West Mc-Henry, 111. »r gMAJLE DELCO-LIGHT YOUR CHOICE LITMAN ^COMPANY N C O P p O P A T E I dWIHISSMW •iiiiSiMi v.. ,*i MERCHANTS V -si;, .V *rr"^ >W-7 V- • ' • t w r . sT S O l J T H A A • r I ? S C H I C A G O I L L . A . . • *w- SPECIALTIES-^ r Poultry, Veal, Butter and Eggs Cooling Rooms t^RSrSJS ANO- > * 'JOHN PETERSON, Mgr. •<A CON^JN AND SEC US TOR YOUK » V*jS&v. ' >• * ! '4*'h £ ,/h'^Uife well as yeur every day needs. Our goods are priced fit the lower levels, as often as ^ > -market conditions warrant. * •* - t|t will .be impossible to enuml^ rate each item on which the ^ V. !• •% • ' - price is reduced.. - Come early 1^. while selection is large. Xv Jp:hy-: • • .'1 ?&$ ' *'k ,.V .. Phone I17-R Goods Delivered M. J. WALSH - . - fci- • • * •:1 :^;ls Vf TME UNIVtRSAL CA» Here is tHe Ford Runabont, a perfect wind of utility. Fits into the daily life of'*•' v everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all th® ? time. For town and country, it is all that it# name implies--a Runabout. Low in cost of operation; low in cost of maintenance, with all the sturdy strength, dependability and tch^y liability for which Ford cars are noted. We'd b* - pleased to have your order for one or more. W|i have about everything in motor car Kce^'rseries, and always have a full line of gehtrinlk ,< Ford parts--give genuine Ford service. • *v ». .'lf&ih "ST- •* :"V ..- V : • ^,a J5TAR GARAGE * #B|ni mi •»------' »Kvmvvmj» - nHM.titfk .. Sl«>e«iP,f)eierytpfW^clcson> Wm. ttddaff was eat fiWnn Chicago last tnric - Mi*, f. E. Bennett WM .* Woodatoek caller Friday. Miss Lois Levey spent last 'faeaday at Crystal Lake. ^rs. Jessie Wflle waa down from Woodstock Tuesday. Ml-s. S. Wakefield is visit!ag her son and family at Barrington. Mrs. H. Wille was shopping at Woodstock last Thursday. . ;. • Mrs. A. G. Levey was avCrystal Lake passenger Wednesday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. N. Nelson spent Sonday with relatives at Cary. The choir meets this Saturday afternoon, with Mrs. W. R. Walkup. F. Wille had a new pipeless furnace installed in his new home last week. Remember the date of the next lecture course, Monday evening, Nov. 22. A. R. Yanke of Greenwood Was a business caller here Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch were Chicago passengers Wednesday evening. Mr. Buchanan and son, Harold, of Crystal Lalce were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neis Nelson visited the latter's parents at Batavia Monday. Christopher Tean of Belgium is visiting itf ti^ home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Frohmann. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Abbott and son, Earl, were up from Cary on business Wednesday. Henry Wille is again able to be out after being shut in with erysipelas for several days. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wilkins and children were Saturday evening shoppers at Crystal Lake. Mrs. I. Buitiick and Mrs, W. R. Walkup were Woodstock callers Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Lyftch and son, Ray, and Master James Bennett were Chicago shoppers Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Thomson was entertained in the home at J. B. Lynch Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Hazel Baker of Crystal Lake spent the week end In the home of her brother, Lee Baker. "" Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson are entertaining a little daughter at their home since Monday, Nov. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Draper of Woodstock visited Saturday and Sunday in the W. R. Walkup home. Crystal Lain Friday- • New all wioftl «|orm serges at prewar prices. iNclason's. ' Mrs. SteQa fthcit was a business visitor ih Elgin Saturday Miss Frances Knox viaited friends at Crystal Lake Sunday. , Miss Verm Bolger was a caller at J. M. Phalin's Sunday evaning. Quentin Walsh of McHenry spent last week with his cousins here. Mrs. Ray McMillan and Miss Marion Shales spent Saturday in Elgin. Miss Eleanor Phalin called on Mrs. W. F. Powers one day last week. Miss Julia FefFer spent Thursday evening with Miss Agnes Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago spent Sunday at Henry McMillan's. Henry McMillan and daughters, Eva and Neva, were visitors in Elgin Saturday. Miss Nellie Doherty of Holcombv ille visited relatives hqre Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Knox of Me- Henry were guests of Mr. and Mrs,' M. Knox and family Sunday evening! Miss Eleanor Conway of McHenrjr called at the home of her uncle, M. Knox, and family last Wednesday evening. v Misses Eletnor Phalin; Agnes Frisky, Florence Mid Frances Knox attended the N. I. S. T. A. meeting at Aurora Friday. Mrs. W. Hart and Mrs. Martin Foley of Cleveland, 0., were guests of the latter's niece, Mrs. J. M. Phalin, and family a couple of days last week. Mrs. James Hunter was called to Plato Center last week on account of the death of her brother, Edward Nelson. She returned the first of this week. • <* TERRA COTTA Miss Frances Knox was fk visitor in Chicago Saturday. Supply your Thanksgiving table with groceries from Erickson's. Miss Florence Knox spent Friday evening with McHenry relatives, Henry Bay of Chicago visited relatives here a couple of days last week. Mrs. Clara T. Bay of Chicago was the guest of refatives here last week. Miss Eleanor Phalin spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago and Woodstock. Mrs. J. M. Phalin, son, Thomas, and daughter, Marjorie, were visitors in Elgin Tuesday. Miss Marjorie and Ruth Phalin spent Saturday evening with their Notice fa MEMORIAL TO LATE PASTOR, REV. H. M. MEHRING R1NGWOOD 1 Toys and holiday goods at Erickson's. Mrs. E. C. Hawley visited relatives in Elgin Tuesday. First-flass repair work done at Donavin A Reihansperger's. Anything in the line of hardware at Donavin & Reihansperger's, Ringwood. Mrs. Ed. Thompson spent several days last week with friends in Elgin. Mrs. H. W. Allen of Woodstock was calling on friends in town last Saturday. Miss Ldah Claxton of McHenry spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Shepard. Mrs. J. McLaughlin visited her sister, Mrs. Will Merchant, in Solon one day last week. # Mrg. Bertha Esh of Spring Grove spent SnAday in the home of her father, Ed. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sullivan of Hutland spent Thursday of last week with the latter's uncle, C. D. Bacon. Mrs. P. N. Musser of Elgin spent last Thursday in the home of her parants, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whiting. Mrs. Ed. Hopper has been spending several days in the home of her son, Clarence. Mrs. Clarence Hopper has been ill, but is improving. The chicken pie dinner last Thursday was a success in every way. The nfet receipts of the day were $71.66. The next dinner will be Dec. 9. A little baby boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krohn last Sunday morning. Mrs. Happy Hall is caring for Mrs. Krohn and son. 1 - The first quarterly conference of the board of the M. E. church will convene at the church on Saturday, Nov. 27, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Rev. Clark of Chicago will be present and a full' board meeting is desired. The W. C. T. U. meeting, which was to have been held Nov 6, will be held Friday, Nov 19, at 2:00 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Emma Brown. Mrs. Will Douglass of Hebron will be present as was previously announced. A party of more than a little interest was given at the Jepson home last Saturday. It was to celebrate four birthdays, those of Lorena and Olive Jepson and Ruth and Ethel Whiting. There were about thirty guests. A bounteous dinner was served by'Mrs. Jepson and Mrs. Whiting at the close of a most pleasant afternoon. ^ •- TERRA COTTA . ..{Jjltst week's delayed letter] "Mrs. John Liddle < waa a calk sister, Mrs. Robt. Knox. Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter of Elgin spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Stella Peck. Mrs. Clara Miller of Chicago visited at the homes of S. B. Leisner and Geo. P. Bay a few days last week. W. F. Burke was a guest in the home of M. Knox and family Thursday evening and Friday of last week. OSTEND t - Cheese of quality at ErickpoftV Ostend pupils have been eating hot lunches the last two weeks. Mark Hutson motored up from Wauconda Sunday and called on relatives. Roy Hobart was an over night visitor in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Julia Lincoln, near Harvard. Myron Francisco and wife of Wauconda were reoent visitors in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Hasel She*- The grocery wagon still makes its regular weekly trips, the fresh meat car twice a week, mail every day and telephone all the time. Lonesome, we guess not. Lester Sherman has gone to Madison, where he will enter college. He was accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. Dora Sherman Parsons, who has spent several weeks here with her brother and sister. She returned to her home in Minnesota. No one around here need pay $2.95 for apples. Many have a very good supjrty and those that have not could have purchased fine greenings and some other varieties of C. B. Durkee at $1.60. Nice hand picked apples up at the Thomas farm. They had many bushels of fine Jonathans, hand picked, at $2.00 per bushel. JOHNSBURG Celebrates Ninth Birthday Nine little girlsv helped to celebrate little Miss Leona Schaefer's birthday anniversary on Saturday last. The date of her birthday occurring on a school day, Nov. 18, the party was arranged for Saturday. Games were in order and delightful refeshments were served before her playmates left for their homes. The guests were very pleasantly entertained by the happy hostess and many pretty gifts were left as remembrances. Those who made up the happy gathering were Misses Marie Mertes, Cecelia, (Emma and Margaret Schaefer, Helen Smith, Helen Schaefer, Martha Hettermann, Florence Smith, Bertha Jus- Tt> the Stockholders of the West McHenry State Bank of West McHenry, Illinois: - Notice is hereby given that a special meeting 1 of the stockholders of the West McHenry State bank, a corporation of the State of Illinois, will be held at its bank building in West McHenry, Illinois, on Wednesday, the 15th day of December, A D. 1920, at 3:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of considering the following resolution and transaction of such other business as may property come before the meeting. Resolved, that th^ number of directors of this corporation be and the same is hereby changed from six to eight. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the whole stock of the corporation is necessary for the adoption of the resolution. ; . ; . E. L. Wagner, (Director). •,•'>« C. H. Fegers, (Director), y! S. Webster, (Director). Simon Stoffel, (Director). .. 23-3t .' J'. H. Wattles, (Director). " Notice to Milk Producers We will have a car of old process oil meal, which we are told will run 32 per cent and better in protein, which we will sell Her $60.00 per ton strictly cash. Anjtone wishing any of this oil meal pleas£ write or call us on phone and place your order." As seen as car arrives 10' notify yon.!; Yofcra truly, Tlbbit^ Camera* Lfer. Co., „ i' **. i' ^ Siegler, Mgr., 2f*8|" Spring Grove, A PHILIP, JAEGER ^OENERAL CQTIMISSION MERCHANT; %'*$• •'SPECIAL ATTKNTIOM QIVKN TO TBS SALS Of ? v ' &•*** BmI, rtutten. Hogs, Veal. Poaltry. Hid**, Etc., Butter and Bgga This la the oldest ho«se on the etowt Taglaad vrlea Hats rarakjsH oa u .aa ' ..y ISKj '••* • w Jmrhie*-"•rsr^RtfSi COLO SpOftAOB P*BE application. ?V*w;'*... . t -ret**.* Stan t * I. fhitoi ft. WhaltMlt Mtrktl CHICAQoffLtifcerS. nsrc LOUR CAM PPU» NO. matter t><.n delicious the filling of a pie may be, it's the flaky, brown crust that gives it the taste tb^t makes you smack your lips and thoroughly enjoy it. Our pure flour has everything in its flavor to produce tasty crusts. Just give It a trial. Try oar doar-yee'U Hka it McHENRY Fk>ur Mills Weet McHearv. III. System Local Chicago Telephone Directory Goes to Press Soon < Notify us to-day if you are about Id move, or rf there are any other changes tliat should be made in your ^elephone Uttiftg. Telephone 9903 cra^w TEUSrttONK COMPANY % if®'1* -•.Wi nil nilwi •'! - * • '.iV; '> %n, ,temm tmnss WE ADD TO TOUR WE LOSE BUILDING MATERIA!, -1' COAL j * v mm. VA lumber concern or any other busineaft < r ,' , }$ ^ ,,'iv " ' ^ c */{C house must stand or fall on the quality ai ^ f its service to you. Every bit of our energy^- *' our utmost effort, is directed to filling each *. il order that readies us to the advantage ^ : fl our customer. • '* . FEED t yLOUR WILBUR. LUMBER. Went McHenry, Illinois • PhoaaS N. H. PETESCK . JOHN CAREY • O. B. OBERSTADT . WM. J. WELCH JOS. C. HOLLY' CLARENCE %; HOY FREMONT HOY Each of the above named gentlemen, WHO ARE THE DIRECTORS, invite you \o make your banking home with the Fox River Valley State Bank 9W McHENRY, ILL. Paid up Capital $50,000.00 .ti V fAi»ii .«:• -f, fREMONT HOY, fRES: JAMES B. PERRY, VICt PRES.; "/ra j • CLARENCE F. HOY,-VICE PRES. JOSEPH G. HOLLY, CASHIER Wa it - ^ t' \ \ • VI 4| if m' v ;. .%• r ail

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