m Haifa • fed iMkwhH* dtr*i work ftwies • hud. Bwhrtt wwBr smass bom weak kidney*, and if hesdsoliM, diss!- mmi or tUty Mm Im *» added, befors tho kidney graval *wr AMW sets in. ~ XMaey POb have taught aewttfe aad Mir strength to tho--ends Used and .recommended the world ever. A$k jfour neighbor I O. F. Porter, machinist 916 Sixth 8t. cheUe, ill., says: "I bad a lame and a.c h 1 n g back for moniha. 1 tried different remedies, but didn't sot any ralM. My back hurt mo at night when I got through my work. Morning* my back seemed as lame aa over. I used throe boxes of Oput'i Kidney puia and they removed the pain entirely." Oat Dean** aft Asp State, SOc a Ben DOAN'S ",'fJLV fOflTER-MLSUUi CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. S, • . t> j " "i -- ,, -P" n i:|;, .} TOO ?• ^fLATE % ?J#S«h «»lr amsttarofAortHi Don't wait ondl pains and aches become incurable dlssaess AfoU I try f.. v.r -v tr -mvty'* COLD MEDAL - * v V >V,* -V ffce worldt standard remedy for Udney, Im, bladder and arte add trooblee--thai National Remedy of Holland since 1M&. Guaranteed, Three aiass. all draQiw tOtMBtCaUIMdMMfrlw America's Gateway Seen From tbe Air Tb«; Immigration station on Ellis Isiund, New York harbor, photographed from United States army airplanes. Is through this station that all Immigrants entering New Y ork must pass. Deed of Monument Erected in Montreal in Honor of "Thermopylae of •' CANADA^,. -if*:. EXPLOIT LIKE FICTION TALE HEBE'S THE LATEST TOY OUT The Little ** Kiddie Movie* Ptctare MacMae Any child can operate. No lights no danger. IS reels of amusing pictures free with each machine No end to fun. Suitable for boy or girl S to 15 years. Order today for Christmas. By pared -post Si .50 complete. <<I*£nXXEwVE Key* Ml*. Cs.. East SL Uak,m , FOB UUJt-klUi'KUtU) A>U I N1.H- ^ PSOVKD FA KM 8 and FAKM LANDS, large - , and small tracts, in Uulf section of Alabama. •' Hlaey terms. Get you a farm. Tell ue , ' what yon wast Oet Away from Snow and 'Tee. Come to Land of Sunshine and Flowers. Good roads, good markets, healthful and prosperous country. Address THOMPSON RBALTY COMPANY. Bo* S57. 65 St Fran- • els ffreet MOBIT.E. ALA. &Z Dustless-Ebony Store Poliah K-S IRON EHAMBL FOB THB PIPS : U Mnu POLISH roa THB NNUL US Baoa POLISH 8AVBS Saoas u TBY E-Z m BULGARIANS lire longer than any other race. j Bulgarian Blood Tea I Fnaatci health and long life. Use it to iwesten the stomach, tone the liver, flush the kidneys aad purify the blood. Sold • whsrs by druggists --d grocers. HOXSIE'S CROUP REMEDY Has se rival. It is the beat and only poet ; tha awtft aad sore cure, t* cents. 7J) One Thlna, Anyhow. *• Teacher--Now, who can tell Just k what Is meant by the saying: "•All men . ? are created equal?" We all know thnt - some of us are born with wealth and , many other advantages not shared by alL •'* "We are all created with an equal \ nead for clothes," suggested Johnny. _ DYEJIGHT Buy only "Diamond Dyes' ft***- Bach package of "Diamond Dyee" contains directions so simple that any woman can diamond-dye worn, shabby skirts, waists, dresses, coats, gloves, stockings sweaters, draperies everything, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, new. rich fadeless colon. Hare druggist show yon "Dia- Dyes Color Card."--Adv. . w% -- m Many Miles of Piping. If the water and gas mains which • underlie the streets of New York city were placed end to end they would r form a continuous pipe line sufficient- . ly long to reach from the Atlantic to j the Pacific coast. Cvtleura Soothes Baby Hasina . , That Itch and barn with hpt baths „• of Ctitlcura Soap followed hjr gentle . ^ anointings of Cutlcnra (Mntment Nothin" h#tt»»r. porpr. sweeter esne- " T cfally If a little of the fragrant Cutlcnra Talcum Is dusted on at the fln- . . 88c each ^everywhere.-->' Bird's Power o? . Islon." A bird's power of vision la, oh the ' average, about 100 times greater than •' man's. Birds have, been known to V MC • worm on freshly plowed ground ; at a dlstancj of 300 feet. &SS'.'* AFTER Thanksgiving Dinner 6 BELL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief I B10E VOLIT LINO-IAOCSNTIOSN Stop Vour Coughing *-•* • • ^ c, • /*• i" ' -. 'A:" Mo need to let that cough persist. the InlUtiuB, aad remove HrWM sod hoarsewmm by soothing tbe Mamd throat with PI SO S Adam Daulac With 8ixteen Companions Face Overwhelming Farca . af Indians In Attempt ii' Save Montreal. ' ! Montreal.--The magnificent herolam of Adam Daulac, or Dollard, Sieur <les Ormeaux, end his 16 brave companions at the Long Sauit--which has been called "The Thermopylae of Canada"-- has been perpetuated in granite and bronze, and a handsome monument added to'the public treasure* of the city of Montreal. The monument, the work of Alfred Lallberte, stands In Lafontolne park. Unveiling ceremonies took place recently. The 'exploit which has made the name of Dollard immortal in Canadian history, occurred in May, 1QG0. Dollard at that time was commaudnnt of the garrison at Montreal or Vtlle Marie. Paul de Chotnedy, Sfeur de Malssonneuve, who had founded the city In 1642, was governor. For *ome months the colony had been in danger of extinction at the hands of the Iroquois. Dollard, who had come to the colony three years before, .at the age of twenty-two, asked leave of Mnlsohneute to lead a party of Volunteers against the Iroquois. It was known that hundreds of Indian war* riors lay at the mouth of the Richelieu river, below Montreal, while hundreds more were on the Ottawa river, above'Montreal. Three Rivers and Quebec were to be wiped out. Dollard's plan was- to meet the Indian warriors on their way down the Ottawa and give battle, regardless of numbers. Sixteen men Joined him in his desperate enterprise. All took an oath to accept no quarter, made their wills, and attended a religious service. They proceeded up the St. Lawrence, entered the Ottawa, at the head of the Island of Montreal--where the swift currents baffled them for a week--crossed the I«ke of Two Mountains, and passed Carillon, 50 miles above Montreal. At the Lonq Sault. Finally they reached the foot of a swlrlin? torrent of waters, barring the way. The Indian warriors had to pass that way and 'hnt was the pla«.H» to meet th®ra. Dollard and his men took possession of a pRilsode fort near the river's edge, built by an Algonquin war party some months before. They were soon joined by 40 friendly Hurons and four Algocquins. In a day or two the Iroquois made their appearance." Their advance ghard, while making an attempt to land, was fired upon. Those who escaped reported to the main body, 200 strong, about the Sault. The Indians quickly descended the rapids In their war canoes and fell to the attack. - They rushed upon the little garrison, but were driven back. Capturing the birch canoes of the Frenchmen and lheir Indian companions, they set them ablaze and attempted to do the same with the palisade. A withering Ore greeted them and they retired In defeat. During the next attack, immediately after, one of their great cnlefs fell. For five days and nights the straggle continued. The defenders were without water and were unable to swallow the crushed Indian corn they had for food. Their Indian allies deserted them, with the exception of four Aigonqulns and one Huron. On the fifth day re-enforcements to *2* • the number of 500 reached the Iroquois. and a savage assault was trade on the palisade. The French were on the alert, and the Indians were onc-« more compelled to retire. Other attacks were made in the three following days, but with no success. Last Grand Assault. The Iroquois then determined upon a general assault. Great shields of wood, four or five feet high, were made, and under the cover of these the warriors came on. In the face of a heavy lire they succeeded In reaching the palisade, crouching low. and atoartpted to cut their way In with hatchett At this point Dollr.nl cramme# > hlg musketoon with powder, and ptattfted up the muzzle. Lighting the fus* he tried to throw It among the IroqilWis without, but It struck the top of 'he palisade, fell back among the def« hders^ and exploded with disastrous effect. Pressing the assault at thlf iftoinent of confusion, the Iroquois tfrust their firearms Into the loopholes and fired. A breach was made in the fort and Dollard and his men ^sprang forward to the defense. Other breaches were made, and Dollard met a sotd'er's fate. His followers threw themselves upon, their assailants, but the end had come at last. - * The #7 young heroes from Montreal gave th3lr lives, but not In vain, for the Iroquois abandoned their enterprise, having had more than enough of battle, and Montreal, Three Rivers and Quebec were savefe- * y,v . > ? ^ &tanftar2> for tip j (SfrriBtmag ©m I By DOROTHY PERKINS j (Copyright by A. Neely HaiL) Don't let the preparation of a standard for the Christmas tree go until the last minute. In the illustrations are shown three good schemes for standards. The cross standard in Fig. 1 requires two pieces of 2 by 4. 18 ai 20 you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians 21 years, and proved safe by millions.--Sa <D i* mm . SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of , genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direct-' tionsfor Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds,*Rheu?f: matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally Strictly American! , Bandy tin boxes of 12 tablets eoet but a few cents--Larger packages. S--Iris !• the trade Mark of Beyer Ml Owls stare mt UeaoMsUcactdseter of MitrBMdl .nches long (A and B, Fig. 2). To cross these places with tops even as shown, it is necessary to halve them, hat is, cut from the center of each a piece equal to the width of, and onehalf the thickness of, the other piece, as shown In Fig. 8. Then they will fit Into one another. Saw along the sides of the notches, then spilt out tbe wood between the saw cuts with a chisel. The hole for the tree should be at least 2 Inches In diameter. If you haven't an expansion-bit that can be set to cut a hole of this-diameter, bpr* a ring of small holes, and trim up to the 2-inch diameter with a chisel. To the under side of A and B, at the ends, nail the shoe-blocks C. It Is not necessary to nail A to B, if you make them fit snugly. * One advantage the standard In Fig. .4 has over that in Fig. 1 Is that It Is MWttUauKiaiMilkili Use Royal Estates TtSappfy Pension Fund for Care of Invalid Soldiers. War Vietima to Receive Incomes Frem • .4UI Property Left by the Em-' '\.i peror of Austria* Vterilsa.--The vast estates of the late Emperor Francis Joseph will be devoted to the pension fund of Invalid soldiers under a decision jnst taken by the cabinet council. Certain castles and dwellings in this city and the nearby suburb of Baden will either be occupied by them or the fund will receive the rentals and other accruements. Includes In the arrangement arw the splendid estates of Orth, Voessendorf, Maltighoefeu, Poeggstall, Augonten, l.nsenhurg. Hetzendorf and many others. the decision also eoverlng tbe Lalnz Tiergarten, near Vienna, on which a group "of some hundreds of former soldiers recently squatted. The Income of the Prater. Vienna's most famous suburban park with its numerous re3tnurants and amilHeinent places. Is also Included. Many of the estates contain model farm* and otbera are under rentals of much value. The late Emperor Francis Joseph, who died in 1916, bequeathed 60.000,- 000 crowns from his private fortune to a fund for wounded soldiers. Invalids and relatives of men killed In the war. To two daughters and one granddaughter he bequeathed 20.000.- 000 crowns of his estate to be divided among several other legatees. It has since been reported that an American-Dutch company has bought the emperor's summer pnlace at Ischl. In the Tyrol/for hotel purposes. The hunting estates and lodges of the late emperor In the Tyrol were advertised for sale In (January last. Francis con-' sidered these the finest in Europe. "Quality'of Mercy la Mot Strained." Cincinnati. O.--Thomas H. Morrow, assistant United States district attorney, fas received a letter from Hsirvey Althoff. auto mechanic, accused of dealing In narcotic drugs, which says: "There I was a prisoner at tho h»r, accused and undefended and yet through kindness you did not take unmerciful advantage of my position My old mother an 1 s'ster are grateful for the evidence of your M-tiess." Easy to Guess. "Did you ever have the telephone bell ring when you were In the bathtub and there was nobody else at home?" "Oh. yes," replied the family matt, , "What did you do?" "Well, 1 play a little golf and I have Also addressed a few remarks to a punctured tire, so draw your own conclusions."-- Birmingham Age-Herald. Well Fitted. "That boat is nothing hut aa aifl tub." "Isn't it all the better fittad for the wash of tbe sea?" :! 1 Probably the most serene altuatfVM in life la not to have to "manage" a*p> body. Love la Wtiat keeps a mat long time afty he gets well. Kill That Cold With CASCARA FOR Calls, Caught k> QUININE La Gri»« 4 SOH/y U C.I4-----4 © Neglected Colds are Dangerous Keep thk standard remedy handy for AM I Breaks op a cold In 24 boon -- Reiievea Grippe in 3 days--Excellent for Headache Quinine In this form does not aflect As heed--Caacara Is beet Ttale Laxative---No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT *1* CRAFT THERE ALSO Investigation in Argentina Discloses Dishonesty. Claime That M00,000 Peasa Wars "Uaduly" Paid far "Palace of Geld." Buenos Aires.--Argentina baa been having a graft investigation, aa a resuit of which it has been found that 5,fi00.000 pesos have been "unduly" disbursed by former government olttciuis who directed payments to contractors for building the capjtol here. The present government has announced Its Intention of bringing suits to recover the money improperly paid. The building, a magnificent structure of classic architecture, marble facings and broad sweeps of marble steps not unlike the capitol at Washington. Is Insistently cmled In tbe newspapers "El Palaclo de Oro," Spanish for "The Palace of Gold." It was begun In 1897, nnd was originally to have cost 10.000.000 pesos. It is not yet entirely finished and has cost 27,- 000.000 pesos. Recently a committee of the national accountancy department completed an Investigation of the expenditure of the money? paid for construction of the building, and reported that 5,500.000 pesos had been "unduly" disbursed. Buenos Aires newspapers told, years ago. of wagon loads of building material that went in the front door of the structure, soon after came out the hack door and then disappeared. Ohnrres were made that mnrble was paid for, but concrete used for part of the construction, and other accusations of graft were aired. It was then that the newspapers began to cail It "Tbe Palace of Gold." The senators at Washington have a private electric subway which takes them from the senate office building i to the capitol. "Oliver Twist's" Gruel Boiler Offered Museum London.--With other .Dickens relics, the Iron holler In. which, according to "Oliver Twist." watery gruel was boiled for young Oliver and other Inmates, of St. George's workhouse. Borough. S. E.. has been offered to the Southwark museum. 8t. George's workhouse. In the yurd of which stood a public house kept by the mother of the highwayman Jack Sheppard, has been closed. This Marriage Not a Failure. bawrencehurg, Ind.--Though all the original guests were dead, the bride. Mrs. rjicholas H. Probst, and her bridesmaid. Mrs. Katherine Hang, stood together again when the marriage ceremony between Nicholns Probst and his wife was repeated after 50 years. They were remarried in the same old church, and the old-fash toned wedding dinner was duplicated. QUEER COUNTERFEIT APPEARS 3eer*t Service Operatives Discover a |5 Gold Piece Which Contains $40 Worth of Platinum. Washington.--A queer old counterfelt of a $5 gold piece was turned up by the treasury secret service which is worth eight times the value of the coin It Is supposed to represent It la made of platinum. The counterfeit $5 pieces were made years ago and bear tbe date 1869. 8everal years ago some'of these spurious coins were discovered by the scion of a wealthy family in Maine, when he turned out the contents of • strong box that had long been the repository of family heirlooms. The coins were sent to the Treasury department. when their counterfeit nature was discovered and the whole lot was confiscated. - Secret service officials are at a loss to know how the latest specimen cap^ tnred got Into circulation. There are about 20 large sugar rein tbe state of Bahla, Brasfl. Blase California Ducks Lose Fear of AirpJarpe Tuba City.--R. V. Olds and A. H. Tregonlng. both former A. E. F. flyers, now In the employ of the Sutter Basin company with a contract to keep ducks and geene off the 7,500 acres of rice say ducks have come in by thousands In the last few days. As soon as they frightened the ducks sway from one part of the field with their airplane, another flock alights on the opposite side. "The dncks are becoming accustomed to seeing the machine." said Olds, "and it won't be long before even an airplane engine cannot frighten them." *w . Width of French Road* ih France all roads not less than 88 toet wide are enquired to have a single line of trees on each side, at distances apart varying from 10 to 82 feet.,* PAYS EX-KAISER $25,000,000 Pruwia'a Contributions to William «a He Fled From Osniwfy *> Are Disci oeed. London.--More than 62,000,00(1 Dutch florins (about $25,000,000 at the normal rate of exchange) have been paid to former Emperor William of Germany as king of Prussia by the Prussian government since he fled to Holland, according to an official statement made to the legal committee of the Prussian assembly, says a dispatch from Berlin. The former emperor also receive^ money to pay for the building of his house «t Doom, while various Kuraa were paid to Count Bentinck, owner of Bentinck castle, where the one-time monarch first made bis residence ia Holland. The dispatch adds that full allowances also have been made to the former 4»>yal princes. - , The minarets of Cairo are bu/lt"of layers eftred and white stone. iot necessary to bore a hole for the tree trunk. Also, It Is more pleasing in appearance. The plan view (Fig. 5) shows how the four arms A are fastened so as to enclose a pocket for the tree trunk. You will notice that each piece is fustened with nall*> driven through Its face Into the end of tbe adjoining member. A pattern for arms A is shown in Fig. 6. Boards % inch or % inch thick should be used. The center shoe B (Fig. 5), and the shoes C, should be cut of the right size to make projections of about % inch. ' A Christmas tree will not dry out and drop its needles as quickly if stood in water, and Fig. T shows a DONT LET THAT COCOH COKTDVUK! SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND Will knock It In veor short time. At the first stsn of a ooUBfc or cold tn your horse, give a few doses of "SPOHN'S." It *H let on the (lands, eliminate the disease germ, and prevent tattkst destruction of body by disease. "SEpHN'S" has been the standard remedy for Distemper. Influent#Pin^-aye, Catarrhal Few, Coughs and Colds for a quarter of a century. M oeota and 9LM per bottle at your drug store. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY. Variety the 8plce of Meals. MA man shouldn't always eat the same food; he should vary his nieala." •aid the man making conversation. "That's right," answered tbe aeedy looking chap. "Then you vary your meaui, I take itr "Sure thing. Some days I get two meals, some days only one. and some days I get none."--Yenkera States Catarrh Catarrh Is a local disease greaUy Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleansing the blood and building up the System, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE reetorea normal conditions and allows Natuim ttk. do its work. ' Ail Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney * Co., Toledo, Ohio. . KINO HAS SUPREME POWER Not Persuaded." "What are the prospects for getting a little loan this morning?" naked tb» irhpecunious caller. N "Not a chance," snapped |fr. Wadh ielgh. "Oh, all right It's a fine day. dr.* "Maybe it Is. hut Pm not one of those weak-kneed Individuals who her lieve in the old saw, "The better the day. the better tbe bam Age-Iierald. Important Examine carefully every bottle sC td HBW see thatft CASTORIA, that famous old for Infants and chiraren, and Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's TREE HAS "CANDY" FLOWERS * cheme which I have found successful. For a water receptacle, get a wooden or iron scrub-pail (A, Fig. 8). Cut a square block to fit in the pail bottom (B), and through the center of thlf cut a round hole to receive the end of the tree trunk. Make a box of Just the right size for the pail to fit In (C, Fig. 9). Perhaps you can And a boi of the right size or one which will require but little alteration. Make a cover for the box out of two pieces of board of equal width, as shown at D (Fig. 10), and notch the center of the inner edge of each, so that the piece? will fit around the tree trunk. Pro vide screws or hooks-and-eyes foi fastening the cover boards to the boi top. After setting the pall into the box, fill the square corners with sand to make the standard more solid. There will be no need of painting the standards in Figs. 1 and T. lf yoa dress them with crepe paper. 1 'Ifcrtstmss Reminders. There are no small gifts when love gives and love receives. The boy who has the fewest presents may have the most grateful heart. Are you going to give any glfte "hoping for nothing again" this Christmas time? Woe to the receiver who must needs read the figures on the price tag In order to measure bis gratitude for tbs But There Are Reasons Why British Monarch Does Not Exerclae His Royal Prerogative* If the king did all he might do without exceeding his royal prerogative the nation would be startled. He can veto a bill passed In both houses; be can dissolve and summon parliament; he can select or dismiss his ministers: be can declare war; he can make treaties and create peers; he can appoint bishops, governors and Judges-- and all "on his own." He could cede the duchv of Cornwall to a foreign power, disband the army and navy, and cell the dreadnaughts and naval stores. He could give every government official, from the highest to the lowest, the "push." could pardon all criminals, and could stop the whole machinery of government But there is an unwritten law of common sense, fortified by long usage, which makes It unthinkable that the king should do these tilings; and in the last resort which Is never likely to occur, the king, being a constitutional monarch, reigns by the will of the people, and could be deposed by act of parliament, --Montreal Herald. He Knew. '* Teacher--Edwin, what IS tbe .beat time for picking apples? * •** Edwin--When the farmer^ain't look- In'.--Boston Tran--»-|pt. • Literal Depression > "Are his spirits low?" "Well, he has the deepest cdtar'I ever saw a private vtock put in." Indian Product That Rivals the * gerbread House" of the R be red Fairy Tales. We have all read tbe story of tb* "gingerbread house" la tbe fairy tall Well, there Is a family of trees la India that have "candy" flowers, or the next thing to It. These trees ere * known as the "Bassla" trees, and oc the three important kinds, two have sugary flowers and the third ia called the "Indian butter tree." The petala of the flowers are rich In sugar and drop from the tree 'n the early morning. They are picked* up l>y the worn- ; en and children and are spread out v on mats to dry In the sun. A single tree will furnish 300 pounds of flowers in a year. When fresh, the flowers ;1 are very sweet and taste much tike flgs. They are eaten fresh or cooked with rice, shredded coconut or flour. The seeds of the butter tree are full of oil, and this oil Is used to make a kind of butter, and also for soap and candies.--Popular Mechastca slue. :1 I J 8he Would, of Course. "Where are you going, HaaieV* asked Lizzie. . „ "I'm going to (he dentist" esU -v Maggie. r -. "Are you going to have gaaT* i "Weil, rather." suid Maggie. won't find me sitting in^the dark vHth / no strange man."--Houston Peat. As dull as the debates of Dutcfe be*( gomasters on cheesd parings and CSJM die ends.--Old Saying. * 1 Grape-Nuts, The Cereal v That Needs No Siigar ^^ealthful.siobstantial arid full of sturdy nourishment. A food of delightful flavor*: eatable to the last atom* Grocers everywhere/ : > • y -;:V ^ -zJ&xk. i". '