to 0W*. *«ngf from. If* 'red* A »rie» •> A, >#' ia ,t; V' t m '":f vi-^i '•5 "l^?y*. - *t FLY T!M£IS OVER FLU 1IHE IS HERE 31 If you with to getting it this winter, come in and let us show you our WorldBetter Shoe. They keep your socks dry, can't leak or soak through. Do not take chances with others, cone in and let us show you and you will'be convinced. **;'1 JOS. J. MILLER McHEKRY. ILL. by tJ(i,JHiflenry post of m^k^mH0kmn Idtfpii* will - take place at fceir kali entfc*%est Side on 27k " -5* THANKSGIVING Yo« wiH need some extra groceries for that Thanksgiving dinner. We have the kind you will want to make your dinner the most enjoyable. Cranberries, sweet»potatoes, etc and other staffle articles of the - bftq&aiififactkMa. - SMITH BROS. McHenry, III. QUARTER OF A CENTURY Item Clipped From Hie IHihlmhr Twenty-five Year* At^T* November 20, 1895 «* ^ Miss Kate Howe was en the aide list the firft of the week. v Rev. Father Fegers of Sterling was the guest of his brother, Dr. C. H. Fegers, a few days last week. Miss Flora Sherburne is teaching in the public school this week in place of Miss Kate Howe, who is sick. Married^--In Chicago on Wednesday evening, Oct. 30, 1895, Joseph M. Mc- Omber and Miss Nellie Golden. The summer residences at the lakes are being broken into by some lawless parties and many articles of valoc stolen. The social at the Riverside House on Tuesday evening was one of the J. Vti P«t in. a new J If, wli«?ir«heoi...... '•<Mnas of tte land ever seen in .tikis aa£tion. About four inches of mow Ml on 'Monday night and Tuesday morning in this section, which made it look quite wintry and/put the roads in horrid shape. / The Premier'Dramatic company and band of West McHenry will r>• esent "Ol<J Jed Whitcomb" at Burton's opera house at Richmond on Saturday evening. Walter Evan son of Wauconda, son of John Evanson of this village, left last Thursday for the cotton exposition at Atlanta, Ga. He will make quite an extended tour of th* south before his return. 'The Columbia club house, on the east shore of Fox lake, was destroyed ITERS mos^ enjoyable of the kind ever held [ by fire at noon Sunday, Nov. 9, and in tills vviillllaaggee,. with it A son of Jos. Blake, aged about five years, died of membraneous croup last we^k and was buried from St- Mary's church Saturday. M. D Taylor, who ran the Oatman factory in this village the past two years, is now running a factory at Kansasville, Wis. Notwithstanding the storm on. Tuesday, three car loads of hogs were shipped from this station, two by F. K. Granger and one by C. T. EMredge. '*•*'i£" hf:>i r. - GET PREPARED^ * & i" •* f; .T-'i- fOR THEMarti Gras **r C" & *> * . • • ; ' - V " / fa* ^noerican Legion H*U M W«at McHenir, IlH«»oii , tjfrft • J. '«* • ' *v\ • : iXy - . <ptv«n by tk« McHeary Poet No. * , * • - . .DEC. It, 1 ;; K'r ?v ttnteds el Dollars Worth of Prizes i?. Vi Tke Biggest Eveit of tke Yettt Helped Uncle S^ixi Win the War More1 than 4,000 Deleo-Light plants were used by the U. 8. Government for war work. Delco-Light was selected for this service because of its suocessful air-cooling and dependability under severe operating conditions. It will serve you as well as it served Uncle Sam. Write tor Catalog McHENRV LUMBER GO. DELCO-LIGHT DEALERS W«tt McHenry, IIL went the boats, guns and camping outfits of its twenty-four members. The loss will reach $15,000. By a telegram received by James B. Perry we learn of the death of John H. Doran, which occurred at his residence in St. Paul, Minn., on Tuesday of this week. "Mr. Doran was well and favorably known in this county, being a resident of the town of Nunda for many years. His remains were brought to McHenry and laid to rest in Woodland cemetery. Notice to Stockholders at Meeting to Increase Number of Directors of West McHenry State Bank To the Stockholders of the West McHenry State Bank of Wast McHenry, Illinois: Notice is hereby given that a 'special meeting of the stockholders of the West McHenry State bank, a corporation of the State of Illinois, will be held at its bank building in West McHenry, Illinois, on Wednesday, the 15th day of December, A D. 1920, at 3:00 o'clock p. m„ for the purpose of considering the following resolution and transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Resolved, that the number of directors of this corporation be and the same is hereby changed from six to eight. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the whole stock of the corporation is necessary for the adoption of the resolution. E. L. Wagner, (Director). C. H. Fegers, (Director). /.-:P. S. Webster, (Director). Simon Stoffel, (Director). 23-tt v F. H. Wattles, (Director). Notke to Milk Producers We will have a car of old process oil meal, which we are told will run 32 per cent and better in protein, which we will sell for $60.00 per ton strictly cash. Anyone wishing any of this oil meal please write or call us on phone and place your order. As soon aa ear arrives we will notify yo®. Yours truly, Tibbits Cameron Lbr. Co., ' -Per P. F. Siegler, Mgr., 22-St Spring Grove, IU. ; • if-• '^V ' • 1 b*; -f. '*• i There is every reason in the world why every farmer should buy a Fordson Tractor, while than is not a single reason in the world why a farmer should not buy a Fordson Tractor. • In the claims we make ior the Fordson Tractor as being the superior farm Tractor, there is nothing of boasting. Our claims are based upon demonstrated facte. In every sensible test * r. .that has been made (and we don't believe in any jockeying or technical tests) but in the real > common sense work on the farm--the Work the tractor was intended to accomplish--we say, in all such tests the Fordson has stood head and shoulders abovevall competing Tractors.- ^ And this is best proven in the fact that while there are about three hundred thousand farm "' Tractors in use in the United States today, and while Tractors have been sold to farmers for twenty years, and while the Fordson Tractor has only been on the market Vwo years, more J'*.-than one-third of all the Tractors in use in the United States are Fordson Tractors. ^ ^ P. , y - Now you can't upset a fact. You can't bade away from an established truth, antHflirtre tt, out of three hundred thousand Tractors, one hundred thousand are Fordsons, and there , are probably some fifty different makea^of Tractors on the market. Just let your common * sense consider these facts. "Figs are not plucked from thistle bushes, nor plums from tliorn Wwa" The Fordson Trartorhas the necessary power. It is economical hi operation. 14 is flexil »le in control and operation. It is simple in design, and it is sturdily biiilt of the best Iron >nd steel. It is the product of the genius of Henry Ford, and it wasn't placed on the market until Henry Ford had tested it, and tested it, and tested it, before he asked the farmers to buy it. It is no idle faith that in the Fordson "Tractor Henry Ford has given to mankind one of the greatest benefits which has ever come to civilized man. * A &owwe solicit every farmer to buy one or more Fordsons. Gome in and see the!#. Co®®; in and let us tell you more than we jean in an advertisement. Let us demonstrate to ybu. Let ; UH put it to every teat'that you ask. The Tractor is just as necessary for the farmer as water i* in the house. Come in! Look over the Fordson. Test it. Don't take any chances.; . Don't experiment. Supply your farm '1 the Tractor of established value. !si# • i Hc-r*' , ,.... STAR &ARACTE i&&>> v t >•*$>» V • iij 11 iii* i AND Qfl&jS Of A IN OUB # VILLAGE As Seen by Plaiadealer Repertera and HauM late Oar OBce by Oar Friends Arthur Patxlce was a GIMeato riaitor last Saturday. Arthur Freund of Woodstock called on McHenry friends Sunday. Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger spent last week Wednesday in Chicago. Miss Lena Stoffel passed Wednesday of last week hi the metropolitan city. Michael Weston of Woodstock spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry relatives. Jos. Hoffman of Chicago passd the week end as the guest of McHenry friends. C. W. Stenger and daughters, Margaret and Lucile, were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. Rose McGee of Chicago spent Sunday as guest in the home of Dr. C. H. Fegers. Miss Clara Miller Is spending the week as the guest of relatives at Kenosha, Wis. Miss Mayme Ibsh passed Wednesday and Thursday of last week with relatives in Chicago. Henry Thelen of Ingleeide was a Sunday guest in the home of his father, Peter Thelen. Mrs. John Walsh and son, Ray, of Ingleside passed Sunday as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Elizabeth Krause and son, Clarence, of Woodstock were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Miss Emily Weber of Elgin passed the week end as a guest in the home of her father, Mathias Weber Miss Lena Hartman passed the week end in the home of her mother, Mrs. Minnie Hartman, at Marengo. William and Carl Bickler of Chicago passed the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bickler. Anton Oertel of Woodstock was Sunday guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i/ouis Oertel Miss Emma Pint of Chicago passed last Thursday as a gue6t in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Howard of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of the letter's father, Mathias Weber. Mrs. Glenn Robison of Woodstock was a fyanday guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. Mrs. Sarah Reeoe of West Chicago is spending severaT days as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Donavin. Miss Generieve Bonslett of Chicago her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. spent the week end in the home of Bonslett. Misses Dorothy and Louise Engeln of Chicago passed the week end as the guest of their mother, Mrs. Barbara Engeln. Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain and children of Kenosha were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. Peter Thelen, daughter, Emma, and son, John, are spending a few days as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pich in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Wagner and Mrs. E. F. Kelter motored out from Chicago last Friday and passed the day with McHenry friends. Mrs. A. G. Barbian passed several days last week as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Burkhartsmeier, in Chicago. Mrs. Mary Carey and daughter, Avis, of Elgin spent the latter part of last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pkh motored out from Chicago Saturday evening and spent Sunday in the home of the latter's father, Peter Thelen. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Musser of Elgin spent the week end in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. -D. A. Whiting,g northwest of town. Mr. and Mrs. John Reihanspst'ger and Mrs. Wm. Elliott of West Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger. Glnn w. Wells arrived home from Galesburg last Saturday night and is spending the week as a guest in the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mullen of Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pauly and children of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schoewer and children drove gut from Chicago last Saturday and spent Sunday as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schoewer. Mrs. Geo. Meyers and grandchildren, Arnold and Joyce Chesnut and RoVena Marshall, and Mrs. John Montgomery and daughter, Beverly, were guests of Elgin relatives last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. John Carey and sons, Gerald and Walter; Mrs. J. J. McCarthy, Mrs. Ed. Knox, Mrs. John Gibbs, Mrs. M. A. Conway, Misses Kate McLaughlin and Ellen Doherty attended the fnneral of Miss Bridget Brahan at Elgin Saturday. W. F. Vogt, Arthur Groom, Edward Conway, Alfred Richardson, George • Donavit, Martin B. Schmitt, Earl I Gorman, J. S. Pufahl, Dr. D. • G. I Wells and the writer were among the j McHenry football enthusiasts who saw the Woodstock team trim an eleven from Madison, Wis., at the fair grounds at Woodstock last Sunday THERE ft an ever present satisfaction in knowing that the flour which makes up your pastries and breads represents pure, wholesome quality that can be relied upon to bring the Vest baking results. Our flour is reliable in every way. Try it. Try our fioer--you'll like it McHENRY Flour WMt McHenrv. IIL ANYONK * eps o«l Sl.WPer B. Thonnesott Court St , MrH«anr,UL • a%-'- Piano Lessons, Classic. N ^ Band and orchestra furnished: for all occasions. B. Thonneson Court St., McHenry, III. Electric c'vifv It works from any lamp socket any* hour, day or night. Most folks who have made its acquaintance consider it indispensable ? ^ Monthly Payment** HK. HATTY ] PWTY HERE IS A FACT ALL FOLKS SHOULD KNOWIT TELLS THEM WHfcRf I FOR.MEATTO<3rOt IVE this your kind attention for about a minute and a half and then investigate some of the choiee, well kef* meats we are selling. Your appetite will give them its constant attention during its lively life* time. NWa*cli fap Mr. Hwnr Party "FRETTS ?GROCERY »NStMSTIUHKftL| IE I --- Public Service Co. OF NORTHK.RN ILLINOIS MDR. G. C. SMITH Specializing in PREVENTIVE DENTISTKY Oral Prophylaxis Surgical Extractions I 1 ; Dental X-Rays Phones, 484 and 884 Richmond, Illinsis DR. N. J. NYB f --*n Physician and Surgeea \ &pRay Treatment and Radlegrapfe . !•». "{if? Office Menra: ' '« 00 to 9:00 a. m. '^| to 8:00 p. 7:00 to >KM p. Thane M-R :: (and Fruits We have * splendid stock of Madesto Brand Canned Fruits which our customers tell us cannot be surpassed. These delicacies are put up under most sani* tary conditions and are guaranteed to be 100% pure. A trial will convince you of the *truthfttlnessofthis statement. WATER STREET---- MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop. The kind that you like •re to be found at this store in great variety $nd our prompt delivery service also assists in making this popular ttading center for busy people. Just phone us •\ your order and well do ; die rest It's service that counts these days and we wish to have it known that we are here lor that particular pur- • pose. M. M. Nieseii McHenry Phone « * 3 Score 10 Furniture • A» Leath. & Co. Stores Elgin. 9f-f4 Grove Are. Rockford. Opposite Court MouSS Dubuque, nt-SM Maia St. s * Aurora. 31-3J Island Ave, Freeport. It3-1»5 Galea* Waterloo. 312-314 E. 4U> 9k. 1 Beloit, 417-411 4«h St. Vv!. Joliet. 2IS-2I7 lefteraon St. Janesville. 2U-JM. MIIwmIcm 9L Cau Claire. Maaonic Tensile. Oshkoah. Il-U fttoio. Chicaao, JU N. Michlna Ave. < Leath Furniture is built A wimr -it's Rood to look at mad r«al coBfy. More people use Lntb Luxe Vanltin every luontb. ° PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COT1MISSION MERCHANT SPBCIAL ATTENTION QIVKN TO THK SAU OP i ; Pressed Baal, fliittwi, Macs. Pnttltry, I, fci HMaa, Etc., Butter aad Eggs Tldll ti the oideat hoaiss on the street Ta«sand[ priaeMto application. _ v >•' COLD STOKAOB FRB1 Stall • a i. PiiM WkalaaaU Market V.'- J V . A ILLINOIS. VvnArfMn oi Frat Auto DtHvery CHICAOO, 2