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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Dec 1920, p. 7

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HP spppi fiv I>R. G. €. SM1T* , Specializing in > 4'Ji 5 PREVENTIVE DENTIST*# J* ^ Oral Prophylaxis ^ Surgical Extractiffha %\ Dental X-Rays ^ •. Phmes. -134 and 884 fcichmond, :: Illinois *%s f * r OR. N. & NTB Physician and Snrp«it XJaj Tftatmwt and Kadiagraph Office Hoars: 7j00 to IM s. m. -SL "t . JJlOO to 8H» p. m. pi; mm to 9:00 p. m. 'Phone C2-JC :: McHeuy.M. LITM AN &COMPAN Y > p f.3 O P A T ,-V -i*fj COMMISSION •- '•&* \ : . >.* - .'-Li *fe- -Vldf.* NEKCH4NTS -n - ••« %'• :fw ,tf" J *•*•> * " • 1;;:5 A" "V~ *<» r • * .** * * "S \j >' !>.' ^ 1 , 5 2 b. W Co*1" S OUTM C H I C A G O . SPECIALTIES :;Si«^ss: i Poultry, Veal, Butter andEgSfS ;^V •' ' - IA. JOHN PE^lisbN; Mgr. * •ns>v5ft.*,w . *? ' ~ -*• - •?'4 " . *'• * » .. • v | #itt*rfcl%fr tXns AND •"- : :' PRICK LISTS *>x •' ;f . t^: COME IN and tee our line of Cabinet Gas Ranges - • $k ' X 4 *$:• " •If. The newesf, labor-saving Cabinet Cas Ranges are really worth seeing. , These ranges embody new features that simplify cooking. They are decidedly easy to keep clean and very economical in fuel consumption. We carry the Eclipse, Reliable, Domestic and Acorn lines. May we show thorn to you? Western Ur>ited Gas /jK '<$S* and Electric Company O*' COMCJMM 8£t US FOR YOUR ':i%' v:«, *v- • <+)*: ?<•-;*, •• v./ :. ' ' V" well ats yom\ every Our goods are priced » yif,.* the 'lower levels as often as -V tiiarket conditions warrant. * « 4 ,V- will be impossible to enum- - ^rate each item on which the ^ jprice is reduced. Come early * " V W.hile selection is large. <£<$%$• ,, . . . . • . > tifa: -'r Phone 117-R Goods Delivered M. I WALSH . S'; !.-^y Vj <* •' K%; ni-V ; vS %, : iy r :v^ THE UNIVERSAL CAR There are more than 3,000,000 Ford cars in daily service throughout the world, and fully eighty percent of these are Ford Touring Cars. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the simplicity in the design of the car, so easy to understand; likewise it is easy to operate; and mighty inexpensive compared t<|;; other motor cars. On the farm, in the city, for business and for family pleasure, it is the car of# the people, and the demand is increasing every day. Let us have your order promptly if you , want & ^ IOHNSBURG Anton Freund is on the sick Ust this week. V : • AH kin&k «>f alatninam waver at Vycital's. Biffgrer line «t toys thaft erar at J. J. Miller's. ? - \ *• Dr. Arnold MtMlUr was « Chicago visitor Tuesday. Rev. Wm. Weber spent Monday and Tuesday in. Chicago. Frank Smith returned from North Dakota Wednesday night. Leo and Charlie Freund spent Sunday in the Math. Smith home. Ajex Adams visited In the Jacob B. Schumacher home Sunday last. Special sale at Erickson's store Friday, Saturday and Monday. Come! Miss Clara Mertes spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Walter Gruby, 1* 1-- ^ A..: . . ' • J OOD Mlas Ingram wm* an Elgin shopper Saturday. Headquarters for Christmas goods at J. J. Miller's. New line of hardware at Donavin A Reihansporger's. * < f Buy your Christmas presents at Vycital's. McHenry. Miss Dailey spent part of last week with her sister in Chicago. - Paul Stephenson spent a toaple of days last week in Chicago. All kinds of electrical contracting and wiring. H.. R. Levine, McHenry, 111. Mrs. Emma Merchant spent several j days last week with relatives in Woodstock. Let Donavin A Reihansperger do your repair work. Satisfaction guar- Armour's Ful-O'-Pep egg mash f^teed. makes the hens lay. Wilburs have it.' H>ss Winifred Bradley camb home Rosemary Huemann and Alvin from Beloit Wednesday night to spend •vlHler were Chicago shoppers Tues- Thanksgiving. day. •' j Lon McKinstry of Chicago spent Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck vig. Thanksgiving with his cousins, S. W.! ited in the home of J. B. Schumacher arM^ A. W. Smith. j Sunday. I Miss Dorothy Carr of Chicago spent' Mrs. J. B. Hettermann and Mrs. j'Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. i Casper Bickler were Richmond callers ,and Mrs. C. H. Carr. I Monday. % ' I The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.1 Do your Christmas shopping at & C. Hawley on Saturday of this Harry's electric shop, Josten Mock, week. AH are invited. McHenry." j An elegant display of floor lamps, J. C. Debrecht of Detroit, Mich., just the thing for a Christinas gift, spent the week end with relatives and at the Everett music store. friends here. j Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon spent Be sure to attend the great sale at Thursday last with their daughter, Erickson's store Friday, Saturday and Mrs. ^ohn Gould, and family at Crys- Monday, Dec. 3, 4 and 6. . j tal Lake. Mrs. Math. B. Schaefer and daugh-: Miss Mary Smith of Rockford^pent ter, Rinas, spenf the week end in the the week end jvith home folks.* She home, of Mrs. Hubert Karls. • jwas accompartied home by two of her Theo. Meyers left Wednesday for'college chums. Racine, Wis., where he will spend a1^ Mrs. Ray Bartholf and daughter, few weeks with his daughte$ Lucy. Beulah, of Richmond spent Sunday in It is noije too early to come in and the home of the former's parents, Mr. select one of our phonographs for and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Christmas. Everett music store, Mc-; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd, Miss Big- Henry. " ' elow, Mrs. Carrie Smith and Mrs. Two truck loads of building material Emma Brown attended the Universaarrived here this week and it looks JUI list church services at McHenry last if gie river frontage on the Peter «Sunday. Niesen shore is to see the erection of; Work on tike new Hoy home near another summer home at once. Five Eli Chase's is progressing nicely. It summer homes were built on this front is being built of brick and this moderduring the 1920 season. Most of the ate weather is ^ust what the masons frontage has been tiled and, accord- like to see. * ing to prospects, more cottages will be j The Ladies' Aid society will serve erected at this point next spring and dinner in the M. W. A. hall on Thurssummer. 'day, Dec. 9. Dinner will be served John A*. Miller, whose farm is lo- from eleven thirty until all ate served, rated near the river bridge at Johns- EJverybody is invited. burg, and who last spring purchased I Our little town was well represented the Mrs. Henry Thelen farm just east in all the surrounding towns on of his place, has already sold a num- Thanksgiving as some went to Richber of lots having a river frontage and mond, some tq Johnsburg, some to from present indications considerable McHenry and some to Greenwood. All building will be done there the com- report plenty of good things to eat and iog year. Out of twenty-three lots he a jolly good time in aU the towns has sold ten and one cottage has al- ] Mrs. E. C. Hawley was pleasantly ready been built, while the foundation surprised Friday afternoon, Nov. 26, is in for a second. ' ; when about twenty of her friends Wm. Mueller of Adams, Minn., utt- arrived unexpectedly to help her celeder date of Nov. 29, writes as follows: fcrate her birthday. Mrs. Hawley was "We have sloppy weather at present, presented with an aluminum kettle as We had snow on the 26th and it is a birthday gift. Games and music nearly all gone without sunshine or from the victrola and an old time rain so you can see that we have warm spelling match were features of the weather. Times are hard around afternoon's entertainment. At four here, hard to make collections on ac- o'clock a lunch, consisting of salad, count of farm produce dropping so in sandwiches, cake and coffee, was price. Oats are 33 cent per bushel; served. • corn, 50c; flax, $1.50; hogs, $8.00 to' fgpR/^ ffYTTA . $8.50 per hundred; wheat, $1.50. Everything in toys at J. J. KM Flour is $2.75 and everything else weL The finest display of toys at Vycibuy is high. Hard coal is selling at^j.g McHenry. $19.00 per ton; soft coal from $11.00 I M^.s j H Gracy spent * few days to $18.50 per ton. Hard coal is very ,Mt week at Crystal Lake. day with Mr. and^Mrs! Eayi McMillan and family. Miss Elsie Marshall, a fonper resident of this vicinity, died at her home at Crystal Lake Thanksgiving day. Tl^e funeral was held from her late home Sunday and interment was in the Union cemetery at Crystal Lain. - . OSTEND %/T ^ A new stock of crockery joat arrived at Vycital's. Joe Harrer has rented a part of C. B. Durkfce's farm and commenced plowing Monday. , Henry Hobart and wife entertained several relatives at a turkey dinner Thanksgiving day. Henry Hobart finished husking corn on Monday* last Corn fair and cut feed in fine shape. Miss Ethel McBrpom of Woodstock spent several days here recently at the home of her brother, John. William Thomas and wife an «t the county seat at the home of their daughter, where th«w will make an indefinite stay. Clifford J. Sherman of Bull Valley is moving this week from the farm to the Snider house near the fair grounds at Woodstock. He will work for Ben Brojurn. Mark Hutson and family of Wauconda motored up here on Thanksgiving day and called on relatives. The family will soon occupy the farm house vacated by C. J.' Sherman. Reading lamps, American Beauty, Universal and Simplex irons and Simplex heaters at Harry's electric shop, Jus ten block, McHenry. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Nine room , house, all modern conveniences Fine location. M. M. Niesen, McHenry, 111; 17-tf FOR SALE--Saw rig, complete with 6 h. p. Witt engine, magneto and friction cluteh. M.- L. Worts, McHenry, 111 , FOR SALE--Five tons of carrots. Also 500 pounds of popcorn. H. W. Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. 25-2t* LOST--My big black Tomcat Is missing since November 22. Reward if brought back. * O. B. Oberstadt, West McHenry, 111. 25-lt* FOR SALE--Mammoth bronze turkey toms, the 50-lb. strain, $10.00 each. Also a few pedigreed Poland Chin* boarS. Frank Tonyan, Ringwood, 111. 23-3t* LOST, STRAYED . OR STOLEN-- Black Shepherd dog. Anyone knowing of his whereabouts kindly notify August Rossman, West McHenry, 111. Phone 620-M-l. 26-lt FOUND--An auto crank haadla near brewery service station, McHenry. Finder may have same by preving property and paying for this advertisement, A. Lallinger, McHenry. 26 FOR SALE--Three good farms well improved, two in Lfcke county and the other in McHenry county, 300,. 320 and 120- acres respectively. Inquire of C. W. Stenger at the West McHenry State Bank of West McHenry, Illinois. 17 FOR SALE--A few choice big type Poland China boars, sired by Gerstdale Timm, No. 369571, a son of the $6,000 Gerstdale Jones. Anyone looking for length and bone will do well to look at these boars. Inquire of James Hunter, West McHenry, m. Phone 617-J-2. 21-tf FOR SALE--Big type Poland Qlin* boars. A number of big, growthy hoars weighing from 150 to 250 lbs., >f the right type and best of breeding t $50 and up. This price is special for October as we need the room. Will sell my entire herd of Poland Chinas, consisting of about 150 head, on Thursday, Due. 2, 1920, about one block from entrance to the International Stock Show, Chicago. Sayer farm, McHenry, III. Carl Madson, herd manager. Phone 609-M-2. . v $'if scarce. We were lucky to ge]t in four; carloads thus far this fall." | Workmen who recently had cause j to pass the vacant home of the Mrs. Henry Thelen farm, Which was sold to Mrs. Stella Peck has been quite sick, but is now much better. Dr. H. D. Hull was ©a caller in this vicinity several days recently. . William Conway visited his sisters John A. Miller last spring, and which -n Elgin over Thanksgiving day. located just east of Mr. Miller's farm near the Johnsburg bridge, have noticed a number of bees nearly every time that they passed the place. On Monday of this week Mr. Miller, accompanied by his father-in-law, Peter Niesen, made an investigation and to their surprise not only found a large swarm of bees had taken refuge in the house, but also gathered up 150 pounds of honey. The house has been Miss Frances Knox spent Sunday in Chicago with a party of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coleman visited friends in Chicago Thanksgiving day. Russell Allen of Cary was a caller in this vicinity Hast Wednesday evening. / Raymond Riley of Indianapolis, fed was the guest of his parents here last week. Miss Lenora Freund of McHenry a cant for about a year and die sup- nt gUIMjay wjth Miss Eleanor position is that the bees found refuge ! p^i^, therein some time last spring. Mr. j Frank sprauc| cf Chicago was a re- Niesen, who has had more or less ex- jcent KUest of Mr an(j Mrs. Frank Mcpferience with bees, informs us that Miuan. this is the biggest amount of honey! John Heffroa of Chicago spent Sathe has ever taken frpm a single urday at ^ home of Henry Mc swarm. • Millan. - Under date of Nov. 28, Frank Smith High-class line of electrical fixtures writes from Johnsburg, Minn., as fol- | at Harry's electric shop, Justen block lows: "Reading your paper I notice^ j McHenry. • that there was no news from Johns- j Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock was burg in it so I thought I would write the guest of Mrs. Robert Knox Friday you a little from Johnsbur?, Minn. l'and Saturday. • left Cando, N. D., Monday and from Frank Larnard and Miss Lorraine there I went to Hope to see Peter L. McFarland of Chicago spent Sunday Freund. Arrived at Hope at 5:00 - j. M. Phalin's. p. m., then walked over to Mr. Kur-1 Miss Frances Knox visited the sen's and asked to be driven to Peter ^Misses Gannon at Crystal Lake L. Freund's. I was told that his car j Thanksgiving day. was not in running order and just j Records for the Columbia, Edison, about that time I looked around and Brunswick and Everett at the Everett there stood Dick Oxtoby of Spring 1 music store, McHenry, 111. Grove, 111. I passed the night with { Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox, son and them and next morning was driven out daughters spent Sunday afternoon at to Mr. Freund's. From there I went y A. Conway's at McHenry. to Minneapolis and the next day to St. J Miss Clara E. Frisby of Rockford Paul, where I visited my cousin. In J Spent Thanksgiving day with her parthe afternoon at 3:00 o'clock I left for jents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby. Adams, Minn., arriving there at eight j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay and o'clock in the evening, where I re- daughters spent last Thursday with mained for the night with the family, the former's relatives^ in Chicago, of Wm. Mueller. The next day I went j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larnard of Chiout to my daughter's, Mrs. M. J. Mul- cago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. lenbach. I left Tamus Lay at Cando, M. Phalin Saturday evening and Sun- N. D., where he is putting in some day. good times at hunting skunks. Have J George Phalin and friend? Harold had many visitors from Johnsburg as Haynes, of Notre Dame, Ind., spent well as McHenry and we all had a the Thanksgiving holidays at the torgood time. This morning while on mer's home here. my way to church we passed a buggy < Misses Eleanor Phalin, Agnes Frisin which were riding a young couple by and Florence and Frances Knox of Spring Grove, 111. They must have attended a D. of I. party in McHenry been pretty heavy, as the buggy broke last Friday evening. down with them. Plowing is still on Mrs. Marion McMiUan, Misses Marhere. I find the people areuad hare ion Shales and Eleanor McMillan and h^lfrhy and happy." ' Arthur Shales spent Thanksgiving Our bank is conveniently locatfed (in Centerville) and equipped with the most modern facilities for the transaction of your business.. It is a bank where you will be met cordially; where they are'happy to wait on you and assist ydu in all ways possible. You will feel at home whil^ you are here. * It is not as large as some bank^ but stronger thaa many greater deposits. t ^ : ^ It is a bank operating under State Supervision. Old customers are valued, hut we also have reserved seats for new ones, 1 * TRY OUR BANK. AND YOU WILL LIKIIT I ' ' V" 'A-'* ' - "•!*'%'" : •• ' f • • "r- ' • W^D^irr 2 Pledge You Your Account' Safety Your Good Will , Convenience « Your Confidence . .v: Courteajr 'i< Fox River Valley State Bank ;^r ; McHenry, Illinois Joaeph C. Ho^jf Ftemont Hof Cashier Ov President James 6. Perry Clarence F. Hoy Vfce Preaideota | ^JIlRECTCWdSi John Carey v O. B. Oberstadt, N. H. Petesch, Wtw J. AVelal^ Joseph C. Holly, Clarence F. Hoy, FremOnt Hoy Just "Good Time" Singing Parties people gather at your house with no particular planned entflt«: v tainment in mind you frequently need something to "break the ice," to get the crowd going. Songs ihey all know are the best stimulant, sort of "all join in the chorus" songs. Here is where the Gulbransep owner ia in his element. He can pijr fast or slow as the crowd requires, he can transpose any song to higher or' lower key to make it easier, he can emphasize the rhythm to keep everybody together. < There are so many songs with the appeal that makes people "want liw^ join in," that we have classified them in various ways to aid you in selection. One or two of each kind should be in every home where* a jolly good time is wanted "on tap;* fjie best Variety of musical instruments we ever had. see them. You will be pleased. Come in N. A. West KfcHenrVrttl. ij M ':il \ "III •<:U ' 1 Culfrrac;.- gift S *• •'% «. f \>y.ri •!£$! Tt, • f • i (ft* -i'M. • • . i '* * .. ' ' -ft**

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