m. m v ftrmit u« to suggest to those who have uninvested funds, that we have been made financial agents of certain concerns of the highest standing, who are in the market to borrow a limited amount of money, and who will pay the present rate of interest. Their paper will be made to bear seven per cent and may be had to run six or twelve months. The makers are financially above question and we would unhesitatingly recom mend this paper as safe. The notes can be had in any amounts in even hundreds. If interested call and i o q u i r e . ; ' v ' ' " * ' . " ' V ; ' > • FOX RITO 'VALLEY STATE BANK McHenry, llliaenft ATTEND CHICAGO BAN Give* By the PaMfc Ufe Iwmra*ee Ok *t Blel LaMic F. ^0. Gans and son, Frank; Reward Wattles and "Howard Phalin of this village; Dr. Arnold livelier and Stephen H. Smith of Johnsburg weft* among those who were present at an elaborate banquet held at the Hotel La Salle, Chicago, on Wednesday evening of last week, the dinner being given by the Public Life Insurance company of Chicago in celebration of its health and accident department. Mr. Gans has been appointed one of the company's field managers. The local people who attended the banquet are very much enthused over the future prospects of the company. Mr. Gans informs us that he has already secured Stephen H. Smith of Johnsburg, who w^ll represent the company in the territory covering the northern section of McHenry township. Agencies wil! be established thruout the entire state and, besides taking care of the McHenry territory, Mr. Gans also expects to cover a considerate portion of the state in his work of establishing agencies. SCHOGL NOTES [teats of Interest Fran Oar Institution of Learning f- PREPARE NOW FOR Slid save high priced coal besides adding to the comfort and health of your family by putting on - ' Storm Sash and Doors Call us up today to come and take the measurements. No matter what size you need, we can fill the order promptly. vr~%:. . * " ' / MCHENRY LUMBER CO AT*V,t QUALITY AND SERVICE FIRST ^ ^ * Nothing makes a more acceptable gift than a piece of furniture or two and this year, as in the past, we have stocked up with furniture that will make the finest kind of Christmas Giftar Come in and look over our elegant line and select your gifts now for later delivery. The Jtttle folks have also been remembered and for their pleasure we have also placed in stock many of the smaller articles that never fail to fill their hearts with joy. RIGHT NOW is the IjUDe to do your Christmas shopping JACOB JUSTEN * McHENRY, ILL. •Via.' 'W % m. -- I £ . . - \«5-< Winter iMilM Now is the right season of the yeaf to bring in your car for the winter overhauling. As this is naturally a slack time in the automobile business our mechanics cgn give your car more and better attention than at any other season of the year. If your car is in need of overhauling it is therefore the right time to bring it to us. Our equipment is complete and our expert workmen are at your service. Bring in your car today and let us tune her up for next season's running. A firstclass job guaranteed. Central Garage & Repair Shop Hcttermann Bros. & Hit-Icier, Props. Johnsburg, III. A.' ' K McHENRY'S \ y mMP AT iMmrar \j\ -f; ' '0^y «. . THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9 Gladys Brock well --jn-- "A Sister to Siloae" --and jp::,, IK rox NEWS • NMiee • Alford H. Pease, Atty. Sp*«t# of Martin F. Schmitt, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor- of the last Will and Testament of Martin F. Schmitt, deceased, lata of the County of McjHenry and State of Illinois, hereby ifivea notice that he will appear before 1 *the County Court of McHenry County, «t the Court House in. Woodstock, at the February Term, on the first Monday in February next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are xjotified and requested to n*l. A SAT., DEC. lO A 11 Mildred Harris IN "When a Girl Lores" SATURDAY MATINEE 2:30 Miss Evaline Hironimus was a visitor in our .high school Monday, Dec. 6. Anthony Bonslett says if he was rich he'd have a real gymnasium built for the M. H. S. Miss Pryor is going to make a black board for the assembly hall. Won't that be fine? Frances Garbutt's horse Ml the other day. Beware all you that take horseback riding lessons. * Freshman Notes The freshmen had a class meeting last Tuesday. Freshmen motto: "Never be afraid to show your cblors." My goodness! Oxfords and slippers in mid-winter. Br-r-r-r. 0 Agnes Sloey is going to leave us. She is going to move back to Chicago. The freshmen are studying hard because Santa Claus will soon be here. Pamela has come back at last after recovering from the effects of eating too much turkey. Sophomore Notes Norma Whiting was absent from school Monday- ' The English II clato studying popular and learned words. The zoology class are studying the clam this week in the laboratory. The sophomores will now begin to read Shakespear's play, "As You Like It" If the fuses in the electric light bulbs burn out soon they can lay it to two of the members of the sopho more class for using them after school. All the rest of the classes have in formed the public whenever a new sweater was purchased so we will now inform you\hat John Vycital has a new one also\ Junior Class Joe Buch was absent Friday. Where, oh where are the Macbeths for English Ijl? Mildred idnsala was absent from school last Thursday. The French I class had their first experience in correcting papers Monday. Mary Bolger in English III? "Joi)- son's father was very prominent. He was put in prison." Why is the modern history class found in "the library so much? Can it be that they are movie fans? Senior Notes The English IV class had some very interesting themes Monday morning. Theresa and Bernice denounced as falsh the ancient theory that girls are afraid of mice. It seems that a certain senior enjoyed doing physies experiments so much that he was purposely inaccurate to gain the privilege of repeating one experiment six times. Howard V. Phalin was unfortunate nough to injure his hand with a hammer " last Saturday. He is attending school under the care of a psysician and is getting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Improvements at Borden's One of the latest improved steam driven engines as well as a new wrfshing machine has arrived at the local plant of the Borden Milk company and the work of installing same is now well under way. The foundation upon which the big engine is to rest is now being put in and just as soon as this job is completed the washer will be installed and connected. The two im provements will prove1 labor savers and thus bring the plant to a higher state of efficiency. Twelve TOM ef Carrots^ Henry W. Ahrens, local truck gardener, brought to The Plaindealer office on Wednesday morning one of the largest carrots that we have ef er .seen. The carrot weighed four pounds Mr. Ahrens informed us that he had just finished digging twelve tons of this vegetable from a patch of ground 35x134 feet. He hauled the carrots from the field to his cellar in a wagon with a yard box. The crop jHUjgi$ tfejuir teen heaping loads. •* Elect New OBtei'i The Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., held election of officers on Tuesday evening of this week. The officers as elected follow: Oracle, Mrs. E. E. Bassett; past oracle, Mrs. W. F. Bassett; vice oracle, Mrs. Henry Heimer; chancellor, Mrs. Harvey Baron; recorder, Mrs. John W. Fay; receiver, Mrs. N. J. Justen; inner sentinel, Mrs. John Miller; outer sentinel, Miss Clara Schiessle; manager, E. H Bassett; marshal, Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. SUNDAY, DECEMBER^ THE UNIVERSAL FEATURE STARRING - < Anne Corowstt « --IN n- #•' "The Girl In the Rain" CENTURY COMEDY ^THE TAIL or km i- r MATINEE AT 2i|t ?#IWESDAY. -DECEMBER' t« . ; v SPECIAL ^ Harry Carey IN "Hue Streak McCoy" THURSDAY. DEC. 16 * Tom Mix -. vi;. .4; IN "The Fned" AND THE FOX NEWS CLASSIFIED DETARTNEIIT FOR SALE--Nine room house, all modern conveniences Fine location. M. M. Niesen, McHenry, 111. 17-tf attend f or the of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 6th day of December, A. D. 1920. 26-3t llnrtin B. Schmitt, Executor. The Thirteen Club ' The home of Mrs. John F. Miller at Rosedale, on Fox river, was the meeting place last Friday afternoon of the FOR SALE--Saw rig, complete with 6 h. p. Witt engine, magneto and friction clutch. M. L. Worts, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--Five tons of carrots. Also 500 pounds of popcorn. H. W. Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. 25-2t* FOR RENT--Eighty acre farm at Lake Defiance. J. B. Kelter, 171 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Phone Franklin 3865. 26-tf FOR 8ALE--Wood tank suitable for farm use. Size 7 ft: 30 inx32 in. Inquire at Frett's market, West McHenry, Ilk 26-lt FOR SALE--Ten or twelve pigs, weighing from 60 to 75 pounds each. Jacob Weingart, McHenry, 111. Phone 637-M-2. 26-lt FOR SALE--Extra choice family cow, sired by pure bred Guernsey bull. Easy milker and gentle. Just fresh. $125.00. Also about 10 tons good hard yellow corn S. S. Rogers, West McHenry. Phone 606-W-l. 26 FOR SALE--Three good farms well improved, two in Lake county and the other in McHenry county, 300, 320 and 120 acres respectively. Inquire of C. W. Stenger at the West McHenry State Bank of West McHenry, Illinois. 17 FOR SALE--A few choice big type Poland China boars, sired by Gerstdale Timm, No. 369571, a son of the $6,000 Gerstdale Jones. Anyone looking for length and bone will do well to look at these boars. Inquire of James Hunter, West McHenry, 111. Phone 617-J-?. 21-tf . 1 1 1 i l l -- i i 11 . . . m i DID you ever stop to realize that a great deal of the unhappiness that is found in a home can be traced directly to food faults? The consistent appearance of poor bread and pastries causes untold d i s s a t i s f a c t i o n . Avoid that by using our guaranteed flour. Try our floOr-you'll Ufe* if McHENRY Flour Mills We»t McHcnrv. 111. member* of the Thirteen c*ob. eral game# of five hundred were played s: and at the usual hour delicious re-t^ freshment, such as this popular hostess always provides, were served, Mrs. N. H. Petesch was awarded firsts honors at cards. • * Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Alberg and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Piroth and children of Chicago were Sunday guests in the,, home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Steffes.i. Manli (m i t, •"»<. V-V 'it'" -- """" -A ».« t 1 A I West McHenry, Illinois "it iRvrni by Ao McHenry Poet $ta. 491 THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 16,1920 Si" "k?,. Hndreis ef Dollars Worth of Prize! 11 ii'ii. The Biggest Eveit of the Year , i.'" • 70 BIG PRIZES 70 miMni _ *pppp •• 'v .f " CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OP THE ^ . n.M •» . VOLO Christinas candies in boxes and talk at UntiV. Headquarters for Christmas at J. J. Miller's. Christmas .candies and mixed nuts at Erickson's store. Buy your wife a washing^ machine for Christmas at Vycital's. Mr. and Mrs. Ves Wagner spent Wednesday in McHenry. Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld was ofrer to McHenry on business Sunday. Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry was professional callers here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Benwell and daughters spent Sunday at Round Lake. Frank Dowell of Ingleside was caller at the home of John Walton Saturday. Mrs. W. S. Farnsworth and daugh ter, Wilma, of Wauconda were Friday callers at the home of Miss Ella Moore. Mrs. Clyd* fright was taken to the West Side Hospital Thursday last, where she underwent a successful operation for appendicitis. Miss Ella Moore returned h'ome Nov. 30 after two weeks at the West Side hospital, where she was success fully operated on for appendicitis. i Birthday Surprise A number of the school children of Cherry Valley very pleasantly surprised Mary McAndrews Saturday evening last, the occasion being her thirteenth birthday. Music, folk dances, games and a "marshmallow roast" were enjoyed, after which dainty luncheon was served. Those present were Anna Anderson, Vera and Bethel Draper, Lena Herdrich, Albin, Afnold and Theodpe Anderson, Joe and Glenn Draper. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS November 15, 1920 \ v : RESOURCES Loans, Discounts, Securities!_ Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures .-- Cash and Due from Ranks......1. ! 69 18,545.00 74,145.07 > * TOTAL ...$547,345 76 . ^ . ! LIABILITIES ^ i Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits and Contingent Fund.. 70,633.94 1 Dividends Unpaid: 10.00 '^tal Deposits... ^. 476,701.82 • ' ' ; . T O T A L . . ...I.#547,345.76 •'•a- £; "i ^Ehe steady and healthy increase of our business is a natural outcome of our policy--it is the result of confidence on the part of the people who recognize the value of our service. Bank That Service W •m ;!The Christmas Store •§ ft r3 We have taken especial-pains in select* ing our assortment of gift good|*5 | Bring your Christmas list here and let us attest youia your gifts, • - -» V-" - '< •«. ' , , i. <v' 11 iVe are now selling from a large assortment of toys, dolls, gstmes and in the more ^useful of gift goods, stationery, handkerchiefs, shoes, hosiery and myiy other evecjrdav itomc! ™ ' * • . y Vi ' "','t - ,V' -'t-- X"- . ' *•?' ' ^•4 i :~2\ A GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRY, ; Jm, ^ .^>1" " 'JP' ' 'L; * * . • i '4. • . . ; _ •: • . . - p . - - t . . . - - • ~ * i • v ^ • - 1 . "Yij -i.