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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1920, p. 7

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^-FO^D H.'BQUflUp Attantf-at-Ltv h-;. ' • It - He» Veal MeHnirf. IIL TeN*w N«u 1M-B SIMON STOFFEL taMNaeotfist for all property in the best WEST McHENKT. - fLLINOfP LITMANtCOMPANY I N C O P P O P A T E [ • * : • - •' ""\U j COWHSSHjjT '<V ? £ •-.¥ 4mmm HptCBAHTS , 1 ^ 2 6 WEST SOUTH WATER S r C H I C A G O I L L .,w • t-" .;s ^ SPECIALTIES-^;'; ^ - Poultry, Vfeal, Butter and Eggs - Free Cooling Rooms !?V "v * i* WMTK FOR TAGS AMD PRICE LISTS JOHN PETERSON, Mgr. -FOR NOWMen's fleece lined Shirts and drawers... He Men's wool and cotton Union Suits, values to $4.50, reduced to. $2.18 Boys* ribbed or flat fleeced Union Suits Me Children's fleeced Vests and Pants at 20 percent oft Women's heavy flee\d Union Suits, dutch neck, elbow sleeves $2.5# Men's flannelette Night Gowns, heavy weight, a well made garment : .$2.5# Flannelette Petticoats, white And pink striped 95c Children's Union Suits, fleeced, bleached combed yarn, at 20 Mir cgnt off. ' t>er lb. 75e Yuban Coffee, per lb--42c Alaska Salmon, per can.SSc Lenox Sf>9f , "6 bats 25c Select Santas Coffee, lb. Sfc Grandma's Washing powder.. ._.__2#e JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY, ILL. CONE IN AND SEE US FOR YOUR rt' . v as w^l as your every day needs. Our goods are priced at the lower levels as often as market conditions warrant. It will be impossible to enumerate each item on which the price is reduced. Come early while selection is large. Phone 11T-R Goods Delivered M. J. WALSH JOHNSBUKG Everything in toys at J. J. Miller'k. Fancy box candies for Christmas at Unti's. Dolls, toys and o&ier gift goods at Erickson's store. Eggs are up; feed is dair*. Try Red Comb. Wilburs have it Jos. Stilling, proprietor and owner of the grist mill here, has made arrangements with Jos. Hettermann for the lease of a strip of ground lying between his place and the C. 'M. Adams home %nd, according to present plans, the mill will soon be moved t£> its new location. The foundatioji for the building is now being put in and as the owner of the mill is anxious to get same in operation the work is being pushed with all possible speed. The mill has not been grinding for some time past and the patrons, too, are becoming anxious for the resumption of operations. Forester Activities The first of the group meetings of this, the Muldoon district, which comprises the C. O. F. courts at Johns- R1NGWOOD Big assortment of pipes for Christmas at Unti's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hitchens were Chicago passengers Saturday evening. Mrs. Sarah Johonnott of Richmond visited with Mrs. W. E. Bradley Monday. Mrs. J. C. Ladd spent Thursday of last week with relatives in, Crystal Lake. Mrs. S. W. Smith visited friends In Chicago fnom Friday until Monday evening. Mrs. W. E. Bradley and Mrs. G. A. Stevens were Chicago shoppers last Thursday. * Mrs. AlmarThomas of McHenry visited her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Rainey, last week. Electric toasters . and egg broilers at Harry's electric shop, Justen block, McHenry, 111. „ # George Wiedrich of Sharon, Wis., visited his mother, Grandma Wiedrich, last Wednesday. Paul Stephenson spent the week end Bigger line J.jJ. Miller's. toys than burg, McHenry, Volo, Buffalo Grovel with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winn north and Libertyville, took place at parish J of Spring Grove. hall here last Thursday evening, over one hundred Foresters being in attendance. The courts represented at the initial meeting besides that of Johnsburg were McHenry and Volo, McHenry sending up a fine representation. Buffalo Grove and Libertyville were Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown and son, Leonard, visited relatives in McHenry Sunday afternoon. Miss Pearl Claxton of McHenry spent Thursday night with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison and Mrs. Chas. Peet were business visnot represented at the meeting, but it j itors in Elgin last Friday. is hoped that all future meetings will j Mr. and Mrs. Will McCannon spent see a fair representation of every court 1 Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. in the group. \ and Mrs. Lewis McCannon, at Green- The purpose of these group meet-! wood. ings is to stimulate interest in the; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and rapidly growing fraternity as well as : Miss Martha Dailey visited Miss t<j bring the members in closer touchj Emma Madsen <of Hebron last Sunday with one another. Exchanges of ideas i afternoon. are always beneficial and this getting j The Ringwood Young People's club together once a month should result j gave a party for Paul Stephenson last in a still greated growth of the var-' Friday night at the hall. It was a Poultry Wanted We buy poultry \and pay the highest market prices. Ducks, Geese, Chickens. Bring your poultry to McHenry. I will be tit Overton's garage Dec. 13, 14 and 15. Phone 119-R-l, McHenry. - ./y-v Sam Dorf - \ WESTIN GHOUSE ifpr? Electric Appliances! /CHRISTMAS GIFTS should be chosen thought- ^fully--seletfed to bring comfort and happiness to the recipient. They should be serviceable and daily reflect the thoughtfulness of the giver. WESTINGHOUSE Electric Appliances make desirable gifts. There is a choice for all the family, --the gift for Mother that adds,.<9-V < .*4 . ^ to her comfort ^ ^ ^ --the present for Father that is ^ ; practical and serviceable. < --something for Sister that is useful and attractive. --and the gift for Brother that ; . . . b r i n g s h i m r e a l j o * . ' v < _ _ McHenry Electric Shop '&X J. E. BEHLKE. PROP ious courts thru out this section as well as enthuse the present membership to greater activity along the line of duty for which the court stands. The meeting last Thursday evening was opened with a business session, pleasant evening for all present. Paul will leave in the near future for California, where he expects to spend the winter. There will be a Christmas tree for all the community at the M. W. A. followed by the election of a vice chief ; hall on Thursday evening, Dec. 28. ranger for the new district The! Misses Dailey and Ingram have the honor, after the customary ballot was; program in charge, which insures a taken, went to Emory Herdklotz of! pleasant evening for all. St. Mary's court, McHenry, and every- j The Greenwood home talent play, ope in attendance feels that the choice which was given at Greenwood rehas been a good one, as Mr. Herdklotz, | cently, will be given in Ringwood on rv' * :>v G f - * The Losee \ "HOT SPOT" Fits Any Car or Truck TM% More Mileage da Liw Grade Gisoline Made of aluminum- which instantly meets forcing that low grade present day gasoline to vaporize. * MAKES HIGH TEST GAS OUT OF LOW GRADE GASOLINE. Lubricating oil lasts longer because it cannot thin up. Also lessens carbon deposit and keeps your spark plugs cleaner. You are no longer bothered with that "spitting back," "coughing" and missing motor in cold days. Your engine runs perfectly one minute after starting. Money refunded if not satisfactory after 30 days* triaL / " Special Ford Equipment $15.00 Other cars with I in. carburetor. _ 20.00 Installed , •• • i STAR GARAGE KMN a. K.NOX. PROP. . Ptoac •'/ McHe*ry. HI. ever since joining the ranks, has proven himself a most zealous worker. His duties will be to attend and preside^ at these group meetings and everyone j who heard him last Thursday night, is satisfied that he will fill the office i most creditably. j The election was followed by a pro-1 gram consisting of selections by the j men's choir of St. Johanna's court and j two farces, one entitled*"The Dentist" ! and the other "A Game of Cards."! The choir, under the leadership of j Joseph F. Schmitt, was heartily ap-j plauded, as were the two farces. The I evening came to a close with the serv- j ing of refreshments. | The Johnsburg court now has a j membership of 120, the largest in its j history. New candidates are being | rounded up and from present indica-' tions will be initiated into the order before the next group meeting, which j takes place at McHenry the latter part of next month. « Fair Neta $1,5054? It was with a feelinj? of pride that Rev. Wm. Weber, pastor of St. John's church, read the report of the recent fair from the pulpit of the church last ^Sunday morning. The summarized report follows: Total gross receipts $1,804.73 Total expenses 299.16 Met proceeds........ .$1,605.57 TMs is approximately $200 more than the net proceeds of last year's fair and the parishioners are indeed happy over the success of the event. The money has already been turned into the church treasury and, according to plans, same will be used on two contemplated improvements. First, an electric motor for the pipe organ and thence much -needed interior repairs on the church edifice. A small gasoline engine is now iurnishing the power for the organ, but an electric motor of the newest type will be found much more satisfactory. The interior of the beautiful church edifice has also been in need of repairs for some time past and, as previously stated, it looks very much as if these two improvements will come sometime during next year. ; OSTEND Several from here were at McHenry Monday and Tuesday helping to reshingle the M. E. church. The teachers and children of our school have commenced decorating for their Christmas exercises. Mrs. Eva Eppel will entertain the ladies of the neighborhood at her home Wednesday afternoon. The ladies of the M. E. Aid served a bountiful warm dinner to those that helped shingle the church. It was highly appreciated. Mrs. Mary Hutson has been spending the past two weeks with relatives in and around Woodstock. Her son, Mark, came up from Wauconda Sunday and she returned home with him. Mr. Hoppe is getting ready for spring crops. He has two teams plowing. This has been a good fall for farmers to get some plowing done. There are many acres turned over. • There are several horses, sometimes three and sometimes five, running at large in the community. If there is an owner he would confer a great favor on the people of the neighborhool by turning them in his own pasture and closing the gate. Very many of us are tired of chasing them Monday evening, Dec. 20. It is a comedy drama of four acts, entitled "The Corner Store." The Ringwood society well have a share of the proceeds. Don't miss it. -\ TERRA COTF&, ' | Mrs. John Liddle spent Tuesday of this week in Elgin. Mrs. John Riley was a business visitor in, Elgin Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay was a caller in Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leonard Beal of Woodstock called on friends here^Friday. Mrs. Mary Grant and son, John, were visitors in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Phalin is spending the week with her daughter in Chicago. Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Sunday with relatives here. Paul Bonslett was the guest of Howard Phalin last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay spent Sunday at the home of A. H. Dilley near Algonquin. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and daughter, Adelle, called on relative* here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Powers tn4 MnJ Hugh, were callers at the home of J> M. Phalin Sunday. Mrs. Robert Knox is spending sev. jeral days in the home of her parents^ I flr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. j Thomas Phalin spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Chicago and attended the live stock show. I William Conway underwent an oper« lation for appendicitis at the West Side hospital in Chicago Monday. He is recovering nicely. Miss Florence Knox went to Elgin' Friday evening and on Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone and Mis& Mary Burke, attended the live stoclt; show in Chicago. Mis's Eleanor Phalin went to Chi* cago Monday and on Tuesday morning she underwent an operation for appen* dicitis at St. Anthony's hospital in that city. At this writing she is im* proving nicely. SOLON MILlgLi^ Shoes at greatly reduced prices at Erickson's. Mrs. E. T. Monear spent Sunday at McHenry. ' Geo. Vogel was-a Friday visitor at Marengo. Chas. Westlake was a recent Woodstock visitor. Geo. Vogel spent part of last weelr at Rockford. •. ' Geo. Yonke of Williams Bay was al Sunday caller in town. Wm. Geifeser of Chicago spent Sun»* day here with his family. pirs. J. J. McCarthy of McHenry spent Saturday at Richard Aylward's, Mrs. Clay Hardy and daughter^ Emily, were McHenry callers Sunday* Earle Monear was down from Har*>< vard to spend Sunday here with relai tives. Mrs. A. F. Wellman spent the past week in the McDonald home at McHenry. Mrs. Chas. Vogel and Mrs. Wm»- Brennan spent Tuesday evening at Wilmot. i Gus Aim of Spring Grove Sundayed in the home of his brother, Victor, an4 family hjere. Mrs. Walter Aylward of Chicago spent th4 past week here , in the Richard Aylward home. o Miss Viola Aylward of Notre Dame,; Ind., and Roy Collingtine of Monroe, Fox River Valley State Bank Our bank is conveniently located (in Centerville) and equipped witti the most modern facilities for the transaction of your business. It is a bank where you will be met cordially; where they are happy to Waft on you and assiet you in «U ways possible. You borne while you are here. . It is not as large as some banks, but stronger than many that have greater deposits. It is a bank operating under State Supervision. Old customers are valued, but we also have reserved seats for new ones. ' v TR'Y OUR BANK AND YOU WILL LIKE IT We Desire Your Account Your Good Will Your Confidence We Pledge You Safety Convenience ^ Courtesy JL Fox River Valley McHenry, Illinois Joseph C. Holly Fremont Hoy ' lames fe. Perry Cashier President ^Clarence F. Hoy " % V •? »*>, :' i * * ••V; ' &im ' 3 Vice Presidents v< Ml DIRECTORS; John Carey, O. B. Oberstadt, N. H. Petesch, Wm. J. Wehfp Joseph C. Holly, Clarence F. Hoy, Fremont Hoy v >i THE power, the satisfying performance and the striking utility value that have characterized Buick models for two decades are again the dominant features of .the new Nineteen Twenty One Buick Series. Combined with this striking serviceability are beauty of rounded lines and the comfort of roominess and smooth riding which affords the utmost satisfaction. For those desiring every refinement of appointment with general utility, the new Buick Seven Passenger Sedan is admirably fitted. Authorized Buick Service everywhere cooperates with Buick owned ' New Nineteen Twenty One Buick Series 13 ' flUitf T*IW 0»fMIT r»ta. ii.'« Model Twrotr Onc-Pon? Tut, ire puifnjB cir Modrl Twrutr One-Fon? Cut, fcxir pweofer eua|» MWet Twenty Ont-Forty ten*, trr pixrnfcr k4i(| Mud el Twenty One-Foitjr Eiakt, fcm' piMenjer *.-au|* mirt tmw) omt-emr wtw. «««-n r. *. M. r»mn. *"• Mickitsm FOR SALE BY OVERTON & COWEN WEST McHENRY, ILL. :ir V ;•* - s • \:K Farmers dare not leave a door or gate I Wis., spent last Friday in the Richard open for fear of these pesta. fAylward .".jn-.-ji .4 WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES AKE BUILT, BUICK WW- 3UILP THEM . " 1 ' *

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