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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1920, p. 10

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i^' fettBllPtit suggest ta ikme irito %ave niMOvested iueds, that we have been made financial agents of cei> Attain concerns of the highest standing, who are in the r market to borrow a limited amount of money, awl *vho will pay the present rate of interest. Their papef^ will be made to bear seven per cent and may be had to run six or twelve months. The makers are financially above question and we would unhesitatingly recommend this paper as safe. The notes can be had in any. amounts in even hufl^tipds. If interested call and ' inquire, '..V--;:' *v • ##. .V : f<%;\ i mx RIVER VALLEY ' , " McHenry, Illinois i ' rs ~ . ;< - • . . . . . PREPARE NOW FOR WINTER BUZZARDS and save high priced coal besides adding to the comfort and health of your family by putting <NK Storm Sash and Doors Call us up today to come and take thp measurements. No matter what size you need^ we tan fill the order promptly. McHenry lumber CO. i 'B" •* QUALITY AND SF.RV1CF. FIRST :>S; i4--' Acceptable Gifts Nothing makes a more acceptable gift th#B * piece of furniture or two and this year, as in the past, we have stocked up with furniture that will make the finest kind of Christmas Gifts. Come in and look over our elegant line and select your gifts now for later delivery. The littl^ folks have also been remembered and for their pleasure we have also placed in stock many of the smaller articles that never fail to fill their hearts with joy. RIGHT NOW is the time to do your Christmas shopping. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. tpf If : k- . .. . 39x 3 Plain Tread $0x3 % Plain Tread 30 x 3 Vj Non Skid 34 x 4 Non Skid PRICE $17.33 21.58 23.43 41.77 PRICE $11.75 $4.50 18.50 33.35 noon. These same two talons had mat a»d played a scoreless game the Sunday previous and it was with a feeling of confidence that both sides took the field last Sunday. It was plain to be seen, however, after a few minutes of play, that the young: fellows had their older brothers utplayed and before the first period was over Bernie Thurlwell had crossed the line for the first touch-down of the contest. The youngsters scored again in the second period, when a perfect pass, Conway to L. ^age, netted them their second market, bringing their total to 12 points. \ In the* second half Che older fellows appeared to be holding better and altho the youngsters threatened to score on two or three occasions something w«nt wrong each time. After repeated unsuccessful attempts to break thru the older men's line, the youngsters resorted to open work and got away with three very neatly executed passes, which netted them good gains. Since the two games a great deal of interest has been displayed in the game and much good talent brought to light and if the present enthusiasm tan be worked up again before the opening of another foot ball season McHenry is sure to be represented on the gridiron. PROFIT NOT THOUGHT OF. COSTS ENTIRELY FORGOTTEN AT THE DUNDEE CASH STORE OF C. HALL CO. WE ARE MAKING PRICES TO MEET THE TIMES AND IN MANY CASES MDSE. IS SELLING FOR ONE-HALF WHAT IT WAS SIXTY JO NINETY DAYS AGO. A VISIT w ILL RESULT IN A BENEFIT TO YOU. COME AND SEE US. NOTE THE PRICES: - Best prints, shirtings, blues and greys, once 25c, now 12^4c. Percales, once 30c, now 20c, 86 inch wide. Silk, poplins, 36 inch wide, once $1.75, now 90c yd. • Ladies' fleeced hose,- 3 prs. for 50c. Boys' and girls' black and brown hose, sizes 6 to 10, 15c pr. ^ Boys' extra weight hose, you will require none better, at 35p; 3-prs. for $1.00. We have made a reduction of from 20 to 30c per pair on our- hosiery thru the entire list. • a Ladies' silk hta, nrstg quality, 6Qp **** THURSDAY. OEcflt* ' Tom Mix; * IN r / ' o WJjL --AND •M "Tie A fK FOX NEWS pRI. & SAT., OCC. 17 & 18 . Mildred Harris $ --in-- '( l.oj# Weber'i Production u'HaAOMMPEl') --AND riONAL c ^ITURDAY MATINEE 2:3# --AND EDUCATIONAL COMEDY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 1* *;; Frank MayO posts" v. *•••• and-- A SUNSHINE COMEDY H) NIGHTS WITHOUT A BAR ROOM • MATINEE AT 2:3* | • . I , . ' TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2l ' Anne Cornwall IN "The Path She Chose" Tire Sale For a limited time only we will offer for cash, Firestone casings and tubes for less wholesale price. AH sizes Cord and Fabric casings and Uibefcreduced in proportion to prices quoted. • T , , This is new fresh stock fully guaranteed. Cord casings guaranteed for 8000 miles; Fabric casings 6000 tmfesT • • , \||j * ; " v ' ' . . . • : = ' STAR GARAGE JOHN R. KNOX, Prop. Phc pair. Ladies' fine lisle hose', 25c. Remnants in seemingly endless variety. 54 inch heavy, desirable bhie serge at $1.75 yd. Our stock of Christmas goods is complete and arranged for easy selling on our center tables. Every item we consider a bargain. Special sale of blankets at f3.1S^ Our handkerchiefs at 6 aitd 10c will merit your attention. Towels and wash cloths in great variety at about half former prices. Special, 3 turkish towels for {)0c. Ticking heretofore 55c now 8#t. Dolls from 5c to $1.60. Ribbons at 25, 35, 39 and 50c, which just half former prices, cut from the bolt or in short lengths as desired. In clothing and shoes and men's furnishings we think we show a stock not equalled in this section of. the country. Special in boys' suits, overcoats and pants. We have pants good enough for any man and pants for every day as low as $2.00 Messrs. Mueller and Foelschow have charge of this department an3 we men experienced in the bniiniHr, New hats, new caps. w ii A special in children's shoes at fi.W and women's high cut shoes heretofore 8<Hing as high as $12, for $2.49. Our ladies' department in charge of Mrs. Chas. Block has everything that pertains to ready-to-wear for misses, ladies and children, in underwear, waists, skirts, dresses. We want you to see our special in dresses at $10.25. Complete line in all sizes up to $23.95. OA cloaks we are making special prices, having bought them at the recent decline and in some cases just half the early fall prices. Visit this department in your own interest. Christmas goods and novelties now on exhibition., f Visit the cash store of ? C. F. HALL CO., DttNOIIBS. Tendered Farewell Surprise Paul Bonslett was the victim of a farewell surprise planned and executed upon him by a number o: young friends at his home one evening recently. Games and music ma<Je up a most enjoyable few hours, after which refreshments were served Those present wer»: Misses Mildred Welch, Rosina Freund, Adele Heimer Marguerite Overton, Arline Harrison Dorothy Walsh; Messrs. George Barbian, Frank Gans, Glenn Wattles, Edward Barbian and Howard Phalin. The Progressive Twelve Mrs. George Worts Itcted as hostess to "the members of the Progressive Twelve last Thursday afternoon. Several games of Ave hundred were enjoyed, after which the distribution of prizes and the serving of refreshments took place. Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel won first prize, Mrs. George J. Schreiner, second, and the hostess the third. EHeefcrie toasters and egg broilers at HarfyVabctrie shop, Jwaten Woek, McHenry, IljL KONKBT EVERY USER A BO.OSTER A letter froiu fcli'. W. Msc- Donald, urand Rapids, Miotic reads: "In my estimation ' Delco-Light is as near fault-' less as a machine caii be made. We have had oi)r plant for over t*o years and have never been toithiHi lights in all that time. Write for Catalog McHENRY LUMBER GO. DELCO-LIGHT DEALERS Wert McHenry, 10, Betters Living Conditions FOR SALE--Five passenger Paige car in first-class condition. Inquire of M. A. Thelen, West McHenry. 27* FOR SALE--Saw rig, complete with 6 h. p. Witt engine, magneto and friction clutch. M. L. Worts, McHenry, 111. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Nine room house, all modern conveniences Fine location. M. M. Niesen, McHenry, 111. 17-tf FOR SALE--Fiva tons of carrots. Also 500 pounds of popcorn. H. W. Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. ' 25-2t FOR RENT--Eighty acre farm at Lake Defiance. J. B. Kelter, 171 W. Lake St, Chicago; HI. Phone Frank lin 3865. 26-tf FOR SALE--Wood tank suitaUe for farm use. Size 7 ft. 30 inx32 in. In quire at Frett's market, West McHen ry, 111. 2C-lt FOR SALE--Teh or twelve pigs, weighing from 50 to 76 pounds each. Jacob Weingart, McHenry, 111. Phone 637-M-2. 26 It LOST--A topaz rosary somewhere between St. Patrick's church and city hall. Finder kindly return to Cecelia Conway, West McHenry, 111. 27-It* FOR SALE--Extra choice family cow, sired by pure bred Guernsey bull. Easy milker and gentle. Just fresh. $125.00. Alpo about 10 tons good hard yellow corn S. S. Rogers West McHenry. Phone 606-W-l. 26 FOR SALE--Three good farms well improved, two in Lake county and the other in McHenry county, 300, 320 and 120 acres respectively. Inquire of C. W. Stenger at the West Mc Henry State Bank of West McHenry Illinois. 17 FOR SALE--A few choke big type Poland Chin;', boars, sired by Gerstdale Timm, No. 369571, a son of the $6,000 Gerstdale Jones. Anyone looking for length and bom will do well to look at these boars. Inquire of Jamea Hunter, Wast tfcHeory, 111. Phone 617-J-2. /' * ' 21-tf v- T - 0 - t i : v - f t * ' ' u ,<;* ' ' * • • ' " * . . • < . . . •• r, r ' /* Of the several interest days that come throughout. - -4- vVs "<V ^ } ;^e year, January 1st is the one we like the best-^ 5 ,V - 1 j 1^1 because iStA is not only It--ntA.e res.t TD \--a--y, but New Day and Resolution Day. And, speaking of resolu- : • ^ 7 4 , t i o n s , h e r e i s o n e w h i c h w e s u g g e s t y o u a d o p t "i 4 ; aind put into practice right at the outset of 1921: v , ; "Resolved", I will save more this i' - ^ '-'J • 'H: year than I did last and I wfll deposit my savings each week regularly at the 3) r .» " . w - • X • ,r* * ' ~ , 4 ,/ » i ' »- f <* ' J i " j" i-t i « 'MM , \ r , . t <*•: x A . * ! S|a ^ We have!.taken especial pains in selecting owr assortment -gift goods. Bring your Christmas list here and letus assist yotvki-'^^ your selection of Christmas gifts. We are now selling from a larg^ assortment of toySi dolls, games and in the more useful of gift goods, stationery, handkerchiefs, shoes, liosiery and many other everyday items. - v ; v £ ; j. L. A. ERICKSON QTNERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRY, ILL. foot tad hear 'fHE HIGHEST aASS TALKING MACHINE" in tke WsrH • « ' 4-• •raUKASAKLL JBefore you purchase yon^r phonograph hear the KSONORA»* it will give you, to jtwir family and friends, yeafrs of the keenest ple&ute* eater- J tainment and enjoyment. Here is a phonograph which is chosen when heard in critical comparison.. It won the highest award for TONK the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. "It is the Sonora •- v'.' . Nocturne Model Elite Model Obtainable in Brown or Red Mahogany or-Oak--Nickel Plated Trimmings t J : • '|hby Grand Model : rt,i. < & NBHONR m. X JUSTEN & » FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING SOLE AGENTS a^sse=9S=^*=aS= V WEST MOHRNRY, TUU, WV,"

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