Hopes to bfe tin i|fet city {announced his intention of Vi»ving each V«r *n this section to introdne# Ae roof J a sign placed on-the theatre building t°r aviators. The mniKer of (in the very near future. The MUf qT ^tre in that city has" Belvidere will appear in eightflbot letters, thus making the name visible Alford H. Pouse, golicto to aviators who may pass over the State of Illinois) W city. Gift goods at Erickson's store. mm HEATING PAD 1. Westinghouse ; Turnover , ^ 'Toaster' " No need to touch the tpast to turn It-- fust turn the knob. Makes d eli^Jouft' toast in a jiffy. | Oh warm, woolly pady.vbuare a com fort complete, You make me feel cosy fhxri my head to my feet. •* Always r+adv to serve yon,cannot be beat-- „ Qtmply turn on the «urreot>--no water to heat,' ^Tou're flexible too, like a soft piece of leather, • Electric Iron ^d the user will find youaa "light as a feather^** Wea| |ron for „ A water bag codls--and its warmth soon departs, 'gift- Saves numberless steps But your heat keeps a-coming from the time it start*. and makes ironing a pleasure. yilur h«< OMl b®--"low," Vnndiuq,'; „ Ho. Point. At the choice of the user. Just give il a try. 'Universal ™ All will an • •'-Jf ^ ®*>u*y • Gifts that are sure to please, gifts that will be in daily use the yeaf round, increase/your pleasure of giving. Westinghouse electrical appliances are alwaj'S welcome gifts; their constant usefulness is sure to bring a lasting recollection of the giver. Beautifully finished, exceedingly useful, and wonderfully appropriate, Westinghouse electric ware displays j our good taste in gift-giving. We have a splendid variety to choose from. Let us have Jjie pleasure of solving your problem of "what to give." Here are some suggestions: ' 2Toaster Stoves, T«rnov®r Toasters, Urn Style Percolators, Pot Type Percolators, Table Stoves, Chafing Dishes, Warming Pads, CiTrling Irons, Cozy-Glow Radiators, Electric Irons %nd Automatic Electric Ram** >^ v 0 & I 'K "<W McHENRY ELECTRIC SHOP. J[. B. H•reuht lkrrev , P»RbOadP . • • • ; \ f •- Lauras rjk., •flONR H-R 1 . fiff if ' • A • l ' i ' I i < <. 11 "V GxM^&uBeoeive a Finer Christinas Gf§ i? Will There Be a In Your Home This Christmas? '*• ifrfy one; g mdffe tliaii Sfttfther can add lf> the joys of Christmas, it is music--and the* ^ Columbia can bring into your home any muge you may wish to hear. The Columbia, is the one instrument to^ Stfhich the greatest artists ffeive entrusted theiir * «rt--an unanswerable acknowledgment of its artistic achievements. Moreover, the Columbia Is the only instrument specially made to play the ftpcords which these great artists have made. ^ ^ f Christmas Day and any pther day through all the years to come, the best or the newest of |jgU wQcld's music may be yours to enj<^ site $$ tM A. West McHenry, III. nois, on Monday, th» 10t^ day of , January, A. D. 1921. McHenry County) as. • In testimony whereof T have hffe- In the Circuit Court of McHenry j unto set my hand tfnd affixed the seal County, Stat£ of Illinois, January of said Court, at rhy office in Wood- Terra, A. D. 1921. v/ J |stock this 6th day of December, A. D. John E. Pufahl, Complatoant,^ [ j 1920. ' Chas. FA Hayes, Clerk. VS. ..ft..,'-;' --i The unknown heirs or devisees of ' . H; P0®"®* So^^Pf Daniel Owen, deceased, unknown heirs' Illinois) - f or devisees of Horace Long, deceased nry County) ss. unknown heirs or devisees of Lodema' In Circu,it: Court of McHenry Long, deceased, unknown l^eirs or de-1^^ State of m™is> January visees of Jane Owen, deceased^ unknown heirs or devisees of .Herman N*. Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or.devisees of Dorothy Owen, deceased, un- ; known heirs or devisees of William P. Melindy, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Mary M. Melindy, deceased, Term, A. D. 1921. Mary Bonslett, Complainant, YS. - Clemens Zens, Gertrude Lerche, Elizabeth Frisby, Louise Do we, Susan Zens, John Zens, Joseph N. Zens, Anthony F. Zens, Genevieve A. Zens, unknown heirs or devisees of Harvey G' Zens' A™a V' &ns> ,nd C. Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or iff. ""'"T" " "JT* * devisees of William Daggett, decewed, unknown heir, or devisees of M.rTitt,L°'Na,mher,^*°(2,' '".®lock ?"?" L. S.tole.,d«TOd,unkn«™l»iI, .r ^ S'^" <«)• tnf V'"»« »'.««• devisees of George C. Cook, debased, T-J*", I" •mi™m k.i« . j........ i^uMed, lying and being in the villtge 'of McHenry, County of McHenry and PHILIP'JAEQE ^ >,.k •' "M W OENKRAL COn/VIISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE «*r.» or Bc*f, nuttM, Ho^s, VmI, Ptmlttf ? Hides, Etc., Butter and Effs This la the oldest house on the ill eel TagB did price liito hmdrtMS on application flWAOe FREE •tall • * i,NKn at. WkatoMte Marttat cmcAQO, ILLINOIS. unknown heirs or devisees of Fred erick Fisher, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Samuel Faulkner, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Georjje Gape, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Leonard Gagre, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Horace B. Claflin, deceased, unknown heirs or Statefof Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery. Bill for Partitioi£ Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit Vhich is now pending in said Court and that - r» j d t .. , . .process for said defendants has been .d.e.v isees o.f .D avid .B . J. ewett,' d,e ceased, i- ssue. d. .to ^the Sovh eri•f«f o*f sai-dj Coun^ty ,u•nk nown heir^ or devisees of Lydia M. i re*tu rnable .to .th. e sa.id. Cour.t a.t .i.t s Jewett, de.ce ased, unknown heirs or r> . r> _ • ,l ... n ' v , . " Court Room in the City of Woodstock, devisees of George K. Clark deceased, n * * ** u j a* * < m- • u • j • , r , „ '.County of McHenry and State of DU- , unknown heirs or devisees of Isabella ' • iim-u >.. Hy^i « • j 1 . , noiS| or Moncwyi tD6 lvtA cJjiy of jar* . Clark, deceased, unknown heirs or' a n 1Q91 dev, isees of Martha P. Gage,' d,e ceased', ! ,In ft estimony-whereo*f It vh ave hu ereunknown owner or owners of the notes 1 . _ . . . , .. , . . . . . . . . j u n t o s e t m y h a n d a n d a f f i x e d t h e s e a l secured by th. mortgage 1 ,n of Com% „ offlce in Wood. Book «, of Mortgages page 76, Mc- >tock <th d.y of Decemb.ri A D. "" County Records, Lydia E. George fj Henry Owen, W. Owen, Oliver N Owen, Mary O, Schnorr, Edwin W. Owen, Charles S. Owen, Lewis H. Owen, Amy C. Owen Chapell, Clara B. Owen, Olive Owen Wright, Raymond H.T)wen, Nellie C. Owen Waite, Paul D. Brown, Clarence H. Brown, Dorothy 1920. Chas*F. "Hayes, Clerk. . Executor's Notice ^lford H. Pouse, Attyv^k\' flstate of Martin F. Sduaftt; deceased The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Brown Mills and the unknown owner Tfctament of Martin F. Schmitt, deor owners of the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot number Seven (7). in Block Number Two (2), of the ceased; late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before original plat of the Village of Weet County Court of McHenry County, McHenry, said plat filed for record ^ Court House ir. Woodstock, at June 14, A. D.1859, and recorded in February Term, on the first Monthe Recorder's Offlce of the County of February next, at which time McHenry and State of Illinois, in Book persons having claims against said 24 of Deed Record*, page 291, said Estate are notified and requested to Block Number Two (fc) being located attend for the purpose of having the in and being a part of the southwest same adjusted. All persons indebted quarter of,Section Number Twen- ^ *a'd Estate are requested to make ty-six (26), in Township Number irowcdi*t6 1 psyment to the under- Forty-five (45) N<*rth, of Range Num- "Hmed- Dated this 6th day of December Eight (8) East of the Third Prin- ^*r' 1920. cipal Meridian, and situated, lying and 29-3t Martin B. Schmitt, Executor. .being in the County of McHenry andj . additional EXCHANGES State of Illinois, Defendants ^ city of Lake Geneva will have I In Chancery Bil Ito Clear Title. to pfky , ^ of $128 377 in Uxes dur. Notice is hereby , given that the ing the cominR January an<| February The new bank at Deerfield, Lake .... . .. _ . county, opened for business last Sat which is now pending in said Court urday morhing. It has a eapitalizaabove is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said tion of 925,000. The overall factory at Marengo re- County returnable to the^id Court at a<fmed operationS last* week after its Court Room in the City of Wood two weeks' shut-down caused by a destock, County of McHenry and State ,ay in shipment of materiai. of Illinois on Monday, the 10th day of ; Co,. A. y. Smith of Waukegan, who January, A. D. 1921. ^ is Lake county's new state's attorney; In testimony whereof I have here-. ^ named Atty:. Ralph J unto set my hand and affixed the seal his assistant. ^ latter of said Court, at my offlce in Wood- Bff„^ yor Daddy as acted as . . . . . . . ^ ^ state's attorney .for Lake county sev stock this 6th day of December, A. D. eraj years aj?^ |, 1920. Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. I The F. E. Glenn, Manufacturing company at St. Charles last, week announced a reduction in wages. Officials announced that the step was necessary to keep the men employed. Few employes quit on account of the cut j The "Grove," Elgin's newest moving picture theatre, was opened to the public on Tuesday evening of this week. The house was erected at a (cost of $60,000, has a seating capacity Alford H Pouse, Solicitor • ,a State of Illinois,) ( McHenry County) si. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, January Term, A. D. 1921. . Katie Pepping, Complainant, vs. The unknown heirs .or devisees of Stephen Bantis, deceased, unknown heirs or devices of Antonette Bantis, [of 1,000 and is £he first theatre In that deceased, unknbwn heirs or devisees of city to introduce a pipe organ. Philip Blake, deceased, unknown heirs j A new pipe organ of the very latest or devisees of Ellen Blake, deceased,, design has been purchased for St. Nicholas Blake, Christina Blake, Bar- Joseph's church at Elgin. The organ bara Hein Regner, Barbara Smith, is an electric double manual, of, red Elizabeth Laures, alias Lizzie Laures, oak finish and 800 pipes. The instru- Stephen Smith, John Smith, Joseph meat will cost |3,600 and it is hoped Smith. Lena Smith Hettermann, to have same installed in time for August Huff, William Huff, George Christmas use. Huff, Katie Huff, Joseph Huff, Julia * Bains and changing temperature Ruff and the unknown owner or own- has caused considerable damage to the ers of the following described real .paved streets at Lake Geneva, Wis., estate, to-wit: Part of the Southeast during the past two weeks. Cracks quarter of the Southeast quarter of have opened up from curb to curb in Section Number Fourteen (14), in many places and the street commis- Township Number Forty-five (46) sioner and his men have had their North, of Range Number Eight (8) troubles in making the repairs. 'East of the Third Principal Meridian, The first attempted <air mail flights bounded and described as follows, to- between Chicago and Minneapolis wit: Commencing at the Northeast came to an end in McHenry county on corner of the Southeast quarter of the Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Southeast quarter of said Section Number Fourteen ,(14); thence South On the Section line thirty-nine and ten one-hundredths (39.10) rods; thence in a Westerly direction to a point in the center of the highway Forty-one and ten one-hundredths (41.10) rods South of the North line of .the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section Number Fourteen (14); thence Northerly in the center of the highway Forty-one and ten onehundredths (41.10) rods to the North line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section Number Fourteen (14); thence East on the Forty line seven and fifty-three hundredths (7.53) chains to the place | of beginning, containing seven (7) acres, more or less, and situated, lying and being in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery. , Bill to Clear Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, On Tuesday the machine made a forced landing near Crystal Lake and the following day the aviator met with the same experience near Cary. Motor trouble was the cause. ADAM S. JUNG PIANO TUNER Prompt and Satisfactory Highest References Phase Na. 12 WOOD! ory Service nees j STOCK, ILL. Arnold r.Mier v,-4' Physician and Surgeon I McHENRY, ILLINOIS Office over Qetesch's Drug Store JOHN SB U KG, ILLINOIS. PHONES: McHenry, 44 Johnsburg, <28-14 HOURS--McHENRY - 10:80 a. m. to 12 noon . 7:30 p. m. to 8:80 p. HOURS--JOHNSBURG ; 8:0T a. m. U> 9:00 a. w : 12:00 to U0 p. m. i .ribo', -isKe-jS?- -v 4#'^ i t'Vp" j; •.^H! £&>'• County of McHemy ud State of Hli- i * ^ 6^0 > «. te p. m. •• » . " *r. - , ' • , ' 1 & v* '"'>**•> i s • f>. *» jeL V *"y > -;4" It ^* *5 ^l How it Grows WHEN fifteen telephones are added on a street k on vhich there are 100 telephone users, an additional .distribution cable may b«h *- necessary. , | When the same thing hap- •pens on six or eight nearby streets, served from the same cable terminal, there; must be • new main cables from terminal boxes to the exchange. Such increases from several localities soon call for additions to switchboard and terminal ' room facilities. finally * OC.W «xch«ngc, with its • mostly equipijicnt, must be built, and extensive re-dislj-ihution made of die outside plant. These are some of the elements which enter into the cost of supjitying telephone servicfc ro growia|| 'OOOuflumties. CHICAGO TELEPHONE -: j COMPANY M is- QUICKER YET FOR ENGINE OR;.J»? ELECTRIC POWERS •±: OUtCWER YET r-k SAVES TIME, WORK, MONEY AND HEALTH AQolekerYet Snowhl^i Poiiwr or Kiiwtrto Waaher save*«te^ one-half the time that it takes to do a washing in. the old out-ofdaie way. Just think of that. It means more time for pleasure * or duties that are more pleasant. 'Instead of -spending one-ball day or more washing, use a Quicker Yet and get it over In about, .two hours. »*, :*f Picture yourself putting the clothes into the tub of a Quicker . Snowhite Washer and then letting the machine do the worlr. When the clothes are dean, which will be in short order, feed them into the wringer which runs either forward or backward at your will. No rubbing, no cranking, no hard work at all. You do the operating, the Quicker Yet waahes and, wrings for you. You are just as fresh after doing your washing with a Quicker Yet as you are after doing any of the lighter household dutiaa-. Some people say that it is a.real pleasure to do a washing with a Quicker Yet. A Quicker Yet Snowhite Washer is an investment that pay* ^dllridends. It is not an expense; do not consider the purchase ot one as such. It saves laundry charges, saves the clothes, sate* w4ges of laundress, saves doctor bills, in fact pays for itself- in numerous ways. Take a pencil and figure up how much a Quicker . Yet will save for you iu nionev alone. ' / • The most important of ail your possessions it good health. Take care of wh*t you have. His nicer to be'pleasant and cheerful than cranky and down-hearted on account of being overtaxed by t he family washing. Good looks and a cheerful disposition are almost impossible without good health. Don't b»» robbed of thee* good things by being without a Quicker Yet Snowhite Washer. The Quicker Yet also does away ,with the necessity of sending the washing to a laundry or private home where unsanitary conditions or even contagious diseases n^ay exist, thus absolving and your family from c o n t r a c t i n g any l o a t h s o m e . d i e e a a f . y . tot The Tkiag to Give year wife far Ckrista* X J. VYCITAL McHenry, llttaois 'W** * • > .. • ^ ' •«'• % • -Hf-' • • . . ft,*-%?' .V Si t•• v ,