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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1920, p. 4

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Items Clipped Fran The P^itMfcftler of Twenty-five Tear* Ago K The Riverside skating rink will be open to the public on Saturday evening. , The Nunda Herald will change hands this week, the office having been fold to J. V. Beiitty of Michigan. The January term of circuit court will convene at Woodstock on Monday, January 13. £ John Carey is building a new barn Isii on h»s farm near Ringwood. George H Spaulding has the contract for the car- ®S£; 5 penter work. Miss Flora Sherburne has accepted Li. 4he position of teacher in the Barre- ;T.:i vilie district and will commence her |,l duties on Monday. * Died, in West Liberty, la., Dec. 25, f,,s^ Jacob King, father of Mrs. Straub, pf,wife of the pastor of the Universalist jV\^>hurch of this village. ^ The entertainment, given ^fey the ^ pupils of the German Catholic school ^ ' at Riverside hall on Thursday evenf -^ng last, was a grand success in every | particular. ' «... f : M i s s E m m a N f c k d l s o f M c H e n r y a n d S^vlHenry A. Niies of Algonquin were married at the residence of the bride's |• .parents in this village on Tuesday of . . last week. . ' r ' i The Richmond^ Gazette cafce out last week in a brand new dreSfe. The r* ^Gazette is a clean, bright and newsy paper and owned by Messrs. Holmes and Wright. M. C. Dufisld har told the Marengo News to Schofield & Co. of Iowa, who | have taken possession of same and ^ announce that it^will he run as a Republican paper hereafter. Married--At the residence of Mrs. John Hodge in the town of Richmond on Wednesday, Dec. 25, by Rev. W. C. Howard, -Hilitis D. Smith of Ringwood and Miss Christiana Hodge of Richmond. The groom is one of Mc- Henry's most prosperous young farm- " . > •rf. * By the death of Michael Graham, which occurred Wednesday, Dec. 18, at his home at Long-Lake, Lake county loses one of her. oldest and most respected citizens. Mr. Graham was born in the year 1808 in the county of Galway, Ireland, which left him at the time of his death eighty-seven years of age. * This week, January, 1896, a change took place in the oldest established mercantile business in McHenry coun- 7 ty, Perry & Owen of this village having sold their business and stock of goods to Lewis H. Owen and S. S Chapell, and the fhm will hereafter be known as Owen & Chapell. This store was built in 1856 by E. M. Owen, Herman Owen and O. W. Owen and was run as a general store under the firm name of Owei) Brothers until 1872, when the business was sold \o James B. Perry and A. A. Martin, and under tht Jirm name of Perry & Martin was successfully run for the next ten ytars. In 1882 A. A. Martin sold his interest to Oliver N. Owen and under the firm name of Perry & Owen the business has been conducted until toftlay. And we do not exaggerate when £ we say that up to this time this store has made mor6 clear money for its * owners than any other like business in McHenry county if not in northern" • AUDITIONAL EXCHANGE Mrs. E. E. Richards, prominent Woodstock woman and wife of the rei_ tired president of the Woodstock ^ State bank, passed awa^ at her home in that eity Monday. Internal Revenue Man to Start Early j Declared to Be Tubercular fcjr.State In the NewvYear f Inspects** [Waukegan Sun] There was rather a pathetic seen* Internal revenue agents will beg\n the income tax drive just after New j Years, according to publicity that at the old Jack Raymondvfarm just comes from the office of the internal east of Volo recently when state inrevenue collector in Chicago, in which spectors came there to examine a herd district McHenry county is included, of sixty-five cattle on the Countryman Agents will very likely be at various and Dietner farm, the farm where places in the county and prosecute the somewhat famous bull, Ragapple, the work until the big job is accom- made his home for some time. plished. ! It was the bull, Ragapple, which Alford H. Pevae, Solicit State of Illinois) McHenry County )ss. January, A. D. 1921. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand &nd affixed the seal In the Circuit Court of McHenry of said Court, at my office in Wood- County, State of Illinois,' Term, A. D. 1921. John E. Pufahl, Complainant^ vs. The unknown heirs or devisees of Daniel Owen, deceased, unknown heirs | stock this 6th day of December, A. D. 1911. Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. Alford H. Pouse, Solicitor State of Illinois ± McHenry County)siH?« *" . , In the Circuit Court tit McHenry or devisees of Horace Long, deceased, County, State of Illinois, January uhI>nown heirs or devisees of Lodema | \ d 1921. Loi :g, deceased, unknown heirs or de- j Bonslett, Complainant, visees of Jane Owen, deceased, un-! yg v . known heirs or devisees of Herman N. Clemens Zens, Gertrude Lerche, All income tax statements must be caused the failure of a bank at Dixon, Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or de- EH8abeth Frisby,' Louise Dowe, Susan filed between January 1 and March 111., and a complete loss of fortune to visees of Dorothy Owen, deceased, un-|zen8f j0hn Zens,'Joseph N. Zens, An- 15, the tax payer using his own dis- Messrs. Countryman and Dietner, I known heirs or devisees of William P-'thony F. Zens, Genevieve A. Zens, ci-etion as to whether he desires to out of which has grown an unusual J Melindy, deceased, unknown heirs or I Leonard G. Zens, Anna V. Zens, and pay in four installments or in a lump litigation that has been progressing | devisees of Mary M. Melindy, deceased,|the known owner or owers of the sum when the statement is filed. for months past. lunknowif heirs or devisees of Harvey Those who paid taxes in 1919 will It was but recently that inspectors c. Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or be sent 1920 statements. Others de- from the state came to Volo and ex- devisees of William Daggett, decea-sed, siring the forms will be able to obtain amined the sixty-five head of cattle, unknown heirs or devisees of Merritt them at the revenue office in the post- They found forty-five of the cows in- L. Saterlee, deceased, unknown heirs or office building. Responsibility for not fected with tuberculosis and accord- devisees of George C. Cook, deceased, filing is placed upon the taxpayer, ingly, after their examination was fin- unknown heirs or devisees of Fredaltho he does not receive a form from i-ihed, the forty-five head were driven erick Fisher, deceased, unknown heirs the revenue offices.' away from the farm. And as they 0r devisees of Samuel Faulkner, de The requirements for those paying marched away another wallop was ceased, unknown heirs or devisees of an income tax have not been changed, thus taken at the two men who en- George Gage, deceased, unknown heirs All single persons with a net income deavored to make a fortune off of a or devisees of Leonard Gage, deceased, of $1,000 or more and married persons bull who was supposed to be worth unknown heirs or devisees of Horace whose income exceeds $2,000 must $100,000. . * ' IB. Claflin, deceased, unknown heirs or file a statement. If persons have It was this bull which the two men ldevisees of David B. Jewett, deceased, dependents under eighteen years or bought in New York from a man who!unknown heirs or devisees of Lydia M. incapable of self support they are al- claimed it was worth $100,000. They, Jewett, deceased, unknown heirs or lowed an additional $200 exemption, paid $50,000 for a half interest in the I devisees of George K. Clark deceased, Single persons may claim exemption bull only to find later, according to I unknown heirs or devisees of Isabella on a $2,000 income provided they are various reports, that the pedigree had JH. Clark, deceased, unknown heirs or the sole support of a family ox one or been misrepresented and that instead devisees of Martha P. Gage, deceased, more relatives living in the same of having a wonderfully find bull tbey I unknown owner or owners of the notes house over which he exercises con- had a very ordinary- one. | secured by the mortgage recorded in trol in the household affairs. ^ EXPERT PAINTER SECtffcHD In this connection comes the report Book 6, of Mortgages, page 76, Mc- ,t when MCTsrs. Countryman and I Henry County Records, Lydia E. Dietner were making their investiga- lOwen, George W. Owen, Oliver N. tion in New York to determine the Owen, Mary O. Schnorr, Edwin W. For Paint Shop at Central Garage Qf the bull in question, they had I Owen, Charles S. Owen, Lewis H. at Johnaburg a very clever scheme put over on!Owen, Amy C. Owen Chapell, Clara B. -- ^ them. According to the story, the I Owen, Olive Owen Wright, Raymond The proprietors of the CJML-J mother,of the bull in question produced H. Owen, Nellie C. Owen Waite, Paul garage at Johngburg have just made & quality of milk never before equalled D. Brown, Clarence H. Brown, Dorothy by a cow in the United States. Brown Mills and the unknown owner curing an expert painter for their Messrs. Countryman and Dietner even 10r-owners of the following described automobile painting department. Peter R. Freund of Kenosha, Wis., A rummage sale, given for the bene- Qt^ the Richmond band, at which the organisation made their first public appearance, netted nearly $300. The event was held in Memorial hall, Richmond, one evening recently The 'Harvard Improvement association is already agitating the paving of four of that city's streets next year Their plan is to get the work under way early next spring. Among the residential 'streets mentioned to be benefitted thru such an improvement are Jefferson and Lincoln. The malted milk plant of the Borden Condensed Milk company at Elgin closed down Monday for a short period. Overstocked with its product is said to be the reason for the temporary shutdown. The plant, it is ex pected, will reopen on Monday, Jan- ^uary 3 The Rockford Co-operative Packing company, of which many of the farmers of McHenry county were stock holders, has been placed into the hands of a receiver by Judge R. K. W«lsh of Rockford, who has appointed W. B Knight, un attorney of that city, as receiver. Stock wu sold to a consid- ' efaljle extent in the vicinities of Har vjprd arid Hebron, farmers buying on the representation that as a co-opera tive project it had a great future Buyers of it* Clock were permitted to Ship live stock thru the organization and the sellers found it easy to pro cure buyers. The Grayslake Volunteer Fire com pffty -has asked the village board to oust from office one Frank Lawson, whom the village dads saw fit to ap .point" as marshal of that municipality The members of the fire company, in their protest to the village board, declare that Mr. Lawson will hinder the efficiency of the company. Atty. Charles •ff. Allen, according to rsportf* from the . county seat, will quite likely give up the assistant state's attorneyship so as to enable htm to give more of his time7 to the practice of his growing profession as ma. to his land interests in the vieinity of Cary.. Word from the county seat is to the effect that Atty Wftliam Carroll will quite likely sue Atty. Allen. ^ Iplaindealer ads teing~iwKtlil rJ, "3 ^ l;Lv,k.V'i weiit to the barn and saw a man milk real estate, to-wit: Lot number Seven the cow in question. Then samples (7), in Block Number Two (2), of the has been secured and will enter upon ^ t^e mjik drawn from the cow were I original plat of the Village of West his new duties next week. Mr. Freund taken an(j analyzed and it showed a I McHenry, said plat filed for record has had about twelve years of expert- won<jerfui amount of biftterfat. I June 14, A. D. 1859, and recorded in ence in this line of work and during jsj0w then comes a story that the I the Recorder's Office of the County of the past twelve years he has been em- ^jre^ man jn question had a very I McHenry and- State of Illinois, in Book ployed in the paint shop at the Nash cjeverjy secreted rubber bag on his 24 of Deed Records, page 291, said plant at Kenosha, from which city he ^,reast ^th a very small tube running Block Number TWo <2) being located is now moving his family. He will (jown from his coat so that he could I jn and being a part of the southwest occupy the John P. Lay house i*1 permit a certain amount of cream, I quarter (%) of Section Number Twen- Johnsburg. which had been put in the rubber bag, Ity-six (26), in Township Number Before going to Kenosha Mr. Freund to (jrjp jown into the milk pail. And I Forty-five (45) North, of Range Numwas employed in the paint shop at the t^e entrance of this cream in a her Eight (8) East of the Third Prin- Hunter boat factory in this village. very secretive manner brought the cipal Meridian, and situated, lying and An expert in his line is the result °'^uaiity Qf the milk in the pail up to I being in the County of McHenry and the training he has had in the Mc- a high standard. This of course came state of Illinois, Defendants. Henry and Kenosha shops and in se- out afterwards and is being used by I jn Chancery Bil lto Clear Title, curing him for their establishment jjessrs Countryman and Dietner to Notice is hereby given that the Hettermann Bros. & Bickler of the ^ejfend their case in court. They I above is the title of the Court and Central garage believe that they are cjajm that it was on the basis of the I the names of the parties to a suit filling a long felt want in that com- won<jerfui showing made by this milk I which is now pending in said Court munity and at the same time making they purchased the bull in ques-1 and that process for said defendants their garage complete in every detail. tjon> which was supposed to be a|has been issued to the Sheriff of said The equipment of the place now repre- wonderfully fine product, being the I County returnable to the said Court at sents a layout as is found only in the 0flf.Sprjngr of the cow in question. Jits Court Room in the City of Woodlarger shops of the country and with An(j thus as this litigation goes on stock. County of McHenry and State expert mechanics employed in all de- down at Dixon> Lake county people Lf Illinois, on Monday, the 10th day of partments the business has shown a are particularly interested to see how. January, A. D. 1921. substantial growth during the year .g ceming out, because the bull in J jn testimony whereof I have here now coming to a close and the propri- question was kept at the Volo farmlunto set my hand and affixed the seal etors are looking forward to even a some time. Furthermore this par-10f gaid Court, at my office in Wood larger business in the year to com* |jcuiar bull, Ragapple, was exhibited stock this 6th day of December, A. D. Fox Lake Bridge Completed «t the Lake county fair at Libertyville 1920. Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. The bridge over Nippersink creek in 1919 and attracte^cons.Alford H Pouse, Solicit* at Fox Lake is now completed and tention b^ the that he P* state of Illinois,) just as soon as the fills on either end posed to wor $ ^ , j McHenry County)ss. have thoroly settled the new road and he was just a scrub. f | jn the Circuit Court of McHenry bridge will be opened to travel. The Dixon, 111., De«. completion of the bridge means that Korndyke V II, Holstem bull, the p^ the connecting link between Chicago chase of ha f interest in whu* f6r and Lake Geneva has come to a full $50^ is alleged realization and residents of Fox Lake statrtf of the financial difficulties which are of the opinion that most of the resulted in the bankrup y ° \ travel between Chicago and Lake Countryman, former cashier of the in following described real estate, to-wit: Lot Number Two (2), in Block Number Sixteen (16), in the Village of McHenry on the west side of Fox river, | situated, lying and being in the village of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery. Bill for Partition. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 10th day of January, A. D. 1921. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 6th day of December, A. D. 1920. Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. Henry Miller and Frank Justen, Mc- Henry's two basket ball stars, have made arrangements for playing two games a week with the Hebron quintet during the playing season. One of these contests will be played at Hebron, while the other will be away from home. Both boys are in the finest kind of condition and*expect to put up the same classy article of ball as in previous seasons. ~ CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Light sled. George Wirfs, West McHenry, 111. 29-2t FOR SALE--Nine room house, all modern conveniences Fine location. M. M. Niesen, McHenry, 111. 17-tf FOR SALE--About six tons of second cutting alfalfa hay. P. J. Brown, McHenry, 111. Phone 641-J-l. 28-3t* County, State of Term, A. D. 1921. Katie Pepping, Complainant, vs. The unknown heirs or devisees of Stephen Bantis, deceased, unknown kritvei --- - tt . , „ M .heirs or devisees of Antonette Bantis, Geneva will take the new route next solvent Union State ban , • deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of year. That Fox Lake is pulling hard Detweiler, was sold at^ bankrupt s . deCeased. unknown heirs for this businss 4s seen in the fact sale yesterday or $ , • V1 I devisees of Ellen Blake, deceased, that the Volo-Fox Lake road is now Stines of Capron, 111., was e Puy* Nichojas Blake, Christina Blake, Bar being surveyed so as to have same chaser. Thirty-seven head of De - ready for grading and improving weiler's cattle were sold for $7, early next spring. One report from I Railway Mail Clerk Examination Lake county is to the effect that this | The United States civil service com stretch is to be paved next summer, mission announces an open competitive I August Huff, William Huff, George but, according to provisions ef the examination for railway mail clerks I Huff, Katie Huff, Joseph Huff, Julia Lake county board, only $35,000 has on January 15. Vacancies in the rail- Huff and the unknown owner or ownbeen set aside for the improvement of way maji service thruout the United ers 0f the following described real this stretch and this amount wouldn't states, at an entrance salary qf $1,600 estate, to-wit: LOST--A pair of tan kid gloves near St. Patrick's church. Finder kindly leave at Plaindealer office. 29 FOR SALE--Saw rig, complete with 6 h: p. Witt engine, magneto and friction clutch. M. L. Worts, McHenry, 111. FOR RENT--Seven room house on Pearl street. Gas for cpoking and lighting. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. '28-tf FOR RENT--Eighty acre farm at Lake Defiance. J. B. Kelter, 171 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Phone Franklin 3865. 26-tf Illinois, January FOR SALE--A few choice Poland China gilts. Sired by Gerstdale Timm, No. 369671, and bred for March and April farrow. James Hunter, West McHenry, 111. Phone 617-J-2. 29 FOR SALE--Three good farms well improved, two in Lake county and the other in McHenry county, 300, 320 and 120 acres respectively. Inquire of C. W. Stenger at the West McHenry State Bank of West McHenry, Illinois. 17 bara Hein Regner, Barbara Smith, Elizabetlf^Laures, alias Lizzie Laures, Stephen Smith, John Smith, Joseph Smith, Lena Smith Hettermann, AUTOMOBILES BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED--fcoy Vogel, Lake Forest Phone 617. Reverse charges Today's bargain, Franklin 6 cylinder air cooled, 4 door sedan in perfect condition. Like new. Only $850. New job costs $8850. 29-10t Auction Sale! Chas. Leonard, Audtioneer Having purchased another farm, the Part of the Southeast i undersigned will sell at public auction begin to cement this long stretch. a year, will be filled from this exam-1 quarter of the Southeast quarter of Th road in its present condition is jnation unless it be found in the in- Section Number Fourteen (14), in anything but popular with motorists terc8t of the service to fill any vacancy township Number Forty-five (46) and Fox Lake people fully realize that ^ reinstatement, transfer or promo- North, of Range Number Eight (8) in order to induce the motorists to tion. The nearest points to McHenry East of the Third Principal Meridian, come their way and usrf, the short cut wfcere these examinations are to be I bounded and described as follows, toto Lake Geneva this particular stretch held are Chicago, Aurora and Rode- wit: Commencing at the Northeast must be greatly improved. They feel ford. / 1 corner of the Southeast quarter of the that a general grading will go a long ~ n , pul • I Southeast quarter of said Section ways toward making the road more popular. Just what effect the open- in® t were deliirht-lon Section line thirty-nine and ten inTof the new bridge will hay. on th. P,ve Hun'l, eli C,rd C'Ub "™re ' ' -- <«« "» travel thru this village remains to be seen, but our business men who eater more or less- to motor trade do not think that it will effect their business ery much. Enjoyed Masquerade The members of the Daughters of Isabella enjoyed a masquerade at the Th BiVeb"* „m:r.Sw. Driv. KTr8F.»^nr(14); th*.*. South hIT^"cl^ub wer. d„.*ht- U II.-nin. * .. t M<> an/i Mrd Jos one-hundredths (39.10) rods, thence w£ U » Westerly direction to »^nt .n Five hundred was the center of the highway Forty-one street i..t even nK. '""'T.™ |,nd ten one-hundredths (41.10) rod. K'ct^. wbiuTe consolation £ Isouth of the North ,i„. of th. Southon the place known as the Frank Hutson farm, situated 2 miles west of Mc Henry, 8 miles northwest of Crystal Lake and 8 miles east of Woodstock, on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 1921 commencing at 1:00 o'clock p. m. sharp, the following described prop* erty, to-wit: 40 Head High Grade Holstein Cattle M Springers and 20 New MillMM From 4 to 6 Years Old 9 Head of Horses Six months old colt, two year old ' nway, wnue u.e |east quarter of the Southeast quarter j mare, black lean., gelding and mare, by Richard Fleming. Delicious | ^ ^ Number Fourteen Ut. between 1100 and 12U0 pounds, refreshments were enjoyed. (14); thence Northerly in the center Large Christmas Collection of the highway Forty-one and ten one- The largest single collection ever Ihundredths (41.10) rods to the North K. of C. hall on Tuesday evening of tal{en in the history of the church line of the Southeast quarter of the this week. Half of the members ap- t^at 0f Christmas morning at St. Southeast quarter of said Section peared garbed in male attire and^here patrjck>g jn this village. Needless to I Number Fourteen (14); thence East ^ pastor, Rev. M. J. Mc- on the Forty line seven and fifty-three Evoy, is highly pleased, as are the Ihundredths (7.53) chains to the place of beginning, containing seven (7) acres, more or less, and situated, ly- Chicken For Dough Boys |ing and being in the County of Mc- Chkken will be served all day S*t>|Henry and Suu of uimois, urday, New Year's day, in the club V Defendants rooms of the McHenry post of tihe In Q^ery. Bill to Clear Title American -Legion. The feed is for I , . - Notice is hereby given that the this week. Half of the members appeared garbed in male attire and £here was no end to the fun that prevailed. Dancing, games and delicious refreshments made up an unusually pleasant of his congreg.tion evening. The rtext meeting will take -- ---- place on Friday evening, Jan. 14, at which time the newly elected officers will ho installed, t Boys' and Girls' Ctak The members of the Boys' and Girls' club will meet at the home of Howard Phalin south of town on Wednesday evening of next week, Jan. 5. The members only and the boys are asked to take advantage of the "eats.' Busy Season at PoBtofficeo above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which standard bred trotting horse, .*> yen rs old, wt. 1100 pounds: l>ay .horse, 5 years old, wt. 1100 ixuintis; team of buy geldings, wt. 2600 pounds: bay gelding, wt. 1300 pounds. «• . ( . 8 Thorobred Duroc Jersey S«m bi ed to farrow in March ' Machinery Gang plow, sulky plow^.walking plow, 3i h. p. gasoline engine, Jeffery automobile. . Ffo# Lunch to Those Who Arrive Before Dinner Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of tt months' time will be given on good approved is now pending in said Court and that] noteg bearing interest at the rate of 7 members are requested to meet at the * Both postoffices in this village re-Iprocess for said defendants has been j J)er cent per annum. No property to home of Miss Helen Welch, from port an exceptionally large holiday issued to the Sheriff of said County i be removed or possession of same given whence conveyances will carry them to business. This is especially true at returnable to the said Court at its ; to purchaser ^fntil settled for with the Phalin home. Come out and en- the East Side office, where the busi-1Court Room in the City of Woodstock, c]er)c. - joy the meeting with a sleigh ride ness last week passed all previous County of McHenry and State of Mi-! x Ira. H. Stuart, Prop, thrpwn in for good measure. records. Inois, on Monday, the 10th day of c. W. Stenger, Clerk. .VMWA Ywr Ml goes considerably farther here than it did a lew months ago and -when planning that Sunday dinner or any ; Other meal we wish to remind you that our choice line of groceries and meats are sure to give the best of satisfaction. Come in and satisfy yourself that* ^prices are really com-, liig doWn. • ^ '""i '• • iiii(niiiiUi.ii j» Vj n WATER STREET-- MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop. We wish all out . ^ friends, £n4qygr * tomers It * .»•.% # ,VK M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone N ITS RESOLVED: ffSOLVCD VE WILL CONTINUE n»l BAKE UPERfOR BREAD E'LLhavenotrofcble keeping our New Year's resolution. We have resolved to continue to bake the choicest bread and we'll have no trouble doing so because we know how. Resolve to writ^ the name of our bread on your next grocery order. y % Prosperous All SMITH BROS. McHenry, III. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENBKAL COHMISSION MERCHANT - SPKCIAL ATTENTION UIVKN TO THE SALE OF • Dressed Beef, hutton, ilofi, Veal, l'o«atti^r4>.) tildes. Etc., Butter and Eggs # v ? ' This Is the oldest honme on the street Tags and priee ltnts famished oa a p p l i o a t i o t o . / : - - V - COLO STOKAUe PRe« Stall • A 3. PultM It, CHICAGO/ ILLINOIS. Wholitil* Market LITM AN ^COMPANY 1 I N C O R P O R A T E D COMMISSION ,,v iil'tiriM 9W 3 2 6 WEST S O L ) T K W AT E R ST C H I C A G O | u . L . -SPECIALTIESPoultr^, Veal, Butter and Eggs Free Cooling Rooms WRITE FOR TAGS AND PRICE IJSTS JOHN PETERSON, Mgr; of the Season JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, IIX. ,jT •V*) r-'M B! <iji f%•]-'$*• i J: -- mn ' r XI *

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