4 r ? * i#. \V 0 WK' > _V;^ :. • Ii';*, '£","• ;•' yV-. 'xl f e - ' !®Sla&';si VrVuv.- COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS - - •-• r * : . *'-••. • • ' * •, • •*•'••• - " ' V ; ^ \TOV X sav certainly want to _ save money, and you would like to have better bakings. Then use Calumet. It's the thing you can do to irathe quality of your bakings I lowrr baking costs. Calumet is made in the largest, most sanitaiy Baking Powder Factories in the World. No Baking Powder to made under bettor conditions--nooe can be better in quality. It contains only such ingredients M have been officially endorsed by the U. S. Pure Food Authorities. An absolute guaranteethat it is pure. HE QUAL TY - LOWERS THE COST Or ALL BAKINGS CALUMET BAKING POWDI rftnw" flit received highest Awards, World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago -- Paris Exposition, Paris, Franee---positive proof of it» superior merit. It is used by more housewives, domestic scientists and chefs than any other brand. That would not be the case, U it were possible to secure a higher quality leavener. It is sold at a moderate price. All you have to do is to compare costs to determine how much you can save by buying Calumet. Pound can of Calumet contains fall 16 oz. Somebaking powders comeln 12 oi. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. Cafc* R*d»« -- 3 cups p a s t r y ' , floi't. 3 ievel tea* spcona Calumet Baking Powder, % cup butter. \Vi cup* granulated auear. Yolka of 3 ent, H cup cold w a t e r . White® of 9 egg*. 1 t e a s p o o n o r a n g e extract. Then mix in the ragulax way. 99.32 117.18 .£47.62 J09.67 187.86 163.68 182.65 174.67 118.89 238.50 79.66 38.79 77.70 857.12 Announcement I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of justice of the peace and will be grateful for the support of the voters of McHenry township at the annual town caucus to be held Saturday, March 19. 39-2t E. C. Hawley. ?£+,> , Announcement I fiereby announce my candidacy for the office of constable and will appreciate the support of the voters of the town at the coming caucus Saturday. March 19. W. H. Kelley. OIL MAN TAKEN TO KANSAS Sheriff Harvey Takes Oil to ^otHmbus Promoter ife?' - . day's Elgin Courier] Marengo's visions of wealth, magnificent hotels and large refineries from oil wells vanished today when C. C. Downer, "oil prophet," waived extradition and started for Columbus, Kan., in the custody of Sheriff Wm. Harvey. According to Harvey the oil promoter is wanted on a serious charge preferred by hi* fourteenyear- old step-daughter. Confronted by the Columbus sheriff, Downer immediately notified his attorney, J. M. Huff, to drop the habeas corpus proceedings started in an effort to secure -his release. He announced that he would return without extradition papers. ^ , "Altho Downer refused to make a statement, he intimated that he probably would not return to this vicinity again," declared a McHenry county official. "He had admitted launching oil propositions in numerous other ; communities." According to reports from Columbus, Downer disappeared after making . all preparations for drilling oil wells in. that community. A special dis- . patch from the Kansas city reads: "Downer has been in this vicinity for the last six months exploiting oil leaser in New Sherwin, this county.' There are no oil wells there and no prospects of any, it is said, but Downer r has built air castles galore for the farmers-and business men in that vil lage. Visions of wealth from oil wells were seen by many farmers here for some time, but those visions have vanished with Downer's disappearance. "Mrs. Downer has been operating tile cafe in the Brooks hotel here for a livelihood since her husband deserted her and the general public has been craving for news of Downer It was a complete surprise to learn 1 that he has been seeing visions of oil again." Efforts to secure Downer's release on a habeas corpus writ were started before Judge R. K. Welsh late yester day. Hearing on the petition was put over until Monday. News that Downer had succeeded in organizing a company to develop the oil field in McHenry and Boone counties was sent out from Spring field yesterday. It was incorporated under the name of the Kishwaukee Oil & Gas comparty with a capital stock of $500,000. According to re ports from Belvidere, a number of the city's merchants are -financially in terested in the company. More than 5,000 acres of land near Belvidere were leased by the com {tany Thursday night when a meeting of farmers was held at the Stone school house. Downer, who was then being held in the McHenry county at Woodstock, was represented at the gathering by MISB A. Glidden and Harry Loomis- Tbe Belvidere Republican says "Numerous questions were asked by interested people as to whether big oil interests are back of the movement in this locality, but the inquirers had to be satisfied with the statement that the leases are being taken by the Kishwaukee Oil & Gas company thru Mr. Downer and the point was borne in on landowners that unless the acreage was secured by his company and drilling done that there would not likely be any other opportunity to determine whether they have oil field? or whether they haven't. There was a ready response to the call for pledges for leasing. Miss Glidden stated that Mr. Downer wanted leases of the lands extending for three miles in each direction from the school house and that it is necessary that these leases cover adjacent farms as scattering tracts cannot be used." Since arriving in this vicinity Downer is said to have secured leases to 9,000 acres of land. No sale pf stock or financial support was asked at any of his meetings. Downer always assured his hearers that he had ample backing for the drilling, which he declared wou]£ be started at an early date. Wis Frank Hawthorn, Hebron..,. Imbert A. Johnson, Capron., Peter Nelson, Capron, 111., i». Valentine Fetch, Crown Point Oscar C. Johnson, Elkhorn... Herman Behrling, Clinton, Wis W. G. Fulfs, South Dixon, 111. T. G. Huffmann, Libertyville E. J. Huffmann, Libertyville.. F. J. Kelley, Union, 111....,.* Fred W. Simpson, Hebron Frank Hicks, Batavia, 111....» Clyde A. Wingate, "Crystal Lake June-- * John Heicha, Dundee, 111 141.45 Elbert A. Thomas, McHenry. 1626.96 E. J. Smith, Woodstock •/' 97.42 James Kline, Woodstock . .. * ^161.72 W. B. Eckert, Burling**!," Wis 71.32 L. S. McDonald, W. McHenry 145.31 Ralph Goodpater, Koutz, bid. 105.37 John E. Roush, Algonquin....: 189.21 July-- -. ^ Geo. Stark, St. John, Ind. .... 155.48 Wm. Schneiderwindt, Wo<& y stock £69.03 Q. A. Gurke, Woodstock £45.39 t. S. Dube, Libertyville.... .. 164.17 Ernest C. Buehler, Virgil, HI. 147.77 John K. Rathburn, Lombard, 111 -..^.?.;«09.79 E. L. Baile, Harvard 186.13 Wm. J. Green, Woodstock . .. £30.83 Kermett Theilen, Crown Point 70.86 James E. Moore, Byron, 111... 191.46 Edwin H. Meyer, Beecher, HI. 161.42 E. J. Klass, Crown Point, Ind ,\ ""68.73 Sterborn,. Frankfort, \ 49.89 Schultz, Walworth, Quarantine Cases Paid by Marketing Company Since October, 1919 X ADVANTAGES 47.84 68.40 390.35 46-65 107.77 52.23 101.40 196.73 90.75 894.00 \ 171.57 100.51 42.34 »-21 4T.39 165.80 157.60 158-76 C. Buckley, Lowell, Ind.,..$ 46.86 M. A. Browning. Elgin. . .1.. 100.77 Jas. Carlisle, Hartland. Ill .~7V". 182.23 McCabe, Hartland, 111 62.48 Ed. Subrad, Burlington, Wis. 48.88 .John Reitman, Crown Point, Ind.,.. 848.32 John F. ' Lane, Woodworth, Wis. Herman H. Pohling, Wheeling, 111 Jas. Carlisle, Hartland, 111... Henry Walthausen, Barrington, 111 Wm. Hoeppes, Harvard Chas. Barlow, Lake Geneva.. B. J. Buckley, Lowell, Ind.... Jake Haan, Hebron, 111...... Ben Williams, Crown Point, Ind. Edward M. Bonkosky, Dundee, HI Theo. Clausing, Arlington Heights, HI. ...... Henry Brinkman, Elmhurst, 111 Matt. Matheson, Racine, Wis. Bemhart Krahn, Orland .... August Abram, Crown Point,' Ind A. Scidmore, Janesville.... Lisle L. Smith, Bartelt, 111... Wm. R. Schneider, Gilberts.. H. Ocock, Union, 111 177.65 Emil H. Steinhabel, Elmhurst, III 148.08 Adam J. Weirtz, Crown Point, Ind 84.33 Martin Zahriggen, Crown Point, Ind 105.95 Ed. Hopp, Crown Point, Ind... "110.92 Otto F. Kalvalage, Chicago Heights, 111 #6.32 Jas. A. l,ow, 25 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 14.03 Frank E. Johnson, Capron, 111. 182.03 Frank Beiran, Melrose Park.. Richard Doeping, Crown Point, Ind P. J. Wagner, Round- Lake... Louis Kirkhoff, Mt. Prospect, 111 V. Martin Fiene, Elmhurst, 111. W. W. Wilcox, Ringwood.... Fred H. Knecker, Union, 111.... Richard Kueckler, Union, III. Wm. Schauer, Union, III. .... Walter H. Davis, Crown Point, Ind A. J. Steffenson, Woodstock.. James Marsh, Huntley, 111.... James Hutton, Crown Point, Ind John H. Stanton, Ingleside, 111. W. I. Averill, Woodstock, 111. May-- A. L. Kraft, Union, 111. Frank Adank, Crown Point, Ind. ............ Arthur Anderson,! Crystal Lake, 111 ,v T. C. Powers, Dixon, 111...... Reka Luedke, Woodstock.. .. Mrs. Bossn Curran, Lyons, Henry 111. , Frank Wis/ •...' Earl Harms, Palmyra, 111..*. James Bollman, S. Dixon, HI. D, D. Swain, Oxfordsville, Wis.' H. B. Huntley, Walworth, Wis. Mat. A. Hengsen, Union Grove, Wis. ." J. M. Niman, Clinton, Wis.*... Henry Math. Egan, 111. ..... Henry Huschke, Avalon, Wis. Wagner & Rotts, Beloit, Wis. Louis Heinrich, Palatine, III.. Geo. Stark, St John, Ind.... Henry Schneider, BarringtoB. John McCabe, Harvard ...... Charles Anderson, Walworth, Wis Aaron Johnson, St. Charles.* H. D. Brooks, Walworth, Wis. A. R. Beede, Dixon, 111 J. Fredberg, Belvidere ... i September-- Barry Bros., Harvard .»..,. » Nath Layensky, Beloit, Ww, John G. Cook, Lyons, Wis. .» A. P. Hoi);, Linden, 111 •». October-- Albert Ruth, Huntley ....... Henry F. Swanson, Roekford. E. J. Sfiiith, Dixon, 111 Fred Share, Elkhorn, Wis. .. November and December-- Mrs. A. C. Von Golden, Avalon, Wis Fred Baier, Harvard Henry C. Zeckuhar, Union .. 98.42 2|44.91 96.20 65.94 173.46 42.58 246.37 181.49 261.19 19.14 17.20 ; 45.44 ' 39.84 824.94 173.66 182.36 I 45.46 I 59.90 J 79.09 ®22.84 • 37.24 831.61 61.22 188.65 58.05 28.25 166.83 31.60 146.83 145.33 E. Huffmeir, Area, 111 L. M. McDonald, W. McHenry Chas. Part-, Janesville, Wis... Mike P. Konen, Batavia, 111... Ed. Rean, Hampshire, 111. Fred Schmitcke, Walworth, Wis 280.56 Patrick Seegert, Woodstock.. 43.71 Geo. M.. Simmons, St. Charles 70.70 Paul Duba, Libertyville ..... 39.79 J. II. Ward, Walworth, Wis.. > ' 72.80 Will Mackey, Woodstock .... 199.77 John Stewart & Delbert Nits, Elburn, 111 .y 157.25 E. S. Pane, Monteno, ni. .... 49.86 Chas. Johnson, Wasco, tt{, 51.59 John Knight, Byron, Til. ..... 75.83 Theo. A1 ten burg. Harvard «». 122.22 John Exon, LibertyVille i.;» 83.07 David Peters, Walworth, Wis. 108.66 John Gr&sser, W. McHenry.. 172.73 Jas. H. Nelson, Grayslake ... 157.64 Fred J. Behrens, Grayslake.. 89.43 Alfred Moore, Byron, 111 85.13 Wm. Dobratz, Marengo 91.01 Bert Felham, Walworth, *Wis. 96.55 Albin Johnson, Campton, 111.. 82.76 Hull & Elmer Iverson, Clin- , / ton, Wis. . ^NM}7 Fred A. Nash, Walworth, Wis. 1417.11 Geo. J. Brown, WaSco, 111.... 36.39 Robert Mansfield, Ringwcood 110.42 Ackman & Winkelman, Union 132.51 H. J. Brown, Wasco, 111. .... 62.58 Wm. Brandt, Cherry Valley, 111 0|i9 Richard McGowan, Lily Lake, * 111 59.00 Nels Hawkins, Wasco, 111.... 48.96 Joe Howe, Lake Villa, IU,.... 160.50 Burt Dunkin, Lake Villa, 111. 136.94 Total paid in 9 months (21,801.36 Chicago, 111. r C. E. Rockwell, Sec. Milk Producers' Assn. mit Mr. Rockwell: The above shows the names and the amount of the quarantine claims the marketing company has paid during the p^st nine months. The marketing company pays 70 per cent of the Joss during quarantine and members get the full benefit of the milk produced, by feeding hogs and calves and young stock with fresh milk or skim, and if butter is made no doubt there will be no loss to the producer. In order to get the quarantine benefit one must be the owner of at least one share^of stock in the marketing company, which costs $50. This? surely must appeal to anyone making milk as cheap insurance. No one knows who will be the next with a quarantine sign stock on your front porch. _ While the help to the one in trotlble is of great benefit, the best of it all is that the thousands that help pay this lobs will not even notice it, as the per cent is so small of the amount of milk handled by our company during this time of paying the nearly $22,000 for claims. The marketing company did ever $32,000,000 Worth of business, making only $700.00 loss to every million dollars worth of business done. Frank H. Reese, Treas., Milk Producers' Co-operative Marketing Company. The Plaindealer for Village Trustees Met In Regular Session Monday Evening 2.25 125.00 2.00 53.80 6.91 48.60 1.00 Council Room, March 7, 1921. The village trustees met in regular session with Pres. Olson presiding. Trustees presenti Doherty, Knox, Krause and Overton. Absent: Cooley and Stoffel. ' The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were approved hy the finance committee: f Public Service Co., lighting jts and traffic lights $183.42 F. G. Schreiner, printing .... 89.45 W. L. Howell & Co., battery." 1.50 W. G. Schreiner, telephone and . postage John Walsh, marshal services.. John O. Olson, telephone.... Wells Engineering Co., service rendered on water extension 332.00 Joe Engeln, labor and supplies 12.45 Geo. Meyers, labor on streets'.. A. H. Pouse, Kane county sheriff fees and stamps Guy E. Still, sheriff fees and special' assessment notice.. P. J. Schoe\yer, labor and sup. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Krause, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Knox, seconded by Overton, that the treasurer's and clerk's reports be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Krause, that the bills be accepted as O. K.'d by the finance committee. Motion carried. •' Motion by Doherty, seconded, by Overton, that the clerk be instructed to order 16,000 gallons of road oil from 4;he Indiana Refining company at 7 cents per gallon F. O. B. McHenry. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, 'seconded by Knox, that the village buy a new road drag. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Knox, that the village accept the deed of all the frontage of block 6 on Center street owned by Frank Wattles, extending 200 feet back, providing the deed is in the hands of the village by noonxon Saturday, March 12, 1921. The village to assume the assessment on block 6, water and sewerage now pending, for the sum of $1. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Doherty, to adjourn. Motion carried. John O. Olson, Pres. W. Qk-'Schreiner, Clerk. Card of Thanks We take this public manner of ex-% pressing our sincere appreciation for the many kind favors extended us during the last illness and after the death of our beloved one. Also do we .vish to thank the donors of flowers and the members of the I. O. V. No. 34. Mrs. Anna Ekstrom & Children. FOR SALE CHEAP--A good work horse, weight about 1250 pounds. Choice of two. Age seven years. John R. Smith, Emerald Park. Phone 634-R-2. 89-lt* FOR SALE--Kindling wood. Thelen, West McHenry, 111. A. 39 FOR SALE--A large \ comforter. Ladies' Aid society, McHenry, 111. 38 FOR SALE OR RENT--Eighty-two acre farm located on Lake Defiance. Stephen H. Freund, McHenry 111. 35-t£ FOR SALE--The H. J. Schaffer cottage Main-street. All modern conveniences. H. J. Schaffer, West McHenry, HI. 38 father in McHenry county, 300, 3SW and 120 aeraa respectively. Jmpire of C. W. Stenger at the We*t ll©r Henry State 6ank of West. McHi Illinois. FOR SALE---160*aera fain situated at Cecil, Wis., new buildings, barn SO x80, 6 room house, garage and ail other improvements. Also 173 acraa without buildings.- Would consider trade for good property near McHenry. N. F. Colby, West McHenry, HI. BABY CHICKS--Whiteor brown Leg-. horns, $15.00 per 100; Barred Rocks, FOR SALE--A quantity of alfalfa, i $18 00 per 100. White Rocks> Reds, W. clover and slough hay. All bailed Inquire at Sayer's stock farm No. 1. Phone 609-M-2. 38-3t WANTED--Five hundred rabbits, four and ten weeks old. Will- pay 25q each. Henry Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. 38-2t FOR SALE--House and two acrea or more of ground. All kinds of fruit. Reasonable price and terms. L. F. Pouse, West McHenry, 111. 34 FOR SALE--Dean flying shuttle carpet or rug loom. Is as good as new. Has all attachments. N. B. Kimball, First street, Libertyville, 111. 36-6t* FOR SALE--Ten or twenty acre plat of land one-half mile from McHenry. Best ground in state for truck farming. N. F. Colby, West McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels. E. B. Thompson strain, heavy boned and good barring. Price, $3.00 each. Peter M. Freund, McHenry, HI. Route 2. Phone 630- M-2. . ' 88 FOR SALE--A ten room modern house, together with two lots, barn, well, fruit trees, shrubbery and flowers. Finest location in McHenry. Possession given anytime after March 1. N. J. Jus ten, West McHenry, m. 37-5t FOR SALE--Three good farms well imprtoved, two in Lake county and the THE BOBB STUDIO BOBB * Photograph--a perfect and lasting record of life's most happy day. ' y:# • • • Appointments To suit your convenience WEST McHENRY, Wyandottes, B. Orphingtons, $20.00 per 100. Broilers, $14 per 100. Par* eel post paid from the big hatchery of 600,000 chicks for 1921. Catalog free. Farrow-Hirsh Co., Peoria, 111. >v Executor's Notice ' ' Alford H. Pouse, Attorntojf Estate of Barbara Schmitt, Deceased. v The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Barbara Schmitt, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry CoUnty, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term, on the first Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted.- All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 7th day of March, A. D. 1921. 39-3t Stephen H. Smith, Executor. FEDERAL ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Ever see one work^ Its miflcfle name is simplicity. All that " is necessary is to put in some soap, run in some water, put in the clothes and then just look on. The machine does the rest. $5.00 down puts a Federal in your home Balance in Monthly Payments , S cents will pay for the elcctriclty used in doing a week's waahing Public.Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 18.30 54.88 223.98 82.90 173.92 298.61 182.31 183.47 321.51 118.28 285.02 db.33 61.36 85.72 207.25 2fr2.79 824.51 f8.85 $4.18 *18.22 1 \ , Now on our shelves Our spring-line of work shoes is now complete. You will find just the shoe you have been looking for here. - Shoes that give you comfoft couptedf with quaHty, long Wfe and satisfaction-- and all at a lower price per jpair than you paid for your present I'""*-.;-. We stand back of every shoe we sell, while our stock is complete. . Come in and make your- selection McHENRY d&ita DNWftY ILLINOIS »* X .