DR. G. C. SMITH Specializing in * •' PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY A. *#*•«! Prophylaxis -t ~f T l3urgical Extraction# . . s * lSJ ~ Rental X-Rays ^ "• « Plumes, 434 and 384 ^chmoml, IlliMia DR. N. J. NYE Physician and SurgeM X-Rny Treatment and Radios rapt Offire Honra: ^ , 7:00 to 9:00 a. 1:00 to 3:00 p. tL V' 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. 'Phone 62-R :: McHenry. UL poes considerably farther here than it did a few months ago and when planning: that Sunday % dinner or any other meal we wish to remind you that our choice line of groceries and meats are sure to give the best of satisfaction. Come in and sat isfy yourself that prices nrc really coming down. WATER STREET MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop. It's the inner man whom we serve and so Well are we acquainted With the every day needs of life that we have just what you want| in the line of Staple and]l Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canne^ Goods and B a k e r y . Our prompt delivery system is ever at your service. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone tt SHOALS Men's every day Work Shirts, each.. Me Canned Corn, per can..lie No. 2 can Tomatoes 12c Yeast Foam, per pkg..;_ 7«* Jfcmfen Seeds Ic Cood Brooms, each 55c American Family Soap, per bar.. 7c Kirk's White N apt ha Soap, per bar 7c Swift's Pride Soap, bar. Ic Sunny Monday Soap, per bar Ic Best Grade Kerosine,, per gallon 2®c Low Grade Kerosine, p e r g a l l o n . . . . M c JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY. ILL. FEDERAL ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Ever see one work? Its middle name is simplicity. All that is necessary is to put in some soap, run in some water, put in the clothes and then just look on. The machine does the rest. $5.00 down puts a Federal in your home Balance in Monthly Payments will pay for the electricity used in doing • week's washing Public Service Co. Oh NORTHERN ILLINOIS PHILIP JAEGER OHNERAL COriMISSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVKN TO TQB SALE OP UrciMd Beet, ilutton, Hofs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Egg* Tag* and prioe tiitf furnished on COLD STORAUB FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Thia iH the oldaet bouse on the street application Vtall i a i, Haltn at Wholesale Market NOTICE To Universal Milking Machine Users and Prospective Users Hits is to advise you that the Kr use Hardware Co. of Richmond, and W. J. Sparawk of Crystal Lake, have been assigned the McHenry territory for the Universal Milking Machine. Repairs can be bought at either place also at Donavin & Reihansperger's, West McHenry, 111. • . LEIBHART & TAYLOR Distributor* for the Universal Milking Machine ,We have to be careful in the selection of rubber goods and you should be as careful as we are. Between the highest grade and the wholly bad there is not very much difference in external appearance, but the difference is soon found out if you happen to get hold of an unworthy kind. We carry different grades of which the cheapest are good and the best are the finest to be had. Each kind is sold for just what it is and at juft the right price. * Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, Sttmocp' Supplies and Nursery Supplies Rubber Goods •noNE 118-J N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST RINGWOOD Pillsbury'g Best flour at Wilbur's. Crystal Lake. One carload of potatoes, half Early Full line of farm machinery at i Ohios and the balance white potatoes, Math. Freund's, McHenry. at M. M. Nieeen's. Men- %»r shoes. -see us Better Frank Green of Woodstock was a business caller in town Tuesday. Mrs. A. W. Smith spent Tuesday' prices at Erickson's. with Mrs. Frank Peet at Richmond, j Miss Frances Knox Miss Gene Ingram visited the school! Thursday evening with at McHenry on Wednesday of last j Gannon in Woodstock. week. ! Mr. and Mrs. John HefPron of Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chi-, cago were callers at the home of cago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.! Henry McMillan Saturday. E. C. Hawley. _j*nd Mrs. Dave Rowson and Miss Emma Madsen of Hebron was daughter a most welcome guest of friends in of Henry town Saturday. j Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darrow and j Elgin sp; children spent the week end with rela- ;urday at the home of M. Knox. tives in Richmond. Miss Neva McMillan was the guest Will arrive soon, a carload of Early 'of Miss Agnes Bertram in Crystal work and dress quality and lower spent last Mrs. J. P. DeKalb called at the home illan Saturday, rs . Edward Malone of Friday evening and Sat- Ohio and white ^potatoes. M. M. Niesen, McHenry, 111. Miss Julia McLaughlin has been absent from school several days on account of chicken pox. Mrs. Myrtle Sanborn of Spring Grove visited her mother, Mrs. Stevens, last Wednesday. Mrs. Clay Rager and son, Cecil, were visitors in the Antcliflf home at Richmond last Friday. Mrs. Henry Lake Saturday evening and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Portman of Chicago were guests in the home of the former's aunt, Mrs. Geo. B.~Frisby, Saturday evening and Sunday. Many from this vicinity attended the McHenry county basket ball tournament at Crystal Lake on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of last week. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Special house dresses at 89c and 98c each. L. A. Erickson. The Social Wheel will meet with Mrs. G. A. Stevens at Ringwood next Thursday afternoon, March 31. . Tests show .that the two new city wells at Woodstock produce 1800 cubic feet of water per minute. One of the' wells is 198 feet deep, while the other is 206. A small class is now receiving instructions in preparation for confirmation which will take place at the Zion Lutheran church in tills village some time this summer. We are informed that W. F. Vogt will remove his ham from Waukegan street this spring, which will make that thorofare one of the most desirable residential streets in the village. ~T Try our special breakfast cocoa, 17c per pound, at Erickson's. Field and garden seeds, onion sets and seed potatoes at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chica- Alma Thomas of West Mc- j <*o called on relatives here Saturday, visited her daughter, Mrs. j The funeral of Mrs. Peck's brother, James Rainey, last Thursday. |Mr. Rowson, was held at Ridgefteld S. H. Beatty of Woodstock was'that day. transacting business in town last Sat-! If you are in the market for a new urday and calling on old friends. j piece of farm machinery this spring Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Jepson en-j let me know about it. Maybe I can tertained the former's brother, George |save you some money. Math. Freund, Jepson, and family from.Volo Sunday. jthe International dealer, McHenry, Illy We are now showing a splendid assortment of ladies' and gins' oxfords. Brown, black and white at Erickson's store. Mr. and Mrs. Guyott and two children of Libertyville spent Monday and Tuesday as guest* Of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frye. Mrs. W. E. Walker has had her house reshingled this past week and T. A. Abbott has also had new shingles put on his barn. Mrs. K. M. Bradley has a fine line of millinery in stock, so give her a call before going to other towns to get your spring bonnet. Mrs. Alice Hutson, Miss Maude Harrison and Mrs. Love and daugh- AUTO AND mm mm ¥ AM YOUR MAN. Do you want your motor ••• car or carriage repainted but don't know where lo take it to get a perfect job at a reasonable price? I guarantee to use the best and highest priced varnishes made, Valentine's Varnishes, and to give a handsome, durable job. PETER R. FRIEND CENTRAL GARAGE JOHNSBURG. WLj, quality OSTEND Unicorn dairy ration feed. Wilbur Lumber Co. Field and garden seeds, onion sets and seed potatoes at Erickson's. Joe Harrer and family attended church services at McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Nina Sherman and children spent Sunday with the former's parents. Farmers have commenced working the seed bed, preparing to sow small grain. Rumor says Seth Richardson has the western fever. He is still at ter of Crystal Lake were guests of Mr. Eppel's, but expects to leave soon. Mrs. J. C. Ladd Monday. j Two men with four horses and a Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Harrison and I grade were on our roads Monday doing daughters, Bernice and Olive, of J some work that was needed very Woodstock were Sunday guests of Mr. i badly. ^ and Mrs. C. W. Harrison. j Mrs. R. J. Clark has returned from There will be special services at the j Texas, where she spent the winter RJ. E. church next Sunday at 2:30! with her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Maltsp. m. It will be communion day and several will unite with the church. Delbert Whiting is seriously ill at present Writing. Mr. Whiting has spent his entire life in this community and has many friends who are sorry to learn of his illness. Epworth league next Sunday night will be held at the home of Mrs. Rilla Foss. Mrs. W. J. Beth will act as leader. The meeting last Sunday night was well attended' and some very fine music was given by Maxwell Beth on his saxophone with Miss Dailey playing the accompaniment. Those who missed this meeting missed a treat. Thursday evening of last week the boys of Miss Ingram's room entertained the girls at a St. Patrick's day party at the home of Kirk Schroeder. The rooms were decorated in green and green and white ice cream and cake were served. The reluctance of the guests to depart for home was proof of the good time which everyone reported. Mrs. Ed. Peet was treated to a surprise birthday party last Saturday. It was cleverly planned by her daughters, Helen and Dorothy, and very well carried out. The table and dining room were very prettily decorated and splendid refreshments were served at the proper time. The ladies who were fortunate enough to be present report an unusually pleasant afternoon. • A number of our ladies took well filled lunch pails and wandered to the school house last Wednesday forenoon and spent the rest of the day. It is a treat to see the youngsters get dinner and wash their dishes, so take your dinner some day and go to school, for you will enjoy it and so will the children. You are just as welcome at noon as you are in the morning or afternoon. TERRA COTTA Gold Medal flour at Wilbur's. Albeft Barbian of McHenry spent Sunday with Thomas Phalin. Mrs. Robert Knox was a business visitor in Elgin last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan were callers in Spring Grove Monday. Howard Phalin spent Thursday and Friday of last week in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taylor were calling on relatives in Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and son, Harold, were callers in Elgin last Wednesday. Miss Eva McMillan spent Friday evening with friends at Crystal Lake. M. J. Walsh of McHenry was a caller in this vicinity Friday afternoon. Miss Florence Knox spent Saturday evening with Miss Mary Burke in McHenry. Miss Marion Shales visited with friends at Crystal Lake last Thursday evening. Mrs. John Bolger of Woodstock was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin Sunday. Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Saturday and Sunday at Frank McMillan's. * Mrs. John Riley has been quite sick for the past week, but is now somewhat better. Mrs. Mary Carey of McHenry spent Sunday at the home of her brother, M. Phalin. Miss Frances Knox spent Saturday evening and Sunday with friends at (berger. i M rs. Jennie Sherman is now at the ihome of her son, C. J. Sherman, at | Woodstock. Her condition has not ! changed. Phone M. M. Niesen your order at jonce and have him reserve you some | of that carload of potatoes he is hav I ing shipped to McHenry. Phone 40. | Olga, the ten-year-old daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Prahl, was taken to the Woodstock hospital Tuesday | last for an operation for appendicitis. | JOHNSBURG j Get your dry goods, notions, hosiery I and underwear at Erickson's. I Now is the time to get your radiator i repaired. Vycital & Pikna, McHenry. Quaker oats compound Ful-O'-Pep egg mash makes the hens lay. Wil bur Lumber Co. We are now showing a splendid assortment of ladies' and girls' oxfords. Brown, black and white at Erickson's store. A complete line of International re pairs constantly on hand. Our prompt service goes with each sale. Math. Freund, McHenry. Neighbors and friends tendered Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P. Miller a happy surprise at their home la3t Sunday night in honor of the namesday of Mr. Miller. The evening was pleasantly passed at cards and at a late hour refreshments were served. Those who made up the happy gathering were: Messrs. and Mesdamcs Steve Engals, Albert Pepping, Joseph Stilling, Wm. Staines, Math. Jung, John Smith, Steve Freund, Peter Freund, Fred Diethorn, Nick Freund and Messrs. Arthur Kattner, George King, Joe May, John Hessler and Edward and Peter Justen. 1 VOLO * Market your eggs at Erickson's. Miss Ella Moore was a McHenry caller Sunday. Miss L. Oeffling is visiting friends in Libertyville. Jos. Haas of Wauconda was a caller here last week. * Miss Martha Rossdeutschet i* visiting friends in Chicago. Mrs. Jennie Cossman is visiting her aister, Mrs. James Kirwan. Red Comb scratch feed for your •chickens. Get it at Wilbur's. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld visited friends in Waukegan Sunday. Men--see us for work and dress shoes. Better quality and lower prices at Erickson's. Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld and Mrs. L. Huson and daughter were McHenry .shoppers the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger and sons of Wauconda spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Walton. £ Opening Dance at NeN^i Nell's dance hall,, near Johnsburg bridge, will see its formal opening of the season with a wedding dance to be held on Wednesday evening, April 6. Mack's four piece orchestra of Woodstock has been engaged for the occasion. Tickets, $1.00; war tax, 10c; total, $1.10. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to be present. Mrs. William Miller from* near Richmond and Miss Lucy ^filler of McHenry spent Saturday with their aunt, Henry Stilling: v1 YOUR efforts to achieve special Easter pastries will meet with full success if uur flour is used. The ingredienta used in the preparation of our product result in a perfect flour that brings easy success to baking. Try our flour-you'll Hit it McHENRY Flour Mills Wert McHenrv. III. "If I Knew You and You Knew Me" If l knew you and you knew me. Tis seldom we would riUuffree; Bui. never having yet clasped hands. Both of Leu fall U) understand That each intends to do what'H right And treat each other "honor bright. " How little to complain there'd )x> If I IInew you aud yon knew ine. Whene'er we ship you by inlatake. Or iu your bill Rome error make, Krom Irritation you'd be free If I knew you and you kuew me. Or when the check#don't come on time. And customers send uary a line. We'd wait without auxlety If I knew you aud you knew me. Or wlieu some goods you "fire back" Or make a "kick" on t his or that, We d take It In good pait, you »ee. If I kuew you and you knew me. With customers a million stroug Occasionally things no wrong Sometimes our fault, sometimes Its theirs-- Forbearance would decrease all cares; Kind friend, how pleasant things would lie If I knew you and you knew me. Then let nodoubtlug thoughts abide Of firm good faith on either Hide; Confidence u> each other give, Living ourselves, let others live; But any time you come thlR way. That you will call we hope and pray: Then face to face we each shall see Aud I'll know you and you'll know me. Harry's Electric Shop Phone W M McHenry, ll| • 8'V V . V-v". X 1 MEN'S SUITS $25, $30, $35, $40 SEE THE NEW LINE JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. ik • • . town to mi Ms This is the time to renew your lawn. Seeding now insures a catch. We have seed in bulk or package. I See us tor the following: Timothy-- Red Clover--Alsyke--Alfalfa- Sweet Clover--Dwarf Essex Rape--. Millet. L L Olds' & Dickinson's See# »v. Wilbur Lumber Co. i Pfcpne 5 West McHenry, III. Ptidne 5 We're Making History WiTfi the Easter season we come again to the open doorway of Spring--a season of renewed life and activity is ahead of us. ' This Spring the Nation has a new President to guide its affairs. He needs the support and cooperation of all its citizens. r Suppose we remember, as we take up this new Season's activities, that the eyes of the world are upon us. We are making history iotheway we shoulder our responsibilities. Let's write a record that the whole world will rea4 aod admire. • This institution is ready to do its share, through its service to individuals and the community. Fox River Valley State McHenry, Illinois Joseph C. Holly Fremont Hoy James B. Perry Cashier President Clarence F. Hoy i DIRECTORS: O. B. Oberstadt, Nl H. Petesch, Wm. J. Welsh, Joseph C. Holly, Clarence F. Hoy, Fremont Hoy Vice Presidents