i Z-Ibw (Mfes, Hours: -•; vw - -irjnr*<ws> to »:M a. m. > • l»iS^A |WUy« "Vims to **•£ at, *<*.** *1*^^ «P* «l . f'v' f' ' 7:00 to 948 p ». SV*\\ Jlfeehmoad, :: :: tllintit [Thane 62-R :: :; McHeary, I1L ; ¥Jz& , ••. i-' :'*& >'•/ Ftiom . goes considerably farther here than it did n - few months ago and when planning that Sunduy dinner or any other meal we wish to remind 30U thst oyr choice line.of groceries and meats.arc sure to give the best of satisfaction, Come in and Satisfy yourself that • prices are really coming down. ^ V'.xs"V; • - WATER STREET-- MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimcr, Prop. MeM It's the 1 n ner whom we serve and so well are we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we have just what you want in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery. Our prompt delivery systemis ever at your servioa, M. M. Niesen McHenry PhAiw 4# warns I I .III I TL! II-II • - " « Men's every day Work Shirts, each... 1. .Mc Canned Corn, per canl-lOc No. 2 can Tomatoes.__r 12c Yeast Foam, per pkg,... It Garden Seeds.. . , .4e Good Brooms, each.. ..15 c American Family Soap, per bar It Kirk's White N a p t h a Soap, per bar, 7c Swift's Pride Soap, bar. <c Sunny Monday Soap, per bar.. ... ic Best Grade Kerosine, per gallon ~-2tc Low Grade Kerosine, per gallon __.l8e JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY. ILL. v FEDERAL ELECTRIC V* WASHING; 0 MACHINES Ever see one work? v Its middle name is • simplicity. All that if necessary is to {Hit in some soap, run in some water, put in - the clothes and then - just look -on. The .machine does the «st. $5.00 down puts a Federal in your horn# I Balance in Monthly; ," Payments *' f • • ' 5 cent* will pay for th« electricity nitd ilk doing a wetk'i wtihing * Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS PHILIP* JAEGER & : Be«J, riutton, Hofl, - VmI, PM Hldas, Etc., Butter and E||i **<*#* T'-' :£•*»• n CTiiOinn BDBP Stall i * j, SI Wbolacal* Markat mi) STORAGE PREe ./_ _i ^ r. CHICAGO ILiUi>K>is^ NOTICE' jpaiis can be bought at either place also *! Donlvln & Reihan- Sperger's, West McHenry, 111. , ' ? - ife LEIBHART & TAYLOR X Diatribwtor* for the Univeraal Milking Machine ivY'! * •I U*-A- Special Representative THE PATTERSON SARGENT will be ih our store on B. P. S. PAINTS and VARNISHES ^ , ~r> : ¥f»u are invited to attend a free demonstration Paints, Stains and Varnishes * :• ""'v r •:V t ^ l* ' - i Monday April 1.1th If you have any painting, staining or varnishing to do, please call and let us show you up to date, simple and practical methods. We will show you how lb sulye ip" , old soft wood floor look like hard-wood. . the various paints and varnishes yourself. i , ^ > ^INVESTIGATE BEFORE INVESTir^ THIS DEMONSTRATION IS ABSOLUTELY FRB^ CiENBRAL COHMISSION MERCHANT £ x & ' i M to Universal Milking Machine Useif . v $} and Prospective Users ; v tlTM* is %d you that the Kruse Hardware Co. afRfchmottd,** ^ ' land W. J,. Sparawk of Crystal Lake, have been assigned the . , ' SMcHenry territory for the Universal Milking Machine. Re-j*« DEMONSTRATION iSTN. H. PETESCH DKUCGIST •- t\- 4- ' < V • Gold Mei^ ltoiit i| mdtt«S Hewitt of 1n^«sMe in town Xlonday. , Special house dreuM at 89c and 98c each. L. A. Erfckson. Miss -Julia was a -McHenry caller Monday afterhoon. Varnishes, stains and bturiw at Kamhoiz's hardware store. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frost of Vote were Johnsburg callers Saturday. Miss Lenora Smith and Jake Millar were county seat visitors Monday. Roy Horrick of Woodstock passed Sunday in the home of S. H. Smith. Miss Helen Adams and brother, Arthar, passed Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bickler spent Sunday as the guests of relatives at Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. M.-Thiel was entertained ia the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ifath. Nett, Wednesday. One carload c* potatoes,, half Early Ohios and the balance white potatoes, at M. M. Niesen's. A baby girl was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nell Easter morning, Sunday, March 27. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freand pt Mc- Henry were Sunday guests in the home of Jake Miller. Mrs. Frank Wagner and daughter of Spring Grove were in Johnsburg last Saturday evening. Arthur Adams and Joe Jong were among the Chicago passenger* last week Thursday, morning. Mrs. Wallace and children and Miss Netta Hewitt .of Ingleside were visitors in Johnsburg Wednesday. Mrs. Peter Wagner and children of Volo visited Tuesday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Miss Margatet Huemann of Chicago spent the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Jos. H. Huemann. Miss Rosa Miller of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday in the home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. J. Miller. Mrs. J ok j.. Michels Mid daughter, Mrs. Peter Oeffling, spent last week Wednesday among relatives in Mc- Henry. Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher of Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. B. Schaefer. Mr. and l(rs. John Lay and children of Spring Grove spent Tuesday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitt. Miss Frances Freund and cousin, Mr. Brick, of Chicago spent Easter in the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Peter Freund north of town. Ben Schaefer, the hustling store and meat market proprietor, is driving a new Dodge truck, purchased thru the local' agents, Hettermann Bros. A Bickler. If you are in the market for a new piece of farm machinery this spring let me, know about it. Maybe I can save you some money. Math. Freund, the International dealer, McHenry, 111. Quite a number of our people saw the pjcture, "Eternal Light," at the picture show house at McHenry on Tuesday evening of this week. Th» treat was enjoyed by everyone who attended from here. John M. Schmitt, who is just com' pleting his first term «s a member of the Community high school board at McHenry, has declined to again become a candidate for the position and just who his successor will be no one knows. However, Johnsburg is en titled to a representation on that body and will undoubtedly have a candidate in the field at the coming ejection, which takes piac£ April 9.. Miller-Smith Married at St. John's Catholic church here at nine o'clock on Tuesday morning of this week, Miss Lenore Smith and Mr. Jacob Miller, Rev. Wm. Weber officiating. The couple was attended by Miss Frances Miller, a sister of the groom, and William Smith, a brother of the bride. Both the bride and her maid wore suits of navy blue with hats to match and carried bouquets of pink and white sweet peas. A reception was tendered the pair at the home of the groom's parents. They left the same evening for South Dakota, where they will make their future home. The bride is the eldejt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith and is highly respected in this locality. The proom is the Son of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Miller, who reside about two miles northeast of Johnsburg. Congratulations. - Siehoff-Hiller . The wedding of Miss AntHI -Ifiller and Mr. Lawrence Siehoff was solemnized at St. John's Catholic church here at nine o'clock on Wednesday morning of this week, with Rev. Wm. Weber, pastor of the church, officiating. Attending the eouple were Miss Tillie Hiller, a sister of the bride, who acted as bridesmaid; little Marie Hiller, also a sister of the bride, as flower Kit 1, and Vincent Siehoff, a brother of the groom, as best man. The bride was attired in a dress of white silk charmeuse and georgette, while the bridesmaid wore a dress of blue silk charmeuse and georgette and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The flower girl was dressed in white georgette and^earned yellow tea roses. The bride is the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller, who reside near Ingleside and is popular among a host of young friends. The groom is the eldest son of Mr., and Mrs. Ben Siehoff of Burlington, Wis., where he has resided his entire life. • A wedding reception was tendered the couple at the horn* of the bride's . »«y hdi at wihl tell, Jolditfto^ lMMt-th* ftrM of the weak. evening. j Joe. Frett of Johwbert * The young people will reside on a in town Sunday evening. farm near Burlington, Wis., to which' Miss Mae Keefe of Elgin spent place the congratulations and W*fd faster at her home here. wishes of their many friends, bath < Mrs. Sarah Freeman spent the here and, tit Burlington, will foBow.*reek end with Chicago friends. Wilthein. . TEUUL COTTA William Ames was a recent guest of relatives at Plalatine. Try our special breakfast cocoa, 17c per pound, at Erickson's. Edward Knox of McHenry spent r^0 "pen Sunday at his home here. .their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and-family were Richmond callers Sunday. A number of our young people attended the dance at Round Lake Monday night. * Misses Dorothy and Susan Freund of Chicago spent Easter Sunday at Full line of farm machinery at' Math. Freund's, McHenry^ 1 Unicorn dairy ration-Mai Quality; feed. Wilbur Lumber Co. s i Wm. Wingate of Crystal Lake was • a business caller here Monday. ij Thomas Phalin was a business caller' in Batavis Monday of this week. ! Miss Frances Freund of Johnsburg spent Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. N. iN. Weber and daughter, Agnes, were Chicago JN sengers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben May and Mi*, and Mrs. John Weber spetnt Easter in the Pfftor M. Msy Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weil&nd of Chithe hens lay, <S». Pupils of Ostend sent a bunch of flowers to OljE^a Prahl at the Wpodstock hospital. Her parents hope to bring her home Tuesday. Mrs. Hoppe attended the funeral of a relative in Chicago Tuesday of last week, a young boy only fourteen, a victim of appendicitis. A complete line of International repairs constantly on Our prompt service goes with each sale. nfery.f Tjtnii ri.j' If.' McHenry. . .. w t Iff? and li». Fred Eppel gaviri' party last Thursday evening in honor of. Seth Richardson, who was to leave the next day to seek Ms fortune fcff Dakota. Henry Hobert, Herman Hoppe and1 P. W. Freund have cleaned their fence rows along the main road and burned the brush briers and grape vines, making a" great improvement. We notice several other farms that need this done. * •*? " Mrs. Stella Feck spent several days this week with relatives in Elgin. , „ . Mrs. Mary Grant and son, John, ^ T? y *UeStS * were visitors in Chicago Tuesday. i ine ' A lwei,*r- Marjorie and Harold Phalin visited the McHenry public school Friday. Henry Shales of Crystal Lake vis- Mrs. Math. Miller of Johnsburg was a caller at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Lay, Monday. ited relatives and friends here Sunday.' . F;. "J. W"*a*gn *er ?is Pp reparing tow Cmmov?e MR« N™ P H'S ^ P^lor to the Esh building on the four corners this-week. We are now showing a splendid assortment of ladies' and girls' oxfords. Nancy, were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mrs. John Riley was the guest of relatives to Chicago several days last week. Miss Corinne Krambeer of McHenry spent Monday evening with Ruth Phalin. Brown, black and white at Erickson'3 store. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson spent Easter Stlnday with the tatter's par Mr, M. Knox and d.u^htep^ Joh" Prid.*°d M"M' Vi'1'°r" ,n E'8'"! "M"8 Mm. Frok Wdn*»rt art " ' daughters of McHenry spent Thursday and Friday of last week in the Howard Christensen home. Mr. and Mrs. WHliam Jus ten and j daughter, Kathleen, of Rlngwood and j Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen spent „ „ ,. # . Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George, Fahn of Chicago spent Sat- Miss Lenore Freund of McHenry was the guest of Miss Eleanor Phalin Sunday. Miss V»ra Bolger. of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. urday and Sunday at the J. M. Phalin home here. Thomas Kane and Miss Mahal In* (tram of Ringwood called at J. M. Phalin's Sunday. Miss Margaret Grant of Elgin I>as9ed Saturday evening and Sunday :it her home here. Will arrive soon, a carload of Early Ohio and white potatoes. M. M. Niesen, McHenry, III. Miss Agnes Bertram of Crystal take spent Friday evening and Saturlay with friends here. Miss Eleanor Phalin and George Phalin and Les)ie Schuleor wife callers in Woodstock Saturday. George Phalin and Leslie Schuleor of Notre Dame, Ind., passed the Easter holidays at the former's home here. The young people who attend the Crystal Lake high school are enjoying a week's vacation from their school duties. Phone M. M. Niesen your order at >nce and have him reserve you some of that carload of potatoes he is having shipped to McHenry. Phone 40. Miss Frances Knox, who teaches in the Lowe school near Algonquin, enjoyed a vacation last Friday. The Terra Cotta school was also cjosed on that day*: V , .BINGWOODE:,/J ifcil Mrs. Happy Hall is nursing in the Nell home at Johnsburg. Red Comb scratch feed for your chickens. Get it at Wilbur's. Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake spent Tuesday with home folks.- Mr. and Mrs. George Adams entertained relatives from Elgin Sundfcy. Mrs. Mary Carey of McHenry called on her daughter, Mrs. Doherty, Saturday. Miss Mary Smith t» entertaining her friend, Miss Dorothy Teal of Lincoln, Neb. Ethel Bell and Kirk Schroedsr are absent from school on account Of chicken pox. ' Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Collins of Sommers, Wis., sailed on friends in town Tuesday. Mrs. F. E. Martin and sons, Clinton and Loren, returned from the south one"day ,la8t week. Mrs. S. W. Brown entertained her neighbors and friends at a card party last Tuesday night Men--see us for work and dress shoes. Better quality and lower prices at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Bartholf, at Richmond. Mrs. Frank Johonnott of Richmond spent several days last week with her friend, Mrs. C. D. Bacon. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Jennie Spaulding on Saturday afternoon, April 2. Lewis Whiting of Longmont, Colo., is visiting in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. -A. Whiting. Miss Bertha Justen, who ia attending school in Chicago, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen. „ The Epworth league at Mrs. Foes' was well attended last Sunday. The meeting next Sunday evening will be With Mrs. G. H. Harrison. Mrs. W. E. Bradley and daughter, Winifred, and Mrs. Clayton Harrison and daughter? Mary, were Chicago passengers Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant, Elmer Olsen, Emily Beatty and Lois Smith spent Tuesday evening in the home of Louie Engstrom near Pistakee Bay. - M isses .Winifred Bradley, Dorcas Foss and Mary Harrison of Beloit and Mary Smith of Rockford are spending the spring vacation with their pareptff OSTEND Pillsbury's Best flour at Wift*rt. Warm lunches have bean discontinued at the Ostend school. Frank Kaiser was a business caller at the farm one day last week. Get your dry goods, notions, hosiery and underwear at Erickson's. Lester Sherman is home from Mad ison, where he has bean studying agri culture. Joe Harrer and family attend Easter services at McHenry Sunday morning. ' • Mrs. Abbie Martin and son, Clinton, arrived home from Florida last week Thursday. Quaker oats compound Ful-O'-Pep AUTO AND CARRIAGE PAINTER ^ k I AM YOUR MAN. DD ypu want your molar >. < car or Carriage repainted but don't know where r * to take it to net a perfect iob at a reasonable price? . .. * I guarantee to use the best and highest priced var- ^ - -J vanishes made, Valentine's Varnishes, and to give s handsome, durable job. PETER R. FRIENtf 1 CENTRAL GARAGE JOHNSKURC, BX JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY : .*? SPRING GROVE Market your eggs at Erickson's. H Joseph Rauen was a Chicago passenger Tuesday. John Clyk visited friends at Watkegan Wednesday. IT CO AIMS R Of WHCAT AGRAIN of wheat may seem a small thing to you. But It's a mighty big thing when y<*i consider that your health and strength are derived, in most, part, from the nourishment thst is contained in grains of pure wheat. We only use the purest and best wheat in our Hour manufac- MriOf. MCHENRY Flour Wtil McH«nrv. III. # This is the time to renew your lawn. Seeding now insures a catch. We have seed in bulk cir package. |f |v See us for the following: Timothy-- Red Clover--Alsyke--Alfalfa-- Sweet Clover--Dwarf Esse* Rape-- Millet. u IDSOflS t-vf* * .5., Wilbur Lumber Co. t^ons » . ; W««* McHisry, QL,' ; • tHo*%9 ; N ^ *'• • • ' 7.-'** ? >/v •'i /j* PRIL 1st is »day of uncertain ties, ancient plug hat on the sidewalk probably conceals a brick, and just around the cornor a mischievous boy* is waiting to yidl, "April Foo$£) < / But these are just pranks which we all expect that mischievous day. i ^ It's the unexpected things in life that may have the most serious consequences--and every day has its share of these uncertainties. •Ar,. . * When unexpected things happen^ good hank account comes in* mighty handy. And every day our offic«r» ^ av«Uat4e |qr a n d a d v i c e .• \ '- " s>. «*3 I - :?sy; Fo^ Riyer Valley "V, •' •'•y.- McHenry, IUiooi. .v. ;;t Jowptii c. HoMy 'Fremont Ho» • . fcrnes R Perty I vi. . Wtliiiliirn Cashier Cy s President t ^ i > Clarence F. Hoy I DIRECTORS: O; B. Oberstadt, N. H. Petesch, Wm. J. Webb, Joseph C. HoBy, Clarence F. Hoy, Fremont Hoy al, •M. SHOE BARGAINS Men's Work Shoes, whole quarter blucher cut, full chrome tanned, heavy double sole nailed and stitched, Munson last fUS Women's Brown l.eather Shoes, high cut, military heel, sewed soles, formerly W OO ' .flSi Black Leather Lace Shoss, high ept, military heel, sewed soles, formerly $7.;>0 • - - , HM Women's Oxfords, blaok kid leather, medium pointed toe, military heel /_ 94.SS Boys' Shoes, black gun metal leather, mhdeon the new dress last, * * sizes I to 51 ft 7* Boys' Brown Leather English Last Shoes |tK (•rowing Girls' Shoes, high cut laoe black gun metal leather, medio in pointed toe, low heel, sixes 2 to 7 ^ ff W Misses' Dark Brown Calf Finished Leather Shoes, high cut, medium round toe, low heel, sixfes 21 to 6 MJ8 Girls' sizes l'ii to 2 iV. Ever; pair offered here is a real bargain and you cannot miss / f by buying at these reduced pricea. J '%v,^ ^Si •"5^. • m "W-1 • - v-kl it * ,1 i f * f ; l : '• • •-0 5 '%la, f i. '••j