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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1921, p. 5

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« *-«** tv£*% <•;* »,v•"-yr??-'tr--' W^'\ SERVICE ® "' VT^P" * ~3 JFIRST « • Improved Lortg-Distance - Telephone Service - Long-distance telephone service has Been greatly improved. • Lines from, Chicago are ttot^ overcrowded, service is rapid and transmission is good. Business men using this service obtain personal communication with distant customers without paving their desks* - Try it. It may solve your problem. •>. >V . • . . Get acquainted with the money and time saving "station to station" service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY _ uw Red Comb scratch faed for yoar chicken*, Get it at Wilbur's. FOR SALE--Lumber, bride and different sixes of timber. M. A. Thelen, West McHenry, 111. ^ '*J| Paint Prices Reduced As a matter of economy you cannot afford to put off paint* ing if your property needs protection. This is your opportunity tti obtain Heath & Milligan Dependable House Paint at Reduced Prices You will secure satisfactonr and lasting results from this Dependable Product at a small cost. It's the cheapest kind of property insurance. Ask for a copy of our bosk, "How, to Paint." Worth 25c --but free to you. It answers your paint questions correctly. HENRY C. KAMHOLZ Weil McHenry. III. Last week's Sales doubled those of the previous week which proves that the people of McHenry realize the advantage of trading at a Cash store. Below we list a few of our maay money saving items for - & SAKIBDAT, Mil Hi i ait Best Creamery Butter, per lb. S4c Fresh Peanut Butter, per lb _. .. . ISc Fresh Graham Crackers, per lb._.„__17c Fresh Lily Soda Crackers, salted, lbl. 16c Fancy Sauer Kraut, No. 3 can_,„_. „15e Yellow Free Peaches, No. 3 can_. _.S5e Baking Soda, 1 lb. pkg 6c Yeast Foam, 2 pkgs. for 15c Baker's Cocoa, 1 2 lb. can ......24c Swansdown Cake Flour. :.4§t Kingsford's Corn Starch, 2 pkgs. for.25c Fels Naptha Soap, per bar ... It Sugar with order, 5 lbs. for .1 15c Fancy Sweet Oranges, per doz-- 18c Crisco, 1 lb. cans only_ ISc Yacht Club Pork and Beans,- 2 cans..25c ^Kitchen Klenzer, per can *... 5c Pep Pulverized Soap, per pkg. 21c Queen Olives, large jar...... 39e Shredded Wheat Biscuits Mc Red Cross Macaroni or Spaghetti... 9c Argo Starch, per pkg.. 8c Minute Tapioco, per pkfc..,-.., 11c Palmolive Soap, per bar le Phone Your Orders Before 10:00*8. m. for Prompt Delivery. ROY'S CASH GROCERY Roy Hankermeyer, Prop. 0 $ # no Silvertown Cords CJL are included in the *20/^ Goodrich Ike Price Reduction Among tires SILVERTOWN is the name that instantly conveys the thought of the highest known quality. Their genuine value has given them first place in the esteem of motorists. Motor car manufacturers and dealers are quick to emphasize to their prospers that their cars are equipped with Silvertowns-- knowing that neither explanation nor argument is necessary. This makes all the more important the £a& that Silvertown Cords ate included in our readjustment of tire prices which took effe& May 2nd* THE a. F. GOODRICH RUBBBR COMPANY aAkrou, Ohio Your Goodrich dultr m praparad to supply you wfcfc Goodrich Silvertown Cords, Goodrich Fabrics and GeodikhlledwdCkeyTulweenheaaifcpelessediediBB. \£9&i*tkeLe*g EguKBrrarextfftt HAS 1TB BEGINNING AT PXWAVKEE LAKE '**»• r"w "•* to w*orn. On ' it, covering two hundred miles with ^thelast day covered the distance j eight nights in a tent. Personally, I fro« * peaact above Fox River Station, would not bate missed the trip for Knosht rounty, to my cottage below fifty dollars--or do it again for two iinn ffiifftteeeenn boon, total hundred. The little girl, game as a elapsed time. pebble, with never a word of com- May is Mid to be bahagr, bat H is no plaint, finished the trip as she started ttonth in which to camp. It was il, singing. She is of the type that ; oowfort****e ^ay, ^ bitter crosesd the plains in '49, sitting on the 'cold at night. We had * Psaaty and D«|ttar Navigate "Streui In "Water r^"-- Mr. Prouty Describes Trip A ccompanied by my eleven-year-old'co^ • night. We had plenty of wagon box of a prairie scooner ami daughter, Dorothy, I have just re- jwarm outer clothing and what I mp- facing the future untroubled. turned from my third attempt to!j?9** <w,#Pe 8 sufflcient number of j The upper Fox river having rechase our old Fox river into its hole, J ^ *">7 <ype» b®t we vealed its secrete, there still remains or as near thereto as is possible byicould have uaed mt>re H**® unexplored that portion of the river beat. !Cr^\^n* be rol,ed QP from McHenry to its junction with Actually, the very beginnings of our Im "othfaff Mid blankets, head and t>,e Illinois river at Ottawa. But river are in Pewaukee lake, west of < heels, an(* so Ket "long pretty well, when one thinks of the fourteen«. Prom a.» l.k. ^and "«,«r * Still, jutf river s course is generally south I cwm no longer sleep, and would varied by innumerable twists, bends jcrawl *"d Ifr** cooking lamp,1 wmtch Carlton Prouty. and bow knots, to the city of Wauke-' t®*11 had warmed and sha. South of thi city it receives 1' thawed ent a bit, would crawl the waters of the Mukwonago river | into ^ again. We dared and then makes a big right angled ,no^ burn the lamp while sleeping lest bend to the east, f!6wing in that direc- unconscious kick should set our ADDITIONAL EXCHANGES Delinquent tax payers in McHenry county are more numerous this spring than ever before. Seven English Leghorn hens, ewMd* by C. C. Moore at Woodstock, produced a total of 513 eggs in ninety days in January, February and March. Circuit Judge C. C. Edwards of Waukegan last Friday granted United States injunctions, filed a short time ago by State's Attorney Smith of Lake county, compelling William Schmidt, George Koeth, Sr., his son, George Koeth, Jr., and the tatter's wife to close their drink emporiums at Fox Lake. The injunction compels them to refrain from selling intoxicating liquors in their various place*. Violation of the injunction carries a penalty from $600 to $1,000 fine or from thirty days to • year i* jail er beth. tion for six miles as the crow flies until the village of Big Bend is reached, where it again bends and resumes its general southerly course. At Rochester, Wis., it receives the waters flowing from the Muskego lake region, while at Burlington there flows in house afire. We were forced to sleep in every bit of our clothing, even' wearing gloves, and with bandana handkerchiefs tied over our heads,' nightcap fashion. i We had plenty of hot, nutritious ' food, bacon and eggs and steaks befrom the west the important White j 'n*» 0U1' steady breakfasts and suppers, liver, the outlet of lakes Geneva andjw® were liberal and interested cus- Como. Just below Burlington* the I tomers at the local stores along the outlet of Brown's lake joins the Fox | _ had many amusing experand this is its last tributary in Wis- i®nces. Right here, let me say a word consin. Between this point and the ('n Pra'se the stores and store-keepvillage of McHenry there is but one jers McHenry. They are one and all other tributary and that is the Nippersink creek, which flows in from the west at Nippersink lake. Of course, as is well understood, our river also drains the eleven lakes of the Fox lake chain or group. From very small beginnings, in a run of little over • hundred miles as the crow flies, it reaches McHenry a good sized stream, able to justify the existence of several boat factories and a Navigable Waterway association. - After two other attempts, made in the two previous years, which were failures because of low water, we seized the opportunity afforded by the recent high flood level and again attempted an exploration of the upper Fox. On many occasions I had heard canoeists and other river Voyagers, passing my cottage, calmly state that they had "Taken a little run up to Waukesha," or were on their way thereto. Just lies and just bunk-- that's all. Here are the facts.> .With the lightest of light boats, a fifteen foot Dan' the window quick. Here's a sail boat on the river." And Hat looked and far superior in stock carried and experience to the similar places and per-1 sons up river. With our rough clothes 1 and decidedly unkempt appearance,! we were a source of curiosity to the j people of these places. After passing Rochester no one we met seemed to j know of McHenry and on our stating | that we had ascended the river from below that point we were constantly [ asked, "Just where is McHenry?" or "What state is McHenry in?" j We patiently and painstakingly ek-1 plained that McHenry was a thriving community in McHenry county, northem Illinois, which boasts of 2000 peo-' pie, (if you don't care what you say) and has five churches, four barber shops, three cemeteries, two postoffices, one ice cream factory and no sewers. Even this explanation did not seem to quite satisfy them, and left them still of the same mind, like the fellow who saw a giraffe for the first time, and left the menagerie muttering, "There aint no sich animile." Because of its rapid current, per- Kidney & Son ducking skiff, drawing plexiog doublings and many rapids but seven inches of water when loaded and shallows, the Fox river above Wilwith freight and crew, fitted with a mot is not suited for boating and from leg-of-mutton sail and appropriately that point until we had passed the named the "Water Gypsy," together <f*«n at Waterford we did not see a with a camping equipment painstak- single motor boat, or in fact, few boats ingly selected for lightness and com- any description. The Gypsy crepactness, and disregarding all per- *ted a mild sensation. With a stern sonal comfort and union hours of or a quartering wind she sails like a labor, arising before sunrise and keep-'witch, easily beating the outboard ing at the job until after sunset, and motor craft and often holding her own all this for nine days, and favored by with the more pretentious class of a record high water, we only managed launches. People were constantly to penetrate to a point approximately pointing her out to each other as we three miles south of Waukesha. Here, scudded by. Om chap, up near Big because of the narrowing and shoaling Bend, where the river makes its big of the Fox to a stream the size of right angled turn, sitting in front of Boone creek below the mill pond, with his river front shanty, leaked «p and wire fences stringing right across it, saw the Gypsy under full sail and we found it impossible to proceed yelled, "Hattie, oh Hat, look out of further and quit. Waukesha was in plain sight ahead, but there were doubtless five miles of twists and saw. double bow knots of river between us Except atoNM the Waterfert and the city. There Is a' small dam where the back water widens into a , at Waukesha and could we have sue- long, winding and beautiful lake, with ceeded in reaching it we might have the hills and woods crowding down to proceeded a few miles further in the the water's edge, there is no scenery j slack wf ter above. j to compare with that of our Fox lake There are four dams across the Fox region. Only here has there been any river between McHenry and Wauke- attempt to establish summer cottages, sha. These are all in the state of Elsewhere along its course the river is Wisconsin and are located as follows: just a river, a natural feature of the The first is at Wilmot. The second at landscape, of which no use is made exthe railroad bridge just south of Bur- cept as a convenient place to dump lington, and while more of a stone-pile rubbish. The Waterford lake region obstruction than a dam proper, is one could be made the site of thousands of of the meanest to croes. The third is sammer homes, as it is highly accesjust below Rochester and the fourth sible by steam and trolly, and also by at Waterford. The last two are Wisconsin's all perfect system of whales of dams and make our own motor highways, the super-excellence little dam here at the cottage look like of which should make the sister state toy in comparison. None of thaM of Illinois bow her head in shame, dams have locks. During the recent Near Waterford a fine Holstein bull flood there was much loose talk in the appeared at the camp during breaknewspapers and along the river to the fast and seemed to take great offense effect that "several dams on the upper at the tent being pitched in his pas- Fox had been washed out." A small ture. In spite of shoutings, clubbings dam on Nippersink creek did let go, and rocks hurled against his shiny but the water was higher jbove Nip- black sides, he returned to the charge persink mouth uian below. The dams again and again and finally fairly at Rochester and at Waterford will be drove us off the field, forcing us to standing long after the writer and hurriedly dump our stuff into the boat readers of this article are dust. in an awful muddle and cross the There is nothing about crossing any river, leaving him victorious. It took of these Fox river dams with a light us over an hour of hard work to unboat and compact camp equipment tangle things and clean up the muss, which need daunt any two able bodied We had an elaborate map, made up individuals, as the longest carry (that of county maps, drawn to a similar at Rochester) is only about 300 feet, scale and carefully pasted together. The main difficulty is to force a boat But the map-makers evidently took no up thru the shallowB, rapids and rock- official notice of a bead in the river strewn channels to the lower side of unless it was over a mile long, and the dam, in readiness for portage, many a doughnut twist of the stream Here is where a setting-pole, com- was shown on the map as a straight monly called a push-paddle, comes in- reach. Near the village of Mukwonto play. On four separate occasions ago the map showed a fine body of even this mode of locomotion failed water over ttew aritos kmg by half a and the captain was forced to step mile ia breadth, aad had named it overboard into the knee-deep, icy Mukwonago lake. Ia actuality this water and haul the boat along by the lake does not exist, its given location tow-line. The descent of any dam is baing occupied by a broad prairie, thru child's play compared with the ascent, which the river corkscrews. We also On their return the captain "jumped" found four bridges not shown on the the west channel of the pestiferous map. However, the document was little Burlington dam, scooting along generally useful. among the rocks in the Gypsy, while conclusion, if any two people of the crew ran alongside on the river congenial disposition (for nothing, bank. 'save marriage, so tests congeniality as On the way up river, the wind as a camping trip) with reasonable usual being persistently dead ahead, health, strength and determination, it was a question of "pull, captain, desire to work hard, sleep poorly and pull" all the way to Waterford. Here eat roughly for ten days or so, let a fine quartering wind helped us won- them ascend the Fox river in a boat, derfully. On our return we were able It will prove no picnic at any season, to tifee the sail in spots, but our main more especially in cold and rainy dependence was the oars and push- weather, yet a man of fifty-seven and paddle. It required six days to ascend a girl of eleven years have just done UPO A well-painted house b worth mors in the market. Du Pont Prepared Paint is «he finest house paint made. It* lasting beauty makes it Specially suitable for mMcneHi A Da Pont Product. Most folks think that FLOWKOTE ENAMEL Is the finest thing in t he world for finishing interior woodwork. Wm know it. A <Du feat Pte*wt» Du Timely Tips on Painting Foot Plst Wall Paint ee a fceaMiM interior finish iarith perfect look aft pear i Finish i Take a Supraoais Floor roust* gives a tough, transparent finish that win last far years Driee Du Pont Prodact. t* the time to fteshsn up your home with paint. 8m w PRICES NOW AT ROCK-BOTTOM M. ENGELN & McHenry, III. SON NEW PRICES HE following prices, on Oakland six-cylinder mo- c tor cars were effective Monday, May 9,1921. OI.D PRICE NEW PRICE Qaklaad Touriig -- - $139$ Oakland Roadster $1395 • Oakland Coupe ...$2065 Oakland Sedan-- $2065 (All prices f. o. b. Pontiac, Mich.) $1145 $1145 $1815 $1815 At its new low price the si*- cylinder Oakland offers a combination of high efficiency and low cost not equalled by any other motor cai< Arrange for your demonstration now. i • JOAKLANP MOTORCARCO., Pontiac, Mich. Oakland JOSEPH RAUEN Spring Grove, 111.

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