fff® ALFORD H POUSE ' • i&.«a' c~ -T"-: r* Wit Om quality >#JN. J. NYE ' ' Ph> Mcinu Siw) SarrrtX -if-Ray Treatment ud KuHoiriA •VW *, - •/*- % O®** Hm»> : c '7.?: tc; •. -^w-i 7:0,1 *• r-- ' ' (l :00 to S^M p 7:4*0 to 9:00 p. m. "Phew <12-R :; :: McHeary. IIL ; DR. G. C. 8MITH Specializing in ........ PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY- " O r a l P r o p h y l a x i s v . : Surgical ExtractimiS giv- •-* w Dental X-Rays ' - • ^••.j? Phones, 434 and SS4 Rk-hnqpd. :: :: it ARNOLD'S SiBokcd Meats Have y6u ever tried Arnold's smoked meats? If not, come in today and give them a trial as we are certain of their quality. Our line of. , canned goods, bakery and vegetables is always complete and our minute-service goes with each and every order. Buy your table needs here and go home satisfied. * WATER STREET--1 MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop. s Hie'-'hitfer inift Whom we serve and so well are we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we have just what you want in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery. Our prompt delivery system ljf ever at your service. M. M. Niesen McH.nry PhoM M PHILIP f*JAEGER VUBNRRAL CO/1 MISSION MERCHANT" SPECIAL ATTENTION UIVKN TO THI SALE OP Dmm4 Beef, riutton, Heft* Veal, Psvltrjr, HMm, Etc., Butter and Bgft *.••>•••*! This U tht oldest house ob the itoMt • Tags and prtos list* fstaliM on application . OtILD STORAQe FREE WtilMimllli'V Mlla rket •t, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. EVERY ITEM A BARGAIN The stock is limited, so come early to supply your wants Bungalow Aprons, extra large $145 Petticoats, cotton taffetta, in floral and plain patterns..$1.25 Outsize Hose, fine mercerized lisle 55c Muslin Petticoats with embroidery flounce.... $1.19 Night Gowns, slipover style. Women's Athletic Union Suits, lace trimmed nainsoak$1.45 Bath Towels, good quality and large size.. 35c Shaker Flannel, good quality, per yd. 17c JOHN STOFFEL s- WEST McHENRY j> If you have any painting, staining or varnishing to do, please call and let us show you up to date, simple -1 and practical methods. We will fhow you how to make an old soft Wood floor lqok like hard wood. Try the various paiatosuwi yarnishes y o u r s e l f . * . . . ' . • ; / • • _ ; INVESTIGATE BEFORE INVESTING >v TWffius-J N. H. PETESCH dkoggist ICE CREAM Fresh Daily v f{ ifc*1 'V • «-' v*"'-' . : ^ Special Ice Cream made at. . factory under the most sanitary conditions and in strict accordance to state laws. Our fa© tory Is clean and sanitary anil inspec ~ ~ invited. ^ ^ your inspection is at all time# '?*-< , A;. HcHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY V C. UNTI, PROP. Chicken Mark«t f«k§ Unicorn dairy ration--a feed. Wilbur Lumber Co. Wm. Conway was tbe gnest of his sisters in ESsin 8itoday. Miss Vera Bolgor of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Rose FeflTer of McHenry sptfnt Friday evening with her brothac bare. Mr. and Mrs. Mearns and famBj^of Chicago visited at John Liddle's Sunday. * Mrs. Geo. Nolson and Son, Melvin, .spent Saturday afternoon at Bolcombville. Miss Frances Knox spent Sunday with the Misses Gannon at Crystal Lake. - Mr. and Mrs. Ear) McMillan and family visited relatives hare Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan and family of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at J. M. PhaliVs. Phonograph records for all makes of machines at the Everett music store, McHenry. P. H. Conway and family spent Sunday evening at the M. A. Conway home in McHenry. FOR SALE--Lumber, brick and different sizes of timber. M. A. Utelen, West McHenry, 111. Henry McMillan and family and Mrs. Stella Peck were callers in Spring Grove Sunday evening. For the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.25 per bale. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. Raymond Riley of Indianapolis, Ind., was the guest of his parents and sister here the first of the week. Several from this vicinity attended the senior class play, "A Strenuous Life," at Crystal Lake Friday evening. Mrs. Christina Buss of McHenry has been spending several weeks at the home of her / daughter, Mrs. Philip Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughters called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway in McHenry Sunday evening. Miss Frances .Knox attended the township exercises at Algonquin last Tuesday evening. Two of her pupils took part in the program. Mr. and Mrs. John Liddle went to Chicago Monday morning. On Wednesday Mrs. Liddle underwent an operation at the Hahneman hospital in that city. , RINGWOOD . s Gold Medal flour at Wilbur's. Finest quality of coffee and tea at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Althoff entertamed relatives from Johnsburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darrow and family spent Sunday with relatives in Richmond. .Miss Edith Bacon of Red Oak, la., is visiting relatives and friends in this oommunity. C. W. Harrison and §. W. Smith made a business trip to the county seat Monday. Sheet music, all the latest and most popular numbers, at the Everett music store, McHenry. FOR SALE--Lumber, brick and different gizes of timber. M. A. The!en, West McHenry, 111. The school picnic was a success in every way. It was a perfect day and everybody had a good time. For the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.25 per bale. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Smiley of Elgin spent the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs. E. C. Hawley, and family. Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Wagner and daughter, Marion, of McHenry spent Sunday in the A. Lawrence home. Miss Gene Ingram iff spending the week with friends in Elgin before returning to her home at Geneseo, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. Cherry of Carpentersville were calling on friends -in town Sunday. Miss Taylor of Winslow, ill., who has been visiting her sister, Miss Flora Taylor, at the Buckland home, returned to her home Thursday. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Miss Martha Dailey were week end guests of Miss Mary Smith at Rockford college. While there they attended the annual May part^ and play given by the college. Memorial day services will be held on Sunday, May 29, at the M. W. A. hall at 2:00 p. m. Rev. Ross will deliver the address and the Epworth league will furnish the music. Everybody is welcome and the Legpon boy^ are especially invited. ^ , SPRING GROVE • ' Men--get your work and -"tilius shoes at Erickson's. John Rauen motored to Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon motored to Antioch one day last week. Joseph Rauen was a Chicago passenger one day last week. Quite a number of our people attended the dance at Solon Mills Friday evening. Quaker oats compound Ful-O'-Pep egg mash makes the hens lay. Wilbur Lumber Co. FOR.SALE--Lumber, brick and different sizes of timber. M. A. Thelen, West McHenry 111. Mrs. William Rauen spent several days last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Nick Blake. For the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.25 per bale. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. Miss Rose Miller of Johnsburg spent several days last week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Lay. Mrs. William Justen and daughter, Kathleen, of Ringwood spent Tuesday at the hone of fcsr mother, lbs. Mike Sana. * <m Weak*** •treat, Herbes addition. $^(U pt'kse if tafctn at once. See or Wait af write CarI W. SJtenger, West McHenry 8tate bank., 48-3t* HEMSTITCHING AND PICOT1NG-- iiSmo .v. i x j,«_ ,, Have just installed a*new machine for • gy".°' T"*1 Mch work ana .11 rn.il ordor, will b. ben* d.recud to th. fourth m,l, promptly 6!w Mrs G A B„rker 118 S. Jefferson St, Woodstock, 111. 46 pip® n^VwSj Elgin Attract Many [Elgin CoiHier} • ^V'-V - *' ; , * / >v . V' v1"' i" .,.i •rt.ij t; stretch west of Elgin, where the latest road construction machinery in the' country is being given Its initial try- I FOR SALE--Seven passenger Studeout. Leading contractors declare the I baker, 5 passenger Overland, Maxwell machinery will considerably reduce j touring car, % ton Republic truck, construction costs if found practical. jF°r sale cheap. All in first-class con- A tractor shovel, which alone does dition. Central Garage, Johnsburg, the work of a steam shovel and sev-, 46-tf 0f llT6"' ; WANTED--Board .»<! room or rooo. wide attention. The machine, which1 ... t,r,„nni. Im. 1 t is operated by on. man, cut. I homAMPM.t privibgw, ftme 15 banks, picks up huge boulders, hauls! . them away and then dumps them, all j thru the pressing of levers. Used in | grading the road, the tractor shovel has hauled 400 yards of gravel and dirt in one day. Its best record is forty-one yards an hour. j All the machinery used so far on ^ the entire stretch is < motorized. | Scrapers of all sizes and shapes are pulled by huge tractors. They go up and down hill, over boulders and across J small ditches the same as the famous! ' tanks" used in the world war. | "It's the greatest thing that I have ' ever seen," said George N. Lamb, dis- ! trict engineer of the state department' of highways. "If these machines; have been perfected they should ma-' terially reduce the cost of building hard roads." J. D. Adams, head of the J. D. Adams company of Indianapolis, came to Elgin this week himself to test out the new road building machinery. For two days he personally piloted one of the heaVy graders. M. A. Faher and C. E. Whelock are in charge of the. machinery. The tractor shovel is operated by one man, while the scrapers are manned by two men. At the gravel pit near Pingree Grove, Engineer Stewart, in charge of the work for the McCall Construction company of Chicago, announced that the big eighty-live foot mast will be erected Monday morning. The mast weighs 110,000 pounds. "Certain obstacles which we have confronted have kept us back in our work or we would be laying concrete at this time," said Engineer* Stewart. *We were forced to drill a 175 foot well to strike water. Now we are waiting for the installation of a large pump." The first stretch of road to be concreted will extend from Larkin avenue west on the south leg of the race course. With good weather conditions, it was stated, the road will be completed in time for the running of the annual automobile road race. & Sqpt 15. Adult *id 8-yiMM*; child. Near river preferred. AfMnm N., care of The Plaindealer, McBeary, IH. 4ft FOR 8ALE--A 6-room house and barn together with eight large lots. House is equipped with gas, electricity and has furnace heat. House and lots will be sold together or separately. J. G. Schrauth, MVHenry, 111. 48-tf FOR SALE--The® old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about two miles east of McHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of the Fox river bridge in McHenry. S. H. Freund,' McHenry, 111. Phone 648- M-2. 41-tf BABY OOGKS--Cut prices. |ILK- 100 up. Postpaid, anywhere. Assorted, white or brown Leghorn*, EaUted Rocks, White Socks, Reds, W. Wyitadottea, Buff Orps. Big hatchery, 400,- 000 chtt. Get our prices first. Catalog free. Farrow-Hirsh Co., Peoria, m. a FOR SALE---A few real good need car values at very low prices. A Studebaker four passenger coupe; a Studebaker three passenger landau roadster; an Overland model 83 touring car; a Republic one ton truck. If you are in the market for a used car or trade you cannot afford to pass these up. Come in and look them ov£r. Stilling's garage. 49 comes in the winter, if at all. All summer long he is hard at work, knowing little about eight hour days and being deaf to the quitting whistle ! Farmers are the "backbone of America;* ! ' The friendliness of our farmer patrons is a source of pleasure to us. We endeavor to repay them by courteous service. • t. Always Next Dot>lrto Hr? & •'t.-A Our Banking-by-Mail plan puts the facilities ill this institution in your home. ^ If you have money to deposit, do not leave it around horife--mail it. You are assured of a service as personal as if called at the bank. * . ^ Exchange Six quaint, little buggies, each drawn by one horse and carrying one man, appeared on the streets of Marengo one day recently and attracted no little attention and comment. When they left town they started out in single file, a unique procession in this day of motor cars, with old Dobbin usually relegated to/the quiet of green pastures. The unique party had traveled all the way from St. Louis, Mo., eastern McHenry county being their objective point. They represented the Wrought Iron Range company of St. Louis, the six men going thru the country selling steel ranges. They left Marengo for Nunda township, which was to be the end of their journey. OSTEND Piilsbury's Best flour at Wilbur*k. Star pianos at the Everett music store, McHenry. Mrs. Oscar Prahl spent laat Wednesday in the windy city. Joe Harrer, wife and children visited Sunday with the Kaiser family at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Hoppe motored to Chicago Sunday and spent the day with relatives. Fcr the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.25 per bale. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111.. ' Warren Francisco and sister spent Sunday at Woodstock with their nephew, E. L. Francisco, and family. Mrs. Mabel Thomas has been suffering for several days with a severe cold and has fears it may turn to quinsy. The Ostend teacher and pupils will have a picnic at the close of school on Thursday of next week at McCollum's lake. Mrs. Abbie Martin entertained Mr. and Mrs. Al. Watkins and daughter, Gwendolyn, and Miss Laura Erkert of Chicago over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas went to Woodstock Saturday and spent the night with their daughter and family, returning home Sunday evening. A little rain Monday evening, accompanied by considerable wind. No serious damage was done here, but we learn that Mr. Rafter's barn was blown down near Greenwood. Cashier ^ McHenry, Illinois , " ? ^ ^ < Fremont Hoy James. B. President ~ Clarence F. Hoy | Vice Presidents * « •'-V NEPONSET BLACK WATERPROOF BUILDING PAPER CLASSIFIED PEPMtfSNT FOR RENT--Cottage at Mineral Springs park. ^Inquire of M. L. Worts, McHenry, 111. 46-tf FOR SALE--A house and four lots on West Side. A bargain for somebody. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 48 PASTURE--For from 25 to 20 head of cattle. Good pasture and fences. N. F. Colby, West McHenry, 111. 49-2t FOR SALE--The best of land near McHenry. Good fishing and hunting. Ten, twentj^ thirty or forty acres. Inquire at this office. 49-3t I HAVE in your vicinity a piano which I will sell for the unpaid balance and on easy terms. Address H. R. Biedermann, 167 Chicago St~, Elgin, 111. 60* FOB SALE--Three fine dwelling lota . Making a few Nickels > Save Many Dollars . rIE difference in first cost l)etweeii *%olI of ordinary building paper and a roll of Bjrd s Neponset Black Waterproof Building Papei will buy only a few cigars. ^ But, Oh, the difference in protection in futuie tyearsi - v . ' . ; ; ; . - ; , v, v. ^ -j |t is alfetftir to sheathr^#^ boards, # i&IIs (with a non-waterproof building paper because "these soak up moisture like a sponge and quickly disintegrate. Bird's Neponset Black .Waterproof Building Paper lasts as long as the building. Save coal and colds. Keep your house watnr on cold days and cool on warm days and always dry by using Bird's Neponset # •" the. njf/.'. % ' " paper that is really waterproof |lRD a SON. inc. (EiUbbbd 1795) Eut Wtbol*. McHENRY LUMBER CO ~ * QUALITY AND SERVICE flftST