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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jun 1921, p. 10

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IV V * W" fc-! m £;» < It fey m MftelMmei to take ou>cdebrated wedding pictam THE LOVELY BRIDE makes a very itfce pmd picture. Our Rtrttttk; work brings oui\! fall beauty, and what so beautilur as a BRIDET THE BOBB STUDIO West McHenry. III. , m- • > {• Wj Hearthstones Gratis •>c: - Our Beautiful Furniture magazine, "Hearthstones,^ win "he sent monthly without charge to anyone interested. You cannot buy this magazine but you receive the very latest ideas on Home furnishing-- many splendid interior views. Send a card to Elgin, 111. "tor Hearthstones and you will be delighted with the newest Furniture Fashions vfaocharge.) •' t --- t . > A. Leath A Go* Stores Fit In W-74 Grove Aw. Rocklord. Opposite Court Ma Duhuqoe. S7WM Main St. Aurora, Jt-SJ Island Ave. Kreeport, IB-I# Galena St. Waterloo. JU-JU E. 4th St. Rploit. 417-411 4th St. Jr.liet, 21S-2I7 leffmon St. Jtoetville, M2-4K MUwauk#» £au Claire. Masonic Temple. Oahkoah, 11-13 Main. ' ; 'itX; Free Auto delivery 'v Sftr? v; We have a complete line of white Oxfords and , Pumps, ties and straps, prices per pr. from $1.75 to |4il Brown or black Oxfords, Straps and Pumps, per pr. from _.$2.69 to $8.M A complete line of men's and children's Shoes and Oxfords. Dress Shoes and Work Shoes. DRESS GOODS Just received a new lot of Voile Dress Goods in light, medium and dark colors, yd. We to $1.25 Permanent finish Organdies, white and colored, pel yd. --,--|M?5 to $1.75 Oao4a DcUrend Promptly Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH m gffc, when your thoughts turn to the brightening and v cleansing of your home and once more we wish to 1 | ; remind you that our stock is in keeping with the fv times and we are sure that we are in a position to ;/<£• supply your spring needs in the way of Linoleums, Carpets, Rugs, Window Shades, etc. ' In strict accordance to our long established policy we have placed in stock only such items as will fill the requirements of our trade and therefore you are assured of a selection that will please if you will only take the time to call and examine our stock. In case we haven't the things that you may' ttant, we wish to further assure you that it will be • pleasure to get than. AN ELEGANT LINE OF HOME FURNISHINGS CONSTANTLY ON HAND JACOB JUSTEN McHbNRY, ILL. I B Oit'tll!-) srfl <. ' > id Twr** iaosti; V>5 aiSEIafim SENIOR.- CLASS PLAY .McHE^RY CQ^MUNITY HlCfH SCHOOL BXttftS £•?.» V J S.W.Ofir.v-U..;?! :iuhf-_.WSM I "-Empire TKeai MONDAY, LU ", u i , l l l ' t": - l l i l J"iJ q } ;„( ! hl'.ii -M5 0H. vimmmttor- >(!a<Wjhni 'it l\:I I.:,7 -.Vtl'Tfij'iil ,U»), ADMISSION, 8TEINMETT HtOVlU INVINCIBLE . ON MOUND FOR LOCALS MdHcnry Outfit Gives Twirler Fine Support and Alao Hits That Old . Hmve Hide Hard and Oftea THIS IS THE TIME OF Our old friend, Nick Hubert of Cary, who on two different occasions last year made the home outfit look foolish, didn't have a thing with which to fool oar lads last Sunday afternoon when the home crew entertained the Cary aggregation on the West Side lot. On the other hanff, George (Red) Steinmetz of Kenosha, Wis., who at one time wore a Nash uniform 'in his home city, and who last Sunday occupied the pitcher's mound for our boys, let the visitors down with four hits and allowed nary a man to score. To make a long story flhcfH? Cary was shut out 10 to 0. The McHenry gang looked like a real outfit behind the excellent pitching of the Kenosha lad and the home rooters were.given numerous opportunities to exercise their vocal organs, while the Cary fans, who were also there in goodly numbers, also gave vent to their feelings in spite of the fact that the game was hopelessly lost at the end of the very first round. Cary has a fine lot of fans, who are always welcome in McHenry. The locals not only played a stylish defensive game, but also used their war clubs with a vengeance, nicking, Nick for a total of twelve bingles, five of which were good for extra sacks. The game by innings: First inning: Hoeff talked and then was caught napping, Steinmetz t.o Meyers. W. Beehm was pegged out by Bartell. O'Connell singled to left. A. Beehm walked and Shults struck out. One hit, no runs. McHenry: Knox singled to right and took second on Bartell's sacrifice, W. Beehm to Shultz. Kimball singled to right, the hit scoring Knox. Meyers doubled to right, Kimball stopping at third. Warner's double to jrht sent Kimball and Meyers across the counting station. Palmer was thrown out by Haizman, while Grantham rolled to Shultz. Pour hits, three runs. Second inning: Haizman fanned. Parsley lifted a fly to Kimball and Murphy skied to Warner. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Parsley dropped the third strike called on Bolger and had to throw to first for the put-out. Steinmetz, was thrown out by Hubert and Knox met his fate via W. Beehm to Shultz. No hits, no runs. Third inning: Hubert fanned. Hoeff was killed by Steinmetz and Meyers and W. Beehm struck out. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Bartell was pegged out by Haizman. Kimball lifted a fly to Hoeff in left and Meyers was thrown out by Hubert. No hits, no runs. Fourth inning: O'Connell singled to right. A. Beehm skied to Grantham. Shultz forced O'Connell at second when he hit to Warner. Haizman skied to Palmer in right. One hit, no rugs. McHenry: Warner was safe on Shultz's error. Parsley dropped the third strike called on Palmer, necessitating the throw to first, Warner taking second on the play. Grantham was safe on Haizman's error. Grantham stole second. Bolger skied to Shultz. Warner and Grantham scored on Shultz's error. Knox lifted a fly to A. Beehm at second. No hits, two runs. Fifth inning: Parsley was thrown out by Steinmetz, Murphy was nailed by Bartell and Hubert lifted a long fly to Palmer in right. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Bartell out, W. Beehm to Shultz, Kimball doubled to right and rode home on Meyers' three-ply smash in the same direction. Warner popped to Hubert. Palmer was safe on Shultz's error, while Meyers scored. Grantham was thrown out by Hubert. Two hits, two runs. Sixth inning: Hoeff singled to right, stole second and went on to third when Knox's throw got away from Warner. W. Beehm and O'Connell both fanned and A. Beehm was thrown out by Warner. One hit, no r\jns. McHenry: Bolger skied to Haizman. Steinmetz met his fate via Haizman and Shultz and Knox skied to A. Beehm. No hits, no runs. Seventh inning: Shultz was pegged out by Bartell. Haizman fanned. Parsley singled to right and Mtuphy struck out. One hit, no runs. McHenry: Bartell singled to right and stole second. Kimball was safe on a fielder's choice. Meyers skied to center. Warner and Palmer both singled to right, while Bartell was tagged out by Haizman. Three hits, no runs. Eighth inning. Hubert skied to Bartell. Hoeff was thrown out by Bartell and W. Beehm struck oat. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Grantham was out by W. Beehm McHEHAYnt S#RI. & SAT.. JUNE 3 & 4 %lte Broadway Hit EDUCATIONAL COMEDY tf HR. FATMA |'„0%. WW T SUNDAY, JUN£ir - William Farattm i -INi**.. /'Drag Harlan" AND A SUNSHINF COMEDY ^TALS AND PETTICOATS MATINEE AT 2:3« M COMING 3 NIGHTS IliWdN.. TUES. & WEDNESDAY . JUNE 6, 7 & ^ 0 He Favorite Stock Company P. o. HARRIS, Mgr. All New Plays ^ Vaudeville Between Arts PRICES, 3Sc and S*c and War Tax W. Beehm, 3rd b.. JO O'Connell, cf .. .0 A. Beehm, 2nd b.. .0 Shultz, 1st b..... .0 Haizman, ss Parsley, c . Murphy, rf H u b e r ^ ' f . .0 .0 .0 .0 0 ft 2V:| o S 0 16 0 2 i * ' > o a o 1 2 0 8: I' .* .©•' 3 10 McHenry Knox, c ...w. Bartell, 3rd Kimball, 2nd b Meyers, 1st $t Warner, ss Palmer, rf . »»*.'. .0 Grantham, 1|:^> .. 1 Bolger, cf .v. • i £ .1 P .....0 . . . 1 . . . 2 .«.•.v,»»-. .ti 4 H. 1 2 3 2 2 1 0 1 0 24 PO. 9 1 2 10 2 2 1 0 0 14 A. 0 • €* 0 2 t £ ?0 right and stole second, while Stein-1 metz was fanning. Knox was safe on Hubert's error, Bolger going to third., Bolger and Knox then rode home on Bartell's double to right. Kimball shot another to right, the hit scoring Bartell. Meyers singled, Kimball golf to third. Warner fanned. Pour three runs. inning: O'Connell was by Bartell. A. Beehm was 's error. Shultz's hit the way for a fast game w$s oyer. J' 10 12 27 12 Score By Innings McHenry 3 0022003 x--10 Cary 0 00000000-- 0 Left on bases: Cary, 5; McHenry, 7. Double play: Steinmetz to Kimball to Meyers. Struck out by Steinmetz, 9; by Hubert, 4. Bases on balls: Off Steinmetz, 2. Three base hit: Meyers. Two base hits: Bartell, Meyers, Warner, Kimball (2). Umpire, Spurling. „ St. Mary's Church Notes St. Mary's school closes June 14. Graduation exercises and school entertainment June 14 will terminate the school year. The reverend pastor of St. Mary's was called away from McHenry Decoration day to attend the funeral of a brother priest, Rev. Father H. Bangen of Aurora. Seventy-one priests at tended the funeral. A class of sixteen made their first holy communion at St. Mary's church last Sunday morning, the ceremonies taking place at 8:00 o'clock. Acolytes escorted the first communicants soVemn style to the altar steps, where :they received for the first time. After i the services the children were received into the scapular society. The com {municants were Rita Bacon, Alma Jus thrown!ten, Marion Krause, Clarice Miller Bolger singled to I Agnes Steffes, Emily Smith, Alvera am Weingart, Albert Buch, William Miller, Ernest Olson, Alvin Pfannen still, Maurice Schreiner, Charles Steil en, H,enry Stoffel, Frederick Wirtz Clarence Young. " ^ 'Tfcanlns-' We wish to extend our sinbere thanltg to Mr. Richard B. Walsh, the members of the band, the sextet, the girls of the Just Us club and all others who by their presence assisted irt making Memorial day in McHenry the splendid success it turned out to he. McHenry Post, American Legion f'ii us Li W"" v: Your itirayAside or More, V v ' S~: coirt§ Mg that amount in order keep the calendar up to dat^* A dime inserted in the prop<f§ slot every morning turn$ thg calendar to the correct date< ^ few extra wins during tl& tftonth pi^y ilde f6r Qthetv* necessary changes. We will lend you one of these banks, on your making an initial deposit of 12, to help you with your saving. Place it on your desk you forget saving time. You tan put in as much more than $3.55 as ..." J ^bu wish--this amount, however, should be deposited every month, interest works for you in our Savings Department V l-X "J >• WEST M'HENRY CTATI BANK West McHeniy, Ul. "^isit our Savings Department and let us show you how the Calendar Savings Bank works. y. - • u .. ~ \ '*, "k it® •**&:<£ am WEST MCHENRY STATE BANK McHENRY, ILLINOIS Oft <Mk: J'f- .-V 9625 f. or»; DetroK n 4*Sp*' > T" Steady, light, alert, power to spare, economical of operation) Watch a Fordson Tractor in action and you will wonder howf those apparently contradictory qualities of strength, lightness^ flower and speed could ever be combined in. one unit. The Fordson's speed is available for hauling heavy load$\ ||or long distances. Its power is available for dragging plow^ ^r disc-harrows through the heaviest soil or. f4>r ruaning Cutting-box, grinder or threshing machine. • We take pride in handling such a compact, portable power plant. w We are equipped w;ith every facility for giyi^gpick^ryic^ for the Fordson. . ' . ^ \ > JOHN R. KNOX, Prept Summer We have a fine assortment of summer dress goods in voiles, organdies, etc., plain colors and plaids. For the home dress maker this is something that is sure to SMITH McHenry, III Things UPON! A dozen littie .painting job* ate mighty easy to do youraelf w joo biTe the right material*. Old floors with a coot Floor Var boars. It an the jnnrlret < We have the right materials and Win he wry bow- to get win he fciy triad to tell »ou ju»t the beat result* frank Mrs. Josephine Heimer, a former McHenry resident, has returned to Chicago from a visit with her brother in California. She is expected in McHenry the latter part of this week for a visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Beller and daughter, Monica, returned to McHenry Wednesday from Ocean Park, Calif., where they have spent the past by Mrs. Bell«r'« Aotbac, Johp WUe»creen««hoaldbeyl»UdaWy • W«c nd year. r DU PONT WIS* SRBKN PAINT lightly brushed ' will pimu nijk a«.o | aereeita. Dm Pont Colored Enamel wilt make rir porch set look like Aw. «iW uac--fast drying. ' * * • Dtt Pont Sliipolcum is Bod adapted to table top* shows gfeat reust- ••ce to bot diahea PRICES JUST REDUCED Keep this in tney wou itiht Off'"' ^ H, Engeln & Soil A\i/kaA Phonograph records for all makes of machines at. store, McHenry s WrWi i-rC- *£<he!al£

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