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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1921, p. 4

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* /!• the t in #Ud! nt th# American Legion wu ed in audi a way as to imply Hie American Legion had sup- In their application village WtiunbtA, and also in this in the paper conffjiv ^emning the board for not making these appointments. As commander Of the McHenry post cf the American Legion, I want to make it clear to the Iboard of trustees and to the public of ^^•'•lIcHenry th»t in no event can the lame of the American Legion be used |o promote the jralitical appointment promotion of any person or party And any person, whether a member of the Legion or not, who presumes to *se the name in this manner is doing |t without authority, knowledge or Kelp on the part of the Legion. As to the published statement referred to, #ie parties publishing the same did so Contrary to and directly opposite to the principles of the American Legion Our pie ot Mt , village for the aagij^ert^i^lNLhelp have received in tfe« 'pj^jphd in ZM> event will we stand for Kheta&e of the name of our organisation in the statement mentioned here. I hope that this will explain away any minndos. standing between our post aid MIT citizens on this question and tint a similar event will never happen. Alford H. Pouse, Commander McHenry Poet, N« 491, American Legion. Patting 'Em Up In a WWt "We are now putting 'em up in a week" was the way that John P. Weber, local contractor and huilder, put it to a Plahtdealer reporter the first of the week when asked as to the building operations in and around McHenry. The local contractor now has seven men besides himself on the job and when the gang once goes to work on a job it doesn't take them long to erect the medium sixed bungalow or home. Mr. Weber has just completed Itoau mi Our !»• Wl 1 W purflMMu fPOW wfHS flc 017* bian, situated on the east shore of the river south of this village. Mr.' WffcMr, Who also has the cQntgJg|t for |i%«QM$ion of a Aew honW Iw Geo.' ftAwhwr on Court street, has the place enclosed after a week's work.' Re informs us further that besides scores of repair jobs, he is also figur-' ing on a number of new homes to be erected along the river, all of which seems to indicate that building operations hereabouts have been resumed in MIMSt -••••• -v .£5"^ in Notes 'y;: y seven more days Trustees Cheer upf of school. Bunny Bolger was a visitor in high school Monday. ' Have you g4 jrottr Latfc sentences translated? We are all engaged playing tennis afler school hours (?). Pearl Codding was absent from school Monday morning. We freshies will admit Weafe a wee bit frightened on account of tile com- ' ing exams Council Room, June 6, 1921. The village trustees session with Pres. Trustees present; £WMPRF*iRPox, Krause, Overton and Wattles. Absent: Erickson. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read -and approved by the finance committee: Public Service Co., lighting sts and traffic lights, etc.,......f 143.34 Jas, B. Clow & Son, lead pipe Driving New Bui# A. H. Pouse, McHenry's" huslHiig young attorney, is the possessor of a new Buick roadster, which was delivered to him thru the local dealers, Overton & Cowen, last week. Hie car will enable hhn to give to his clients more prompt and better service than ever v before. s here--the reason for the over flow ing waste basket. House cleaning (desk cleaning) tim«1 n.8 sta"n*d!a rd Oil Co., gas'Vo.l ine..;. 227. ™00 Legal Adviser Pub. Co., sup, . fklO, F. G. Schreiner, printing I 42.00 W. L. Howell ft Co., rental i battery jj.OO Meyer & Wen the, dog tags...1 15.10 John Franzen, Ibr on streets. . 29.50 McHenry Lumber Co., coal and ' | tile ,f J8.78 Henry C. Kamholz, supplies.'-, 9.75 John Malsh, lbr on ww 80.50 i $-4'*" •?V pi-iS: - >) 1'. ^ u - : i- ' t-,Y# §k; h-zi" UjBw Models-New Fabrics COMPLETE in the season's novelties -- stripings --- (ihecks -- silk decorations and the usual quality, wodt manship and finish of Clothes for Younger Mem $• - wool and hand tailored#* Hie full chest and slender Waist effects of youth in business suits and spent clothes that will please both your taste and purse. n*-*- ! <&• T Miss Pryor is a "crepe hanger." The town being out of note boo]| papier we thought we could get out of jtrriting our outlines, but Miss Pryor said we should use theme paper. Favorite sayings of the freshies: Did you get your algebra? Are you going in swimming^ Do you think youll pass in exams? - Thursday and Friday are exam days, so take hom4 your books and study. Sophomore Notes We all enjoyed the program given yby Hie grades in the school auditorium last Friday night. Thursday and Friday we are all going to survive the final exams. Are we downhearted? No! Mr. Treadway informed the Glee elub girls last Tuesday that each one would have to sing a solo on account of the examination. : The high school baseball turned in its supplies last week after having completed the year's schedule. jThey won three game^ and lost four, j It was a very good showing for the i first year. We have some very prom- John Walsh, marshal service.. 125.00 John J. Vycital, supplies. -- ... Chicago Telephone Co., calls.. Geo. Meyers, lbr on streets.. . A. M. Brown, lbr on streets. W. IF. Vogt, auditing^books. W- D. Wentworth, audlti: i books ••«/*( J. C. Holly, insurance^.. «*,... H . E . B u c h , l b r o n w w . . . . . R. C. Dalziel, Ibr on streets I with engine A. F. Ibsh, gravel . W. G. Schreiner, telephone, j postage, drayage, frgt., etc.. Joseph May & Co., sharpening scarifier Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline & oil M. L. Worts, gasoline & oil... Fred Schoewer, special police. P. J. Schoewer, labor ft bolts.. 1.04 .30 198.80 105.00 14.72 70.60 249.46 2.20 6.46. ising material for a good team for ,Frfr n^. battles, gravel . ^26.80 next year. A group picture of the Motion by Doherty, seconded by team was taken Tuesday.? t Miracles: ' Earl would look sad. If we had 36 weeks If Herman would be satisfied. ABce were given a back seat. If the examinations were easy. Getting out on a national holiday. If Floyd would whisper in school. EthcA would ask a sensible question. Junior Class The baseball team had a group picture taken at Bobb's studio Tuesday morning. ( Save your nickels. Junior candy sale | in lobby of Empire theatre Monday .night, June 13. | Lillian is suffering from strained |tendon8 in.her neck, caused by looking at the tops of buildings. j Why are the freshies and sophs so • friendly to the juniors lately? Invi- . tations to the prom are wanted. Juniors are working day and night ; preparing decorations for the biggest 'event of the year--the junior prom. Overton, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Overton, that the superintendent of waterworks look after the different meters in the village and see that they are put in proper *hape. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Knox, that the collector be instructed to make reports at every board meeting the delinquent water users and also the amounts back doe. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Doherty, that Chas. B. Harmsen take an inventory of the supplies for waterworks and tufir over the supplies on hand to the new superintendent of waterworks, John W. Bonslett. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Knox, that the superintendent of waterworks have a stock room provided in the city hall for his supplies to use on the waterworks. Motion carried. ^ <§ 'f.Ti:' $ Present lines of new Buick six-cylinder models will be carried thru the season. m.. Beginning June 1st the new series and prices will be as follows, f. o.b. factories, Op, ne of the r . . . . . .. . i Motion by Doherty, seconded by g,rhiM. ttat w>tu ^ ^ ^ ^ if we have lemon ice at the prom that dictated bv villaee attornev and it be labeled for Earl Welsh's benefit dlctatfIJ)y .village attorney and $ * Michigan. m. ."HSi- " ^ • tUPrim Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster, $1795 Model 22-45 Five Passenger Touring, j-- Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe* • Model 22-47 Five Passenger Sedan, - - Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe,* - ^Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring, * Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan, $1795 $2585 $2895 $2985 $2065 $3295 $1495 $1525 $2135 i$2435 $2325 !$1735 • 1 . ' x^. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, PUNT, Pioneer Builders of Valve-in-Head Motor lit " in ail Principal Citiea--Demlert jSWj dbl •%$$$ Local Dealer teS FOR SALE BV - OVERTON & COWEN MCHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. „ ~ -- 1 1 1 i • i i i . J - u i j u«u|^q auu * PTTTER. AUIQMOBILES AKE BUILT, BUrn^ Will. RimD TKFM ^ Saturday night proclaims 1 : •' I,, the aliuani. My, won't Sugar will increase in price when the juniors get a monopoly on it. fandy sale Monday, June 13, at 8:00 p. m., Empire theatre. - An assortment of beautiful samples loay be seen floating around junior Itnd senior seats. Samples of dresses for the prom you know. Exams! Longfellow said: "Into $ach life some rain must fall." Times fiave changed; if he lived now he Would say: "Into each life rain comes fin torrents." ' It has been heard from a reliable source that some junior girls can make the "bestest" candy. Be scientific-- find out for yourself. Buy candy at the junior candy sale. ; Miss Pryor, accompanied by Mary Pender WalsJ^ Arline Harrison, Lillian. Doherty, Dorothy Walsh and Mary Bolger, journeyed to Chicago Jast Saturday to purchase decorations, etc., for the junior prom. WANTED--One half dozen respectable escorts. Qualifications necesr tary: Handsome face, first-class dancer, manly appearance. Must be Willing to buy corsage bouquets and ilire taxis. Needed for prom night June 16. Apply to junior girls. - Senior Notes Of course no one will miss "Mary's Millions." We can't see how anyone could possibly miss "Mary's Millions." One more week of school. My, won't the seniors be. glad when it's over? All note books were due this week £nd the busy seniors have one load off their shoulders. Mary's Millions" will be the surest cure for a grouch that ia on thjjt BWTiket. Don't miss it. . - . Bernice had a little It started in her head, And every where that Bernice went The cold was sure to spread. It followed her to school one day, Twas not against the rule; It made the seniors pough and sneeze To have that cold in school. Miss Pryor tried to drive it out; She tried hard, but--kachcjj^ ' It didn't do a bit of good ; ^ ^4 For now she has it too. Rev. Theodore B. McCormick has jbeen procured to deliver the baccalaureate address to the seniors in the school auditorium next Sunday night. Everybody welcome. Then of course |you won't forget "Mary's Millions" on Monday night at the Empire. On Tuesday night we will hold our class day exercises at the auditorium. "^Thursday night, the night of nights, the junior prom. Friday night makes 4fjus full fledged men and women, while us members we be busy? ~W W out of the various funds marked on the bills. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, to adjourn. Motion carried. ; , Simon Stoffel, Pres. W. 6. Schreiner, Clerk. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Four sows with twentysix pigs. Jacob Weingart, McHenry, 111. Phone 687-M-2. 52-2t FOR SALE--Alfalfa and timothy hay mixed. Jacob M. Diedrich, McHenry, 111. Phone 631-W-l. 25-lt* LOST--In McHenry cemetery or village on Sunday, May 29, a two skin mink scarf. Finder please return and receive reward. L. Kimball, Round Lake, 111. Phone 28-W-2. 52-lt HEMSTITCHING ANDPICOTING-- Have just installed a new machine for such work and all mail orders will be promptly filled. Mrs. G. A. Barker, 118 S. Jefferson St., Woodstock, 111. 46 WANTED--Girl to assist with general housework; small family, pleasant home and wages; experience not necessary; steady. A. J. Dalies, 1222 Greenlftaf St., Evanston, 3219-W. 52 FOR SALE--Seven passenger Studebaker, 5 passenger Overland, Maxwell touring car, % ton Republic truck. For sale cheap. All in first-class condition. Central Garage* Johnsburg, 46-tf WANTED--Board and room or room with housekeeping privileges, June 18 to Sept. 15. Adult and 8-year-old child. Near river preferred. Address N., care of The Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 48 LOST--Between the ice cream parlor on Riverside Drive and the Fox River Valley State bank, between $80.00 and $40.00 in bills. \ Finder kindly return and receive reward. Fred Miller, McHenry, 111. 52-lt* FOR SALE--A 6-room house and barn together with eight large lots. House is equipped with gas, electricity and has furnaee heat. House and lots will be sold together or separately. J. G. Schrauth, McHenry, HI. 48-tf FOR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about two miles east of McHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of the Fox river bridge in McHenry. S. H. Freund, McHenry, m. Phone 643- M-2. 41-tf BABY CHICKS--Cut prices. $9.00 200 up. Postpaid anywhere. Assorted, white or brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, White Rocks,' Reds, W. Wyans; Poland pk ||| a hogs for sale, and taklfligtt' choice at $25. piece. Mfefe' or female; Th< dandies. Come and look at Sayer farm, three and one-half si ing car; a Republic one ton truck. If you are in the market for a used car truck yppfjfpnnot afford to pass up. in and look them mm Stilliiifrfcfearagft. -49 1. Coof^nn I will sett at PUBLIC AUCTION 333 ACRE FARM , i*3: -JTTn ;#UESDAY, JULY 12TH, W21 V ' P- m- on the premises i, *" Mtuated adjacent to the village of Volo, Illinois, 5 miles esst of Mc-& Henry and 5 miles west of Round Lake, Illinois, on the Woodstock- Wftukegan cement rood. .f: This farm is well improved and in a high state of cultivation, to* •Ration is Invited.^ A beautiful place to live and a good investment. CHARLES R. LF.AKE, Trustee DIXON, ILLINOIS f'#. •I totake ou> celebrated weddinr pictures. THE LOVELY BRIDE # makes a*very nice pm*i pk> 11 <^ur •rttetfework bHflffoutV raM beauty .and what ao beautiful' as a BRIDE? THE BOBB STUDIO W«M McHenry, III. i Free Demonstration f:F latch. ko CEMENT NO HEAT ; ^4 j,'- • i.*' •' • Y* ->7 ^ ^ .t: " . Itiner Tubes, Rubber Boots, anything & 's\. with a rubber surface repaired I YV -FREE all <by - Jacob Justen Furniture Store Greeo & ;-v ::4V, ! -J: SIMPLEX p 'X-' Safe'.- t - c*>- i H,CI. T • .. JUNE 10th and 11th • - ^ o « f e : rstw:;*>ncx*r-' v . • • • i ' . • j *w>-' • ' r r>,'vnap- - 'y-cr-w? mawv"' AT- €-pV' y,r ** MILLER'S ICE CREAM PARLOR? We will make *<- . . . . V , - -Of the ^ >r»l •d"Tf&Ssi, • • ^ We will show you the extraordinary efficiency of it as a cooking appliance in preparing any kind of food^T.. ""n p ki'-y- ' v "i 6 -^k: "h (t,./ "• • v.- '?*£"., h/xf: , 0' Won*tyou come? Yow'll be greatly interested Sold On Monthly 1*aymenu 'J. • |i. Public Service Company' ' OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS '••••- r •• ' • - "

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