McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1921, p. 5

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' f t ;VfV •pent last Goodrich Hie Prices ieducedO|Q per cent was a CW - - • 4- v*V- ' - i W ' mm 'A* *i>0.*f$rx 'J- *V; pnti-SUdSafetfTNul SILVERTOWN JSMr° __ .. c. Ur51r^a^15Stoes« In' die metropoHtafc tity MoflAy. Miss Mildred Welch passed Sunday as the guest of friends in Chicago. Miss Mary Pwdlr Tabk passed last Saturday in the metropolitan city. Miss Fanny Granger passed Saturday u the guest of relatives in Elgin. Michael Weston of %• 1.. " The last Word in Tlie best word in j\:k% !•• & ; 1 ,' +" » i* CORDS ;ryw- } ft* £ 4 SIZE 30»3^ 32-3% 32x4 33»4 32^ 33*4^ 34x4^ 33x5 35x5 SILVEKTOWN CORDS Anti-Skid Safety lbaad $24.50 $32.90 $41.85 $43.10 $47.30 $48.40 *49.65 $58.90 *61.90 5' TUBES 15S *2.90 <355 $3.70 $450 Hj65 H.75 $555 •5.80 Fabric Tires Smoodi 304 H2M [&fety|32><4|«2Mo| SaSotf 304 <13,45 Safety 3Q*l\ %D0 M.SOODMCa ROBBER COMMMttT ' OH^Ono the gtiest of relatives bare last Saturday. Mrs. C. W. Stenger and* daughter, 'Margaret, ware Chicago visitors last Saturday. „ F. A. Schumacher of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of McHengy friends. Mrs. Carl Mackh of Elgin was ajdence week end guest in the home of Mrs. A grand old fashioned Fourth of John Knox. * * 'July celebration will be held in Mc- Miss Maude Granger of Chicago. Henry. s»rnt the week end as the guest of I Geo. W. Besley, the West Side drughome folks. (gist, has just put in a l>mn<l«ome new ^Thomas Phalin motored to Chicago' soda fountain. Sunday and passed the diy as the! F. A. Parker and family left last guest of friends. week for Sioux Rapids, Iowa, where I QtJAHTER OFCENTURT Ileaaa Clipped From The Plaindealer e# Twenty-live Team Ago June S, 1896 Dr. Auringer is making some substantial improvements on Us red- O. E. Churchill of Libertyville was a recent guest in the home of Mrs. Sarah Sherburne. Jos. Stenger of Cary passed Sunday in the home of his brother, C. W. Stenger, and family. ~ Miss Helen Pich of Chicago passed several days last week as the guest of Miss Emma Thelen. Miss Edyth Petesch of Chicago is a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch. v . Miss Martha Schlossar of Chicago Was a week end guest in the home of her aunt. Mrs. A. Wolff. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin passed the week end in the home of her mother, Mrs. John Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pick of Cttidkgo Mr. Parker has boftght a hotel Andrew Miller and wife went to Chicago Wednesday to attend roe wedding of Mrs. Miller's brother, Frank Buhr. Rev. Father Kirsch has been under the doctor's* care for a week, consequently there were no services at the German church. The West Ends and Prairie Thistles played a game of baseball the first of the week, the West Ends winning by a score of 22 to 9. The east and sooth frun Is of the McHenry House have just been somely painted and decorated. John Neiss was the artist. Mrs. W. F. Gallaher was called to Portage, Wis., last week by the death of her brother's wife, Mrs. F. E. Pilwere recent guests in the home of the,cher, who formerly resided here, latter's father, Peter Thelen. | Mrs. J. Wentworth, Mrs. L Went- Miss Irene Conway - of Elgin spent. worth and Mrs. C. E. Lamphere were Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. Miss Kathleen O'Reilly of Chicago passed the week end •in the home of her grandfather, J. J. Flusky. Mrs. Clara Harrison of Woodstock passed Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Page. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz, daughter, Florence, and son, Ernest, were guests of Cary relatives Sunday. Miss Bernice Shattock of * Belvidere passed the first of the week as the guest of Miss Lena Hartman. Wm. Meyer of Kenosha, Wis., passed the week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Meyer. Miss Helot Pint of Chicago spent the week end as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and son, Keith, of Woodstock passed Sunday in the home of Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Miss Blanche Meyers of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her paresis, Ifr* and HKiu Geo. Meyers. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and children of Atlanta, Ga., are spending several weeks as the guests of relatives here. , * Mr. and Mrs. Julias Butsen and family of Chicago spent the week end in the home of Mrs. Butcen's father, Peter Thelen. Terms of Sale All sdms of $10.00 and under, eash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. N. M. BOWERS, Prap. J. C.'Holly, Clerk. "• 5':;; V.HJ.Y . $$$&} •• -> m Which House Is Yours ? mm m •#i Look up your street ---- then come see w 'OTE the houses that have been recently painted, see how fresh and attractive they look in their striking new coats of white or green or brown. Look prosperous, don't they? How about your own? Does it look dingy? Is the paint blistering and chipping on the clapboards?^]^ it peeling, off the $orch? ^Remeoiber the casual mm acquaintance and the stranger judge your standing in the community by the way your houp» looks from the outside. Now is the time to bring yoiir home up to the standard. Good paints properly .applied will not' only beautify but will protect your property from decay and cut your depreciation charges in halfc . x -* •< 1 "• - Du Pont Points, Varnishes and Stains are the finest to be had in this country„ We carry a complete lina and will be glad to show you many pleasing color combinations suitable /or your home,1 Ccune hi 'tf'Ubfai' . * -'"fi, ' ; •• ff '<&<% -dt f'. •• guests of Mrs. H. T. Fuller at Wau conda the latter part of last week. It has been discovered that the safe found by Bert Reed at Genoa in Twin lakes, which has caused so much excitement, turned out to be an old cook stove. Owen A Chapetl's new delivery wagon has just come from the hands of that prince of painters, E. B. Per-4 kins, and presents a very handsome appearance. Martin Welsh, who resided just west of this village, on the Woodstock road, died quite suddenly this (Wednesday) morning. He has been sick for nearly two years. The graduating exercises of the McHenry high school will be held in the. Riverside hall Friday evening. The graduates are Miss Nellie F. Clemens, Mi ss Mary L. Raymond and Frank W. Bennett. Mrs. I^avifl Wilson^ mother of Cora, Ida and Clayton Wilson, died at Elgin Tuesday morning. Her remains were brought to this village and her funeral held from the M. E. church Wednesday. She was laid to rest in Woodland cemetery. The memorial services in this village on Saturday last drew out a* large attendance. The weather was fine and the program Was very interesting. Rev. Gaylord gave the address and Misses Jennie Smith and Mildred Stevens gave fine recitations. Last Sundry while Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen were on their way home at Ringwood from this village a part of the buggy gave way, frightening the team, which soon became unmanage-v able and ran away, throwing them out. H. W. escaped, but Mrs. Allen received several severe bruises. The village of Richmond had the warmest and most extiting election ever known on Tuesday, May 25. At the spring election license or no license was the issue, resulting in a. tie. A second election was hecesary and it was the same old contest, license winfling by a vote of 80 to 66. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wirfs, Mrs. Rieser and John Brefeld of Waukegan spent Sunday as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron passed Sunday as guests in the home of the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Alsena Smith. Misses Edith Geary and Marie Miller and Dr. Fernandez of Wauconda passed Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Meyeir. Germer Petesch of Birmingham, Ala., is spending several weeks as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns and son, Robert, of Oak Park were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Johnson over the week end.' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mej/ers and childrfen of Elgin passed a day last week in the home of the forai«r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyei-s, Sr. Miss Alice 8utton, wlio has made her home in the West daring the past several years, is spending several months as th<| guest of her . brothers *»««*• ' " i Mrs. F* JL Cooley, who has bean caring for her mother at Naperville, III., during the past several months, is spending a couple of^ weeks at her home here. Mrs. Geo. Meyers, and grandchildren, Arnold and Joyce Chesnut; Mrs. John Montgomery and daughter, and Paul Meyers were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday. • ; * i * *• s Importer^ ixporters, trovtkrS' snip and sail under the Stars and Stripes THERE are today few ports in the world of Importance to shippers or travelers, which cannot be ftached by ships that sail Under the Stars and Stripes. President Harding has Hid that, "We cannot sell successfully where we do not carry". The American Merchant Marine that once v almost vanished is again an established and important« carrier of the world's com- ^ mercc. : You can ship or sail any* #here in American ship* designed for utmost cooKf fort and safety. Operators of Passing" >" Service* , Aa»k*l Line, 17 Stat* Stract, '4'TY«k,N.V. .< Hataon Navlcation Company,1 Sk So Cay Street, BaltimorcTMvi. ; (lunaon Steam Ship Line. 82 BctfMfe • t : Street, N«w York, N V. •*> • «. :"Slew York and Porto Rico S. S. Qp»t f , II Broadway. New York, N. V. ^ ' ISicific Mail S. S. Co., 41 Braadvltyi Naw York, N. Y. jft S. Mail S. S. Co., 45 Braadwtft New York, N. Y. #ardUne. (New York yd Cuba Ma< S. & Co.) Foot af Wall Stnac. t Naw York, N. Y. Free use of . Shipping Board films DR. WBNDMX A.' Stevens Bldg, Chicago WiH be at the Park Hotel, McH« 111., Monday ami Thursday, £9:00 12:00 a. m. 4 If 15ft THf that wamc*™* 0°oFL0aj BAKING poor flour will never turn out light golden-brpwn biscuits. The flour is the thing. If it makes heavy, soggy dough there wil! be no good results frtJni the oven. Buy our Hour then your perfect biscuits, pies and pastries are assured. flour--you'U Ska it , McHENRY Flour Mills West McHenrv, in. ^ of Shipping IViard motion pictura , four reels, free ori request o' Mayor, pastor, postmaster, or or Mtion. 'is*-:* f, "* hi ' ' • H * iHflbW . rangr in- A great educational picture the sea. Write for inform* ftkm to H t .sue. Director ! rifor rrtacion . fctraau. Room 411, 1314 "F" SumC, Washington, D. C. :pj SHirS FOR SALS . (TV Amtriv* tlltowntW ' ' 1 Staal ataaaara, both oil and eoal ' karaara. Ala* woad itianiifi. wom kmlla ud aaaaa-toiat tag, Furthar • Mamalie* olitaiBad by rcguvak. For sailings ofpossengtr and freight ships !• mil parts sfths world and all Sthmr information, writs H amy oftks abeva knot or to tka U.S. Shipping Board WASHINGTON, D.C. Marred and unsightly furniture, floors, woodwork, etc. can be easily cefinished jmm| ntode attractive with Dependable •Sunshine Finish or S&tsuma Enamel ' These products are especially d»- aigned to make oid things look mM at a *m*11 Dependable Sunshine Finish state , and varnishes in one operation. Dependable Sataoma --1 produces a high gloss--durable finish. Eaay to Apply la for oar book. How to Paint* It answers your paint questiona oocxectty. HENRY G. KAMHOLZ Weat McHenry, lit. Auction Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer is the time to buy paint--new Rock-bottom Pricey •v -z;,, M. ENGELN & 30N • • mm? McHENRY, ILL. .; -vn'i- %'J mm* m--w The undersigned, will self at auction sale on his fara^ situated one mile west of Vok> aad four milas east of McHenry, on < SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921 commencing at 1:2)0 p. m., sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 60 acres choice alfalfa hay 15 acres of alfalfa and timothy mixed hay, will crit about 114 tans pw acre . , 1 ton of ear oora About 25 bush* els of barley One' ton of alsyke hay in barn \ About 100 white oak fence poets \ About 50 pouqds of na*y beaaa \ HR.HATPPV PARTY NO DINNER BELL* YOU'LL HKD MY MANVfHEN THIS CHOICE MEAT IS IN THE PAN TF you buy meats at this store you won't need the "tinkle tinkle" of the dinner bell to let folks know that dinner's ready. And you'd better keep the kitchen door shut, too, or they will all wj*t t? 4|§jp you eook it. „ Watch for Mr. Happy Party :fretts: iHUKfTKMOCBlY STWESTMdfNKIU. PHONE 3 - JUST OPT on fCrooning (Fox Twmt) utd "IpYourEyes " (OmmS CftlfFesto* You ll never want to stop Everett Musk Store HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT ANY STOCK? If you have then jou will be more than interested in our offer. We have the most complete Information Bureau in the country unlisted stocks and bonds. We are offering for two weeks only a oomplete book eoverl points connected with the purchase of stocks or bonds written t who have had many years experience in the securities bpainesa. We also include in this offer a market report on ail unlistfld and bonds, and allow two reports on this contract. The above mentioned book may save you many timea its the following reasons: 1st. It explains promotions in plain English ao that any man, or child can understand thoroughly the operations of the 3Hh promoter. 2nd. It explains how to detect frauda. in stocks anA (hereby your savings. 3rd. It will enable you to talk intalligeitUy to aay one you aa! investment which may be a good one. 1 Our book is not offered to the public with the any legitimate enterprise but simply to aid the general ] mining what to'do in the event of their being offere#"! have already purchased some, How and Wher to aaH. we are not connected with any brokera^ i||N|Mi|and w| a market report list all brokers making :• bfaP^SMhe si with their relative offers. The above book and report service sella fur tl.00 and we hesitate in saying that you will find both to be worth price asked. ' im cubical BMa. SECURITIES SERVICE cd.

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