OF ITS : and most varied assortment of ladies'Jersey N«t Waists and Qreee deChise Waists t W^vedaDdc^Si«S the attention «• of Wis community. This assortment afi styles and sizes sod are being placed on ^ gro date what we are doing one must pay our ment a visit. JOS. DITTRIGH 2.11 t. WEST McHENRY mmn DANCING PAVILION at AVON PARK on ROUND LAKE Now Open CING EVERY EVENING --MUSH? BY " -.ft* AMBLER'S FIVE PIECE ORCHESTRA OF CHICAGO ^ «?- ttr yen* date for todMlng Jour ©onvenfckm, picoic w -,;«uch euteruuniueota as swimming parties, golf, trap ghodtlng||fe, - ^-'jand boating call - ^ G. P. RENEHAN 101 Gray slake > Get on the Belvidere eement road and come today. [Willi (ID [OK SJUf A fine 7-passenger Limousine ill first class condition. Cost oyer $4,000. Will sell for $800. *£• .. « " Can be seen at my places* Pistakee Bay Hear Oak .,-g^ JOHN BERG We have a complete line of white Oxfords aoi?| • Pumps, ties and straps, prices per pr. from ;*';(• $1.75 to $4.5* Bppwn or black Oxfords, Straps and Pumps, . per pr. from $2.69 t<* $8.01: and Oxfords. Dvess Shoes and Work Shoes. TTT?.- * DRESS GOODf Just received a new lot of Voile Dress Goods in ' light, medium and dark colors, yd. 60c to $1.2$ Permanent finish Organdies, white and colored, per yd $1.25 to $1.7! ik, a •> Goods Mvtwd PiwilMbr Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH ELECTRIC WASHER • V * v ' Cofne In and See TIF*-* JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. : X THE TRICK , , > Fa«§-|Jg* Liberty ville Go Down After aNM Exciting and Bitter Struggle --Harvard Next With his team mates giving "him almost perfect support Fransen, occupying the mound for Ltbertyille last Sunday afternoon, was able to give the local national pastimers one of the hardest battles of their career. Franzen, chosen to do the slab duty for the visitors, was lucky to keep the score so close, as he tried hard to make the game a ragged exhibition, but his team mates would not have it that way. All told Franzen walked three men and hit four others. Seven free tickets to first base In one game is Yt<y unusual and is enough to beat most any pitcher. However, that Libertytilte gang kept right on working andMmru their fast fielding saved their pitcher's pride from a more disastrous defeat. Ritta, at third for the visitors, probably did as much if not more than any other man on the visiting team in keeping their flinger out of mure serious trouble. Red" Steinmetz for McHenry pitched his *usual nifty game of ball, allowing the visitors but five hits and struck out eleven batsmen. Only five of the visitors got on the footpaths after the first inning. The story of the contest: Firft inning: J. Dofler was safe when Rossman fumbled his grounder. Finstead, in an attempted bunt, popped to Rossman. R. Dofler shot a three-ply smash just inside of the third base bag, the hit scoring J. Dofler. Ritta scored Finstead. with ingle past third. Ritta went to second on a passed ball. Fitzgerald pepped to Meyers. Krumrey was hit by a pitched ball. Duppler pegged to third to get Ritta, who had started to steal from second, but Rossman lost the throw and the runner scored, while Krumrey went to second. Pfanstill skied to Wartier. Two Hits, three runs. ' _ McHepry: King walked and was caught stealing. Rossman was thrown out liy Ritta and Thelen by Fitzgerald. Nc. hits, no runs. Second inning: Nutt fanned. Frann hit thru short and stole second. J. Dofler and Finstead both struck out. One hit, no runs. McHenry: Meyers out, J. Dofler to Finstead. Duppler shot a double past third. Warner and Palmer both lifted flies to Pfanstill in left field. One hit, no runs. Third inning: Conway now playing third in place of Rossman. R. Dofler struck out. Ritta was thrown out by Conway. Fitzgerald fanned. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Bolger was hit by a pitched ball and then forced at second when Steinmetz grounded to J. Dofler at short. Steinmetz went to second when Finstead lost the throw from second which was made in an effort to complete a .double play. Steinmetz started for third on what looked very much like a balk on the part of Fran- Franzen whipped the ball to third and the umpire called the runner out. An argument which followed failed to change the "limp's" decision. King and Conway both walked. Thelen lifted a high foul to Ritta. No hits, no runs. Fourth inning: Krumrey fanned. Pfanstill was thrown out by Steinmetz and Nutt struck out. No hits, no runs. - " McHenry: Meyers out, Ritta to Finstead. Duppler took flrst on being hit by a pitched ball and went to second on a passed ball. Warner scored the runner with a sharp rap thru short. Warner went to.second on the throw to the plate. Palmer rolled to Finstead. Bolger skied to • Fitzgeyald. One hit, one run. Fifth inning: Franzen lifted a high fly to Steinmetz. J. Dofler rolled to Meyers and Finstead was pegged out by Duppler. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Steinmetz was hit by a patched ball and then forced at second when King rolled to J. Dofler at short. With King on first Conway smashed one of Franzen's choicest offerings for a four-ply smash to left field. Thelen skied to Krumrey in center and Meyers fouled to Ritta. One hit, two runs. Sixth inning: R. 1>ofler FW, .wwr tqi th- • N • * '. 'ST' FRI. & SAT.. AUG. 5 & Jame* Oliver Curwood^a "TftE TRAIL'S l-ND" AaAtfurinjS.or, U1 ijj fHreat North west " s *"HFEATURINCJ~ ^ HOUSE PETER# J» .and a Notable Cut including lane Novak $f> $ " --and-- ~ *&'• BDtrCATIONAL COME##.; A. "BEAT JT" / SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Pearl White it. -IN- "The Mountain 01 A CENTURY COMEDY *TRESH ntOM Tit MATINEE AT >sM %IES.4 WED.. AUG. 9 & j Lionel Barryqaqre \ --in-- ^ fTbe Great S Adventonf Plan to Make . Ever Held It Pfgeat fVintyVy to vsrious ep5s!{^!l ft visitor at 4h« ij^leiiry >|||MlKlr to be held at W^Mlock 28 to 26, inclusive, wiJTflnd a lat*er and better program than ever bef6re. More money has been set aside for premiums and free attractions while a more determined effort is being made to get exhibits. 4 Dr. W. W. Lichty, the efficient superintendent of speed, has promised visitors a better race program. This year's purses have been increased by approximately $2,000, which should offer inducement enough to land some very good entries and thus assist the superintendent in arranging for the very best of horses and jthe fastest of races. ! The boys' and girls' clubs, under the able leadership of T. H. Murray of Harvard, will also prove one -of the interesting attrac ions. Special emphasis has been laid upon the boys' and girls' club work by the McHenry county agricultural board, as they fully realize that these same boys and girls will be th« real exhibitors of tomorrow. Already these young people have taken a keen interest in the coming fair, which means iuat their exhibits will be found intensely interesting. Arrangements have also been completed for the staging of ao automobile show under the direction of H. H. Mershon and everyone attending the fair may rely upon novel exhibits in this department. Bejyt went to second and sat dowft on the bag, while the batter also went to first. After a fifteen minute- argument it was finally agreed to allow Krumrey to remain on second, but the batter was ordered hack. Pfanstill and a substitute batter for Nutt both struck out and Franzen was thre*wn out by Steinmetz. One hit, no runs. The tabulated score: Libertyville R. H. J. Dofler, ss . .IX ® Finstead, lstl> . .0 0 R. Dofler, c . .1 Ritta, 3rd b ....^1 Fitzgerald, 2nd b«.0 Krumrey, cf^*.*.0 Pfanstill, If ..... .0 Nutt, r£ . Franzen, p McHeSff v King, t f . . . . . . Rossman, 3rd b Conway, 3rd b. Thelen, 2nd b .. Meyers, 1st b . Duppler, c 3 R. .1 . .0 . 2 .-.0 .1 Warner, ss P a l m e r , I f . . 0 Breen, If ..... .• Bolger, c# . . .0 Steinmets, p 24 11 PO A. • 1 & 1^1. 11 11 S'. i - 4 4 27 6 3 Score By Innings L i b e r t y v i l l e . . . . . . . 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f t -- 3 McHenry ...0 0012001 X--4 Left on bases: Libertyville, 6; McHenry, 5. Home run: Conway. Three base hits: Meyers, R.. Dofler. Two base hit: Duppler. Struck out: By Steinmetz, 11; by Franzen, 8. Bases on balls: Off Franzen, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Conway, Duppler, Bolger, Steinmetz, Krumrey. Certainly, we trade at Erickson*s. CALL TAX ROLL NEXT WEEK 1921 amount of reM|(p||il^that for them sho^ lWct the be a larger success than year. Anyone desiring may have same by writing t6 E. Morris, Sec., Woodctock, 111. The races will be better this year than ever before. The follows: Wednesday, Attgturt 24 . - 2 : 1 2 p a c e . . . . . . . . . . v . M 0 0 2:19 trot .........'fiw.Vi... .$300 2:30 county arfMtt' . . | 3 0 0 Thunday, August » 2:19 pace .$400 2:25 trot $300 2:25 pace .$300 Friday, 2 * 16 trot ..... . .*•*,. * i'*. ? • • $400 2:15 pace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 0 0 2:80 trot .$300 The officers of this year's fair are as follows: • F. A. Walter, president; F. J. Green, vice president; H. E. Morris, secretary; John M. Hoy, treasurer; C. F. Renich,' J. C. Miller, C. W. Harrison and F. M. McConnell, directors. Following are the superintendents of the various departments: General superintendent, J. M. Holiday; speed, Dr. W. W. Lichty; privileges, J. C. Miller; agricultural building,/ Fayette Thomas; machinery, W. p. Bartelt; auto show, H. H. Mershon; manufacturer building, Walter B. K Morris; beef cattle, D. J. Olmstead; Rogers; fine arts, Mrs. Fred Bowen; textile - fabrics, Mrs. J. M. Holiday; oraaeental needlework, Mrs. JosefaMS. Wainwright; youth's and old ladies, Mas Georgia Eckert; culinary, Mrs. C. H. Schaaf; education, A. M. Shelton; boys' and girls' club exhibits, T. H. Murray. ^ Plaiadealer ads bring resOlte JWmSHARP Ik* mw v «k A* $tmtm Evcalwp Is absoimdijr &&&*> the peoeB that is always sharp 3rd never sharpened, always ready for smooth, easy writing,aadbeaumade for lifelong servicc. Eversharp prices, witib IS indies of Evordiaipi^ads/ «P. Sold by^'." 5 N.H.-PETESCH Druggist Phone 118-J ) .-.j„,.,j .- . ' f <j sf f t ' • ^ mm r k*r. • % r; • fti-' OFFICERS C. B. FCGERS, / -PRESIDENT r. S. WEBSTER, --VICE PRESIDENT SIMON STOFFEL, --VICE PRESIDENT CARL W. STENGER, --CASHIER GERALD I CAREY, --ASST. CASH I EH i v - . ' ' • ' V " ' ' ' 1v . 4 ^ ^ \A. ^ \ 1 ' **• ^^ $ . < - ^ i, , *- ':A A ljank account has never been the cause ol d ISM failure. vra.lTk* ^ . Yr ^ : "C-I 4 - ' '7 -I, <J I .# - t C. P * *** • ->5 'V ' ' ' 1-^' •C ' ** \ r. ^ - • i» " , r. a 'v> ••j, W' : . ' • A. ,v>'.5 A -'-f i -j 'i* f" . '?l* i.n' , " ft.: m*'* ."iiaiUiii DIRECTORS E. L WAGNER, '• CHAIRMAN C. •. fEGERS P. S. WEBSTER S1N0N STOTFEL P. B. WATTLES r. A. B0&ANDEK W. E. BRADLEY RICBARD B. WALSB yfiw-w, K- i-**] Review .Board to Begin With Taxpayer* In the Town of Riley [Harvard Herald] > Next week at Woodstock the coring ty board of review will begin work of I interviewing taxpayers whose assessskied to ments are below figures the board be- Bolger. Ritta hit to center. Bolger j iieves they should be. Taxpayers of made a pretty try but could not get a the town of Riley will start the roll, it good hold on the pill. Fitzgerald |8 intended, and thereafter will come Bkied to Meyers and Krumrey fouled | property owners from Marengo, to be to Duppler. One hit, no runs. 'followed in rotation by Dunham, Che- McHenry: Duppler fanned. War- mung, Alden, Hartland and so on unner skied to Fitzgerald and Breen, til the seventeen towns are completed. who had replaced Palmer in left field, fouled to Ritta. No hits, no runs. Seventh inning: Pfanstill was hit by a pitched ball. Nutt skied to Conway. Franzen skied to Thelen and J. Dofler lifted a short fly 1» Breen in lefjt: No hits, no runs. McHenry: Bolger skied to Ifcitta. PU inmetz struck out and King rolled No hits, no runs. inning: Finstead fanned. i instead. T'ghth R. Dofler was safe on Warner's fumble. Ritta struck out and Fitzgerald pkied to Breen. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Conway was hit by a pitched ball and stotfe second.' Thelen skied to Pfanstill in left. Meyers scored Conway with a triple to center. Duppler struck out and Warner was thrown out by J. Dofler. One hit, one run. - •' : • : ' £ Ninth inning: Krumrey shot a stogie over short and then was caught off the bag. The entire Libertyville team was on its feet in less time than it takes to tell it, declaring that Steinmetz had made a balk. The runner Review board members will complete the work ^ of comparing assessments by the end of this week, it is expected, assessors of Dorr and McHenry having returned their books during the past week, which has delayed the rou tine duties of the board to some ex tent That there is a marked increase in the amount of improvements made on farm buildings in most every town of the county is the statement that come* from F. W. Walters, chairman of the board, who says this disclosure iu an, evidence of improved conditions^ The improvements cover building alteration, additions and in some instances new structures, tho the con tinued high prices of building materials have deterred the work, Mr, Walters says. - Edgewater Lots \ V"' Are 'easy of access to the iW# and within walking distance to the village. Fox River Realty Co. Special week end sale at Erickson's store. ;A*: V- f • f i f ' ,,;y i sf* -• • *!&;>.< m ^v>: r; >:4V V:lV m, 'j. • ,.sS>, i £.4^ rJ'»*; S -• «- r;' ' *' • '•& --V " " / . ' MY DAD'S farortts yan^; • • • WAS THE one aboat THE OLD storekeeper.' WHO WAS playing ekeeipan. • • • IN THE back of tho stoi* , • *' it'" AMONG THE coal oU. -- -,\ • AND THE prunes. ^ ^ WHEN THE sherUTvv* L , ' ' WHO HAD jtaat iwmpsi hie klac. • • • •AID "SI there's a aasto--»• • • • WAITIN' OUT fktmt.N AND SI said "Sh-bk! • • • ** IF YOU'LL ke^> quiet MEBBE HE'LL go awayJf NOW HERE'S the M| # • • WHEN A good thlag. • • • HAPPENS ALONG. • • • DONT LEAVE It • • • TO GRAB the gra^ raN,1#i * .*4. YOU HE R Ot m • • a OR READ about a smoke. • • • THAT REALLY does • • • THAN PLEASE the taefea. • • • THERE ARE no hooltt 00 • • • THERE'S NO law agatBst • • • YOUR STEPPING up. WITH THE other live oftss • • • AND 8AYING right 0^ IN A load, clear "GIMME A padk of. f ?»r. 'A,. . ,4 ] * * * 1 1, . m* J •>*$ THOSE CIGARETT«% v,^ .-"f",; • • • y .r>* I THAT SATISFY.- A ,r'f I such flavor, such mild but full-bodied tobacco goodness. You're right, too, because they don't make other cigarettes like Chesterfields. The Chesterfield hlcnd eon" be copied. I', Mmm yom mmmn thm mm fe;; ' AtR - TIGHT tmm mf S&f v f . ^ v V * j •*' V *. -• "'te j « » > f v
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