gPSPP* .00 REWARD for information lead-1 # to the recovery of male brindle | '0.. W. Smm Chicago passendog, pointed ears, sharp nose, j ger Tuesday morninjr. and other building material. Men, West McHenry, 111. lik SALE--Threenew; grafonolas. Wfi! be sold uj: factory prices. M. A. Thelen, West McHenry, III. 6-tf FOR SALE--Three choice Holstein cows with calves by side. Inquire of B. J. Adams, West McHenry. 8-tf FOR SALE--A house and four lots on West Side. A bargain for somebody. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 43 rat tail, white breast, answers to the name of Pep. Children's pet. Notify Plaindealer. 6-3t FOR SALE--A seven room bungalow. [ All modern conveniences. Green ! street, McHenry. H. J. Schaffer, McHenry, 111. Phone $3-W. 5-tf I* OR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about two miles east-of McHenry; the Smith . estate farm of 82 acres at Lake De- in their new home on the east fiance and the house and lot east of -Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H«wl«y ate entertaining company from Chicago. When you want the finest quality groceries you naturally go to Erickson's store. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoy are all the Fox river bridge in .McHenry. S. H. Freund, McHenry, UL Phone 643- M-2. 41-tf WANTED--Two acres or lots on river front. Give price, location and terms in first letter. C. Sorensen, 4305 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago, 111. 8-2t* FOR SALE---Six cylinder, 7 passenger Buick touring car in good running order; also a 5 passenger Chevrolet sedan, nearly new. Schaefer Bros., McHenry, 111. Phone 49. 6-tf FOR SALE--The house on Green street known as the Jack Bishop home, consisting of six rooms. Furchaser must move same from premises. Wm. Pries, McHenry, 111. 3-tf FOR SALE--Beautiful wooded lots with good bathing beach on Fox river Prices very reasonable, at Clement Lodge sub-division, one-half mile south of McHenry bridge on river road. For prices and terms call or write R. F, Clement, Clement Lodge, McHenry, 111. 7-3t BABY CHICKS--Cut prices. *8.50 00 up. Postpaid anywhere. Assorted, white or brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Reds, W. Wyandottes, Buff Orps. Big hatchery, 600,- 000 chix. Get our prices first. Catalog free. Farrow-Hirsh Co., Peoria, 111. 43 Mr. and Mrs. James Makoiaey of Chicago passed Sunday guests of friends here, v Telephone No. 10S-B SIMON STOFFEL C |t Insurance agent for all classes oi •> property in the bast companies WEST McRKNRY. - ILLINOIS ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law •Pbooe It Wert McHenry. IlL McHENRY POfiT, NO. 491 American Legion Regular meetings every Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. All exservice men welcome. DR. WENDELL A. DIEBOLD Osteopathic Physician Stevens Bldg, Chicago Treatments' by appointment . only. Phone Crystal Lake 184. Regular trips Mondays and Thursdays. ARNOLD'S Smoked Medts Have you ever tried Arnold's smoked meats? If not, come in today and give them a trial as we are certain of their quality. Our line of canned goods, bakery and vegetables is always complete and our minute-service goes with each and every order. Buy your table needs here and go home satisfied. WATER STREET - MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop! I s Ifs the inner man whom we serve and so well are we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we have just what you want in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vege-. tables, Canned Goods and Bakery. Our prompt delivery system at your service. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone M PHILIP JAEGER •' GENERAL COriMtSSlON MERCHANT - .v.' . SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF • Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, ' ^ Hides, Etc., Butter >|d Eggs ttarfe the oldasthoase on the street Tags stag prtaaMatjl te application Stall i * 3. Pultoa St. Wkotaaala Market COLD STORAGE FREE CH ICAGO, ILLINOIS. --"RED DRAGON" TEAS-- are Btrictly May pickings prepared from tea grown in the choicest gardens in Japan. They are scientifically blended and fired so as to produce a tea superior to any other in strength, flavor and general excellence. These teas are especially packed in moisture proof packages which preserves the delicate flavor •ad prevents deterivation. Will make more cups of delicious tea than cheaper grades, therefore more economical to use. ...Me 1 pound package___.75e* " SOLD ONLY BV JOHN STOFFEI#^^;. •*» ' ^VEST McHENRY W; H pound package. FOR • "v' Sf .. ^Saturday and' Sunday ^ lllso Chocolate and Straw- " • f h- berry ice cream. Any flavor „ . ice cream made to special . order. We cater to socials, . f picnics and parties and McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. fll!i '"Uliij^HlilH UI10I Jpi jf|l» 1 liL J 'ill. ^ fljpip ip 1,»| my mm Wrim side of town. Sheet music, all the latest and most popular lumbers, at the Everett music store, McHenry. Mrs. Clay Rager spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Afttcliff, at Richmond. About a dozen from Ringwoo(l went to Lake Geneva Saturday to see the Sells-Floto circus. The Merwin and Ritter families spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fay. Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Lillian, are spending the week with friends at Hammond, Ind. • Mr. and Mrs. O. Wolkos of Milwaukee, Wis., are visiting relatives and friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin spent last week with their daughter, Mrs. C. Jepson, and family. Miss Gene Ingram, who is working' in the watch factory at Elgin, was a Sunday guest in the Kane home. Mrs. J. D. Smith and son, Howard, of Champaign are visiting in the W. E. Smith and Edson Hodge homes. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beth, daughter, Cora, and son, William, spent the week end with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Hodge received the sad news of the death of their niece, Miss Dorothy Hodge, at Lake Geneva Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and family of Park Ridge and Miss Harriet Hellyer of Elgin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith. Mrs. Geo. Gookin. and daughter, Mrs. A. Toscher, of Manchester, New Hampshire, spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith. Quite a number of our town people attended the chautauqua at Richmond last week. All who attended report splendid programs every day and we hope Richmond will have another chautauqua next year. Carl Richardson of Elgin, formerly of Ringwood, was brought here for burial Saturday. He was born at London, Canada, July 16, 1849, and came to Spring Grove when a small boy. I He was married to Miss Nellie Ingalls on Oct. 26, 1871. They lived on the farm now owned by Ed. Peet, later moving to Elgin, where he entered the , employ of the Elgin national watch factory. He passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clyde H^yford, at Crystal Lake on Thursday as a result of a paralytic stroke. He is survived by a widoW1, one daughter and four grandchildren. His son, Ralph, preceded him in death several years ago. The family has many relatives and friends here, who extend their deepest sympathy at this tlme« •»" TERRA COTTA Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry spent Sunday with relatives here. N. J. Justen of McHenry called in this vicinity last Thursday. Robert E. Sutton of Chicago'was a caller here last Thursday. It means dollars saved when you bring your shopping list to Erickson's store. Frank Spraud spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan. Miss Frances Knox spent last Friday with Miss Mabel' Kanka at Algonquin. % Mrs. J. H. Gracy is spending a few weeks with relatives and friends in Wisconsin* Harry and Walter McCollum of Crystal Lake were recent callers at S. B. Leisner's. Phonograph records for all makes of machines at. the Everett music store, McHenry. Miss Gertrude Klein and Fred and William Klein spent a day last week at Ray McMillan's. Elton Huffman of Crystal Lake called at the home of S. B. Leisner one evening last week. Rev. James D. O'Neill of Highland Park was calling on friends in this vicinity last Thursday. Misses Eva and Neva McMillan left Inn* Thursday for Michigan, where they are visiting friends. Mr. aftd Mrs. M. A. Conway and daughter of McHenry called on Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner recently^ ; '""" OSTEND Star pianos at the Everett mtttic store, McHenry. John Matyas and family made a trip to Aurora Sunday. Alvin Weiss and Roy Hobart motored to Woodstock Saturday evening and called on the former's parents. S. S. Rogers is recovering nicely from his recent illness and was able to drive a team to the milk factory one day last week. Grandma Pierce is recovering from cuts and bruises received from her fall as well as could be expected for a ninety-two-year-old grandma. Friends have received word from Frank L. Franciso that he has moved from Bushnell, 111., where he has been so long at work in a creamery, to Iowa City, Iowa. The threshing company in the west end of Ostend, the Clerk neighborhood, and 1 the Bull Valley company have both finished threshing and stored the machine in winter quarters. 4f . A. Abbott, a former resident of is neighborhood, has been suffering from a* very bad sore foot, caused by a scratch on his ankle. At this writing he is very much improved and will soon be out again. JOHNSBURG Mrs, Frank Miller was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. Do your trading where the dollar goes the farthest, at Erickson's. Miss Barbara Smith passed the week end as the guest of friends at Kenosha, Wis. . Farmers thruout the locality were very much pleased with the rain which visited the section the first of the week. A rumor has been circulated about the vicinity of late to the effect that Johnsburg is to lose one of her busi- NAL mSfiNAL Dr. w& Mrs. J. E. Wheeler were Elgin visitors lut Saturday* Michael Weston of Woodstock spent last Saturday with relatives here. Ralph McConnell of Woodstock spent the week end as the guest of McHenry friends. Miss Emily Rorer fit Omaha, Neb., passed several weeks as the guest of Mrs. Jas. Button. Miss Celia Merry of Hebron passed the first of the week as the guest of Miss Esther Stoffel. William Buttner of Chicago was a ness men. Whether or not there is week end guest in the home of Mr. any foundation to the rumor we have i *nd Mrs. W. J. Walsh been unable to learn. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery Rev. Wm. Weber, beloved-pastor <rf j and daughter, Beverly, were Chicago St. John's Catholic church here, who visitors last Wednesday. has not been in the best of health for ! Wm. J. Welch returned home last some time past, went to Chicago last! Friday from a several days' visit with Friday, where he entered Alexian Brothers' hospital for treatment. < Reports from Chicago are to the effect that the pastor "is getting on very nicely. Thru an oversight we last week | Thursday from a several weeks failed to mention the death of William jwith friends at Denver, Colo. relatives at Glencoe Minn. Mrs. Ed. Comiskey and son, Dan, of Chicago are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCabe. Peter M. Justen returned home last visit •iflHaiyia Mrs. P. G. Peterson of Hals tin called oil friends in tcwa 9ne day tins N. J. Jasten and Robt. E. Sutton motored to Clinton, Iowa, last week where they passed several days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Matthews of Wauconda passed Sunday as guests in the home of Wt. and Mrs. H«nry B. Schaefer. Col. Howard R. Perry of Camp Grant, Rockford, spent Sunday as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garritgr of Chicago are spending a week's vacation at the home of the latter's parents, lir, and Mrs. P. J. Schoewer. Niesen, a former resident, which oc-1 Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin spent Crystal Lake has been purchased by curred at Fargo, N. D., where he had < last Wednesday evening with her parmade his home during the past few'«nts, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. years. The remains were brought here for burial. He was a brother of Mrs. Jos. H. Huemanp and Mrs. Geo. Nell. Rev. Geo. Nell of Effingham, 111., was here to officiate at the funeral. Greenwood Defeats Johnsburg ' In a close and exciting battle the Greenwood Sox defeated the Johnsburg All Stars at Johnsburg last Sunday aftenfeon 8 to 7. J. R. Schmitt and Freund did the pitching | for Johnsburg, while J. N. Schmitt caught. Drury, Avang and Clark performed the battery work for the winners. The line-ups and scores follow: Johnburg-- A. Huff, left field. Adams, 2nd base and center field. J. N. Schmitt, catcher. J. R. Schmitt, pitcher & short stop. Freund, short stop and pitcher. Michels, 1st base. B. Schmitt, center Hanley, 2nd base. v J. Huff, right field. Greenwood-- Drury, pitcher. Shreck, left field. ' Clark, short stop and catcher, . Gaylord, 1st base. t-V... % Lamburt, right fielf, C. Doolittle, 2nd ballfe . Avang, catcher and 2nd bate. E. Doolittle, 3rd base. Chase Doolittle, center fielct. Greenwood .4 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0--8 Johnsburg 0 0040000 8--7 Next Sunday the Johnsburg team will meet the McHenry Cubs on the Johnsburg diamond and another good game is expected. VOLO Shoes and hosiery ftotf all of the family at Erickson's. Mrs. Rose Dunnill is caring % her daughter at Round Lake. Mrs. Jas. Kirwin visited ' with friends at Round Lake last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson ware calling on friends at Libertyville last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon and children spent Sunday with friends at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie and children of Wauconda were calling on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Vasey and children were Crystal Lake Wallers on Wednesday evening last. E. G. Huson and daughter, Marion, of Elgin are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frost attended the movies at the Empire theatre in McHenry Saturday evening. Mrs. Jennie Cossman returned to her home in Elgin Wednesday after a several days' visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger and sons of Wauconda were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Walton Sunday. Mrs. M. Sabel and Misses Viola Wagner and Adeline .JEtossdeutscher are visiting^ friends at Milwaukee, Wis. -- • ADDITIONAL PERSONAL J. B: Kelter of Chicago 'passed the week end as the guest of McHenry friends. Mrs. C. W. Gibbs and Mrs. Jack Walsh and daughters, Mary Pender and Catherine, passed the Monday with relatives in Elgin. Miss Catherine remained for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton ami family, Mrs. Fannie Ov.erton of Solon Mills and Mrs: Wm. Cowen of Harvard motored to the Dells of Wisconsin last week, where they spent a few days. Mrs. Barbara Probst of Chicago is spending the summer as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. Mrs. Probst is planning on again spending the winter months at Miama, Fl$^ where she wintered last year. Rev. Wm. E. Grosse'" of "Chicago, a few years ago pastor of the M. E. church in this village, fnade this office a short but very pleasant call on Friday morning of last week. The pastor and his wife had been guests in the John C. Cooper summer home at Riverdale on Fox river. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Peters of Chicago, who bear the distinction of being among the oldest resorters at Pistakee Bay, have just returned from a month's trip thru the New England states. They were accompanied home by Mrs. M. D. Berlitz of New York City, who is spending some time at the Peters summer home at Pistakee. Mrs. Berlitz is the wife of the late Prof. Berlitz, one of the world's most noted linguist and is a sister of Mrs. Peters Dr. Jos. O'Neil of Highland Park passed last Friday as a guest in the home of Misses B. and Mary Doherty. 1. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGES Costs and fines amounting to $10 were assessed against a young man at Crystal Lake one day last week for appearing on the streets attired in his bathing suit only. Just what lie had coming to him. The Lake Shore hotel property at a syndicate of Chicago men, who will transform the place into an exclusive country club. Possession of the property will be given about the middle of September. BeaMtaa they insisted upon , _ a number of Elgin girls wfto ware- (mining in Crystal lake one day loai week, three Carpentersville youths were hauled before a Crystal justice. Each of the three lads paid cost£ and fines amounting to -r Executor's Notice * ,, Afford H. Pouse, Atty. » Estate of Adolph Krcpel, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Executrix of the last Wiii and Testament of Adolph Krepel, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the October Term, on the first Monday in October next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same ad-' justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imiaft» diate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 25th day of July, A. J}. 1921. Henrietta Krepel, Executrix. fl Six special police officers have sworit in at Crystal Lake in order that the summer crowds at the lake may be better regulated. All of the men are serving without pay, but are given full police power. * r 1 * / a . . rJr _„.j®S®Sfl§ K-fft T? 1-j f • "It Serves Him Right We alt *hen ^ bear of a man being held up andirobbed of five or tlx hundred dollars. Nevertheless, the dormant dollars lying aroun Olir homes are as unprotected as were the llDed pockets 6f the victim of the hold-up. If you have savings at home ask yourself this Question. "Is it better to leave money at home or to put it in the bank where it is always available-- Jtfways safe and always working?? Fox River Valley State Bank JOS. C. HOLLY, Cask McHenry, Allinoi* FREMONT HOY, Pfw. W, The Interstate^ Gommerce Gommission has semi-officially announced that fj£*ght fates cannot be lowered before- February 1st, 1922. Coal consumers allf over the country ftdivti delayed placing orders expecting a reduction in freight rates and in consequence thereof there will be a rush for fuel that will be* difficult to handle. Don't make the mistake of putting off buying your winter supply of fuel until the mines get swamped with appeals for coal and the railroads are congested with f h* %e)*ave ajpod supply of the following in stock: Coal Soft Coal 3x2 NutR 6x3 Egg Indiana Block »Solvay Coke Pet Nut 4 Egg -":v.. Pocahontas ^ Phone No. 5 and we will be IfQiir requirements. . ... ,r pleased to take care PHONE m WEST McHENRY, ILL* PHONE -Ji-' W: mmsst %'£!£&•-Si