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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1921, p. 7

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ith« ?t portable gas M An uu ttrely new principle. Gives concentrate^ heat energy and directs the heat^ rays in manner that an electric does. Costs less than 2Vi cents an hour torun. For small rooms, offices and cozy corners. Can be tilled at any angle. Vou can put it on a shelf or table and tilt it down or you can put it on the floor and tilt it up. Price $15.00 ^ i Western United Gis snd Electric foapty ^£3 -3® •m 200 Bushels <St BALDWINS " WEALTH*; GREENINGS vl :'.vS v$f;' rV*5 i Suitable for putting away for the winter. Fineeating as *jveH a*" cooking. v , M. M. Niesen McHenry PfcKK* Ml * tAPPV part ya CHOICE HEATS LIKE I THESE APPEAL,D>HC| _ FOR pure FOODS • SEEM SO REAtTfc WE r\0 pure foods seem so real to you? Do you realize the necessity of providing your pantry with the proper meat provisions? Give us a chance to supply your larder. You'll find our <3$t surek •FRETTS* ll^ET* GROCERY fptsr.msrNdKNffr.itL PHONE I - MILLER lORTABLE LAMPS; (No. L 2634) ; \,ki^4.. . : % i **Y.^ v^..> '•r*fir'r Dollars Down $1 each month t <>* ' ' -• \ X \ •W, : 'v-£ yv we invite you to inspect our stock of these remarkably fine lamps sold at remarkably low prices. 'Ml-:*'} > ipijthcr--'"Mr bq% lt'« wonderful how you hm tapMwad «tooe I haw beea plafla« year a accompaniment* oa the Oulb.»n«€H." The Son--"Ym, mocha, fc help* me • lot." -Your first week with a Gulbransen, you can learn to i^j>lay acceptably the kind of music you would stumble over after five years of hand practicing. You . ;n£an prove this in ten minutes at any Gulbransen f^)ealer's store. Please do it Find out what thy. Gulbransen will do for you and yours.: " ,.7r v . Huemann, West MctJenry i"1"'- "qtj-'.' X- .• .»*. •" •Z* "ly^Y has come to be recognized as the* best sold in this territory. This has been made possible thru our long experience at the business coupled with the sanitary and up-to-date methods employed in the manufacture of our cream. Our service too is perfect in every detail, thus enabl- McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. WHOLESALE & RETAIL • O of his son, Mrsj? ! Winif rnbik Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS f 7- %S Mrs. Ed. Dates of Delavan, visiting relatives in town wees. Miss Sue Harrison spent th* week her sisfcr, Margaret, at Graystakc. . _ Butter mx& Maxwell Beth v||lted the Bowman J'&t Tuesday. PhaWBjmji^ necords for all ai the Everett »uak The Dorcas society of Greenwood i were guests of Mrs. Raymond Harri- |f»tt last Saturday. | lir. and Mrs. Frank Hawley from iPftrk Ridge spent the week end in the ] home of E. C. Hawley. Miss Edith Bacon of Red Oak, Iowa; is visiting? her uncle and aunt, Ms. Mrs, C. D. Bacon. Mrs. Emma Brown and Miss MdKha Dmfley spent Saturday with Miss Snana Madsen at Hebron. Miss Corabel McOmber of DeKalb spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. Mrs. John Gould and two daughters of Woodstock spent the week end with her parents, Mr. r.nd Mrs. Balon Now is the time to market your surplus poultry. We pay cash for same. McHenry P. 4 E. Co. "Phone 111-R. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Johonnott at Terre Haute, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hewes and Mr. and Mrs. John Francisco of Hebron were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith and Mrs. Emma Brown were Sunday guests of relatives at Delavan, Wis. J. E. Oristy )and son, Jay, of Wau paca, Wis., s^ent several days last week around, town, looking after business interests and calling on old friends. 200 bushels of apples, Baldwin, Wealthy and Greenings, now at our store at $2.25 per bushel. Fine eating apples and good for storing away for winter. M. M. Niesen, phone 40 Come to the Woodman hall, Oct. 28. There will be fun for everyone. The hall will be open at six o'clock so that everyone will have a chance to buy candy, souvenirs, eats, etc. The pro gram will begin promptly at 8:00 ! o'clock. Adults, 26c; children, 16c. Opening Chorus Jack-o'-Lantern Scene I--Cornfield Song--"Jolly Jack-O'-Lantern1 Edmund Whiting and Chorus Hie Chase. .Pumpkin Head & Chorus Intermission--10 Minutes Jfluaic. Dorcas FOBS, piano; Maxwell Beth, saxophone Visit our candy booth Scene II--Brownie Land The Brownies' Dance.... Hist! Hist! The Performers Brownies Ten Little Brownies.... Brownie Men Intermission--15 Minutes .. Buy a souvenir Scene III--Goblin's Hofl||^ Softg--"Little Orphan Annie^v ...» Ardis and Mercede# Whiting Song---"Hollowe'en" Julia McLaughlin and Helen Lawrence Goblins' Dance and Speech .. .Goblins Intermission--15 Minutes • Buy a paddle Seen* IV--Witches' Cavern, Spookville Broomstick Dance Six Witches The Ghost Parad* Six Ghosts f Intermission--10 MinutM 7 :.Buy eats -Scene V--Fairjrtand^. Fairies' Dance Eight WMes Visit of Fairy Queen Goodnight. .James Lawrence A Chorus Brownies--Harry Roach, Cecil Rager, Delbert Whiting, Roy Welter, Francis Hanison, James Thompson, Leonard Brown, Frank Brown, Edmund Whiting. Pumpkin Head.. Edmund Whiting. Witches--Ardis Whiting, Julia McLaughlin, Frances Young, Edna Peet, Olive Jepson, Zura Whiting. Ghosts--Gordon Larson, Florence 01sen„ Robert Roach, Viola Rager, Kenneth Merchant, Helen Lawrence. Goblins--Kenneth Roach, Melvin Whiting, Thomas Darrow, William Thompson. ^ Fairies--Mercedes Whiting, Mary Althoff, Helen Whiting, Marian Peet, Alice Peet, Mina Lawrence, Cilice Larson, Josephine Williamson.^ VOLO - Yo* save wfcen you trade at Brtekson's. Star pianos at the Everett music store, McHenry. Mrs. John Capalla spent the past week with friends here. Ves Wagner and family were Waukegan visitors Wednesday. Miss Anna Compton is tha guest of her sister at present writing. Mrs. S. J. Russell and daughters were Waukegan visitors last Saturday. The social at the M. E. church on w«dnMday of last week waa a suecms. Mrs, Jennie Cossman *of Elgin visited Tier mother and -sister here the past week, John Walton and Jason Walton spent Sunday with Mrs. Walton in Waukegan. Mrs. D. Ames and Mrs. Roberts of Waukegan were calling on friends here last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. White of Grayslake have located in the factory and will 111-R. J- John J&raacke fitor last Thursday. waa a Chicago via, Misses Margaret and Barbara Smith spent Thursday of last week in Chicago. Stephen H. Smith was a business visitor in McHenry last Saturday afternoon. Miss Helen Adams attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last Thursday. Sheet music, all the latest and most popular numbers, at the Er«r«tt music store, McHenry. Quite a few of our young people attended a dance at Twin Lakes last Saturday evening. Fred Schaefer of Chicago passed the week end as a guest in the home of his parents here. Alfred Debreeht of Chicago passed the week end aa the guest of his father, J. C. Dabrecht, Rev. Nick Schmitt of Oklahoma is a guest in the of hie parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt, Miss Eva Schaefer is quite ill at this writing and her many Mends [hope that she may soon recover. "Stubby" Smith, life and fire insurance agent, represents three of the oldest and best companies in existence. Misses Rose Miller and Frances Freund passed the week end as the guests of relatives and friends in Chicago. Now is the time to market your surplus poultry. We pay cash for same. McHenry P. A E. Co. Phone 111-R. Miss Maynte Smith, who has been quite ill, is slowly recovering, a fact which will be pleaafatg nenrs to her many friends. Mr and Mrs. Henry Hettermann motored to Milwaukee, Wis., Tuesday, where they visited Mrs. William Knift, who is confined to a hospital in that city. Dr. A. Mueller and Jacob Ktntr the Chicago Murleys trim the Woodstock Legion team at football at the fair grounds at Woodstock last Sunday afternoon. 200 bushels of apples, Baldwin, Wealthy and Greenings, now at our store at $2.25 per bushel. Fine eating apples and good for storing away for the winter. M. M. Niesen, phone 40. Quite an exciting ball game -was staged here last Sunday between the Bunker Hill club and the Johnsburg Stars. In the fourth inning Johnsburg substituted some of the older players and with their assistance succeeded in bringing home another victory. Score 9 to 4. Mr. Macentock has made his annual trip from Chicago for the purpose of getting the furnace at the church ready for the winter service. The Chicagoan makes this trip each year and as a consequence the parishioners have the satisfaction of knowing that the heating system is in first-class working order. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Miller, who reside northwest of this place, celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary at their home last Sunday by inviting a large number of their immediate relatives to pass the day with them. At the noon hour a bountiful chicken dinner was served, while a palatable meal was also served in the evening. The afternoon and evening were passed at cards and in a social way. The couple were married by the late Rev. H. M. Mehring at Johnsburg on Oct 16, 1901. One of the real pleasant surprises of the day was the unexpected arrival at the scepe of merriment of Mrs. Jacob R. Justen from Cando, N. D. The couple were showered with congratulations and gifts. William Meyers of this place has been awarded the mason contract and Jacob Miller the carpenter work on quite a large summer home to ha erected at Riverdale on the west bank of Fox river porth of here this fall and winter. The home, which will have a full basement, will be erected for Chas. Finkle of Chicago, who purchased the lot next to the Reed cottage last spring. According to Mr. Meyers work on the foundation will begin at once and the construction will continue thruout the winter, sc that the place may be ready for occupancy early next spring. According to plans the house will have all of the modern conveniences, including light, heat and water systems, and when completed will be one of the finest and most expensive along that shste of the riVet*. TERRACOTTA Coming, a smashing driv* M* shoe prices at Erickson's. Miss Margaret Grant of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Agnes Bertram of Crystal Lake visited friends hare Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin of McHenry visited at S. B. Leisner's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Grew# of Woodstock visited relatives here last Thursday evening. Miss Eleanor Conway of McHenry spent Saturday evening with Miss Mary Conway. Miss Elisabeth Millar of McHenry spent Saturday evening with Miss Eleanor Ph»lin. Frank Spraud of' Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Frank McMillan Sunday. Misses Gertrude and Clara Klein spent Saturday afternoon and evening returned Mendaj visit Indianapolis, Ind., W||MMky evening to see hit ill. Miss Plnijpri with the teachers of Lake schools, visited the Cfa»g» Friday. Now is tike time to aprimt your surplus poultry. W« cash for same. McHenry' P, & Phone 111-R. John J. Riley, a wall known and highly respected resident of this vicinity for many years, died at the West Side hospital in Chicago Tuesday, following an operation. Mr. Riley had been in poor health for some time and had submitted to an operation in hopes of recovering his heal til. &e ltoon Mrs. Earl Wilcox of Marengo, Barnard J. Shine and Lillian of Chicago and Alice of Terra Gotta, oa* asnted with son, Raymond J. of Indfcknapo] Sa.l»L, five grandchildren, threw sisters/Mrs. P. Dolan and Mary Riley of Chicago and Mrs. Foley of St. Charles and two brothers, M"k cf Chicago and Ed, of Barrington, besides many other relatives and a host of friends, who will mourn his sudden death«» Surprise Miss Van N«H* Miss Gladys Van Natta was surprised last Friday evening what fourteen junior and senior girls met at her hyne on Waukegan street to cale- The music, da iiijiii original a very freshmen ts hour and Miss Vj present were: Mines Mildred N*a, Arline llprlawi, Ma^jp. Walsh, Lillian Doherty, Viola Dorothy Walsh, Harriett Bobb, Sob!???!®, Maiy jEKna Florence Conway, Esther Felts, Rote Feffer and Gladys Van Natta. GRAYS LAKE THSA1 Dedicated to the silent draflSa senting photo plavs of known Fine natures and classy « Every Wednesday, Satlffaky day evening at 7:30 and 9:10 o'clock. Toe Star-- Moderate Prices :-1m i ' 4u tne man wnO |boney working all the time, our Certifi cates of Deposit will appeal. - 4« : ; > -^4.' • t "*• -|»c tf ^ * ^ ' ' v > " < r"- y ^ % ese Certificates provide an excep- ! ^ #onal method for the investment of tem- r ^ 1!; ~ fluctuate--are always » porarily idle funds. -They PWA-Ai'«.J ; > •, ;• ') + >*.1 " JOS. C, HOLLY, McHenry, Illinois FREMONT HOY, ftm. ffiPSSW' r*-j% qfhat are full or MPep made up so that they are sure to please. Just the thing that appeals to the young fellows. They are made with a belt all around, three-quarter or half belt, a good assortment of colors. Better come m and look them over while the selection is good K.-*T »S5 fWe have a good model for the older men. Full lined medium back. An all wool overcoat at $32.50 I- > v., [Mb r£4- " *" ..... ^ Ay.i mm Mma »?•**!$- ILLINOIS m "mm. hchenry McGee & Conway . - .V. • K Ok

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