ftOAD PB08PBCTO ENCOURAGING W iwluipM.WM(lrt«!k 8tr«(ek Built Next Year fee Be Today Supt. Russell received thus I the opportunity far ourselves and by reply: Nor. 1, 1921. ; passing it on to others. "I have your favor of the 29th re-! How to change the bad clothing-- qoestinp information as to policies |how to make up the bed without tiftag OB road construction in Lake county, ja helpless patient--how to bath the {Waukagan Gazette, Thurs., Ma*. 3) "Governor Small has, during the j sufferer and change his clothing-- Ow. Len Small, whp has personally j8Ummer, made a careful study of all {what are the sanitary precautions to trs?d!sd over all the highways j t-K« m»d? radiating in the various di- -.be taken--these are subjects to ha irradiating out of Chicago, has stated j rPCtions from Chicago. In fact, he j plained by the adviser and a local that two of the most needed improve- ^aj! driven over every road extending merits under the state bond issue are the Milwaukee road, which runs thru Libertyville and Grayslake to Antioch, and the Belvidere road from Waukegan to Milwaukee Ave., and from V«lo west to the county line, extending into-McHenry and Boone counties, and has urged the directors of the state highway department to rush these improvements with all possible speed. This means twenty-four miles out from Chicago, with a view of studying the traffic on those routes and the governor is thoroly convinced that those routes carry (he heaviest automobile traffic of any in the state, both touring cars and freight tracks. "As you are aware, work is progressing very well in practically all districts. The governor has stated to this department that he considers route No. 21 from Chicago to Antioch of state bond road work probably will; on£ Q£ fhe most important ones in the be started the first thing next spring. | from the standpoint of, traffic, On Oct, 29 Chas. E. Russell, pjunty an{j j,aS! urged that we push to comsuperintendent of highways', sent the j pjetion every mile of that route posfollowing letter Mr. C R. Miller. Director of Public Works and Btdgs., Springfield, 111. Dear Sir---Will you, so far as possible at this time, advise me as to the jjJjui contemplated by the state for the sible during the coming year. "He also considers route Na. 20 from Waukegan to Woodstock important and our highway division has been instructed to give prompt attention to those two routes, with a view of construction" at the earliest improvement of i-oads in Lake county | date far next year? ' : "I understand theft! b some ques- I realise that you may not at this t-on m ^ right of way between Lib- Sine V able to fully outline your P^ Jertyville ami Antioch. Is it not posc* a» in that respect, how^yet, my re-, for ynu to personally give this jpest is prompted by the following _ atten£ion by interesting the peoreasons: !ple Qf Libertyville so they will co- That the county may more intelHi- i operate ^th those between Libertygently plan its own next season's vjne an(j Antioch in promptly secur- •"k- mg this right of way? Also, because it is general know!- oAs #g is taken care of edge that the state is planning an w are ready to make a survey along extensive program for next year and t)]e line we establish after our hearnany questions are being asked as to ^ -n Chicago juiy of this year, with vhether our county is to get any part # vjew of beginning constructioit just exi *f so, how much of the mileage. , as spring weather will allo^. As you probably know of the many : ,«j am yery to comply with miles let in the last few months, our ; request by giving you this incoonty has not been on the list as yet; forTOation as it win enable hearty cofl> r any state bond work. | operation between the citizens ot Articles are now appearing m the j (>ounty an(i this department. Chicago press which convey the im-! "Yours very truly, pression that a "larjre amount of| c. R. Miller, Director." state work is to lie done in Lake coun- j : ty this next year; these statements) HOME BUREAU „ PLANS ape probably exaggerated, but we trust there is some foundation to them, otherwise they will only create feeling against the county and cause | The care of patients suffering from considerable local disappointment. ; contagious disease is the subject to be * Nevertheless, because of the im-j considered in the November meet- Chicago and thru traffic we ! ings of the Home Bureau. It is not <OMS«f$ ANir««i£*K Iff \ f w „ iNotiR Bimv * /«« Heen bjr PlaHideeler KciMrtm aiSt Hurtled lata Our (Mier (ki C«* Louis Rath'a. Mrs, D. M. Mm GeoJrge .R^'^ Anromari at each of these meetings. Everyone who has been confined to bed knows how much every effort made for his comfort helps not only in the relief of discomfort, but also in the entertainment to while away the long hours of waiting for the return of health. • ) We all admit the importance of! knowledge along these lines and we feel that the Home Bureau is doing a much needed service in putting this information within our reach. The units will hold their meetings as follows: Nov. 8--Riley, Mtsl Anthony's home. Nov. 9---Coral, Mrs. Nov. 10--Marengo, W right's* Nov. ll- Ridgefteld, Gorham's. Nov. l2---McHertry, Whiting. Nov. 15--Seneea, Mrs. drewa*. . Nov, 17--Punham, Mr».H.P. DonlW »rt " Sycamore Suttori^s. ; Nov. 30--Gfefcnwood, Fted Charles. " ' „ • ^ *v> , Dec. 7--Hartland, Mrs. Dan Desmond's. . s Because iof the conflict of other Rev. Chaa. Nix was a Chicago vteitor Monday. Mrs. Chas. E. Pultc was a Woodstock visitor Friday. Miss Nellie Doherty waa the guest of Elgin relatives over the week end. Mrs. Geo. Frisby and son, Thomas, were callers at W. A. Sayler's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and I children were Grayslake visitors Sunday." Miss Dorothy Knox passed the week end as the guest of relatives at Elgin. Mrs. E. E. Bassett passed last Friday as the guest of relatives at Woodstock. Robert Green and John Givens were business visitors at Elgin last Friday. Mrs. James Green and Mise Charlotte Madden were Chicago visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe and son, Charles, spent Sunday with relative*, in. Chicago. Frank May passed the latter part of last week na the guest of friends Mr. and Mrs; J. C. Holly and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Frazer motored to Chicago Sunday Misses Florence and Mabel Conway spent Friday as the "guest of relatives in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron and •T' Interest From 0«r lijbtftiffe ;jip. **®» SafMriatendent's Letter: Td Parents of High School The first quarterly examinations are I--;giy-en in mP h;?K ssKors! Wsd= nesday and Thursday of tida week. The report cards will probaMjr be sent home with the students the latter part of next week. It is hoped that the parents will carefully examine these reports. Past experiences show that fifteen per cent of the students can be expected to fail. These failures are due to a variety of causes, such as weak eyes, poor' health, too frequent absence, inattention, inability of the student to adapt himself to high school conditions, etc., but by far the greater number are due to neglect on the part of the parents to see that the student does the required amount of home study each school evening. Very few, if any, high school students would fail if the parents would require them to put in from an hour and a half to two hours of consistent study at' home each school evening. tWhen a student fails it does not mean necessarily that he is a poor student or that he is unable to do high school work. He may be able to carry a great deal more work than he has been taking. It does, however, make it necessary for the student to carry additional work during the rest of his high school course and this added burden is very likely to cause him to want to quit school- Practically all students who1 quit high school before completing the ne 121-4 McHenfry, Jack Nicholls AMD Ttt| AIm Well Drilling •« v- - A* -• v J. \. Phone 222-M. s A-' ;•".•'W': » > _ - i %-t •%* 'ji " 1 > • ~ 1-5 McHenry, ni. EXPHtr Otoh- %es Straight- " Igr my own speremoved by TwUghtSieep. Glasses I6npi IstoftaatianniaiBafmaajF PnmUBm 0. Carter, M. D. nmDAT-u •• it HAVE A GRADUATED AUCTIONEER TO CONDUCT YOUR SALE -f, ERNEST ROSING Geceral Auctioneer INGLES1DE, UdL Phone. Round Lake 33-W-I jCare of Patients Is Subject te Discussed During November activities, the 0ctobe^he m^"^b^ Mrs." John Miller "were"Crystal Lake [course do so because of having failed An/ii-ourc will visitors Sunday. . Anarews w p, A Parker Qf DesMoines, la., is year there were nineteen students- in here for an extended visit with his I high school who did not return to mother and sister. . school this year. Of this number only Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Smalley and three had not failed in the greater children of Woodstock called on rela- P*rt of their work, and of these three tives here Sunday. [two were very Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron passed Had the parents of these students relast Friday as guests of Natives and quired them to do the necessary home iends at Hebrofo I study each school evening it is most Miss Charlotte Madden Has returned Kkely that they would not have failed from a three weeks' I ^nd that most of the* would have Seneca was omitted. 15 meeting with Mrs. therefore have for discussion the October subject, "The Control of Communicable Disease," and the unit will laUr take up the regular November topic. Interest your friends, bring them to the meetings, 'show them they are missing an opportunity to gam needed „ . . help in times of emergency by not fnends at Hebroh. availing themselves of this source of PHILIP JAEGER t^QENERAL COflMtSSION MERCHANT information. to McHenry I returned to school this year. always possible to obtain a trained home on Fox river last Thursday even- of McHenry relatives. may be able, nurse to care for the sick, therefore! ing. Five hundred was played with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Schrauth spent]quarters renia_J"mK T^n.^c^^ memse receive, a large share is needed. Any information you b^ --j to advance in this, matter will be i j* behooves all to becoine informed in thoroly appreciated by the people of' regard to nursing a patient. The lake and adjoining counties. i University of Illinois, thru the Home j consolations went to Mr. and Mrs. C. Mrs. Frank Sflliman, ^ ^ jmm4 I should therefore like to say to t]ie Variety £lub Entertained " *«tal days this week with relatives in j Parents, that if, whfen this rs The members of the Variety chA Chicago and Aurora. ferly report comes home, mfindAjit were most delightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Fretind of I y°UI- chlld 1188 ^Rlled- ^ , ^ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Stilling at their Woodstock spent Sunday aR the guests • ^at he makes up this work. The I first quarter only passed, there are high honors going to Mrs. Geo. H. last Thursday as guests of Rev. Edw. Johnson and W. J.'Donavin, while the Berthold at Virgil, 111. Vernon and Walter Besley and Dar- Imake up this work. It is a real calamity for a Student to fail in any I of his subjects,' but this is trifling |V;; 'Thanking you, I am. Yours very truly. CHAS. E. RUSSELL. twversJiy ot inru wie nomt |consoiaiw«ni w auu iU1°" ollu "aiWi i , ... «f failiiw Bureau, is bringing this information jj. Reihansperger. The card games line Kennedy of Woodstock visited at.! comparedwith . | to our doors. Let us show our appre-! were followed by the serving of deviation of the privilege by grasping licious refreshments. I FORVbUNGER MEN y,',: W. A. Sayler's Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton left] last Thursday morning for an {tended trip thru the West.. i Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund spent Sunday -with relatives at Ingleside. ' Wm. Revor of Chicago passed a day last week as a guest in the home of his uncle, James Revor. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barker and daughter, Glenys, of Woodstock were | Sunday guests of relatives here. Alford Bonslett of Chicago spent the week end in the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonslett. Miss Edythe . Petesch of Chicago spent the week end in the home of her |no^,T S*f ^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch Miss Dorothy White of Chicago passed the week end as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch Glenn Ramsey of Caledonia, 111., spent Thursday of last week in the 'ffctme of his sister, Mrs. L. A. Erickson. . i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simes of Hebron •tossed Monday afternoon as guests in tjie home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey I fre8hmen o s o g- 2 I Some of the little fresh Mrs. Gribbel of Green Bay, Wi.Jmakin* snow men' °wing to ^ faCt to complete the high school course Yours very truly, Oswell G. Treadway realunan Notes We freshies would rather sit on the other side of the room. Carl TjTeber was ahseij$ from school Monday and Tuesday. We wonder why ? No school Friday. Boys, don't break the windows throwing snow halls- xU MabeT T^fray spent Friday at Elgin, "ifre are surprised to see her back so soon. LeRoy must have been out Monday night because on Tuesday he could SPECIAL ATTtfNTION UiVlEM TO THk sJtLt Or Oreaaad Beef, riutton, Mogs, ^Veal, Pouttiy HldM, Etc., Butter and Bgga f:. This ii- the oldest house on the street Tags and nrte* fratohe^a aitpUoatiob • v v , . stoifAoe ptfFf " • v. r* •>«n i a j, PattMi mi Wi«UmI» Warltl SAPOLIO Finds countless uses in the kitchen. It cleans cutlery, kettles, tins, porcelain, china, earthenware, linoleum, oilcloth, refrigerators, tile, marble, shelves and floors. See that the name SAPOLIO ip an every package. f'V. % • •}' Y. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. Sofa Manufacturer* New York U. S. A. MAKES POTS AND PANS LOOK LIKE NEW V'iH t;: Jr. Watch out for your grammar this I week. This is "Good Grammar Week." I Freshies study the dictionary. Exams Wednesday and Thursday. I Miss Pryor said we should all come to school with smiling faces. Will I we 7 Up - Sophomore J . Exams Wednesday and TBOrtuay. Oh! for a kiddie kar. Sotoe of the $35 to $60 || 0v£rC03.ts APPAREL th&t distm* guishes the wearer by an air of quality and comfort--clothes that are distinctive in their youthfulness,yet always in quiet, good taste; m? r?,:V , mm; i'iS/ r-s: ; • ' i , passed a few days last and this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. j Mrs. Sarah Reece of West Chicago passed a few days last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter J Donavin. Mr. and Mrs.' William Gillespie of ^Chicago passed the week end in the ;|tliome of the latter's grandfather, J. J. Flusky. Arthur Boger spent the latter part of last week in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Boger, at Forest Park, III. Mrs. Nellie Thomas of Richmond passed a few days this week as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Ensign Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pries and children motored to Chicago Sunday, where they passed the day as the guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle of Chicago spent the week end as guests in the home of th^ former's father, John Boyle, west of town. Mrs. L. A. Erickson and daughters, Charlotte and Mary Elizabeth, spent the latter part of last week as gue&ts of the former's mother at Caledonia. Mrs. Mayme Harrison and sons, Donald and LaVerne, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harrison of Ringwobd on an auto trip to Mooseheart last Sunday. David P. Woodburn, after spending the summer here, has returned to Youngstown, Ohio, where he \vi!! again pass the winter in the home of his i son, Winfield. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler and daughters, Viola and Joyce, of Woodstock spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler, at Hillside farm. Mesdames Fred Lang, Chris Bremer, :Mary Pekovsky, Elizabeth Knowles .and Emma LaMoitt of Chicago; Mrs. A. J. Driacoll and John Schreiner of Elgin attended the funeral of Miss Anna Schreiner here last Saturday morning. " \ ' .Jl * a one that we had our first snow. Snow! Many is the person in high school who wishes that we would be snow bound Wednesday morning. Reason, sufficient. It would delay the exams. Rosalie, at the basket social Saturday night: "Why, those are just paper covered boxes. I brought a basket because you girls said it was basket social." (It was her first you'l 1 understand ). Did you know that? (We didn't know this untli the Hallowe'en party). Leone Givens is looking for a date. Florence Rothermei stags love songs. Mildred Zuelsdorf is the biggest flirt in high school. Evelyn Mead giggle* mo,t^ 0 anyone in high school. . Helen Powers was going te elope, but her mother was warned. • Pauline Pufahl. prefers chewing gum to any good looking young tnan. Junior Notea Exams Wednesday and Thursday. Wonder how Pauline likes the floor? Ask her, she tried it. - We were all glad to see th# snow storm of the season. - Margaret Gibbs has returned to school after a week's absence on account of illness. This is "Better Speech" week. That's the reason for so many pupils using such good grammar of a sudden." _ . . , , , If you see any of the junior# ih deep consultation you will know are discussing the merit? of certain class plays. We were all glad to get a holiday last Friday and when we came back Monday we learned we were to have another next Friday, Armistice day. Hurrah for McHenry! Our boy» can certainly play basket ball and they showed it, too, last Thursday niKht when they were victorious over Richmond. ; McGee attended to buaineee .. 'first None but materials of the very best #ty go into "Ball-Band" Arctics. Combined H^ith expert workmanship, this assures you iiflore Days' Wear, at lowest cost per day's Spear Expa warm, lined wito heavy w«|* UAL L(§)BAN D All-rubber tc^s, instead of cloth, ifdesir€*i ^ Our new stock of "Ball-Band" is ready for voiir iti spection. Come srr?.s , , RuDtier Footvvt»i' needs JOHN STOFFEL )*4» WEST McHENRY C. B. matters in Chicago Tuesday Ml IDS Of All KINDS l* riv ' CMmniC BOW ftOHTTlY *W> CrflCIDm.< Cooley 8 Dairy Feed a Specialty •M iManufactured and sold by tit, 5 -^Lale Potatoes on band t>t|aiid Fancy Apples next Mo®- • ^, ' jday. I-eave xour. ^dexs ai mill. ^ n •m Give us a trial. We know we can please you as we are pleaamg many others ^ 7 McHeory CMaty Fanners' Co-operative Assoctttion Plants at McHenry. Crystal l ake. Woodstock Main Office: West McHenry » C. W. Gibiw, Manager