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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1921, p. 4

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L PERSONAL Ma essle was a Chicago *lstfc# Mrs. Ray F. Coiiway'iw** areeent visitor in Elgin. Edward Brefeld spent Wednesday it Waukegan and Chicago. ' Miss Clara Miller spent tin week aid as the guest of friends in the metropolitan city. Miss Martha Schl^sser of Clucago passed Thanksgiving in the home of her aunt, Mrs. A. Wolff. MA AT ELGIN SC» Popular TebpfcM* Operator Bsc*** Items of Thnbtiriiii Day Bridie W' Interait Fwii Olir Witu- Learning • DR. N. J. NYE .' n&afclaa and Sprfertl t V "jfcilay TVaatunt anO Radiograph . » . Oflbe Hours: f 'IKK) to 9:00 a. m. t , 4:00 to 8:00 p. B». , ' i ' " 7:00 to 9:00 p ra .• 'Phone 62-R :: McHenry, III. New Rubber .Belting -^|»RICE PER FOOT Im*. JPi» 4pl* I . *14 ««4 S..«rt'V t '• .:-- T'"- * 'm .12 .M M v?. .14 .W .M .27 .» J5 Jt .« .•It. .j»a .« .44 Also pulleys. hangrrs. shaft hv*. Father beltinff ud * of how and used Ix-ltiuR. '. . Mon«?y returned l( goods #ife oHwrwIsf than represented. Write for prices n*i ar.y widt ii up to SS im'lifts. CLINTON SUPPLY CO. C.hi. ;1JTO. III. Main MM 117 S. Clinton St Phone A wedding of more than owWtm^y* $tprrint«nd»t'g Letter Misses Gertrude #nd Ann Mowett of importanceJto the bride's many friends To the Parents: 1 Chicago passed Thanksgiving as the here was \solemnised at Elgin on j Since the season of cold Mid disgpests of McHenry friends. j Thanksgiving morning, when Miss agreeable weather is fast approaching; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompsolt ate Elsie Louise Wolff, youngest daugh- the attention of the parents is again Thanksgiving dinner, in the home of Iter of Mrs. A. Wolff of this village, called to the rule that the school •bofld- Mrs. George Smith at Elgin. j became the brWe of Mr. Carl R. Nel- ing is not open to children until Miss Anna McKay of Chicago spent •son of Elgin. , 8:30 in the morning and at 12:45 dure few days last week in the home of j w® wedding ceremony was per- ing the noon hour, at which time the and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. J formed at nine o'clock at the home f first bell" is rung. Mr. and Mrs P. J. Schoewer passed 'of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McArthur at Parents should therefore see that the latter part of last week with their 730 Highland Ave., by Rev. F. R. Carl- the children are started to school at sons in the metropolitan city. |»°n» pastor of the Bethlehem Luth- such time as will bring them to school Miss Christine Maynard of Crystal eran church of Elgin. The couple was after the ringing of the "first bell." Lake spent Sunday in the home of her attended by the bride's brother-in-law in most if not all cases the children sister, Mrs. Franklin Ensign. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. McArthur. 'can leave home in the morning at the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rietesel and The bride was attired in a gown of time the "first beH" rings dad arnVe children spent Thursday fand Friday blue canton crepe and carried a shower jn plenty of time. last with relatives in Chicago. Jbouquet of roses and lilies of the The only exceptions to this rule are Miss Mary Burke spent the latter valley. Immediately after the cere- for the accommodation of those who part of last week as the guest of mony the happy pair, accompanied by live so far away that it is necessary friends in the metropolitan city. . Mr. and Mrs. McArthur and daugh- for them to come ilt, en the milk John Brefeld of Waukegan spent ter, Ruth, left Elgin via motor and wagons or the train. Thanksgiving at the home of his par- came to this village, where a dinner With regard to the children who ents, Mr.; and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. [was enjoyed by the bridal party at bring lunches, the rule is that only Miss Anna Callahan and brother, the home of the bride's mother. those who live too far from the school George, of Chicago spent Thanksgiv-; The bride is the youngest daugh- building to make the trip home are ing day as the guest of friends here. ; ter of Mrs. A. Wolff of this village, permitted to remain during the noon Mrs. H. M. Jensen and son, Merk, j After her graduation from the Mc- hour. AH others are required to go of Woodstock passed Thanksgiving j Henry high school with the class of heme for lunch. day as the guests of McHenry rela-j'14» slie entered the employ of the These rules have been in force for tiveg. [telephone company at their- local ex- a number cf years and the reasons- Mr. and Mrs. John rfeihansperger of change and where she has faithfully for strictly enforcing them arte too West Chicago spent Sunday as .guests ' served her employers for a period of obvious to iftcessitate reviewing them, in the home of their son, Chas. J., and seven years. She possesses all of the The parents are expected to co-operfamily. qualifications that go to make up an ^ in seeing that the children obey Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowen of Har- ideal companion for the man of her the^»C; ' Yours very truly, - - . . . • Oswell G. Treadway. Junior Notes I- ^ trio Off Hli>CcHTS, f t t O f t C f t K r O IMPLY i*cau*ek repi*-*f| seals the purest and liest ^ flavored wheat, transformed fj into perfect flour that is at onee wholesome and delink Jj ous when you take it out of - the oven in biscuits, pastry ^1 or else. " Ti» an Mke tt McHENRY flour Mills cnennr vard were Thanksgiving day guests in 1 choice and also enjoys a personality the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Over- | that has made her many warm friends ton here. ' both here and at Elgin, where she Dr. C. H. Fegers and Miss Eleanor has visited frequently during the past McGee returned home from their j few years. western trip on Tuesday morning of I The groom is the eldest son of Mr. this week. land Mrs. Chas. Nelson of 16 North Book reports neat. Eleanor Dodge Monday morning. Our cla ss play has been selected. are again. drawing joined l^mks It Mrs. Wm. J. Welch and Mrs. J. M. J Liberty street, Elgin. He is asso- js "Looking for Mary Jane." Phalin left Tuesday for Cleveland, O., where they were called by the death of a relative. Miss Mary Walsh of Chicago spent the latter apart of last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alberg and Mr. ciated with his father in the Oharles Ask Miss Pryor and John Vycital Nelson grocery in the Watch city and about the cuckoo clock joke. is held in the very highest es^sfem-by a large circle of friends and Ibusjness associates in that city. After a short honeymoon the couple will return to Elgin, where they will be at home to their friends at 167 Wanted: A penny's worth of walnut meats for a certain freshman girl. They are $1.25 a pound. Our basket ball team will travel to Crystal Lake Friday night. They expect to come back victorious. feroue ot i>mcago »penfr, "• «*»* -- ---- -- Herman Nye has a queer idea of Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cember 15. Congratulations are ex- clearing house. He has the clearing ' 11 i.L _ ktr ^ ... ' . . . Math. Steffes. and Mrs. Perotte of Chicago spent North Worth ^treet on and after Dej tended the young couple by their COnfused with cleaning house, s. Ouimet and Daugherty of • scores of friends throoot this conunii- ag illustration clearly showed. ILASj Leaders Loa# Over Bnick Wpadlaaef Teams •* " "l Indiolas ........... Oh Henrys Flivvers .. Buick Six El Rectors Crowns .. nr . . . . 9 WV+S • .;...%. .8 •~L* 3 f Pel. 750 667 566 388 888 888 Only one change has taken place in the standing of the teams in the league race since our last issue, the Oh Henry clnb having stepped into second position, while the Flivvers have been dropped a notch and are now occupying the third position. Only two games have been rolled since our last issue. Up to this Thursday. evening the Oh Henrys hold the high team record for a single game with a grand total of 966 pins. This game was rolled against the Indiolas last Friday evening. The. Oh Henry club also hdlds the high team average with a mark of 168. Nick Steilen is credited with high individual score with a mark of 247, while high individual average for all games played is thus far held by Arthur Groom with a score of 197. Oh- Henrys Take Three Straight It remained for the Oh Henrys to hand the Indiolas their first real setback in the local bowling league, the trick being accomplished on Friday evening of last week, when the tea distributors dropped three straight games to the candy men. The first resulted in la tie, tout the* roll-off returned the Oh Henrys the winners by a few pins. The winners showed exceptional form in the last of three games when they succeeded in piling up a total of 966 pins, which thus far is the league record. Walter Warner, captain of the losing team, was out in the country and on account of car trouble was unable to get into town in time for the contest. Leo Winkel acted as his substitute and, with the exception of the third game, rolled in fine form. The scores: , 1 2 .189 198 Given under auqplces at McHenry Post, No. <*!, Anerican Legion m: -ATAmerican Legion HaU i West McHenry, III. 'Wm FRIDAY; OECP9,1921 ••• -Music By- River Fo# 60 GRAND PRIZES SO The annual feature of the American Legion and one that • will make the old young and the young yotmgfctv Y All dancers are required to mask. >/5t- MRS. J. H. HENDRICKSON Teacher: "Discuss the work of the national assembly, Ralph." Ralph: "The thircl estate had taken an oath to all hang togethet (suppressed giggles) and they all fiung" (laughter not suppressed). ; Sophomore Notes ^es, we all agree the freshiee are $ yfc 7? ( « ' v . * •" »* >'%• ' f A"' p, •• 3? r: > " l.W. O >921 CJC&& " Eev. r rs Elgin spent Thanksgiving day as 'nrty. goests in the hone of Mi?, anil Mrs. M. A. Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kamholz and'Piaeed Away at "Her Late H«me In Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and i Chicago on Monday, Nov. 28 daughter, Florence, were Woodstock. visitors Sunday. „ J Mrs. J. H. Hendrickson, bettfr Miss Dorothy Bvsa returned to knownto her McHenry fn'endsas Eva Glencoe Sunday after spending several Hauperich, passed away at her late a nice looking class. days in the home of her parents', Mr. 'home at 737 S. Laurpie Ave., Chicago, It does seem so funny to have to go and M> - Geo Buss. ,on Monday of this week, after an ill- to school on Thursday and Friday. ness which extended over a period of Beware all ye Latiners! To be four months. boiled in oil is no Measure punishment. Her funeral took place "from St?: All the sophs seemed to have Joseph's church, Chicago, at 10:30 gained a few pounds over Thansgiving. o'clock on Wednesday morning of this Mildred Zuelsdorf has been absent week with interment in St. Joseph's from school since Tuesday «f last cemetery beside the remains of her week. sister, Mrs. Murray Lynch, who died A1 Gebra and Sci Ence went to the about two years ago. "Zoo" (logy) to see Geo Metry and The deceased was the daughter of hear his stary. the late Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hauperich i At last the sophs have paid their of this village, where she made her bills from the Hallowe'en party and home for many years. She is sur- still have 55c left for the prom. vived by her husband, two sons, Philip Book reports are due December 21. and Edward Quigley of Woodstock; We haven't yet decided which will be one sister, Mrs. Jos. Schneider of this the easiest to report on, the fiction or village, and two brothers, Jacob non-fiction books. " Hauperich of Woodstock and John Hauperich, of Port Huron, Mich. The deceased was a memjaer of Riv- 14 erview camp., No. 6818, R. N. A-» of -.this village. * Card of Thanks We wish to thank the members of River view cUmp, R. N. A., of Mc- Oh Henrys Meyers ..... Bacon ...... Richardson . Schmitt Steilen.» Indiolat'"||» Vogt .vk'. L. Pa«» .. Winked v.,,.. R. Thompson L a u r e s . . Bright sayings of children: Anthony Bonslett: The nobles stood sitting. Ralph Clemens: Hie assembly hong together. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Misses Lillian and Dorothy Freund Kiverview camp, are spending a week as the guest of Henry for the sympathy-extended and fJ>anAa the beautiful floral piece. . • J. H. Hendrickson and-cSons, Mrs. Jos. Schneijder. ICLOTHES FOR YOUNGER MEN Allfc that shows refinement at a price you will be glad to pay -- clothes so carefully made that the wearer always looks well dressed -- so serviceable (hat he is money ahead. jMcGee & Conway McHenry, lit*. friends. j Miss Marjory Phalin of Chicago spent the Thanksgiving vacation in ! the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. For County Treasurer John M. Phalin, south of town. I hereby announce my candidacy for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison of the office of treasurer of McHenry Woodstock were Thanksgiving day county and respectfully solicit the guests in the home of the latter's parsupport of the men and women voters ents, Mr. ancPMrs. Wm. J. Welch, at the Republican primaries in April, Mr. and Mrs. Herman SaSzmann'of 1922. FRED A. WALTERS. (Woodstock were Thanksgiving day Woodstock, III., Nov. 28, 1921. 25-8t guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Bauers. V .137 .146 .166 .162 800 1 .138 .147 .190 .144 .181 154 155 171 189 812 2 186 156 160 186 3 ^189 173 196 159 347 966 3 176 155 85 94 219 Total 671 464 m 496 548 2578 Total 500 458 485 374 589 800 777 729 2306 (Mttefa» Tn1ce Three From Buick Six The Buick Six appeared -away off stride on Tuesday evening, when the Indiolas easily defeated them three straight games. Every man on the Buick team seemed to be at his worst and as a result the contest failed to create much interest among the fans present. The Buick Six F. Thompson , Brefeld Stengttr „ .,. • Overtxtn Jones '"'-..J Indio)«g Vogt L. Page R. Thompson Laures ...... WHERE ARE THE FISH* Carp Seiners Experiencing P* Thus Far This Fall Our want ads bring results. Electric • Appliances are Ideal V Christina! Presents ' ' Their variety is large. From the list something suitable for any . member of the family or any friend can / |>e selected. We sell , ' . them at the ' LOWEST PRICES There's altfa>s a large buying movement at this time • of the year and often its e f f e c t i s t o r e n d e r s o m e articles scarce. The lesson is SHOP EARLY Nearest ^alesroonr 5; Waukegan Public Service Co, OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS m Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers and children of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers, in this village. Those from a distance who were here on Tuesday to attend the funeral of. the late John W. Kimball were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allen, Mrs. A. C. Matthews, Mr^. J. Hawver, Gus Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. William Miller of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brink of Lake Geneva, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Kimball and daughter of Lake Forest; Mr. and Mrs. William Monear and daughter, Mrs. Bert Hawley of Richmond; F. W. Kimball of Atlanta, la.; Grover Kimball of Hunter, N. D.; Mrs. Wm. Temple of Lincoln, Neb.; N. B. Kimball and Miss Helen Graff of t4bertyville, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vosburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Sherman of Genoa Junction, Wis., and T. L. Kimball of Chicago. ! A number of the local business houses are already in receipt of their Christmas stocks, while new goods for the Yuletide season are now arriving almost daily. In a number of instances the stocks have already be unpacked and placed oh display. Before the end of another week most of -our stores will be decked out in holi day attire. From present indications the Christmas stocks carried by local merchants will be larger than has been the case in a number of years. Winter underwear, buy now white lines ere ftriflraMi1* - Built for Long Wear . None but materials of the very best quality go into "Ball-Band" Arctics. Combined With expert workmanship, this assures you More Days' Wear, at lowest cost per day's, wear. Extra warm, lined with heavy wool - A3l-nit>^rtopi; instep of Our new stock of "Ball-Band" is ready for your inspection. Come in and supply your Rubber Footwear needs;;. JOHN STOFFEL : WEST McHENRY „ #3 . „ "Sssfv Where are the fish or rather the carp? That is a question that Ben Stilling & Son, local carp seiners, wish to have answered. Never before in the history of their carp seining experience have their nets brought in such small catches as has been their luck ever since the opening of the fall seining season. As ^ matter of fact, the seizing business for this firm this fall has been an almoftt dismal failure. In former seasons each haul brought up hundreds of pounds of fish of eveiy specie, but this fall it has been different. Not only have the nets brought in very few carp, but game fish were also noticeably scarce, a condition for which the local seinefca. are unable to account. The nets this fall have been spread at the mouth of the river in Pistakee lake and Fox lake. Every effort has been made on the part of the workeija to locate the carp, but without satisfactory results. « The fish may have moved into the waters further north or they may have found their way out of the lak» via Fox river. The latter,' however, seems a bit improbable as the fish generaHy swim against the current rather than with ik This is especially true of the carp. 0 > - In view of the fact that a faeea*- may pui an end to the seining at any time now, the best that the Ipcal seiners may expect tp to break •*«"* this fall. ' " " ' • From all appearances the citizens over at Marengo are not overly anxious for free delivery of mail, as ^ thus far only about fifty per cent of the homes have been provided with mail boxes. The city has been granted free delivery of mail, but the system cannot be installed until patrons haw complied with provisions as stipulated by law, including the erection of mall kntiaAO ^ up THE UNIVERSAL CAR V* 5?'.^ Detroit simple construction, so dependable -,|«:tion, so easy to operate and handle fthat almost anybody and everybody j»n safely drive it. *The Ford Coupe, permanently enclosed Ivith sliding glass wuidows, is cozy, find roomy--modest and refined--a car .that you, your wife or daughter will be proud to own and drive. jAnd of course it has all the Ford economies Of operation ond majntetunce. pall and *look over the Ford Coupe. Reasonably prompt delivery can be made if you order at onofe m ?• STAR GARAGE JOHN R. KNOX. Pre*. rHON*» V

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