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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1921, p. 7

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1ALPORD H. POUSft W'^,, ,, ^ A<*n^-^wfer.wF Ill 1 J JtfgllLu1?11!, •TOFFEfc ps la r'iiWi fcgsat go? ail riissn ol IMmtify In the beet rtif Tiltf WW»T *»WM»T iLLfNOifB The Humphery No. 10 Radiantfire A perfect portable gas heater. Made on an entirely new principle. Givesconcentrated heat energy and directs the heat rays in the same manner that an electric does. Costs less than V/i cents an hour to run. For small rooms, offices and cozy corners. Can be tilted at any angle. You can put it on a shelf or table and tilt it down or you, can put it ^t|pthe floor and tilt it mv b Price $15.00 * Western United Gas and Electric Company Honest Goods v i < : I• -1 entire reputation of t>ur business rests upon these two words: You don't need to s q u e e z e your d o l l a r here-- it will go its full length in buying actual, honest values in groceries and ail M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone •«• SOLON MILLS Ml*. Wan. Brennan was shopping In Chicago Monday. Mrs. Wm. Cornish, who has teen away nursing, returned home Sunday. Miss Mae Sweet of Rockford is the guest of Misses Sarah and Bird Hodge. P. F. Siegler of Spring Grove war-" Mr. and Mrs. Oh! Ride-a-Cock-Horse to Banbury Crots, th® Gulbransen Has Made 4 Boy of the Boss LOOK AT THE JONESES--SUCH FUN WITH THEIR GULBRANSEN If you knew the Joneses you'd know why. The merry music of the Gulbransen--the delight each of them takes in playing it--here's a world of new fun for family and friends* N. A. Huemann, West McHenry a w YOU'LL NEVER GO WRONG BY ; £:?• W -•* ffEMA N D1N G ' t v f \ 1 iu -w -m-'f-'.'A £»;>' :• v • • •. *- "v" -f " -'"v--' *: « : ' W \ - iV'-v? !?'•• 5 .:*** THE CREAM WITH TH* - ' GENUINE FLAYQJt HcUENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. WHOLESALE & RETAIL if; ^ HIGH GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS v*. l:L'i W QUALITY STRAIGHT RUN GASOLINE, HIGH TEST - GASOLINE, BEST GRADE KEROS^ \ ' •-fut Quick Delivery on Receipt ol Order Brewer Jiervice Station M. L. Worts, Prop-. Phone 3t McHenry* 111. a caller at th/ E. E. Cropley home Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Cropley and daughter, Leona, and Miss Nelson were Chishoppers Friday. Chas. Westlake and Math. Banen boarded the 8:00 o'clock train for Fox Lake Wednesday. Miss Miles of Richmond was the guest of Miss Emily C&le Wednesday evening of last Week. Hellen Brennen, who got burned by an electric flatiron recently, is doing quite nicely at this writing. Miss Nelson of Superior, Wis., was the guest of Miss Leona Cropley over Thanksgiving and the week end. G. W. Turner has returned from Elgin, where he has & taking treatments. He is much improved in health. Math. Freund, who has been suffering from rheumatism for the past month, is reported some better at this writing1. \ The people of Solon were greatly grieved over the death of W. E. Wire, as he taught school here in his younger days. ^Ir. and Mrs. Jas.r McCannon and family ate turkey Thanksgiving day in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westlake. Mrs. Adelaide Coates and Miss Ferris motored to Woodstock one day last week, where the former was the guest of fMends until Saturday. ' Mrs. Art. Aubert of Chicago, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gibbs, accompanied her husband home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder and daughters of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of Harvard were Thanksgiving day gueste at the Jackson home. Mrs. Abe Miller and two little daughters were the guests of her brother, Mr. Savine, in Chicago over Thanksgiving, returning home Sunday night. Mrs. H. G. Reading was tendered a surprise at her home last Saturday afternoon by a large crowd of friends and neighbors, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner of Woodstock were gu^ts of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner Sunday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. R. L. Turner. Word has also been received of the safe arrival of Miss Mae Aylward and Miss Rosing at Miama, Fla. They left here about a week ago and expect to spend the winter in the southern city. • v Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell that they arrived safely at Miama, Fla., where they intend to spend the winter. They left here about a month ago and toured thru in their car. The dance, given by the Solon Mills Improvement club on Wednesday evening of last week, was well attended and aii report-a^ood time. The music was furnished by the Fox River Four of McHenry and the ladies of the club furnished the eats. • *' r ' Just received a Mg assortment of toys. J. J. Vvcital. Miss Mabel Nobles of Richmond Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiting entertained relatives from Elgin over the week end. Dodge announce f1.,/ ,;k ^ T ^ *$1 . . . ' . V ' ^ * i . 4 " . . -r. . t>. . .. ta' .< FOB SALE--Oliver typewriter No. 9 nearly new. Call phone 43, McHenry. xn. 25-lt FOR SALE--Milkers Mid springers, Poland China boars and Barred Rock *or sale a few W on road between Johnsburg and Ringwood or Johnsburg and McHenry, a tire, rim and cower. Finder kindly call phone 04O-W-2, McHenry, 111. 25 WANTED TO EXCHANGE--One big type Poland China boar; also I have village limits and In MMi of stores and R. R. statite j^^ to U. W Stenger at West ld|Utf¥ftate bank, Ben Stilling & Sod* Hd|tinry of C. S. Owen, 600 W. Jackson Bhd, Phone Monroe 6800. l£-tf TERRA COTTA [Last week's delayed letttH^ Miss Margaret Grant of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Richard Fleming of McHenry was a recent business caller here Miss Lillian Riley spent Sunday with her mother and sister here. Mr. and Mrs. James Green of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Burmeister entertained relative* from Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox spent Saturday'and Sunday with relatives at Elgin. « December 1 Miss Florence Knox was a Chicago business visitor Friday. » Miss Beulah Larkin spent the week end at her home in Elgin. Wm. Conway spent Thanksgiving day With his sisters in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. John Flanagan called on friends in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin were business visitors in Chicago Friday. ' Miss Mary McCabe of Chicago spent the week end at her home near here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and daughter spent Thanksgiving day at J. M. Phalin's. Miss Marjorie Phalin of Chicago visited at her home here from Thursday until Monday. ' Misses Mabel and Marie Knox visited relatives in Woodstock from Thursday until Sunday. Raymond Riley of Indianapolis spent several days last week with his mother and sister here. Miss Margaret Grant and friend of Elgin spent Thanksgiving day with the former's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. George Bay and daughters were guests of Chicago relatives Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frisby and daughters of E*lgin spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. James Green of Woodstock and Edward Knox of McHenry spent Thanksgiving day with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer of McHenry were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby, Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank OTlaherty of Elgin visited at the home of tbl latter's mother, Mrs. Ellen Frisby, the latter gMt-af lart wank ; the arrival of a son, born Thursday, Nov. 24. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison ware entertained Thanksgiving by relatives in Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brunswick entertained relatives from Genoa Junction on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and children spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Hebron. Mrs. A. W. Smith went to Rockford Friday to visit her daughter, Mary, returning Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. Huson of Elgin spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. C. Jepson, and' family. Miss Vera Beatty of Woodstock was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. an3 Mrs. Geo. Frey on Thanksgiving. William Harrison went to Chicago Friday to attend the stock show and returned home Sunday evening. Miss Charlotte Madden of McHemy is assisting with the household duties in the E. C. Haw ley home while Mrs. Akron take# a vacation.' Mr. and Mrs. Krey have moved from the N. D. Stevens house to the Arthur Peet house, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Halstrom. Among ^hose from Ringwood who attended the Thanksgiving dinner at Greenwood were Mr. and Mrs. Edson Hodge, J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor. Miss Margaret Harrison of Grayslake and Miss Mary Harrison of Beloit came home Wednesday nigth and spent several days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mrs. Butler, who has spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, and family, started for her home at Bath, 111., Friday. Mrs. Hitchens accompanied her as far as Chicago. , The Ringwood Pleasure dob gave a farewell party for John Tyrrell Saturday night. John started Tuesday for Vermont, where he expects to go into business with his father. John leaves many friends here, who wish him every success in his new field of labor. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon entertained the following guests on Thanksgiving: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bartholf and family and Miss Edith Bacon of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bacon and daughter of Antioch; Mrs. Geo. Gould, Mrs. John Gould 'and two daughters of Woodstock. • JOHNSBURG Miss Margaret Smith left for Chicago Monday. S. H. Smith and George Michals were Woodstock visitors Monday. Kid body, imported and big variety of fancy dressed dolls at Vycital's. Come early and gee your choice hat at Blake Sisters', West McHenry. Ray Horick of Woodstock spent last Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. A number from this vicinity attended St. Mary's church fair at McHenry last week. Quite a number of our people attended a dance at Solon Mills last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nell of Woodstock passed Thanksgiving day as the guests of relatives here. Misses- Rena, Leona and Verona Schaefer passed a few days last week with relatives in Chicago. Emil and Alfred Debrecht and Miss Mamie Frett of Chicago spent Sunday ae the guest of relatives here. Miss Theresa Huemann of Chicago passed a few days last week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Huemann. Altho our annual church fair was not given on as elaborate a scale as in former years, the attendance was satisfactory and as a result the church treasury has been swelled to a considerable extent. We have not learned the exact proceeds. Wm. Mueller, a former resident of this vicinity, writes from Adams, Minn., that hard times are being experienced out West The crops this year were fair he writes, but they are not bringing the prices they should. Continuing he tells of Adams being a great live stock country, two car loads of hogs and four car loads of cattle being shipped out in two days recently. ( Wyandotte cock- FOR SALE--Choice big type Poland cockerels. Frank Tonyan, Ringwood, erels- Price, $2.00 and $2.50. C. C. China boars, sired by Gerstdales Timm 111. • 25-3t*: Clark, Woddstock, 111 M-2. FOR SALE--Maxwell 1917 touring car and Republic 1 ton track. Real bargains. Selling's garage, McHenry. HI. © 19-tf Phone 1610- No. 369571, a son of the famous 26-It Gerstdale Jones. These boars have FOR SALE--My 142% acre farm, lo- p,enty of lmglh and bone" FOR SALE--Eight year old broncho, buggy and saddle horse. Very gentle. Price, $20.00. O. B. Oberstadt, phone 47, McHenry, 111. 24-2t* Anyone cated one mile"west of the" railroad wishing imProve ^ir herd track, McHenry. One hundred acres do weU to !ook them over" P™5®8 under cultivation. Buildings are in ng James Hunter. West McHenry, good repur. For terms or other 111' P*10®6 617-J-2. 20-tf FOR SALE--Two Pomeranian Spitz dogs. Fine pets. For information call at1 Kercher's barber shop, McHenry, or call phone 80-W. 25 FOR SALE OR RENT--The Michael Justen estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J, Justen, administrator, West McHenry, HI. 16~tf Card of Thanks In this public manner we wish to express our sincere thanks for the formation apjily to or write William Cossman & SonySffest McHenry, HI. 25 FOR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of* 160 acres "ncated about many favors and sympathy extended two miles east of McHenry; the Smith us during our recent bereavement, estate farm of 82 acres at Lake De- Thanks is also extended to the donors fiance and the house and lot east of of flowers and especially for the beauhe Fox river bridge in McHenry. 3. tiful floral piece from the Road En- H. Freund, McHenry, 111. Phone 648- gineers of the Bowman Dairy company M-2. • 41-tf of Chicago. , FOR SALE--Select wooded lots on the Mrs; Kimba11 and Family. { river and adjacent to new golf course Biggest display of toys since tfci LOST--On Thursday or Friday of last of McHenry Country . club. Within 'war at Vycital's. THE BEST L is the policy behind the servicr of their bank. ' lawful regulations and ample resources are desir-:, v tble--and these arc provided for the safety of patrons of the Fox River Valley State Ban)t. * But back of these safeguards is another . *nty--the individual responsibility and capability^ \ Of the management and directors. They are alipv tyell known and like our stockholders actively en-t^ gaged in worth-while enterprises in McHenryf County. " -it?' ~ Individual responsibility is the recognized basis ,f , ^ of all sound banking. The integrity of this bank \ is emphasized by ^personnel ^ ; • * .. / , • '• • •• ; , J O S I l O t t t , C a s k . McHenry, Illinois ij ' FREMONT .. 08TEND Last reports from C. B. Durkee he was improving nicely. C. C. Clark and wife were shopping in Chicago Monday of last week. "Mrs. Maude Clark entertained eighteen friends at dinner Thanksgiving. No school Thanksgiving day, but the next day, Friday, the school continued. Rural carrier No. X from West McHenry is on the sick list and has a* substitute. Alvin Weiss and Roy Hobart called on the former's parents at Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Orvil Hutson came out from Chicago the last of the week and is with his uncle, C. B. Durkee. Miss Inez Bacon, the teacher at Bull Valley, is sick and Miss Newman from Woodstock is taking her place. We are now showing an extraordinary and complete line of underwear for all the family at Erickson's. C. E. Jecks tried corn husking again last Friday afternoon. Perhaps by Christmas he may get another day. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart entertained their daughter and family and brother and sister, Warren and Miss Ammie A ~ P'M <<• l * * * , ' . , V ' '"Y •?' '-U"f'.-V. /iV:'- ' 7i \ , . r- - ; * V- - -iVr' * • Just a few days before Xmas. You will be wondering what you are going to give "him" for Xmas. You wjll find many practical gifts on display now, at this * s •' -Xy'V*- X) •-.if- . t •ffe Gifts that will appeal to father, brother, friend or sweetheart on account of their usefulness. Make yotif iftlectioneaifly. ^ v J jfifi ITBIII . m . ** - r '/ AV Z a ......... ' M J r

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