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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1921, p. 10

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.... - '< ".;'/s$r $?<*•* Sfk^<^^.:j6|i|i® P53 •< ^ \/ 5 *"s '• :, '". "'?'; .VK'^' -IT • "' ': ' v y': \ *S»fc Buy Your Drugs * Of6* *<*S,f *^' i "fefcHJt ' ,' *% ' V%"^w^4. V« .\fV'* '< 'j^°*""j»V ,." • (. . -a«'«i---:-*^®ia;-'.$ 'Hmt«*JN. H. PETESCHOreMI 1 • i i I ••':,te ^»«'.-i;-,^'-ft' 'V^vr .V . •*,. ."^ • - • *" Your Will not be complete or satisfactory unlet* you see our line of Xmas articles. Come »n and look them over; |||^se| %> show them to you. w STATIONERY MANICURING SgfS SHAVING SETS TOILET SETS SEWINC SBTS MILITARY 5 "* HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES -tpj. •k&i r-- - k.: SMITH BROTHERS McHcnry, lUinoip FOR TOYS COM£ TO US FOR YOUR Winter Merchandise ; - if'-A OUR STOCK IS COMPLfeTE |: ; goods in all popular shades including me ' new middy reds, navy blue serge, prices up from..$lJ9 Underwear in all sizes, cotton and wool......50c to I6.M *Sport Coats in green, brown, red and cavet heather .'... - -- - - - -- tfigk/.y SiM to $7.51 Sweaters in all popular shades Women's Oxfords in the new shade of taa. $1.11 to $7.61 Satia Pomps aad High Boots A full line of men's, boys' and ehildrpnM jjhrat at popular prices , Spate in brown, fawn and pearl, A beautiful line of new stamped goods and Japanese table sets Wmb Hungry don't forget our GROCERY DEPT. we have the best money can buy Fine oranges, apples, grape fruit, cranberries Tea, the finest w? ever owned, per Ik** 80c Coffeeat ...... . --i>. 9fe,S6cand 40c Cilii MmH Prrniilj 117-R M. J. WALSH S£$£f$J ' 911 the lMtd crowd v.. >.K •;*?•••• # 21 •eeiws^..w-.;v..\ ft Six Crowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The IndtttMT stt! in the local bowli Oh Henrys are them a bit. Three contests have ben staged in e league race during the past week Kiad, white the results of same have |aft the standing: of the teams about the same *8 tart wevktsema frery good scores have bean Tonight fTKuidWr) «*• Buick Six will meet the El while tomorrow night the leaders of the ieagoe will take on the Henry Forgs. Tin Friday night mabii is going to out the largest crowd of apeetHtHtf that has yet turned out 6nd from llb manner in which the fans have bett heard to express themsafcrea the few? gest she re of th« rooting wil? be for the Flivrwe. Oh Henrys Trim Flimra The Oh Henrys d«f«Bt»l ,the Flivvers two of three gsmes last Thursday emnraff. The Flivvers took the first gasK with a lead of 21 pins, but dropped the second by 83 pins and the third by 7 pins, thus giving the winners a lead of 69 pins at the close of the third game. Arthur Meyers, captain of the winning team, collected a total of 573 pins for the three games for an average of 191. His high score Was 288 and was registered in the second game. For the losers Henry Weber hung up the highest total with a mark of 539 or an average of 180. He also Jiung up the high individual score for a single game when he hit the wood for a total of 239 pins in the second game. The Oh Henrys ; / Oh Henrysaf- Meyers .. Bacon Richardson .. Schmttt Steilen ...... V*- -' i' .171 .166 .168 .1«5 .141 FliwipSv R. Pace .. Lodtz .... Weber .... Spurting . . Gormah ... 801 1 ...160 ...186 ...149 ...168 ...816 147 168 154 170 872 2 111 192 289 106 141 3 Total 3 Total 169 678 146 449 168 1*9 166 504 488 466 807 2480 3 Total 801 472 186 462 161 %39 174 188 443 496 r >• . . 882 189 800 2411 '{SNwftu Lose to to El Betters The Crowns succeeded in taking but one of the three-game series from the El Rectors last Friday night. The victors hung up their beat score in the second game, what they piled up a total of 916 pins. Arthur Groom, captain of the El Rectors, hit 'em in the nose for a total of 583 for the three games, giving him an average of 194. "Todd" Engeln hung up the high individual score of the evening with a mark of 219. The score: El Rectors 1 2 3 Total Groom ...r:..M2 202 *809 688 W. Pfctake ....176 »9 176 660 Engeln 219 168 1U 493 Hankermeyer .144 160 128 427 Ritter vl46 192 190 628 Crowns W. Bidder Perkins ... C. Bickler , Whiting ., 866 I It* .166 .106 .166 Convfiy 177 916 m 168 160 167 171 809 2681 8 Total 161 404 192 190 166 146 625 456 478 493 743 780 833 2356 Ok Henrys Defeat Crewm In one of the poorest matches yet staged since the opening of the league the Oh Henrys defeated the Crowns two out of three games on Tuesday evening of this week. A new set of pins was used on this occasion and this fact, the bowlers claim, is responsible for the exceptionally low scores. Railroads were the order of the evening. The scores: Oh Henrys 1 2 Meyers 177 184 Bacon 160 162 Richardson ...168 Schmitt ... Steilen ,,. .189 ,188 boos 8hirt8.Dre**t§ Come In and Crowns 1 C Bickler ....108 Perkins ....1..51 W. Bickler ...128 Whiting ...167 Conwi* ......160 186 146 124 762 2 188 141 166 169 182 3 188 146 197 122 134 Total < 499 458 641 407 896 787 2801 8 Total 176 421 123 415 188 442 160 476 96 877 «fe4 726 711 2131 Resolutions Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to remove the husband of our neighbor, Katherine C. Schneider from this earth, therefore be it resolved that Riverview camp, No. 6818, Royal Neighbors of America, extend the most heartfelt sympathy. Mrs. Barbara Krause, , Mrs. Elizabeth Jfusten, ^ Mrs. Ella Gans, Committee. JACOB JUSTEN « McHENRY, ILL. . -\-/- Reeolutioas Whereas it has pleased Alafe$*ty God to remove the wife of Mr. J. H. Hendricluoif and sister of Mrs. Katherine C. 8dbaefder from this earth, therefore be it resolved that Riverview camp, No. 6818, Royal neighbors of America, extend the meet hearty sympathy. Mrs." Ulizabeth Justen, '^Mrs. Barbara Krause, ^Mrs. Ella Gans, Comsriftee. hs s McHENRY** • --- •• / -• * •* V ' - t f1 I. A «AT.f nac. • A Nell Shivman in. 'The Girl Prom Godh Country' The Greatest Outdoor Romantic s v\ Melodrama Ever Made AND ^ EDUCATIONAL COMEDY 5 «$Humsr iW-h. 'N OAV. OECEMBEiT XI : • H W L UNW/t Ut7i TX CLAfVENC ^ - /-AND-- h*. '• *j tALT -> ' " V 'i UlAfwit AT 2sli' '4 Ji <ifT -- • i- • X%*iiESDAY. DECEMBER IS fc-i":'!??- * Hoot Gibson - --IN • 'Sure KC ---ANO- , 7^^Np. ML " Red Blooded American History Chapter Play •WINNERS ollUWCST' ART AO Batertaiaed Jelly Sixteen club passed ^a most enjoyable few hwiun mo (Iwlui of aus GwtkMwS Weber at her home on Washington street lest Friday afternoon. Five hundred was the game indulged i* with prices going to the following: Vint, Mrs. George Worts; second, Miss Rose Hnemann; tfcfcrri, Mr/ John Sngeln. The usual refreshmsnts SfiT-, i-mMr' " S ' ' • / ' '.'frA , A- u ,4; Altogether, 4«ne took to the futtrine witti gtett # hope. The fact is, of course, that there is ahead K '* -- PW1** era of expansion and prosperity the \ , ; . world has ever seen. •* T,; Everyonfe knows this and the only question .discussed is when it will start There is a lot of business that is really sick, still'staggering with the |shell shock of war, and the debauch of extrava- " "v *•* V "" / • v s&r'i , • •?-' &M' «; ?'&: t- itSt//' :h '4%.V»j {7&-nce, but there is a great deal more that is merely7 ^ '^Y*^aii&gering. ^ We are not in a^ period df liard tiffle&^comit^,- ; ^ ^.V^-'We are in a period of soft times going. Prosperity * / ,\ f . viis coming--it is time to go out and meet it. We i ;Y here to co-operate with you--your banking " - - business will receive ronrtpnns aHAntirm ^ _ , v - ^ . . . . . : . d "2'"V.: *"h- ;.^.v,:iWT.,^w )U^nes8 will receive courteous attention, jk, ^^^^•^^friendly call will also be welcome. • Mji ^ ':V^ i/hf'r •f Holidays Suggest Early Baying j.X _'lv v-'y-.-.v •' .y- • - -Si,..-::;: "ti: ( .• -J-;? *t What to Buy for Christmas!! vtrfe: iHctiire»^' Carpet Sweeper^ - • • ' f'y I -. « ' ' Serving Trays j " Snoking Statu)! Pedestal# " Card Tables I •' Hp'. Ferneries -.4 ,-rr*~ ; , .;.v, . .*;• • ,•. _ Mirrors (Polychrome) Davenports fcforris Chairs ' :k Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets Spinet Desks Dressing Tablfij^ Gedar Chests Table and Floor Lamps (Poiychrom|j| library Tables Rugs, l^Tge and Small Kitchen Cabinet* Sectional Bookcases^ . &"% 'mm: Vacuum Cleaners (Hoover) 'X List-See Our f Swdl^ockers Go*Cart& Wheelbswxpws Sled§,t||lftoi»M Velocipedes ^Wagons Kiddy4Cars " For the little boy or girl--Little Red Rider, Steel Wheels with RubberV v.^.. Tires and Pe^ls f Roaster Wegons, all sizes a0d style|^'^' ;|^.: :;::^edar Chesls v, \ ° !'• Goods ordered How Will be held for future deliveip - : * v ft.r I;?- J. Hi' 'Furniture and Undertaking^^ Phone ,63-W ,f West McHenry, TRADE AT J, 1li5 m. -l. BRRFELD, Manager WEST McHENRY, V •*UIf you are a cash buyer why pay charge prices. If you are a charge SpfJ buyer, get the cash habit and note the difference. It is the cash that * 3 counts. If you pay cash we can buy for cash and that is where the ^ ^ great saving lies, and where we both benefit ^ t H ^ ) Open for Business, Saturday, Dec. 10th, 7 a. Butter, Finest Elgin Creamery, balk, per lb. lib. Prints -ttc % Good Luck Oleomargarine, per lb.-_24c Lard, open kettle rendered, par lb...lie Ca!a Hams, per lb. - - g Bacon, fancy breakfast, l$.to 10 lb., per lb. . -i.. - - - tic Hams, 10 to 12 lb* per . J ^--- Mf : v Peanut Butter, fresh made, per lb.. _18« Apples, fancy eating, 5 lbs. for.;/. .He y, . Sweet Potatoes, extra fancy, per lb._ Ic y *U CiUUUB, imgv n*mA m•• a«»v»i.r' I 7- tmr |# Rm <•>•»». Cane Sugar, per lb. £ - Mother's Bread, large loaf , tmaB loaf ^ American Family Soap, perpjj^,,. galvanic Soap, 5 bars. . He ts, white rolled, per Ik.... .,., mr of fee C & C special Ssiisfeftioa »' * ^ •guaranteed, per lb. ,.tM* Raisins, 15 oa. pkg. UJ~- - "Catsup, Snidcrs^arge botU#.^.. ..gk $yrop, K^ro, dark, 10 lb. paf .^ «e ,'y ' 51b-P3iU'C..-.-«( Table Salt, 101b. bag ffr Shredded Wheat Biscuits, per pkg,. .lie Calumet Baking Powder, 1 lb. can..Sk Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per pkg Ik "Y^V'T"". • : ' l& the children do your trading, they will receive the ' ?*H ; "a , < , * - courteous treatment as adults " * ff' " <•* * '.'C • ' '••.-••• ';.;4 • - ." . p . , : * •• "e • - : 1, *'k< - : -s .• • •. >' 4. V "'T* 'A.' r *' * ^ ,l tf , . r •

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