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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1921, p. 7

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The Humphery No. 10 Radiantfire . I U t i ' j " " - ' 1 A ptorfect portable gas *M laaiaUe on an entirely new principle. Gives concentrated heat energy and directs the heat rays in the tame manner that an electric does. Costs lessthan 2h cents an hour to run. For small rooms, offices and cozy corners. Can be tilted at any angle. You can put it on a shelf or table and tilt it down or you can put it <n the floor and tilt it op. Price $15.00 Western United Gas and Electric Company In order to assist you in making the coming Yuletide season an exceptionally enjoyable one we have purchased a large stock oi apples, candies, cookies and' nuts. Your Christmas table will be incomplete without an order from our store. Let us supply your table needs* M. M. Niesen McH«nrv I'hoae 4# "I Ride»»-Cock-Hoi* to Banbury Croat, th* Oulbrajuen Has M.ide a Boy of the Bern LOOK AT THE JONESES--SUCH FUN WITH THEIR GULBRANSEN m you knew the Joneses you'd know why. The merry music of the Gulbransen--the delight each of them takes in playing it--here's a world of new fun for family and friends* N. A. Huemann, West McHenry 'LL NEVER GO WRONG BY J>EMANDINCk -j ' v •-i - thji-r,. •• \ * •4fyy* CREAM WITH J. w. McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. WHOLESALE & RET Alt* •f7 fci «- HIGH GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS H ' - - ; •• -V'; ' " - • * V*i • *** STRAIGHT RUN GASOLINE, HIGH TEST qAWUNR, Wj^ GgAW KR&QS1NIL , e &*: Quick Delivery on Receipt of Order Brewefy |tervic^ Jtation McHenry, 111. w * ' 'V' Special |ttWs on tari lal aaokod meats at Eriekson's. E. E. Cropley was a basinom caller at McHenry Wednesday. Dwigrht Osborne was a business caller in town Saturday morning last. Dwight and Annabell Osborne were callers in town Monday morn- 'ng ' Mrs. A. F. WeUman is spending a few days with her niece, Mrs. Art BelL I Mrs. Arthur Bell passed the week end with relatives and friends in Chicago. Mrs. R. L. Turner, who has been ill for some time, has gone to Elgin for treatments. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborne and daughter, Flora, were McHenry -visitors Sunday afternoon. A number of the ladies of this village tendered Mrs. .Toe Kuhn a very pleasant surprise on Wednesday. Mrs. Lulu Hermann of Minneapolis Minn., is visiting in*the home of her sister, Mrs. D. W. Overton, and family. Gus Aim, who has been visiting in th£ home of his brother, Victor Aim. since Thanksgiving, departed fo^iiis home in Chicago Saturday. / Math. Freund, who was repotted in last week's items as being much improved in health, is not so well at this writing He has gone to Elgin for treatments. Mr. Lavern of Chicago has been visiting in the home of his daughter and husband, - Mr. and Mrs. Abe Miller. Mr. Miller accompanied him home Wednesday morning. R. N. Thompson, . secretary and treasurer of the Illinois Holstein Freisian association, was a guest at tha W. H. Gardner home recently Mr. Gardner accompanied him to Harvard. The Solon Mills Improvement club had its usual meeting on Friday evenins last, Dec. 2. It was well attended, a fine program rendered by some of the members and an oystei supper was served at the close of the evening. * JOHNSBURG Just received a big assortment of toys. J. J. Vycital. Mrs. S. H. Freund is visiting relatives at Kenosha, Wis. Jos. H. Huemann was a business visitor .at McHenry Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Henry Nell of Woodstock were callers in town Sunday. Winter underwear, buy now while lines are complete, at Eriekson's. Miss Louise Stilling of McHenzy passed Wednesday as the guest of Miss Barbara Smith. Arthur Adams of Woodstock called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams, on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Gertrud^ FVeund of Kenosha Wis., is spending a week as a guest in the home of her son, Peter Freund. Fred Schaefer of Chicago spent Sunday as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer. Jacob Schmitt, who has been confined in a Chicago hospital for some time past, has returned to his home . here. / ** | Miss Rosemary Huemann, who for ' some time past has been employed in Chicago, has returned to her home here. | Miss Lena Adams is spending a few days as a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. John E.; Freund, at McHenry. Mrs. Jos. J. Michels, Mrs. Lena Pitsen and Mrs. Gertrude Freund passed Tuesday as the gUest of friends at Spring Grove. A number of the members of the McHenry Township Mutual Fire Insurance company attended the annual meeting of the county organization as held at Crystal Lake on Tuesday afternoon of this week. The local company has thus far made a very fine showing, with the business on the increase with each year. It will be pleasing to the people of the community to learn that Math. N. Schmitt has again been re-elected secretary of the county organization. OSTBND cards and booklets at Werts, Prop. A - • i. Chris Petesch's. Popular candies at popular prices at Eriekson's. Tricycles, wheelbarrows, aeroplanes, wagons, sleds, games, books and wagons with teams for the boys at Vycital's. * , We have good news from C. B. Durkee. He is reported very nrach better. The doctor will only come when "sent f or t» bring a supply of medicine. Little Gordon Clark, son of Mr, and Mrs. Clyde C. Clarft, had the misfortune to fall in the school room and | strike his head on a piece of iron on I the desk, cutting a bad gash over one . of his eyes. The gash had to be i drawn together and the wound treated jfor infection. He Is still unable to attend school. ! E. L. Sherman and family were re- J cent callers on friends in Wauconda. They report the roads fair between home and Wauconda. but the streets of the village almost impassable. Some hunters hunting near the Ostend schoolhouse came near doing serious damage on Monday last. It i was about the noon hour, teacher and 'children were preparing to eat their ! lunch. Some of the ^munition went I thru the windows and was picked up | on the floor and seven window lights jwere cracked. The young- men drove an old aatomobile without any top. One man wore a stocking cap with an orange stripe in it and one was heard to call the other Clyde. Can anyone tbt-oibar window lights. F. R. EppeJ and wife w&e Monday afternoon callers in Woodstock. Mrs. Daisy Jecks received fl|e good news of an improvement fa her mother's healtfy. She is able to sit up for a short time and her appetite is improving. TERRA COTTA Black Cat hosiery at Eriekson's. M. Knox was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Edward Knox spent the first of the week at his home here. Miss Marguerite Knox spent Thursday evening last with relatives here. Walter Carey and Leo Heimer of McHenry were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Anna Callahan and George Caft ah an of Chicago spent Thanks-*! jiving day at W M, Phalin'*. Misses Eleanor and Ruth Phalin and Harold Phalin spent the past veek with their sister, Mrs. Robert Knox. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin spent the past week in Cleveland, O^ having been called there by the death of a relativs. Misses Rosins Freund, Genevieve Carey and Dorothy Walsh of McHenry celled on relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. James Green, in Woodstock Saturday evening and Sunday. Local Boxer Knocked Out Charles "Ding" Newman, Son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman of this village, who is now making his home at Rockford, stayed but three rounds with Jimmie SteVens at an. athletic ".how staged at the Rex pavilion in Elgin on Thursday evening of last week. The former McHenry boy vent down for the count in the third round after his opponent had uncorked one of his wild blows for which he is noted among fistic fans in the Watch city. Newman is not at all satisfied with the showing he made and feels reasonably confident that he can give the Elgin lad a great deal better argument than was displayed last Thursday. He has asked for a return match and, according to word from Elgin, his request will undoubtedly be granted some time in the near future. Swell .Christmas Tree Thru the efforts of the members of McHenry chapter, O. E. S., the community Christmas tree fund has been swelled to the extent of $22.60. This amount, representing the net receipts of a public card party sponsored by the local Eastern Stars and held at the Masonic hall here last Thursday evening, has since then been turned over to the chairman of the tree fund. Altho the evening was anything but an inviting one for such an occasion, the steady down pour failed to dampen the spirit of those who were set upon seeing the occasion brought to a successful conclusion and as a result the attendance and receipts far exceeded the committee's fondest expectations. The committee having charge of the party a*e to be congratulated. v Michael J. Quian Michael J. Quinn, a former tesf* dent of this village, but who for many years has made his home at Rockford, met his fate in that city on Saturday, Nov. 26, when he was struck and killed by a K. D. passenger train near that city. His remains were brought to McHenry on Monday morning of last week, the funeral taking place from St. Patrick's church with interment in the cemetery adjoining. The deceased was a brother to William and Henry Quinn of this village. Buy cotton goods now at Eriekson's CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OB RENT--Terms reasonable. H. T. Cooney, Woodstock,- 111. SO FOR SALE--Milkers and springers, Poland China boars and Barred Rock cockerels. Frank Tonyan, Ringwood HI. 25-3t* FOR SALE--Maxwell 1917 touring ear and Republic 1 ton truck. Real bargainer StQling's garage, McHenry m. 19-tf FOR SALE--Two Pomeranian Spitz dogs. Fine pets. For information call at Kercher's barber shop, Mc Henry, or call phone 80-W. 26 FOR SALE OR RENT--125 acres four miles southwest of McHenry. Inquire of J. E. McAndrews, West McHenry, 111. Phone 620-W-l. 26-3* FOR SALE OR RENT--The Michael Justen estate house on Elm street McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Justen, administrator, West McHen ry, HI. 16-tf FOR SALE • Leghorn hens, strain 150 S. C. W., heavy laying. Have no winter quarters. For quick sale, 75c each. Sam Rogers, West McHenry, 111. Phone 606-W-l. 26-lt FOR SALE--My 142% acre farm, located one mile west of the railroad track, McHenry. One hundred acres under cultivation. Buildings are in good repair. For terms or other information apply to or write William Cossman ft Son, West McHenry, 111. 26 FOR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about two miies east of McHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of he Fox river bridge in McHenry. H. Freund. McHenry, HL Phone 643 M-2. 41-tf ' Witt.:. •fflailiJpits and in walking of starM and R. R. station. Apply to C. W. Stenger at West McHenry State bank, Ben HfcilHng ft Son, McHenry of C. S. CHraft, 800 W. Jackson BlvcL, Chicago. Phone Monroe 6300. 12-tf FOR SALE--Choice big type Poland China boars, shred by Gerstdales Timm No. 369571, a son of the famous Gerstdale Jones. These boars havu plenty of length and bone. Anyone wishing to improve their herd would j do well to look them over. Prices I right. James Hunter, West McHenry, 111. Phone 617-J-2. 20-tf DR. N. J. fcYE Physician and Surgeon X-Ray Treatment and Radiegrap|k 1- :*:00 to 9:00 a. ». r > l;00 to 3:00 p. m. 7:00 to 9KW p. m •Phone «2-R :: McHenry. 01. Office Houib: ^•1 Wi- ,1 i." There are scores of furs but only one sable; scores of gems but only one diamond; scores of phonographs but only one . SONORA The Highest Clast i- Talking Machine ^ ••v- ' in the WorML N. J. Justen & Son Furniture and Undertaking Phone 43-W WEST McHENRY, ILL. •A SERVICE FIRST Long-Distance Service at Night , : T . r ; . v •: • >. •* •; *•*- . *%- Ettti!hgari(!liightlong-distance tefephoile clfffer cost less than day calls, the lines are clearer of traffic and the service is rapid. By use of the "station to station" aerrice longdistance telephone bills ire considerably reduced. The rate per call during the eve&ing, by Hik plan, is only slightly more than one-half of the rate for day calls. After midnight the rate is much less, for example: Chicago to Cleveland, for three-minute talks, day rase, $2=05--8:30 p. m. to midnight, $1.05---midnight to 4:30 a. m., 55 cents. . yi saving ^station to station" service. •#1 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY EXTRAORDINARY Tire Sale Starting today and lasting one week only. We are offering our entire stock of Knight tires at prices that will be sure to interest you. Here is your chance to make money. Drop in and see for yourself, i. < t" KNIGHT CORDS 32x34 I1S.7S 34x4 S29.7& 32*4 , . tHH 33*4i... „ 3 3 x 4 . . ...WM 32*4*. . . ISLSt J WEED CHAINS At a Real Price 30x3+ S44S 33*4.... 32x3+ . $4JI 34x1.. . 32x4.... tt.4S AUTO & FARM LIGHT SUPPLY CO. Pboac M McHenry. III. Think Your Gas # Company a$^>* Big Family Enterprise ^ • There's Progress and Profit for You in Co-operation ' People speak of their public utilities (their gas, electric light, street railway and telephone companies) as "they," and of the ^ men Who work for them as "those men." Why not say "we," a friendly little word would serve to bring us all closer together. • ;vvv..': And why shouldn't it be "we"? Because ! ^®ther we are stockholders or not, we ai»'.;_x part owners of these necessary public sejH j vants, through the investments of trust con^.': ;.i -|fanies, banks and insurance companies. # r.v Yet how few of us think of this! Not OOjt ; citizen out of a hundred realizes that in one form or another his actual savings and insult f |f ance and his wife's and children's welfare ^ depend upon the prosperity and continued I operation of the public utilities! f/ ; .*/ f * 4 No need for sentiment heref - tion is one of direct self-interest; of dollars ^ and cents, our savings! So that when we see to it that our public utilities are kept in a healthy condition, we are doing the most 5 ^ natural thing in the world--we are merely protecting our own moneir*., f H' • v.-- .< . '•J f? z^'WesternUnited Gas eo)d Electric Company ' ; %• THE BEST - r: - "ij"- M is the policy behind the servicl of their ^Lawful regulations and ample resources are desirj %ble--and these are provided for the safety patrons of the Fox River Valley State Bank. But back of these safeguards is another guar* anty--the individual responsibility and capabili of the management and directors. They are well known and like our stockholders actively engaged in worth-while, enterprises In M ^County. M ^ individual responsibility is the recognized basis; <>f aU sound banking. The integrity o<Nthis Is emphasized by its personnel. McHenry, Illinois JOS C, HOLLY, FREMONT M •,ir - '1 if •M -Mi y--< ' >fOft£ALS

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