several erat4PKt ^ her^ now hold*** a -afcriqii -|pal> tion with the railroad company and is stationed at Dixon. A splendid variety of Christinas Candies to choose from at Erickson's. (Jliver j|)§Mariter frrtHl at •tock oniday last wbsIl The death was caosed 1^ apoplexy. 41ie deceased ' was a • native of Denmark, cane to America In' 1887 and has been a resident of Woodstock ever"Bj{nee. McHENRY POSt, Nb. 181 American Legion Bepilar meetings every Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. All exservice men welcome. Wt WflNDBLL A. DIBBOU8 ^ OstMprthfe Physician Dcwon.i £ldg, Opeago Treatments by appointment ody. Phone Crystal Lake 184. Regular trips Mondays and Thursdays. h'- HAVE A GRADUATED AUCTIONEER :s - TO CONDUCT YOUR SALE ERNEST ROSING "INGLESIDE, ILL. General * A uttioneer Phone. Round Lake 33-W-l PhlUP -JAEGER f SOSNBftAt COnMISStON MERCHANT ^ &re«*«d Beef, mg», ^sal^Peuijbry. . m*a», 8fc- fritter «hr^ ' >• TMsls the oldest hanae oa the street Tags andprtesttsts CttnfaftsAcn application ' COLD STORAQfi FREE . •tall I a a, PaltM St. CHICAGO, I ILLINOIS. WhoUitt* Mtrinl WINTER MERCHANDISE REDUCED We allow a liberal discount fof cash 00 all winter merchandise during December. It is wise to tdke advantage of this discount at a time when you can ffet the longest service from your winter needs. JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY PLAYS RECORDS t Brunswick Phonographs & Records •i^Piano^ & Rolls Floor Lamps Sheet Music EVERETT MUSIC STORE Ik", Phone 1S4-J McHenry, I1Lwsw Washing Machines flat Irons . ^ Coffee Mills Pyrex ware Aluminum Wa^ - Cut Glass Water Sejfc \ ' Chinawafi»-v Glasswar%, Dishes ^ Vases s Jar<Unier|. - - Toilet SeSfv Razors Flash Lights Pocket Knives Vacuum Bottl^ Alarm Ciocks SV:; Tools Jewelry ^ Silverware Gw»" Nickle-plated Carving Sets Mechanical Trains ToyBa^. , Drums ;, • - Wagons ' ^ . > Tricycles Writing Desks Rocking Horsgs Sleds Skies " Dolls , Books N_ Fiacy Writing^piP Mocks #. Toy Dishes Toy Guns * Tree Ornaments and all kinds of useful gifts The Bi Assortment To Be Found At IF Phone 98-M JOHN 1 VYCITAL McHenry, 111 1 COMERS JMmBOBjt OP A - IN oea mmrviLLAGB <ts Seea by Plaindealer Reports-- a*i Handed Into Oar 0flce by Oat fiends % f \ Louis Adams.was. among, Hia Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. C. W. Stenger spent Monday in. the metropolitan city. Mrs. Mary Green and son, William, were . Chicago visitors Monday. Wm. Koeppe was among the Chicago passengers Monday morning. Mrs. J. J. Vasey of Chicago passed Friday last with McHenry friends. John R. Knox was a business visitor at the county seat Monday morning Ixulrofcis., Oh Henrys El Rectors Flivvers a hotly contested one. iii'Hifttion of E. M: CSelef and supporters of the team declare that with iJM^-iPctk,-tha^mw line-up tha tail-enders are rfH#* seen- JmloiMM as if these dairymen will company is reeeiyinflr obliged to look elsewhere for a ket. This puts th»*«e men in a bad predicament, to say the least, it is to be hoped that scons way be found to dispose of this milk. a* ; • • vv* * »;• k *S* 8 Buick t Crowns ......*.. ^.. 4 The standing of the teams in the McHenry bowling league remains the same as last week with the.Intffelas leading the procession. During the past three series : have been rolled. night, was between the leaders and the Fords, the former taking all three due to show tho balanee df the a reai/fight. R. S. Howard transacted matters of ' games- On the following evening the a business nature in Chicago Monday. I Oh Henrys stuck three straight de- Mrs. C. W. Stenger and daughter, I feats onto the lowly Crowns and on Margaret, were Chicago visitors last Tuesday night the Flivvers trounced Waat to Cema fiack to Border Since the posting of the notice at the plant of the Nestle Food company at GrayBlake to the effect that no milk wiH be taken after January 1, patrons of the factory have been labkjng •round for a market for their product.' A nlimber of the dairymen, residing' •Th7iir^T^rTh^; J*,I«»4 1" a» borhood of Volo, who quit the Borden company here last year to deliver their milk to the Grayslake factory, are now quite anxious to return to the McHenry plant, but whether or not their, milk will .be accepted after T*ha all the milk that they can mpgUy use and it is quite doubtful if these dairymen will find a market for their product in McHenry, at least not now. Of course conditions may so shape themselves, between now end spring so that the local plant will be able to handle the surplus, but just now it Christmas trees at Erickson's. Order a suit and overcoat made your measure at M. J. Welsh's. M. Frett passengers last Thursday Friday. Albert Chicago evening. Miss Mayme Barbian passed the week end as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Silas Schori is spending a of week with relatives fit politan city. Clayton Wilson of Chicago spent the week end as the guest of friends in McHenry. Frank Schnabel of Chicago passed llonday evening as the guest of McHenry friends: Misses Lenore and Rosina Freund passed the first of the week with relatives in Chicago. N. H. Petosch transacted matters of a business nature in*the metropolitan city Monday. Miss Anna Oertel has returned home from a three weeks* visit with relatives in Chicago. Miss Kathleen O'Reilly > spent a< few days last week as tike guest of relatives in Chicago. Miss Verona Niesen passed the week end as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city. Paul Bonslett of Woodstock spent Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett. Miss LaNette Covalt passed last Thursday evening as the guest of her parents at Crytal Lake. Mrs. John Knox and Miss Rose Laures spent Thursday of last week in the metropolitan city*. George Justen of Chicago spent the week end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger, were Chicago visitors last Friday. Mrs. A. K. Bums and son, Robert, of Oak' Park are guests in -the home of her sister, Mrs. G. H. Johnson. William Herbes spent last Thursday night in the home 'of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Krepef, at Crystal Lake. Paul Barbian of Chicago spent a few days last week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Barbian. Mrs. Geo. Meyers and grfutddaughter, Joyce Chesnut, spent a few days last week with relatives at Wauconda*. James B. Perry and F. G. ScJjreiner were called to Woodstock on legal matters on Monday morning of this week. Mrs. Carl Nelson of Elgin passed the latter part of last week asm guest in the home of her mother, Jfrs. A. Wolff. . John F. Freund" spent "several days this week with his wife, who is confined in the Garfield Park hospital in Chicago. Miss Esther Stoffel passed the latter part oMast week as the guest of relatives and friends in the metropolitan city. Eugene V. Fagan returned to his' home in Chicago last Saturday after spending a couple of weeks with McHenry friends. Miss Lillian Harrington of Chicago passed the week end as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R. Sutton at Emerald Park. MisB ^Theresa Freund spent the latter part of last and the first of this week with her mother at the GarfieW Park hospital in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers and children of Chicago passed the week end in the home of the former's parents^ Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mrs. F. E. Cobb, daughter, Lenore, and son, Stanley, spent the latter part of last and the first of (his week with relatives ih Chicago. Miss Lenore Freund, who is attending school at Ypsilanti, Mich., is home to spend the holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Freund. Mrs. John Aylward and Miss Irene Conway of Elgin passed Thursday of last Veek in the home of their par-^ ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. Dr. an4 Mre. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn, left this (Thursday) morning for a twa weeks' nsit with relatives at Montreal arfl other points ia the East. . Romo E. Bobb, who is attending the state normal school at Stevens Point, Wis., is spending the holiday vacatiomtith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bobb. ffl*. and Mrs. Ed. L. Martin and daughter, Marion, and Mrs. Clara Harrison of Woodstock were guests in the home of Postmaster aadiKrs. E. El Baspett last Thursday. Entertained Fifty-I^fty Club The Fifty-Fifty Bunco club was most delightfully entertained by Mrs. Fred Miller at her home on Riverside Drive on Thursday evening of last week. The evening's first honors went to Mrs. P.J. Heimer, second, Mrs. N. F. Stsilen; third, Mis. Fred Miller. Delicious refreshments We served. ^ j Fine oxfords in tan with boss and spats to match at M. J. Walslfs. Oh Henrys two out of three, It was among the- shpuhl have been three straight, the Flivvers losing the l*st game by a single pin. FLIVYJJRS BUMPED AGAIN The F!iw*rs once mom were handed three straight defeats at the couple j hands of tTie Indioles lost Thursday jEranTialmiig this «K*ieS by a total of 114 pins. No alley records ware fevriM n by either isun. The scores: Indiolas 1 2 3 Total Vogt ....v..^81 166 170' 506 L. Page ......139 177 141 457 R. Thompson .117 108 179 404 Laures ........ 176 189 169 493 Warner 182. 161 172 515 0 821 8375 Flivvers 1 2 3 ^ Total Weber . ^.,..**57 167 189 503 N. Meyers ...168 144 168 470 R. Page .....468 113 181 452 Spurling .....118 142 173 433 144,, 108 403 m 700 810 8261 Oh Henrys Take Three From Crewns One of the best series yet rolled since the inauguration of the local bowling league took place last Friday evening, when the Oh Henrys put three straight over the lowly Crowns. The losers gave the candy men an awful scare in the' second game and for a while it lqpked as if the tobacco rollers would win, but no such luck, and-once more the* Crowns were obliged to take a three straight defeat. The scores: Oh Henrys 1 A. Meyers * .. .182 i Bacon ..... .*.187 , Richardson .. »205 J Schmitt Steilen . TVtal ....146 W9 Crgwns Total Conway Perkins Bickler Whiting Geisr .. i ' • Ulim vs. Oh Henrys Aftef losing three straight to the Indiolas last Thursday evening the Flivvers came back strong on Tuesday evening of this week and succeeded in hanging two out of three games upon the Oh Henrys. The final game of the three was dropped to the candy men by~a single pin. The series proved an interesting one. The scores: Flivvers R. Page Bolger ......v.134 Gorman . v.«»vl88 Spurling .... .206 Web^ -V...140 Ohlfenrys .1 A. Meyers ...171 ^Bacon ... ..% .160 , Richardson .7 .121 Schmitt ......128 fititfnn ».....189 2 8 Total 142 108 474 177 178 489 172 148 608 186 160 661 .168 168 471 844 887 8488 2 8 Total - 182 172 \ 525 177 160 496 168 164 434 161 168 437 186 204 559 ro 886 888 2451 El Rectors vs. Crowna Tonight This (Thursday) evening the. El SHEETROCK The FQtCPROOr WALLBOARD i. Easy toAandle, ewy to putujv c apable a# being sawed and uailed like lunfber, sheetroca, made from rcZk, ia in steadily increa* tngdcKand for waQs and Cfflinf in net construction, altaatioas andfepairs. Meetrock is fireproof--inspgttd and approved by The Mfeonal Board of Underwriters IjPwill not warp or buckle. It resists cold, damp, and sound. I* ic-an be papered or painted In plain or panel effects. For compilt* inlormm* iUas caff att our yardi Grayslake Theatre MP! . . ' • Tfce IwiineM houses of * Gri»y»;ti5€ Qf**r a free sh«Hr $9 tha psnpln nt tto com- ^ jsiMUty ' FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING . AND SATURDAY , , AFTERNOON A purchase at any bualnees <?" place will |f<ve yoa a F«EE TICKET OurMessato Cheer hat Christmas day bring unbounded j; 5 joy and happiness to our Customers and friends is-lhe-sifiC€r«Lwish of K N. J. JUSTEN & SON Furniture & Undertaking West McHenry, III. ifottr Dollar Does'Its Full Duty Here ..4*? f-|| IrWlKFELD, Manager '•>> • f TRADE AT THE & CARRY WEST McHENRY, ILL. •;> 4 1 K . The Current of Saving ' . 36aving by cash dealing is like the current of a great river, it flows steadily^ quietly, persistently on, on, on--ever widening and increasing. When you- *««« cash dealing you start a current in motion that will bring competence v^Jfind plenty for old age. Never allow .anything to interrupt the current ot jtf^aving. It's your best friend. Pay cash, owe nothing, life will be sweetlr, jptehera^d happiw. v- ^Sutter, Elgin Creamery, bulb, per brick, per lb. _48e tjood Luck Oleomargarine, per lb.._24e Peanut Gutter, fresh made, per lb.t_.19c - Eard, per lb. .lie ' feacon, fancy breakfast, per lb,..". ,.2Se Salmon, tall can He Pilchard's Snow Cap, talLcan^ !8e „ Sardines in mustard sauc^» lajge can.tic 0 Hominy, large cato---.*£.. lie Pumpkin, large can........ . .Me ^ Sweet Potatoesslarge can.. 18e Soap Flakes, per lb... lit Dromedary Cocoanut, Vi lb. pkg Sit Raisins, fancy seedless, 15 oz, pkg...288 k Raisins, fancy seeded, 15 oz pkg.-,-2Se 4 Currants, cleaned, 15 oz. pkg...T 2Ce Mince Meat, New Pack, per pkg..... 17c a i Del Monte Prunes, per lb ...18e Dried Apricots, per lb. Sic Dried Peaches, per lb... ,24c Walnuts, per -*|S7C Brazils, per lb. Filberts, per lb..^ ------ Almonds, per v..... .,-^^#^|28c Sweet Oranges, per dot.....^,S5c Fancy Lemons, 2 for 5c Olives, Maaon Jar Queen,^svltTr^S8e Stuffed Olives, tall jar These prices are-not Friday and Saturday bargains, but everyday prices. ";$4 m ' Si, •t'iy-i) r vf, nafVe have listed below some of the many ^8eful articles we have Ift ftfVrk ffff • ^ t ^LUMINUM WARE, a com- * X pleteline^ ROASTERS, enameled and aluminum J^1,UNCH KITS with THER- : MOS BOTTLE. #YREX OVEN CASSEROLES , CARVING SETS^ ' »Hki. SCISSORS " ^ SAFETY RAZORS - RAZORS POCKET KNIVES CASTING RODS TACKLE BOXES, complete AIR RIFLK& RIFLES ' FLASH LIGHTS B^ BALJeS & GLOVBS mil f ,-fc: Donavin's Hardware West McHenry* I1L * J "