mmfrmW-j:s'WmM •**#«»««» DK*'-9R9PjBMKfc n , ngs Aim tod third each month at 8:00 ex-service men wei- Phone RD H. POJJSf A ttorney-at-Law No. 1M-R. SIMON STOFFEI, Insurance agent for *11 classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, > ILLINOIS m** Mefienry, 111. Your- OUR FLOUR AiWAVS HOLDS ITS PLACE §• •HERE is a reason behind this. We continue to adhere to the same manufacturing standards that we started out with. These standards have always produced a flour that is with- 'Qjut flaw, The highest demands in flour are satisfied by our product. i^iir ear Ooajf-^roBTi McHENRY Flour Mills v West McHenrv. tit. ° You need ammunition for the battle of life. A good, healthy body il essential for the campaign. There's on® Sure way to secure thii healthy body. Buy our pure groceries, we will sell you the best, at prices as low as some people charge iorlbfli other kind. * M. M. Niesen MeHenry Phone 4# ESKIMO PIES fov Mm \2--V. /J-- V* *-'• We have obtained a permit for the manufacture of Eskimo Pies and are daily making this vetjjjr newest confection. HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Eskimo Pies, manufactured by the McHenryli* Cream Factory, will be on sale at the following places: Vogt's Drug Store , Busy Bee Cafe ^ Brewery Service Station ' Niesen's Cafe ^ / v THeo. Schiessle C. Unti's JcIMtlCE CREAM FACTORY "'••• -:-C C. UNTI, PROP. J- 3 n - •(• (•• MS •«> •r ,r*-S it m; t.$r, THE UNIVERSAL CAR a The OneTonlintck, The Ford One-Ton Truck first made its appeal to the farmer and the merchant because of the tterits of Ford Cars. And it made its wonderful reputation and great sales record because it lived up to every claim made for it , The reliable Ford Motor, the special Ford steel diassis, the aluminum bronze worm-drive, all combine to produce a truck of unusual power, capacity and strength -- a truck that lasts in service; a truck that solves the haulage problem at a Very small operating and upkeep expense. Hence the demand for the Ford One-Ton Truck : m constantly on the increase. .for the good of your business, whether it be filming, merchandising or manufacturing, you should come in and look over the Ford One-Ton Truck--- NOW I IMPORTANT ar® prepared to furnish th« Ford Truck «juipp*4 •ithar with Standard or Special Gearing. Tha 8t«a0 « '^iard Gearing gives tha truck a maximum of potptf, , f^Tbe Special Gearing Incraaaas tha ipaad of tba tnKfc - 'from five to seven milaa an boar, coonrtliii it IsM ^a Fast Delivery Car. STAR GARAGE .JOHN ft. KNOX. Pi*. PHONE M ^ - Dr. H. D. Hull of Crystal Lake was Mrs. A\' was a Chicago's caller in this vicinity Saturday, visitor WpAtissfliy. " c> Miss Margaret Grant of Elgin Special low prion eh robber foot spent Sunday with relatives here. wear at Erickson's. S. H. Smith transacted business in the metropolitan city Tuesday. William Meyers passed the latter part of last week as the gueit of relatives at Racine, Wis. Johnsburg was quite well represented at the ski jump held at CaTy last Sunday afternoon. A number from here attended the ) were Thomas Phalin was a business visitor in Chicago one day last week. Harold and Robert Knox Woodstock visitors Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Riley of Barrington called on relatives here Saturday. Miss Esther Peters of Woodstock visited friends here Sunday evening. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock spent the week end with relatives in FOR flALB--New cushion rubber fired buggy. Inquire of Mrs. Joe. fi. j usten, MeHenry, 111. 32-2t* funeral of Mrs. Mary Schreiner at this vicinity. MeHenry Wednesday morning. | Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter, Another wedding dance is to takej Darlene, spent the week end with the place at "Stubby's" hall here on Wed- i former's mother, Mrs. Stella Peck, nesday evening of next week, Feb. 1. j Howard Phalin and Thomas and Mrs. Frank Miller has been quite jjl 'Francis Frisby attended a basket ball game in Woodstock Friday evening. Miss Florence Kno* spent Friday evening with Miss Vera Haligus at Crystal Lake and in company with several teachers and students of the Crystal Lake schools attended grand opera in Chicago. FOR SALE--Oberstadt residence in West MeHenry. MeHenry, 111. J. C. Holly, 32-tf FOR SALE--A Done Jersey boar. Fine producer. A. M. Schiller, West MeHenry, 111. 13-tf FOR SALE--Alfalfa hay. Inquire of Henry Tonyan, MeHenry, 111. Phone 626-R-2. 32-3t WANTED--Two "detract" tractors in good running order. Must be cheap. Answer Plaindealer. 31-tf FOURTH NUMBER PLEASED at her home here during the past few days, but is how reported to be-on the gain. The Christian Mothers will hold a public card party at the parish hall here next Sunday evening, to which everyone is most cordially invited. The wedding dance held at Smith's hall here on Wednesday evening of last week was attended by nearly one k*r8® Audience at Empire^Laat Wedhumired couples, the largest crowd . nesday Evening that has turned out fpr a dance here, The fourth number of the lyceum in a long time. Everyone in attend- course, a lecture entitled "All a nee had a fine time. Aboard," given by Elwood T. Bailey .A large number of young people of 1 Jan. 18, at the Empire theatre, comtlus village tendered Miss Mary j pletely dissipated the too common no- Freund a miscellaneous shower at j tion that a lecture must of necessity parish hall here last evening. The j be dry and uninteresting. Unforevent proved a highly enjoyable one tunately many are, but after hearing for everyone who attended. Miss Mr. Bailey one feels safe in saying Freund will become a bride next Wed- that a Bailey lecture never fails in nesday. - ' • jthat categwry. In faot, you never The marriage ttf Miss Elizabeth think that you are being lectured to Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j when Mr. Bailey speaks. He just en- John H. Freund of this place, ar.d tertains you with his humor and in- John Rauen of , Spring Grove was spires you with his common sense, solemnized at St. John's Catholic j He is what one might call an inspirachurch here on Wednesday morning tional entertainer of the first class. of this week with Rev. Wm. Weber officiating. The ceremony was followed by a reception at the home of the bride's sister at Spring Grove. His audience, not as large as it should be. sat for an hour and a half keenly interested in the development of the lecturer's theme so skill- Both the bride and groom are highly j fully woven about the title "All respected thruout this territory, i Aboard" and frequently gave exwhere they have always resided, pression to their enjoyment or ap- They will go to housekeeping --Jit j proval as the case might be by gen- Spring Grove immediately. Johns- erous applause. There was a great burg friends extend congratulations.' deal of humor, with just enough RING WOOD j pathos to bring out in strong con- Attend Erickson's January deer-jtr»st Points of ^ le88on drawn The lecture was distinctly worth Bell visited his daughter at whi1*- Those who heard it hope that MeHenry will have other opportunities to hear Mr. Bailey and those who did not are echoing the same hope, only in a minor strain, indicative of their regret that they did not visited her |Se'ze the Arst opportunity given them ance sale. Ed. Spring Grove last Wednesday. Chas. Thompson of Greenwood was a business caller in town Tuesday. Ed. Martin of Woodstock was transacting business |n town Monday MiSs Martha Dailey unci., WU1 Dailey, at Greenwood S.t- [to ]*> »"d , and uplifted by as splendid a lec- U Mrs. Sarah Johonnott of Richmond M has ever visited MeHenry. was a guest of Mrs. H. M. Stephenson j PLANNING WEEK OF MEETINGS FOR SALE--A few choice Poland China gilts bred for April farrow. James Hunter, West MeHenry, 111. 30 aged widow, as housekeeper ha gentleman's country home or farm. Not under fifty, years. No one to look after but myself. Best of reference. Call phone 604-M-2 or write A. Steabin, care of Mrs. John Rosch, MeHenry, 111. 33 , DR. N. J. NYE ^C.R Pkysidan and SurgeoH " : X-Ray Treatment and Radiograph Office Honrs: , • "a to 9:00 a. m. \ 1:00 to. 3:00 p. a. 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. Theae 62-R :: McHeary, HL *-v\ FOR SALE!--By the ton, a quantity of wood in stove lengths. Inquire at Fox River Valley State Bank, MeHenry, 111. 28 FOR SALE OR RENT--A good, large house together with five acres of land, chicken house and other buildings. J. J. McCarthy, MeHenry, 111- 32-tf WE have a high-grade piano near by which we will sell to party completing monthly payments. Cable Piano Factory, 801 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago. 82-2t FOR SALE OR RENT--The Michael Jus ten estate house on Elm street, MeHenry. Apply to or write N. J Jus ten, administrator, West McHetfry, 111. 16-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Farm of 100 acres, located half way between MeHenry and Crystal Lake. Eighty acres plow land, balance pasture. Apply to C. W. Colby, Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, 111. 31-8t* SITUATION WANTED--By middle A. M Schmitt. Pre*. Phone 639-W-l M. N. Schmitt, Secy. Phone 6B-R-I McHENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL - FIRE INSURANCE <Xfc - * The cheapest and safest insurance on earth. Rates and other information may be had upon application \ . Michael Freund, Agent, MeHenry last Wednesday. Mr. Turner of Solon guest of his daughter, Nobles, and family ns a Sunday Mrs. George Farm and Home Bureaus Hold Meet- I ings During Jan. SO and Mar. 4 The Farm Bureau, in co-operation MrsVs. W. Brown spent Thursday i with the Home Bureau, is planning a week of meetings from January 30 to March 4. J. C. Sayler, director of the with her mother, Mrs. James Mc Donald, at West MeHenry. Mrs. James Rainey sprat Thursday organization department of the Illilast with her mother, Mrs. Alma nois Agricultural association, is Thomas, at West MeHenry. bringing to these meetings the de- Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mrs. Louis pertinent of agriculture, "Spring Hawley spent a couple of day» last Valley." The Home Bureau has seweek with Chicago friends. cured a film on Flies from the state Mrs. John Gould apd two daughters j department of public health, of Woodstock spent the week end I Everyone is cordially invited to with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. these meetings, which will be held in Bacon. ! theffollowing places: Miss Mildred Wolkos of Milwaukee,, y^fondayyJaauJO., 7:30 p. m., Ridge- Wis., spent the past week with her /eld church, preceded by an oyster sister, Mrs. Stacker, and friends^ supper. around town. Tuesday,.J«. Si, itfO p. m., Ma- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder mo- rango, in the welfare rooms, preceded tored to Hebron Wednesday to visit by picnic lunch at noon. the letter's sister, Mrs. Evans, who Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1:30 p. »•. has just returned from the hospital at Union movie hall, preceded by a picnic D Mi„n lunch at noon. Miss Elynor ' Dodge entertained I Thursday, Feb. 2, 1*0 p. m* Harseven young lady friends from Anti-,vard Masonic hall, preceded by a picoch over the week end. Mrs. W. A. at "°?n „ Dodge acted as chaperon and they Thursday, Feb. 2* 7:80 p. m., Greenall attended the party Friday night., i chur<^ James Conway of Harvard was in town Monday on business at the Bowman plant and he reports his daugh Friday, Feh, S, 7:80 p. {Solon Mills community club. All of the afternoon meetings will ter, Florence, as being in very poor.b® over by 3:30 P- mhealth- The family has many rela- J tives and friends here who sincerely I Mary B. Dalbey, MeHenry County Home Adviser. hope Florence will soon be well again BIDS FOR ELECTRICAL DRIVEN CENTRIFUGAL PUMP The Village of MeHenry, Illinois, invites competitive bids for the construction of one centrifugal pump with motor direct connected to same; one concrete foundation for mounting this equipment; electrical wiring complete for operation of motor; necessary piping for connection of pump; according to the plans of the same on file with the Village Clerk of said Village of MeHenry. All bids must and able to go on with her study in music. - SOLON MILLS Special low prices on wool Ansa goods at Erickson's.' Ed. Cropley was a business caller in Spring Grove Tuesday. Dwight Osborn of Richmond was a business caller in town last Thursday. Mrs. Ed. Hopper of Ringwood was calling on friends in town one day this WMIC Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aylward of > sealed and filed on orbefore Sat- Hebron were callers in town Satur- j urday, February 4, > a day evening I o'clock in the forenoon. A certified Quite a number from here attended I check for ten per cent of the amount the auction sale at John Waspi's farm must accompany the proposal. The near Spring Grove Wednesday. i Board of Trustees of said Village of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Thompson, Mrs., MeHenry reserves the right to reject F. E. Hodge and E. E. Cropley were W and all bids. By order of the callers at Johnsburg Tuesday evening i Board of Trustees of the Village of 11^1 9 O V VVllllDU IX K M UvCUCIJ V V • , _ M Earl Monear, who has been stop- i MeHenry, Illinois. Da anuary , 1922. Louis A. Erickson, Pres. pro tern. • Wm. G. Schreiner, Village Clerk. Celebrate Wedding Anniversaries ' The wedding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. F. Garrity of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer of this village were celebrated at the home of the latter on John street last Saturday. A sumptuous dinner was served the guests at six o'clock. On Sunday the guests dined with Mr. , _ , and Mrs. Peter J. Schoewer at their The dance, given by the Solon Mills home on Green street> foliowed by a Improvement club on Saturday e^en- farewell supper at the home of N. C. ing, was attended by a good crowd of , K]ein in ^ evening. Those present about thirty-five and the usual good , wen). Mr and Mrs George Garrity time was reported. and Mr. and Mre. Fred Samlow of TERRA COTTA | Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Twenty per cent discount on heavy j Schoewer and son, Hubert; N. C. rubber foot wear at Erickson's store.' Klein and daughters, Mildred and Ed. Cadwallader was a visitor in , Eleanor, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. ping at the home of James Jackson, returned to his home at Harvard Monday. Miss Leona Cropley, who is teaching at Libertyville, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley. Mrs. Earl Monear of Harvard, who has been sick in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jackson, is much improved in health at this writing. Pictorial Review PAH That dress you apt; - going to get will make up the prettiest with • Pictorial Review Pattern. We have them from 2ftc to 35c, noai higher. v " < Also have Pictorjtf Crocheting and Knitting book, Pictorial Embroidery book, Pictorial quarterly EafihiOQ book. :• • JOS. J. MILLER MeHenry. III. $1.00 paid down ;. puts in your hous^ " " any \> Electric "fi Appliance; s#?' Electric washers alone excepted--on these the initial payment is $5.00 the balance oi the cost being payable $6.50 a month. The articles comprised in the $1.00 first payment are Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons, Toasters, Percolators, Grills, Curling Irons, Heating Pads and many others. Balance of cost ole*<wjp\ ' appliance payable^! easy monthly parts. S; * C. Unti attended to matj business nature in the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaid and little son, Elmer, and Mrs.- John Molidor were Chicago visitors Ttieeday. Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS New Rubber w ---' " " « temi Belting • PRICE PER FOOTS-"* lack 2 Ply 3 Ply 4Pfy f*ly 1U M1-3 M i m js t m S . 5 5 Ateopatfays, »aa<|BW, shafttng. l«a«her belting ' and a large snpply of h(<se. used belting at a sacrificed price. Money returned it goods are otherwise than represented. Write tor prion on a&to at Inchea. CLINTON SUPPLY CO. 117 S. Clinton St. Chicago. HL Phone Mnin MM PARTY IS A FACT ALL POLKS SHOULD KNOWIT TELLS THEN FOR. HE.AT TO CrO » Z' ' GIVE this your kind attention for about a minute and a half and then investigate some of the choice, well kept meats we are selling. -Your appetite will give them its constant attention during its lively lifetime. W«d« lor Mr.' P«^ FRETT'S NARKn^GMCERY MAiNSTWESTMcHOWUL PHONE 3 -- We' ve been thinking as we sit by the radiator all oozy and warn -and watch the^l^% people going by are burning, Again This Bank Will Render Real K ' J»r tf/1 A"'r> By having Mr. Peter Justen at the bank (on days hereafter to he ai^n<^,l to ass^t , ^ w m-r "i .'/s 0 : * Anyone hi tfti Cbmtiimiity 6i preparing their .fj % ^ Income Statement - : ' -- k t"A*. ":f: ** Fox River Valley State Bank . t MeHenry, Illinoia GERALD^. CARfeY, Cash. FREMONT HOY, all bundled up, ' %€».' their; •hint^l what ^ pleasure It is to have good ooalto burn, and we thought perhaps some of you may have a hard time to keep your houses warn, and w* are wondering U itO might be th# fault of the .ooal yt^ and perhaps if it is, you migjht try some of the good ooal that we handle and see if . ii won11 iaake It oosy and warm for j? you too. We thank fou. HoHENRY LUMBER CO.