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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1922, p. 3

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. -> IMP THE t. ~yt*- *> v-, * ., -•4;: %'%-,:••> 'S'; V^*Wfi vu 'TV$C your health, HWth U HappjMM • *W fiaehae tin a taffciiBt-. It k almost l^HUdiao to jwvfaiflr btw the victim «inttwnghtgw* wC feSfftLSS ^ijS^bSr ^ Mothers ahoold teach their rirls h # <*' what opaass from standing ^ ?t: groaai wfifc cold er wet feet, from , Uftioc hoayv articUs, and from over worktof. Donot let them ©T«r-etudy. If A«JF wasphdnof hsadacfaa, pains < In the back and ioarer limbs, tbey v. it 5^Sjh#r'" th0*htfU «*• j AHMMIMW W«d hHd^f HMN writ* Mrs. Lynd, about Lvdia & ; F<nlch«&'e Vegetable Compound. #;|i "My mother *»«*e me Lydia E. j . rmkham's Vegetable Compound .$ F;p whan i «h Ujeata «M for boobies Fs of ton have and for loos of $s weight. Th«n after I married I took the Vegetable Compound before each cbud was born and always when j %•; I felt the least ran down. Both my aister gfci alalai lil l-- Mta tl 1 h^ei>£ aSiSiSTS'la1'1( mother's kMM for ywn." -- Mr? Katwhcw Lynd, 2431 Gladys Ath, CWcagB^H. A Lit* Beak Helped Her * Decide Milwaukee, Wis.-- "My demthtar took Lydia A Ptakh^V Ve«3ubu Compound as eke Waa aaweak and <Md not faei Mds tolas ta lehaal. She was Hka that far aafaja year before Uking yoor Vegetable Compooad. I fonaaattttla book «f years in oar mail-boat uj decided togtre her your nwlid--i She io now otroaff and well and attends echoot awry day. Wo vaeonunoad yonr Vegetable Comto all mothers with waak Ton may nee ifcie latter asatesttaonial. "-Mrs.E.KuKaBnr, 917Kth Aw.. MMwattkaa. Wla. "I was always feeling tired and sleepy, was losing ia weight and would faint at times. 1 hod other troubles too, that made aae fad badly. I read little bookaaadbearu friends talk about the good Lydia E. Pinkbam1* Vegetable Compound bad done thorn, so I have taken it too. The rasults are most satisfactory, for I have gained in weight and my bad symptoms are gore. I recommend yoor Vegetable Compound to all my friends and yon may make whatever ose you like of this letter."--Glokxa Ramirez, 1116 9th Ava., Tampa, Florida. 1 l r ? W1*. 1y^,lUlS!l5 Private Text-Book npmm "Ailments ? ;• J<r2,,l?S?wTrm you free upon request. Write to &*• liTAIft E. Pinkham Medicine (V LmL ^ *hto book contains valuable information. ^ DO YOU SOFTER fROM If yoo want to saa a trash promise of spring and all the clothes that season brings with It, then walk 011 Fifth avenue and look at the bright new hats lir the windows, advises a fashion writer in the New York Times. They st least are all ready and waiting for warmer days to come; and, in fact, they are even begging prettily to be worn right now. Many of them are so happily constructed that their materials seem to say: "Mere Is something more suitable for this time of year than the hat you have on." Now. you know, that is the* most fatal sort of temptation. For who does not secretly long for a new hat at this season of the year? The next most Inspirational thing to do is to watch the models as they try on theste brilliant new creations and see Jtist exactly how they should be worn. For it Is the posing of a hat. after all. that gives ita true style; without its proper and destined angle It amounts to nothing; one must not only have courage and coin enough to buy new things In headgear, but one must then understand how to wear them effectively If the best appearance in the world is to be the outcome Almost Obscure the Eyes. The new hats set straight over the f e.ves, but they manage almost to obscure the eyes nevertheless. At one time' they contented themselves with obliterating from sight the right eye. ASTHMA ? Iakato It to aootlM tteeat ftnlpMM|M>Rttb<NII9d[ M0t t® COBMrtMB* Tab* tetaraaHy to atop coughing m4 HBW> H»fl« wtion from tiia uMM throat Mdhnst utt * avoxsa In Tort Garfield Tea Was Yosr H Grandmother's Kenedy For every stomach «t>d Intestinal ill. This good old-fashtoned herb home remedy for constipation, stomach Ills jand other derangements of the 'feys- " tim so prevalent these days is In even greater favor as a family medicine tium in your grandmother's day. ^3j» A Woman's Reason. Y-i "Why did you go and tell your chum "rf;" am giving a party?" "Because I "9pew she wasn't asked."--Judge. "/# 1 The happier some men are the more ^jj|oney they possess. Workers and Dirty Windowa. English tests showed that factory hands gained from 5 to 15 per cent in efficiency after the factory windows bad can. Cuttcura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap dally and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuttcura Talcum, and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio.--Advertisement Saya Undo Ebon. / "De tendency, of de world," said Uncle Eben, "is to Improve. Bat same as In Aunt Jinny's housekeeping da improvement cant go on wifout de whole place seemin' kind e' tare «p once la a while.** '* Important te Mother* Biamlne carefully every bottle of CASTOR1A, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bean the Slgnatore <d In Use for Over 80 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria ido cniiuren, ana tnai 11 - ^ Enthusiasm's Exit. T#ur fpvorlte star Is to many Lord Blank and give up acting." * "The old stage-robber 1"--Judgef®" GREATER STRENGTH Fewer Spoonful • vtT'.'-W- . \ v- MAOC BY A mt J 1. &s. f r Calumet contains only such mgte- Aenta aa have been approved officially tg the U. 9l Pood Authorities. HIGHEST pound when •r'f; * The value of baking powder is based on its leavening strength. You can't judge it by the size of the can--or by the amount you get for your money. You must estimate it by the amount of baking powder used in each baking and the results you get. is the greatest value ever offered in Baking Powder--it has greater raising "ford'--'it goes farther than many of the other brands. You use only a founded or heaping teaspoonful where many others call tor two teaspoonfuls or more. But Baking Powder is not all youll save when using Calumet You save baking materials. Calumet never fails. The 1 level teaspoonful is as powerful the first. Calumet is perfectly manufactured--keeps perfcctitfW and is moderate in price. * One trial will satisfy you of then Incti -- and demonstrate beyond doant that "^Calumet spells economy." Your grocer sells it on a guarantee of money back if yoo an not pleased iritis ienit«- ring Example of Black Satin Bew an Picture Hat; Hat Mcde of Match gticka in Red and Black. but there Is nothing of that .partiality shown now. The newer hats push rtow» over both eyes, regardless of whether they are r'ght or left, and to the discretion of the wearer Is left the decision of whether she shall be allowed to see her way clearly before her or not. After they have attended t<\ this little duty, which is a casi-Iron rultng of the season, then the hats or turbans or toques or whatever they may be. go forth upon vnrlous ways of their own. ReaJly the.v seem to be allowed the greatest amount of latitude about the shapes In which they shall appear. They turn awav from the face, many of them. It Is a sharp, sure turning, hut It does not stop at that. Having achieved,the upward spread that It Is sure to have, It then spreads on to the sides--down, or out. or drooping at the hack. In some way or other the hriin of the most modern of hats creates a sweep that te eonsplcooaaly appropriate. * it is in the matter ef trimmings, perhaps. where the new hats excel and show their freshness. There Is not much trimming, mind you--nothing resembling overcrowding--but what Is there is so perfectly arranged and composed with the hat and its shape that it leaves nothing to be desired. Ribbon, In bows and loops and ends, is one of the favored trimmings for the spring, and It certainly is pleasao* to see this being used to so great an extent. Women always And ribbons becoming. They car. be twisted and turned and puffed i. so many fascinating ways that the hat with ribhon trimming Inevitably becomes a flattering thing to wear. Then there is this new craze for moire, which brings wjth It a moire ribhon to be used on hats. Qna hat among the newer ones has a brim made entirety at this sort of ribbon, carelessly puffed Into ttie crown to form a softly rolling brim. Over the left ear the 'trim disappears almost entirely and there two-wired pointed end? of the ribbon stick straight out Into the air. The softly folded crown is then made in velvet and the bat la complete. Another ribbon-trimmed bat shows a large and rolling brim, and Is rather broader in proportion to most of the bsts now seen. It Is made of a lightish brown straw, and then It has a wide tslfeta peach-colored rlDbon dravn tightly over the facing of the -brfm toward the front, where at the brim's peak It Is tied into a stiff, upward standing bow. It is a most unusual sort of hat and a very Interesting one, though It Is eo decidedly new in character that one must have temerity to wear It a. a pattern for the rest of the world to follow. * Use ef Groegrain Ribbon^- £ Grosgralu ribbon Is used to make 'whole, shaped brim turbans. It has so much body that a!most anything can be done with It and many of the newer hats will be found to have their Starting point In grosgrain, with a little straw to help them out. Some of these hats succeed lu looking like miniature airplanes, so wingltke are the arrangements of ribbon that float away at one side or the other, or . sometimes from both sides, of the closely fitting crown. Itibbon that is narrow and plaited and formed into various sorts of rosettes Is anofhec favorite type of trimming, and. like the grosgralu brims just described, these succeed in making the hat more or less, once they start out to trim It. A yellow bat of straw with quite a Chinese shape to It, pointing u.> ore the eyes, has a series of black plaited rosettes arranged in regular succession aroand Its brim. Then satin ribbon Is used In loops upon loops, drooping down st one side from hats that are stiff and unrelenting In all other directions. It Is Interesting to see these little, quite borderlike turbans suddenly take it into their heads to show all that squashy ribbon on one side, and, besides giving to the hat a jaunty quality to become the face, the ribbon carries out the design most gracefully. Iterating the Idea from many of the spring frocks, ribbon Is again formed into points and seml-circles to trim the rounded brims of some of the hats. For instance, round the upward turning and round brim of a little red bat there was a row of red ribhon points peeping from behind the brim's edge. This made the hat, for there was no other form of trimming to be seen, and, while the ribbon was exactly the same tone as the straw of the hat. It had a » ^"Idediy decorative quality shout It and gave the smartest sort of a look to the little novelty. Some Other Styles of Hats A bat made of black satin had Mack satin ribhon drawn over Its crown into two stiff bows, which jutted out at the rlgtit side. And another hat of the same foundation material had a stiff bow of black ribbon set rcross tbe back, an that Its sweep allowed from the front as an outline far that portion of the silhouette. Beads are having a great opportunity as far as the newer spHng hats are concerned. There Is nothing obvious or at all passe about the way In v\hlch they are handled, hut the rale seems to be that. If originality cmes into the gnm,» at all, heads and dangles and spangles are quite the nicest thing to use. For Instance, most of the heads used are Isrge snd ornamental and dear as crystal, w' ether they are In colors or In pure white. There are loop of them over the ears or aenws the front of the hat or across the hack, and often these loops hang down and away from the hat. so that they create the Impression of rhalns about the neck rather than •boot tbe bat. • Indeed, often a chain is used for the neck, to repeat the beads on the hat and to carry out the design the hat establishes. There are beads sewed into rosettes, and beads made Into tassels, and heals hung at regular Intervals around the edges of hats. But wherever they are. they are lovely to look upon, and they promise to have a decided vogue In the spring, when every one heglaa to wear tha lighter sort of hats. Earrings are almost a necessity with many of the new hats, and so necessary are they to the prevalent designs that many milliners have seen fit to sew them Into the hats, so that there shall be no question about whether tUgy -ftball be worn or not. . ^ K 9 3 Ask Your Dealer or S! Decorator about the % ALABASTINE OPALINE £ PROCESS SCi; M I %•' * ~ ' before hmtinwll A blendfe* «f tiBia and toaee,« magic intermrat of colore which w21 transform your walk Into a rick fabric tmsarpaaMd in jfetduffiD and 1 ^ • "fnlnn ail aft a coct wall within yxmraMaiH. i>vv decorator can do the worir an siuics paints can 3upply the material -- anyone can now afford to have l^ lifiamzed walk fonneiiy the exclusive privilege of tbe very wealthy. "I#-!- fa I ,'w ,' v- (V ?•* ** . -• <s W I!'"; Instead of Kahomim or Wall Paper • y^ - '• •> '. . .. AM Att vMcuuqr» just Alabestine, the same nationally accepted wal tint whkh . * tiiii*... * ^ 'V-; 'i' , ^• a• . • Ik^-V' .Kas been used m homes, apartments, oftces and public buildings of all kinds -- the same sanitary, I ^i^dwable, economical and artistic wall coating sold by the best stores and used by the best decorators. Alabashne, regularly applied you get the exact color to match your rugs and draperies. Through ' the Alabastine-Opabne-Process you obtain a combination of colors moat and satisfactory. t .iV The Alabkstine Company v te"" ' yjr'*" Grand RayMa, Mldilgan In Russia. "What iK the national song of tbe Russian Bolshevik!?" " 'I'm forever blowing roubles!"'--Wayside Tales. MOTHER! CLEAN ^ JDHILD'S BOWELS WITH * CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP ffven ft lflck child loves the "fruity*' taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly It works all the constipation poison, sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you have a well, play* ful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Pig Syrup" handy. Tbey know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child to* morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup" which baa directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you inny get an imitation tig syrup.--Advertise* menu Kind Intervention. A Pittsburgh man broke his leg chasing a skunk. Providence sometimes employs harsh methods to protect humnns from the result of their folly.' Transcript DYED HER BABY'S COAT, A SKIRT AND CURTAINS WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Hfefe vfiackage of "Diamond Dyes" eontains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her old, worn, faded things new. Even if she has never dyed before, she can imt a new, rich color into shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything. Buy Diamond Dyes--no other kind--then perfect home dyeing is guaranteed. Just tell your druggist whether the material vou wish to dye is wool or •ilk, or WhetVr it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Dir.mond Dyes never straak, (pot, Cade or run.--advertisement. Who Knowaf "I wonder what he does in tbe summer timer- "Who?" "The professional snow shoveler."--Detroit Free Press. Rats In the Calfairf Mice in the Pantry* Cockroaches In the Kitchen What can be more disagreeeble then a home infested with pests 1 Duma dbaa with Stesrai' BseMe Pastas the 1 exterminator for more than 43' Kill rats, mice, cockroaches, or ants in a single night. Does not blow away like powders; ready foe than traps. Directions in 15 I every box. Order from your 1 2 os. size 35c. 15 ox. sixe $1,501 r-* KO* 8AUC BY OWNER, SSS ACRES Mm* land mar oil prospects, $8,000. Or will MS" US w«ll-lmprovprf, (or IIS.000 MAX LAVAJOY. Jackson Co., EDNA. TEXAS Telephone on Trolley Car. Talking by telephone from a trolley car with a point more three miles distant, recently took on the lines of a New York ttectrle Hailway company. This feat was accomplished, oy using the trolley wire as a carrier of another currant which transmitted the message. According to Her Mrs-. Voungbride--Mercy! That pie Is burning and I can't take It out for ten minutes yet! SWAMP-ROOTTOR JUDNEY AILMENTS There is aaly one medietas that stands oat pre-eminent aa a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver sail bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly ba> cause its mild and immediate effect is so«a realized in most cases. It is a gently healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at aB drug stores in bottles of two sisss, aidh um and large. However, if you wish first to test this it preparation send ten cents to Dr. ilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sua sal mention this paper.--Advertisement. (j-.1. ,j.»w i: ..•f'lr- ' >'ii. SPIRIN great Kilm Don't judge a womau's complexion by tbe package It comes la. . Novelty In Sultit A itovelty seen In suits tar Hie spring is the use of plaited bands turned Into flower forms and forming a border finish on the Jacket, and again on the collar cuffs. The skirt Is plaid on straight lines, giving the keynote ef colors repeated in the Jacket PRACTICAL MODE FOR CHILDREN & Knitted Garments,' It Is Predicted, Will Find Growing Popularity With Younger Generation. In this day of simplicity of line and detail in dresses for grown-upe as well as for children, practical Ideas are finding more and more field In the general trend of fashions. The olden day of "fussy" dresses for children is past, and now the idea seems to be to dress ilieia in the most becoming way, with a careful eye on the detalla of practicability and comfort. Knitted garments. It Is predicted, will find growing popularity with tbe younger generation, just as ihey alrer 'y have begun to do with the grown-ups. It Is true that this knitted dress style had been talked of and featured before, but now that the syalne and practicnbllity are evident. Is thought that knitted garments #111 be more than popular. Just as the sweater has become an almost universal §t,jle, so the knitted dress fti expected to craw in '|n«r ibr youngsters. Sweaters, little coat models and sllp-oos, are both popular in navy, black, browns and In high shades. Warm tomato shades, the new* hennas and reds are also good. White slip-on sweaters, In the smaller sizes especially, are always favorites. Small coat suits, consisting of plaited skirt and short Jacket, are noted in a number of shops. A sand-colored serge number used straps over th» shoulders and was worn wftb a pongee blouse. Paisley Effects. Paisley effects are in hig)i favor in the development of smart blouses, both of the tuck-in and under type, and It Is said thst these paisley models will be featured in the spring. Both silk and wool materials appear, wool challls in puisley colorings and designs being especially good. Pipings of plain color rated with glittering sequins. Some times a plain color material Is com> bteed with tfefe paiatay frith good Getting busy often takes a hard fail out of a fit of blues. * "Taste is a matter j|P tobacco quality ' We state it u our hoalat bglicf that the tobaccos uaed ia Cheitcrfidd arc of finer qemlity (and hence of better taste) thaa in anj other J^jpanette at the price. Mggttt V Hi*r* TtlrntmGk WAKNtNb I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. |, Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you ar* ^ not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physician^ ^ over 22 years and proved safe by millions for . Colds Headache Rheumatism-; ^ vf ToothachiK; Neuralgii; # Neuritis • • -tJfvS Earache 3 Lumbag^ Pain, Pain ^ >3 ^Accept only "Bayer*' package which contains proper directkm* . ^ Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 1< Aspirin la tha trade mark of Bayer Uanufaetnr* of lleeeaeetlcacldeeter oC - v. ;>*> l :i •i* •' 'm * ^ ^• #• v.r ' ©-• •• r. "r-OV. CIGARETTES and Dontattic ••W3SS-V ' I J* " <' r '* ' V : . X'

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