PIKMM MWB- >n of Wood-1 rk were callers ka town Uit ftg Clemens' Francisco of Wpcoodi a brief calfcr on relatives hens Thursday. '< The American Institute of Baking at Chicago, »ade sonie calculfion the relative value of various articles of food, basal upon the preseaj^BgBf^ age retail prices. ^ «?§» rwchu* 35c p«v Ih t ):t lories Commodity Retail Price Kmiud Steak.. rrciiiinm hi Am •Vr-1*- Ptit.llf'WS .. <o " BREAD.. W** Milk .. ... m ^ E*k« (FrfesltV,. Jtttr " Slsovinjt tlw Sny(}iorl|| of Bi t'-McHENRY W>*t McHenrv. Ml. You need lor paign. There's one sure way to secure this healthy body. Buy our pure groceries, we will sell you the best,-at prices as low as seme people charge for the other kind. . , . . . ' i . :r' ' £ i DAY-OLD CHICKS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR LIVE DELIVERY GUARANTEED-CHARGES PREPA® 4ft Cents and «p-T>ghorns, Rocks, fteds, Wyandottes, Aneonas, ; " Minorcas, Orpingtons. Produced from selected flocks, bred 5 for high egg production. Send for free illustrated catalog and price list. !•' . McHenry Poultry & Egg Coi ' Phone 111-R NEEm of the SEASON PRiCSR&LOW FOR CASH SBtUNG _ -• -V rv- • ' ' v . - * •< - • \Sv Men's Wh Uau Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, goodaiw? and •. - I' gualtty, each .vLi.„:-- Table Damask, bleached and mercerised, ftoraldesigtt, 44 in. wide, per yd .... Dark Colored Percales, neat patterns, suitable for house • dresses or aprons, ffl in. wide, per yd „ Light Colored Percales, neat, well liked patterns for house dresses, aprons or blouses, 1 yd. wide, per yd.- Unbleached Muslin, firm, even weave, 3tt in wide, per yd.. Bleached B^d Sheets of firm weave materials and bleached ; snow white, size 81x80 * -- 91* . .PUlow Cases, of same material as sheets, 36x45 with wide 4tem, each ">i|; Men's Fine Mercerised Hose, black Or brown, Tegular 60c ^ . . value, special,'pel* pair...-. _ -- -tie Hemmed Muck Towels, red borders, sixe 18x06, a bargain .at .each-- tte Tic fie lie JOHN STOFFEL •!i WEST McHENRY Ice^Cream <•. .«#»>>- imm • .,*• Brick and hulk ice cre*ffi, the kind that lias stood the test and has been found to * • "3•f . •» - »cf «* y»<• r i s y* - k.;^M $fs+-.V<8j*r 100% pure, per quart -•*£: #0 CENTS ••im ' w ESKlMO"PIES Mi trS:1 Eskimo Pies are the talk of the i*M|jtown. You must sample them in order 2S#*o judge their superiority over others. Wrt3 Our stock of seed has and our prices are right DONE MtOMPTLY AND BTKWtt* We can now otter you attractive prices on the fbllowioe: Manure Spreader* Discs . - Harrows - ^ i P l o w s " ^ i f - ^ Grain Diifll ' ^ ,s* «•* y "^•-f • :-%"lg• ? «* ^ F "a • r••m• • Portable Hog Hotnai , -tm -k _ f Give us a trial, We know we can please you 1 ' I ill rrn.il ' .in. MtJteiry Couty Firam' Ce-epetativcAssaciitios P!*rt»« McHenry. Crystal Main Office: W--t Mciienry C. W. Oftbt, Maaager of New his uncle, C. B. Mr. Sterbenz was quite ill witlr irrippe severtti days last week, but is able bo* ^kfet had his tona Chtoft-q hospital is along fine. Clark still visita Dr. day for trMitment not as'fast as Thi; Alex Freund of Chicago was a guest ia the home ef Jos. H. Huemaon Sunday. : Mrs. Mike Pitxen and children of Volo were visitors in town one day rerle ««itJy. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams of Woodstock were visitors in Johnsburg sils Sunday. ' home and Mr. and Mt«. Win. Hay of Spring j Mrs. Mi Grove were callers in Johneburg Wed- j Nye every nesday. jshe is recovering. Miss Frilirsn Miller spent last week | she would like. in the home of her sister, Mrs. Jake] Peter Nelson has moved to % Miller. .farm known as the T. A. Abbott fartfe Mrs. Celia fox of'Woodstock vis- jvith his family and will work tjfe ited with relatives Had friends here farm this season. Sunday. j Charles Botte and family now live Henry glapperich and daughters, on the Sam E. Clark farm. When a Rose and Clara, were McHenry cnilers Ifeoy he lived with his parents on the Tuesday. ,farm now owned by Math. Glossen. Now is the time to get that hot bed! Mr. Hinderlider, who lives on the started. Glass and seeds of all klmds | Brott farm, has gone to New York at VycitaFs. ;to collect a forty thousand dollar Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller of Ring-! dowery he clai^ng to have inherited wood passed Sunday in the home of! from an uncle. Math. Millfer. Vote .fo r .W*«fwitLtu ai SoTim ea tar asMsBeginning A|«ril 7 the sor next Tnenilrir April 4. grist mill wiil do grinding on Fridays of each week. Miss Rose Pitxen of Volo visited Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen. Misses Verona Schaefer and Margaret Smith were McHenry callers one day last week COTTA Men's work shi><*s at Erickaos'a. Easter cards i^nd novelties at Vycital's. Very nobby G(|ga hats, all colors, Blake Sisters. J. H. Gracy w«s a business visitor Mrs." Frank Wagner and daughter, in Chicago Tuesday. Julia, of Spring Grove were shoppers in town Wednesday Quite a number of cottage owners along the Fox river were out last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John E. Freund and don, Vernon, of McHenry spent Wednesday in the home of C. M. Adams. Mrs. Joe Nell of Woodstock visited several days the past'week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nell. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Steffes of Mc- Mrs. Stella Peck spent the first of the week with hei* daughter in Elgin. Mr. Max Schoenknecht spent a few days last week with her mother in Chicago. Mrs. Nels Person of Chicago visited with her parents and sisters here last week. Mr. and Mra. M. Knox and family were eafling on relatives in Woodstock last Thursday. Miss Florence Knox spent last Wed- Henry were Sunday visitors in the!nes^asr evening-w»th Mm Irma Long home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Meyers. iat Crystal 1^ake> Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt spent! Mr" and Mrs- Robert Knox and Sunday in the home of the letter's ^«*ughter, Mary Margaret, spent Sunparent- 3, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Thelen. JLa' ^ Phalin's. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling and chil- ; |he ^P'1® ^ attend the Crystal dren were Sunday visitors in the home community high school and also of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Justen near Miss Florence Knox, a teacher in the Ringwood. grade schooitt at Crystal Lake, are en- Mr. and Mrs. John Pitxen were Sun- their vacation this week, day guests in the home of the for-! Misses Lucille Stenger of McHenry mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pit- *nd i Marie Knox were guests of Miss sen, at Pistakee Bay. Ruth Phalin Sunday, the occasion be- Mrs. Math. Rauen of Solon Mills in* "«r ei*hth birthday. James and passed several days last week in the U"/>r a^so spent fcb® *^ternoon home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. home. John H. Freund. j ^ ^or William Siutes ft>r asses- Now is the time to get your seed, aor next Tuesday, April 4. A whole carload now here. McHenry | ani nJ, „„, „ County Farmers' Co-operative association, West McHenry. Vote for William Sime* ftat aor neact Tuesday, April RlNGiW„wAAx,n^ j Garden, field and flower Erickson's. Latest fashions in millinery, Blake Sisters, West McHenry. Vote for William Simes for sor next Tuesday, April 4* Edson Hodge visited friends Twin Lakes last week Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Hepburn spent last week visiting he* mother, Mrs Columbus, Ohio. Wait for the big aluminum sale which is to take place at Donavin's during the week of April 7 Mrs. George Vogel and Mrs. Turner of Solon Mills attended the Ladies' Aid dinner last Thursday. v A couple of dollars make youV car worth $100 more. Patton's attto gloss enamel at J. J. Vycital's. SOLON MILLS Market your eggs at ErkkftDi?*.' Dwight Osborn is oil the side list at this writing. vi^, I R. L. Turner is able to be on duty asrain as mail carrier. 'fiwffnPft?1 while they last, $1.00 hrooms for 66c. John J. Vycital. Ed. Geiser of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of his family here. K. S. Crane of Kenosha is spending a few days in the home of. George at Vo*A- | P. F. Siegier of 8prin| Grove was a caller in the E. E. Croplery home Jones, at Sund*y- | Wm. Freeman and Wm. Monear of Richmond w«t« seenoH our Wednesday. Frank Hendricks qf Woodstock, candidate for county clerk, was in town Wednesday. Chas. Westlake and Math. Rauen have been working at Fox Lake for the past few days. R. I. Overton and Math. B. Laures of McHenry were callers at the E. E. Mr. and Mrs. Coey have returned from Chicago, where they have been McHENRY iCE CREAM FACTOw C. UNTI, PROP. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darrow and „ . . _ w . , „ family spent Sunday with the fetter's , r^„ mother, Mrs. Orr of Richmond. ,S eed. A„ w hole caMrloTaid j--us t unn load- st.a ying ,fo r a coup,l e o,f week.s. A in McHenry. McHenry County, „ , Farmers' Cooperative association. Miss Viola Rager spent Thursday of last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Aateliff, at Richmond. Mr. and Mt4. Floyd Merchant of Mr. and cago were Mrs. Art. Aubert of Chiweek ead visitdN in the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. tod Mrs. John Gibbs. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Failure of the state to give, its final Woodstock spent the week end with (approval is holding back the letting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. of contracts for the building of ap- Irving Merchant. 'proximately twenty miles of cement Miss Mary Harrison came home in Lake county. from Beloit Thursday night for spring j The Harvard Garment company, vacation and Miss Mary Smith came manufacturer* of rag dolls and {rom Rockford Saturday night. aprons, is showing a steady. growth Miss Dorcas Foss and brother, and indications now are that-the en- Wayne, Miss Bern ice Smith, Xiss In- terprise will soon develop a cotcern of gram and Miss Dailey attended the no mean proportion. teachers' meeting at McHenry last | Upwards of $100,000 was involved Thursday. j*11 sa'e °' two *arms> one at The W. C. T. U. will mfeet with Mrs. berta and the other at Greenwood, A. W. Smith on Saturday, April 1, at completed last Thursday by D. F. 2^30 p. m. There will be a lady Quinlan, Woodstock real estate dealer, speaker from Woodstock present. (In the deal the 217 acre farm at Everybody is welcome, so come out. Gilberts, owned by L. D. Lowell of and hear her. Crystal Lake, was traded for the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoy drove to , Frank Stoldt farm, formerly known Woodstock Saturday morning and Mr. aa the old Allen farm at Greenwood. Hoy went to Chicago, where he is taking treatment for an abscess caused by a wisdom tooth- Bia many friends hope he will soon ha able to return to the bank. Miss Dailey celebrated her bi In addition to the farm properties, Mr. Stoldt secured considerable propjerty In Woodstock. Mr. Lowell re- ] tains possession of his farm until j March 1, 1923, as does Mr. Stoldt of ! his farm. anniversary by getting up a big din- j Legion to Spoaaor Picture ner for the children of her roo» last j "Copperhead," together «Stl» Saturday. The menu consisted of ^ 2-reel comedy entitled "Uncle Tom scalloped potatoes, scalloped corn, Without a Cabin," will be presented salmon loaf and muffins. Some din-. the anspices of the McHenry ner to prepare for thirty children, but poet, American Legion, at the Empire they all enjoyed it jthsitie in this -village on Wednesday Vote for William Simee fsr asaes-1 and Thursday evenings of next week, sor next Tuesday, April 4. April 5 and 6. The "Copperhead is -- ~ ~ consklsrsd bgr ^Ipn efitics to be one OSTEND of tl.e faert pt^fKres of the kind ever 4$st four woven wire Jv J# produced and dbe dough boys feel that cital's. ; they have been fortunate indeed in Mrs. Daisy Jocks spent several days securing this master piece. Don't forreeeatly »t Delpvan^get the dates and attead s)bj|ir.4pa Wis. " 'I" Jof tfce two nighU, ; .,4 m «v. v-v" """"" " payment of McHenry ^ M j:"?'* 'v township Taxe'ij The? -H : ^ __ . U *>*,' 'V , .A ^i^ - • - k*--• ^ ' ' v-V- Jv.;^ .^'4-; > ^ •- . \ -i vv; , ' r'""" v-a"• V " '4, "1" • ? * * x *>• 4> •> J , * 1 v i v'v i •> 1M books may called m in: a McHenry, Illinois' GERALD J; CAREY, Cash. *REMONT HOY, Golbranseo ind me^i ;„vv':SS:- vJ "Some friends came over the other "fright--all music critics. They were expectant-- they had heard about our new' Gulbraasen. *1 played Grieg's To Spring'. Ifs difficult, you'll admit. * "Everyone listened attentively until I finished --and then what applause! v. "I--who, until a week before, had been denied the pleasure of playiag -holdinp tjhe interest of my musicial friends! The snitie friends who were prejudiced against playwpianos. I was proud of my accompifap-' aaeut--1 was a real musician. %:l "And here's a little secrc^: I cotikl v never have done it without Gulbransen Instruction Rolls. Four simple rolls and the right player-piano--that's all. Just lilte making a wish and having it come true!"' N. A. HUEMANN, West McHeniT| MS: th^ control of any political clique, -v; - "«» "'V " • v 1 do not belong and never have belonged to any littch faction, reports to the conlrary uotwitlistanding- • |^ a m not ft politician, have nejrec balore bew % candidate for any elective office and am not seefeNto' FOR COUNTY JUDGE ^ the office aa a "political job.1" I believe every clUsea abonld willingly undertake the performance^of those public duties lor which feft ia be^| s : v . . i : ' ' - • * ' . ^ •. ' * • S-- -/V ^ I believe that my varied -experi«»ce imd traiah^ haa peculiarly fitted ague» fortlM| Wrt^o»po»otyJud(t^!; -."5 ' I am seeking this office l»ecause I believe that in an efficient, sympathetic, aqj|t " MbmI impartial administration of this office I can best bef>f service to all the peoplei|| poonty, especially those, unfortunates needing the care of the county ooort, ".:t ?.• -• .' • ;• • _ . . • '-a**.* v - V-1 Consider all of the characteristics and qualifications of both candidate!^ i*t be misled by interested politician^ Vote for the man you think will make the best '**• V-4 * * your Vote I appreciate it. If not I at least hope that I may win your friendship and respect. "• c -t~ j+k*'- X\"1'- v , x ^ ^^ v•-4 .oZ '1»* -• ' < * V. , y rBhan ; % 5 •; ^ ^ v**\ '• ®°bert F. Maranaii. - .M* N